Park Fun – Part Eight, Jess’s Friend Tells Tales Of The Hen Night, Jenny Plays With Both Girls

"The girls hear all about the hen night, find out about Jess's Mums past and the pant swap game, Jenny plays with them both."

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After an evening of watching movies and chatting the girls had fallen asleep on the sofa. In the early hours of the morning, Jess’s Mum and her friend Jenny had arrived home from the hen night. They were quite drunk and they burst loudly into the house. As they saw the girls were still up they crashed onto the sofa and both started babbling on about the evening at the same time. They had met up with a group of old friends. They had visited a couple of pubs, and then gone on to a club for the rest of the evening. The club had laid on food, dancers, and music. Later on, male strippers entertained those that stayed late.

“They were so fit,” Jess’s Mum kept repeating, “So fit.” She held her hands out in front of her as if to grab an imaginary stripper.

The girls laughed to see how drunk Mum was. Jenny pulled a face and held her hands about eight or ten inches apart.

“Yes, really FIT,” she repeated, showing the gap to the girls.

They looked at Jenny who was nodding wildly. Jess’s Mum suddenly shouted pant swap, and then went quiet half dozing.

“Good,” Jenny said in a far too loud whisper. “This evening has been the best, your Mum really did us proud. It was a perfect Hen night, I loved it,” she slurred.

“What happened?” Jess asked.

“Oh, what didn’t happen?” Jenny answered. She sat forward and started to tell the tale.

“We met up in the windmill which used to be a hangout of ours, but it’s changed. We had a couple of drinks there and then we went on to the Bull. That’s gone all poncy too, but we had another drink by which time all the girls had arrived. There must have been at least twenty of us.” Jenny got up and staggered off to the kitchen, returning with a glass of water.

“Golden rule, girls, water before bedtime,” she cheered to herself and continued with the evening’s story.

“We went to some club in town, I missed the name but there was a room booked for us all upstairs. They laid on cocktails and some nibbles and it was all very classy and nice. A short while after we arrived the first dancers came in, there were quite a few dancers there.”

“Dancers or strippers?” Holly asked.

“Dancing strippers, I suppose. The first one was dressed like a builder and he had a great body, they all did. He stripped down to his underwear and left and we all moaned and groaned. The next guy to come in was in a suit and he danced and stripped on stage. Then he got a big towel which he wrapped around his middle and went from girl to girl. We were all sitting down and he held the towel around each of us like a little privacy screen while he pushed his boxers up against your face.”

“Someone early on pulled them down and off of him to loud cheers, and he carried on around us all. Some girls just sat frozen, some gave him a quick hand job, and some of us had a sneaky suck of his cock.”

The girls sat staring at Jenny, looked back at Mum, and then back to Jenny.

“The next guy started out just dancing and stripping, his cock was long and he swung it about. Then he got a towel and went around the girls. By now you could tell who was really getting involved with him. He would take a little longer and you could see the towel moving in and out on her hand or head. Your Mum and I sucked everyone we could and probably half the girls sucked a few. A couple of the girls didn’t touch any of the dancers at all.”

The girls sat wide-eyed.

“There was another room that they had opened up next to the one all the dancing was in, it was smaller with some chairs and pillows. As each guy finished his act he had gone through to that room. Suzy, who is single, followed one guy through and came back to say all of the previous guys were sitting next door in towels. She turned around and went back through on her own.”

“Anyway, the next guy went through the same routine but he was not so careful to cover up each of us with his towel. The really shy girls stayed covered up or just pushed him away. Some of us who were carrying on could feel and see the towel dropped away so people could see us sucking away. The guy’s free hand was holding our head or having a grope. As he finished he went next door, but he took the last girl with him.”

“All the time a waitress had been bringing up drinks, so all inhibitions were very much gone for the adventurous among us. I don’t think the drink made any difference as those who wanted to play and get involved were doing it from the start,” Jenny went on.

“About this time,” Jenny explained, “A few of the women there made excuses about kids, babysitters, early starts, etc., and made their way out. That left ten or twelve of us who had been fully joining in from the start. The next dancer out didn’t bring a towel, he stripped fully and started the rounds of the remaining women. Each was openly sucking or wanking him, and he was quite openly groping and doing his best to undo and pull down tops. More than one of the girls, including your Mum, was sucking away topless by then.”

“The dancer who finished his round with me had undone my blouse and bra I was doing my best to get him to cum. He stood up and took me by the hand, and I grabbed your Mum’s hand and he led us both next door. Wow, it was all happening there. Suzy was on her hands and knees, sucking one dancer while being fucked from behind by another. The guy who led us into the room grabbed my boobs and pulled me to him with his hard cock between us. Your mum stood behind me and unzipped my skirt, and pulled it off.”

“He pushed his cock down between my legs and I just pulled back and guided it inside my panties, Oh, it was so horny. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to be getting married, but this was just fun. He was rubbing his cock to and fro under my pussy inside my panties until he came in them. I could see your Mum already had her dress off, and was wanking another of the dancers into her panties.”

The girls were entranced, Jess felt slightly uneasy hearing about her mother like this, but like Holly she silently wished they had been there to enjoy so much free cock.

“Over the next hour,” Jenny went on, “Another four or five dancers came on and each was raunchier than before. By then pretty much all of us were coupled up and enjoying guilt-free cock. Both rooms had turned into a sea of naked or near-naked women and guys. The guys were keen to swap partners as much as they could. We were pretty sure they’d been taking Viagra or something as they never lost erections the whole time even after cumming. It was a proper orgy, slowly one by one the guys slunk away once they really had done all they could.”

