Part 1: Do Androids Cream On Electric Sheets?

"A young man is left alone with a beautiful willing android for two weeks, part 1."

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Everybody fucked their Android. It was to be expected. If you were a guy, and you were eighteen, and you had an android that did whatever you wanted, you would fuck it. It was no question. 

You always remember the first time you realised androids were anatomically correct. For me, it happened when I was seventeen and I peeked on our android, Cynthia, while she was washing. 

An android didn’t have to clean under its uniform that often. It didn’t have any human problems like sweat or dead skin cells to make it dirty. It was so rare I usually wouldn’t even notice. But one time I’d been heading to the bathroom with my phone to take care of a sudden boner when the door was locked. I knew that was weird cause I’d seen everyone else downstairs. Then, I heard Cynthia’s voice through the door. Cynthia had this tacky southern belle accent. My mom had chosen it. She thought it was cute. 

“Sorry, darlin’,” she drawled. “I’m just performing some routine maintenance. I’ll resume normal service in just under twelve minutes.”

I was kind of confused at first. What did she mean maintenance? Then I got it. 

I quickly ran to my room and got my video stick. I used it for live streaming when my friends and I went out boarding. It was a long telescopic rod, with three buttons at the bottom of the shaft – record, pause and stop. On the end, like a pearl of black glass, was a small 360 camera. 

I slid the rod in the crack between the door and the floor and checked the live feed on my phone. 

The sight I was met with took my breath away. Cynthia’s asshole, pink and perfect was on full display, just above the dark lips of her vagina. Cynthia was washing herself and bent over to scrub her lower calves. She was covered in suds that slowly dripped down the curves of her body. They slid between her ass cheeks, leaving her two pretty holes wet and glistening. 

I’d already had a boner but now it was hard enough to cut glass. I carried on watching and saw Cynthia turn on the shower to rinse herself off. 

She turned in my direction to let the stream of water rinse her back. Cynthia had an attractive face, but it was kind of generic, like most androids were. She had dirty blonde hair that was long but always tied into a bun. Even now, it was still tied up and covered with a shower cap. I guess androids clean their hair differently from people? 

As the water continued to pour over her shoulders, Cynthia unknowingly took me on a guided tour of her naked body. Her tits weren’t big, B-cups I reckon, but they were perfect. Each was an exquisite pale teardrop, topped with a pink tender nipple. Her white blemishless body tapered a little at the waist before swelling into hips wider than you’d have thought. She continued turning under the showerhead. I saw that when her ass wasn’t spread wide open it was plump, but tight. With every move she made her butt cheeks bounced just a little. And between her wet thighs, I saw a pinprick of light shining on her dripping pussy. 

From that day on, I always knew that I would fuck the shit out of an android. But not yet.

Until you’re over eighteen, getting your dick inside an active android is all but impossible. They’re programmed to withhold all sexual content, and even suggestive acts, from minors. It’s so deep in there, it’s the sort of thing that if you try and hack it out you’ll most likely just brick your droid. And for good reason. But it’s really frustrating when you’re just a few months too young. 

Even getting a flash of tit was a challenge. I found out pretty soon that if you try to tamper with an Android’s uniform, even when it’s charging, it notices. It won’t get mad but it always wakes up and stops what you’re doing. The only time you could get away with it was when one was updating. 

What a morning I had the day I found out. It happened completely by chance early on a Saturday, while the rest of the house was sleeping late, I came downstairs to get some time with the VR. And when I asked Cynthia to fix me a bowl of cereal, she didn’t respond. 

I realised she was just sat on her charging stool, unresponsive. Her pupils were gently pulsing with a blue light – the sign that she was downloading and installing an update. I touched her shoulder and she didn’t do anything. I tried touching her again, this time squeezing her left tit through her uniform. It was warm. Soft and firm. She didn’t move. 

The VR was all forgotten. Instead, I lifted up Cynthia’s shirt, exposing her perky breasts. Then I pulled down my track pants, flashing my cock in her face. 

“Oh, you’ll love this,” I told her, but I’m pretty sure she couldn’t hear me. 

I spent a while playing with her tits. I squeezed and pinched her nipples with my left hand while furiously masturbating with my right. Every moment I was scared she’d wake up and catch what I was doing, but the longer she didn’t the bolder I got. 

Eventually, I squatted down in front of her and took one of her nipples in my mouth. It felt so good. Soft and warm, with this delicious texture. A perfect match for a real human. Once I was sucking on her tits, I almost shot my load early. I let go of my cock and concentrated on working her cute tits with my mouth. I would have stayed down there forever but I was still scared she’d finish updating before I came. I just had one little thing I wanted before I was done. I popped back up. Since Cynthia was sitting on her charging stool, my cock was level with her head. Again, one hand fondled her chest, but this time I used the other to rub my dick on her face. I stroked the throbbing head of my cock against her lips. Her silky skin felt so good. 

