down a quiet street.
When from the opposite side, I see a girl nearing,
all beautiful and sweet.
Her eyes are bright, her wavy hair
wide smile as her eyes catches me.
Our eyes they lock, my heart skips a beat
the most seductive look I will see
She sways her hips from side to side,
she’s closing slowly in.
My brain spins around, I’m thinking hard,
Ok, how do I begin?
By a trick of fate, she stumbles and falls
A surprising look on her face.
I stretch my arms to reach for her,
catching her in a daze.
She falls straight into them, stopping her fall,
her personal safety net.
I’m so sorry, she says, blushing her cheeks
they turning bright and red.
I hold her too long, smelling her scent
my stomach turns around.
She gets back on her feet, still holding my arm
Staring shyly at the ground.
It’s ok silly girl, from the moment I saw you,
I wanted you and me to meet.
but did not expect, that in such a short time,
I would sweep you off your feet.
She punches my arm, and flashes a smile
I think I’m liking you.
Even before the fall, I felt some connection,
But now what are we to do?
What about a coffee I say, looking into her eyes,
so beautiful and true.
She hooks her arm in mine, and nods her head.
Yeah, a coffee that will do.
So there we set off, on that sunny afternoon,
Fate has treated us well.
One hundred percent love, does it really exist?
I guess only time will tell…