“Oh yeah,” I whispered to her. “I know you want this. You can’t have it but you want it.” 

I know it was dumb. She’s an android she doesn’t want anything. But damn it was hot. Slapping my dick against her face felt so right. I felt like I was king. She was mine and I would use her however I pleased. The only thing she would ever say is, “Thank you, sir.” 

I busted pretty soon. She didn’t even blink as hot white cum splattered on her face. Thick ropes stuck to her eyelashes and dribbled down her chin. 

At that point, it was the best orgasm I’d ever had in my life. 

The afterglow was short-lived though. I immediately ran to get paper towels and try to clean up as much of the cum as I could. Then, terrified my parents or my sister might notice stains on her shirt, I had to wait around until she woke up. Eventually, her eyes flashed green twice, indicating the update was over. I told her to go clean herself up at once. I said I spilled cereal on her. She went away to the bathroom and I fantasised about cramming my dick in her mouth for months after. 


The day I finally got to fuck an Andoid was a few days after my eighteenth. I’d always told myself that the minute it turned midnight on my birthday, I’d have Cynthia on her knees. 

But it wasn’t as simple as that. For a start, just because I was eighteen didn’t mean my parents hadn’t restricted Cynthia’s functions. I’m pretty sure my Mom wouldn’t want to find out my Dad was fucking the droid whenever she was out of town. 

And even if Cynthia’s sexual content wasn’t locked by parental controls, privacy was a problem. 

But as the day got closer, a new solution appeared. 

My Uncle Max was going on vacation just a few days after my birthday. He was sticking around long enough to come to my party, then taking off to Mexico for two weeks. 

Turns out, he and my Dad had been planning a present for me. 

At my party, when they made me unwrap my presents at the kitchen table, instead of giving me a big colourful box, Max slid a set of keys over the table. 

“Uh… this is awesome,” I said, “but I already have a car.”

Max looked at me like I was a moron. 

“They’re not car keys numbnuts,” he said. “I love you, man, but not that much. They’re house keys. Since you’re a certified adult now, your Dad and I thought you could stay in my place while I’m away.” 

I looked at my Mom and Dad.

“So I get to just live on my own, and you okayed this?”

Mom nodded quietly while Dad immediately churned out a list of rules.

“No drinking, no vaping or smoking, of any kind. If you forget to take out the trash…”

Max smiled and let my Dad go on like that. After we’d eaten, he took me aside and lay down his rules. 

“I don’t care what you do,” he said. “As long as, when I get home, it looks just like it did before I left, then you can do anything. My only other rule is don’t get caught.” He dipped a hand into his pocket, pulled out a small key fob, and handed it to me. “This will get you into the liquor. Remember, everything has to be the same as when I leave. So, make sure you tell Macy to restock everything in the house a few days before I’m back.”

I was pretty overwhelmed. I just kept nodding and saying thanks. 

The drinking was cool, and I basically had permission to throw a rager in his house, as long as Mom and Dad didn’t know. 

But what blew my mind the most, was Macy. I snuck a glance over at Cynthia. I’d been racking my brains on how I was going to get that android face down with her bare ass in the air, and now it was solved. I didn’t need Cynthia. I was going to have Macy. To myself. For two weeks. 

Fuck, Cynthia. Sorry honey. You don’t know what you’re gonna miss. 


Cut to… the first day of my two-week vacation at Max’s place. I’m stood on the porch, with Max and my Mom. My Dad’s in the car, waiting to drive Max to the airport.

“Order yourself a pizza. Just use the hub in the kitchen and charge it to my home account. And the fridge and freezer are both full so once you’re sick of pizza you can make real food, okay?” 

Max said all this, not to me really, but to my Mom. She was panicking about leaving me behind. Like I was a kid going to summer camp. 

“You will be fine, won’t you?” she asked, looking so concerned. 

“I will be so happy not to have people bugging me,” I said. “Now please go!”

She gave me a hug, Max gave a nod, and they both, finally, got in the car with Dad. 

Once they’d driven off, I did what I would naturally do first. I locked the door. Closed all the curtains, and cracked open a beer. 

I told the house computer to set the lights low, and I leaned back on the sofa, enjoying the ice-cold brew. 

I looked around the living room. At the huge curved screen TV mounted to the wall, the liquor cabinet full of bottles, and the huge sound system that peppered speakers all around the house. I was pretty fucking happy to know I was going to throw a great party. 

But on this first night, I already had some entertainment in mind. I thought it was time I got a teaser. 

I kicked my feet up onto the coffee table and shouted.

“Macy, can you come here please?” I heard a noise from out in the hall, then soft steps on the living room’s hardwood floor. Macy stopped just behind the sofa, where I couldn’t see her. 

“How can I help?” Macy spoke with a strong valley-girl accent. 

“Can you please come and stand in front of me so I can look at you?”

“Of course.”

Macy moved around the sofa and stood in front of me, on the opposite side of the coffee table. 

Fuck. I’d never paid much attention to Max’s android. Why would I? But she was a little firecracker!

She looked latina, with gorgeous mocha skin and hair that draped over her shoulders in glossy black ringlets. She was kind of short but her body was an amazing hourglass shape. Her thin waist burst outward into juicy hips and thighs. They were clearly something that Max was fond of. The uniform he’d chosen for her included tight black shorts that clung like lycra. 

If I’d cared to, I could have seen every detail of her little pussy through those tight shorts. But I could barely get my eyes away from her tits. 

Unlike Cynthia, Macy was packing an impressive rack. A sweet pair of DDs. To an eighteen-year-old with my limited experience, they were the biggest things I’d ever seen. 

Again, Max’s uniform choice clearly emphasised these assets. Her top was low cut and her bra pushed her breasts up and out of her shirt. The supple brown mounds were so beautiful in the soft light. Her cleavage was a deep dark crevice that I was yearning to explore. 

“How can I help you?” she asked again in that cutesy valley-girl voice. 

I took a slug from my beer.

“You’ve got great tits,” I told her. I slugged the beer again. I was a little tense. C’mon Max you can’t have parental controls turned on, can you?

“Thanks, I’m glad you like them.” Macy held her hands behind her back and jiggled her tits a little for me. 

Yes! This was going to fucking work! 

“Turn around and pull down your pants,” I said, and by god, it happened. This little robotic angel turned on her heels, and got her ass out for me. Her AI clearly knew it was a sexual request cause she bent over a little, hands braced on her knees and pushing her fat butt towards me. 

I almost couldn’t believe it was this easy. 

Macy’s booty was a perfect peach shape. Cynthia had a shapely ass but it was nothing compared to Macy’s round bubble butt. The low lighting accentuated the curves of her round cheeks. Just between her thighs, I could see a wisp of neat curly bush. A telltale sign of the sweet treasure between her legs. 

I couldn’t hold back any longer. I unhooked the button of my jeans and pulled them down, along with my underwear, over my knees. My hard cock sprang up. It pulsed and throbbed like it was glad to have been released. 

“Macy,” I ordered. “Take off your clothes.” 

“Mmmm yes, sir.”

I remember how her words made my breath catch in my throat. I didn’t know the adult content on androids was this good. I was kind of expecting something like ‘affirmative, sucking cock in 3… 2… 1…’ But Macy knew we were getting nasty and her AI was telling her she was into it. 

Slowly, Macy continued to pull her shorts down her legs. I watched the space between her thighs intently, trying to get a better view of her pussy while she bent over. Her thick sumptuous ass cheeks made her love nest hard to spot. 

As she stepped out of the shorts, I realised I should be getting undressed too. I pulled my t-shirt off as fast as I could so I didn’t miss any of the show. Macy had started to take off her top.

“Wait, wait!” I shouted, half my head still stuck in my t-shirt. “Turn around and face me.” 

Macy stopped dead, turned on the spot, and then resumed stripping. She took her top off and let it fall on the floor. Then, with one hand, she cradled her breasts in her bra and, with the other, she reached behind her. Her fingers snapped the clasp of her bra open. Macy held the cups to her breasts, delaying the reveal. Instead, she gently teased the straps off her shoulders her eyes locked with mine. She smirked and watched my face as she quietly took one cup away, then the other. 

I stared in awe as her beautiful tits were revealed. She had stiff nipples, areolas about the size of a quarter, all the colour of dark chocolate. Her heavy round breasts heaved as her android body imitated breathing. 

Without even thinking I started stroking my cock. I was so desperate to be inside her. 

Macy’s eyes locked onto my cock the moment I touched it. She smiled at the sight of my arousal. 

“Can I help you with that?” She asked politely. 

“Fuck yes,” I  replied. 

“What experience would you like to choose first?” She started to walk around the coffee table, and her swinging breasts almost hypnotised me. 

“I wanna fuck your tits,” I growled. 

“Oh that sounds so good,” Macy playfully pinched her nipples as she approached. Then, when she reached me, she knelt on the floor, knees wide apart, barely keeping her ass off the varnished floorboards.

She grasped her heavy breasts and brought them together around my cock. The tight embrace of her tits was amazing. I couldn’t help but start rocking my hips. 

“Here, let me make that easier.” Macy smiled, then parted her dark lips. She stuck out her tongue, and a long thread of lube ran from her mouth, like spit, onto the head of my cock. I shuddered a little at the feeling of it running down my shaft.

This bitch can dispense lube from her mouth?

As it poured from her tongue, she rubbed her tits up and down my dick. The lube spread over my cock and her breasts ’til they were slick and shining. 

Macy closed her mouth and the stream ended. 

Then, spreading her fingers so her dark nipples could peek out between them, she fucked me with her tits. It was amazing. And I’ve got to be honest, I’m not sure I’ve known anything better since. 

Now, I wasn’t an untouched virgin at the time. Trust me, I wasn’t thinking about fucking androids all the time. I’d already experienced that thrill of sharing your body with another person, and using theirs. The mutual vulnerability. The intimate act of trust. 

But this was something different altogether. 

To have a human body as a complete object. Yours to treat with utter utility. A fleshlight that walks and talks. That was fucked up and I loved it. I felt like a champion. A hero who women worshipped gratefully with their bodies. And in that moment, as Macy repeatedly slammed my cock between her tits, I knew I had this power all day, every day, for two weeks. 

Just the thought made my heartbeat throb in my balls. I wanted to make the most of this first time before I came. 

I spread my arms over the back of the couch and leant back. 

“Use your mouth,” I commanded. Macy didn’t even respond, she just complied. In a flash, she opened her mouth wide and plunged it down over the tip of my cock. Macy bobbed her head in the same rhythm as she shook her tits up and down. I was getting stoked by her tits and the head of my cock sucked at the same time. 

It was too much for me. Too intense. 

I grabbed Macy’s hair and held her head in place. 

“No,” I gasped. “Just your mouth.” 

Macy let go of her tits and they rested gently on my thighs. She didn’t try to get off my dick, even though I was holding her head down with my cock blocking her throat. I was a little confused, then I remembered. Fucking idiot. Androids don’t need to breathe. 

I tightened my grip on her hair. It felt exquisite between my fingers, silky but slightly springy. And I pushed her down. I forced her to take my cock deeper into her throat. And the android didn’t gag, or choke, or try to push back against me. 

The bitch moaned. 

The sound rumbled through my cock. It was a deep guttural noise, muffled by the dick stuffed in her mouth. She moaned like I was fucking a secret pussy inside her mouth. That was almost what it felt like, her throat squeezed so tight around me. All the while, Macy continued to give no resistance. I was able to pull her head up and push it down with ease. She’d given me complete control, and all the time she moaned like she loved it. Like she was constantly teetering on the edge of orgasm. 

“Play with yourself,” I ordered. 

Macy moaned a long, drawn-out, thank you and put her fingers to work. She buried both between her legs and simulated masturbation. This was something I hadn’t realised before. That not only would an android do everything you want, but it would love every minute of it. Her moans continued to get more intense along with the schlicking sound of her fingers in her pussy.  

I pulled her mouth down on my shaft again. I felt the head of my dick reach the end of her oral cavity. It slammed against a soft fleshy wall. I pounded that wall two or three more times before I felt my cock start to twitch. I was about to cum. I released Macy’s head. 

“Suck the cum out of me” I demanded between sharp breaths. Macy happily obliged. 

Free from my grip she slobbered on my cock like a professional. My legs shook and I clenched my jaw as I came in her mouth. My dick throbbed as hot semen pumped into her mouth. The feeling of her lips on my sensitive head was almost too much to bear. But I hung in there. I was so desperate to see her swallow every drop. 

My cock’s furious spasms died down as I fed Macy the last few pumps of my cum. 

I collapsed backwards, my chest heaving. Macy released my dick from her mouth. It fell, flaccid, covered in lube, and slapped against my thigh. She looked into my eyes and licked a drop of cum that had spilled onto her lower lip. 

“What can I do for you now?” She asked. 

“Go get a towel,” I told her, “so you can clean up my dick.” 

“Yes, of course.” Macy got up from the floor and walked away, still naked. I admired how her fat ass rocked from side to side as she went. 

These two weeks were going to be amazing. 


Okay, so I’ve got this far and I’ve realised I said this was the first day I fucked an android. But more accurately it was the first time I fucked an android in the mouth. I’ve still got to tell you of the first time I got that sweet robot pussy. And trust me, after two weeks with this slut, I’ve got stories to spare. Guess I’ll just have to come back and tell you more.

Published 4 years ago

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