“I did my best to have fun with as many as I could, your Mum did a good job too. Neither of us let them have sex with us, mostly just cumming over our pussies or in our panties. By the time the last couple of guys left the waitresses came back in and offered last drinks, and said they would arrange cabs. We all got dressed and said our goodbyes and made promises to keep secrets… Oops there I go, and we left.”

“I never knew Mum was like that at all,” Jess said.

“Oh, Jess, before you were born, your mum and I were inseparable and quite adventurous shall we say.”

“What do you mean?” Jess asked.

Jenny settled back into the sofa and looked across to check Jess’s Mum looked to have dozed off.

“We met the first year in infant school, we were the very best of friends, and once we went up to high school we started to really explore and experiment. We discovered boys and spent our free weekends and evenings out with whatever boy we had our eye on. We had plenty of offers for boyfriends but didn’t want to be tied down. We’d go to a disco or club, and pick up one or two lads. We made a point to stay away from the local disco, and from boys we knew, preferring older guys who knew what they wanted and had a car.”

“We’d let them drive us to a nice quiet lane and give in to their advances. Little did they know we had probably fucked or sucked half the club already. We always acted all innocent, we liked how excited it got them. If we had a guy each with one of us in the front seat, and one in the back, they’d realise what we were like when we’d climb over the seats and swap partners. They always wanted to be boyfriends and we broke a lot of hearts. If only one of us pulled, we’d often both do it with him. If neither of us pulled we’d always have each other, for a while at school it got around we were lesbians.”

“One day during PE, we both snuck off around the back of the hall, a favourite hiding place for the smokers. Well, two sixteen-year-olds in gym kit soon got a group of sixth-form boys interested in more than fags, and that soon scotched that rumour.”

Jess’s Mum had started gently snuffling and almost snoring on the sofa, she suddenly slurred out, “Pant swap.”

All three looked at her and laughed.

“So are you following in your Mum’s footsteps?” Jenny asked.

Jess felt she was put on the spot, and Holly answered for them both. “I guess we are very much together, and we have shared things with guys, but not as much as you did yet,” she replied.

“You’d have loved this evening,” Jenny said. “It was a shame you couldn’t come this time. Come on, help me get your mum up to bed.”

The three of them stood up, and Holly and Jess got Mum to her feet and walked her upstairs to her bed. They sat her on the edge and Jess undid her dress and pulled it down, she saw that her bra was missing. Mum flopped onto her back and the girls pulled her dress down off of her legs, her panties were on but Jess didn’t recognise them. The girls looked at each other and curiosity got the better of Holly.

She peeled the material down and both girls were quite surprised by the cummy mess inside them. Holly pulled them down and off and then they rolled her to the side of the bed and covered her under the duvet. Jenny appeared, began undressing, and was just dropping clothes to the floor. Her panties were the last to go and also looked like a wet cummy mess. She held them in her hand and stood up. Holly and Jess both thought she had a gorgeous figure. Jenny inspected the panties close up.

“These are your Mum’s,” Jenny said.

The girls stood and stared. Jenny touched her tongue to them and licked. “Mmm, are you two getting undressed? hurry up, it’s late.”

Both girls pulled their baggy tops over their heads, dropped track pants, and stood in just panties. They both suddenly felt a little sheepish standing there with Jenny.

“Very pretty, very nice, just our type. God, you really remind me of your Mum when she was your age.”

Jenny was holding out her hand with the panties towards Jess, she hesitated not sure what to do. Holly leaned in past her and licked them. Damn, she thought to herself, Holly is always that bit quicker than me. Jess leaned forward and licked hard.

“I see you’re both as naughty as I hoped,” Jenny said, she put her hand down and took a step forward. All three were standing very close together.

“Why does Mum keep saying pant swap?” Jess asked as if to break the tension between them.

“That goes back to our childhood, we used to play dress up when we were kids. Your Mum’s Mum didn’t like us playing around hers and my Mum wasn’t bothered what we got up to, my Dad encouraged us.”

“So where does pant swap come from?” Jess asked again.

“So from early on, we played a sort of fashion parade dress-up game. We’d borrow clothes out of the laundry, mum’s things, swap clothes and put together outfits, and parade up and down. Mum kept a big box of old clothes and fancy dress outfits we were allowed to use too. Dad would often be there and pretend to direct us and take pictures. This all happened with Mum and Dad there, there was never anything other than us playing dress up.”

“Much later we found a whole box of Polaroid pictures of us both that he had taken, they were so funny. Looking back he started the pant swap part by getting us to swap bits of outfits. We would be a cowboy on top and a mermaid for legs, things like that. Or Batman with a tutu. He’d say the outfits would look better if we swapped things, and he’d be taking pictures. We would run out and change and come back in to have our new combination inspected.” Jenny paused, “The pant swap is just something we added privately on our own, knowing it was somehow naughty.”

“My Dad sometimes sneaks pictures of me or both of us, he’s been doing it quite a while. He thinks we don’t know but I like to tease him. He also checks my phone so I take the odd rude selfie for him to find and he never complains,” Holly said while Jess nodded.

“We grew out of the dressing up games but somehow kept the pant-swapping part. We knew it was rude or naughty, and it became a kind of dare. One of us would say pant swap, and we would have to swap pants in secret as soon as we could. The rule we made was that you had to wait an hour between shouts. We also had to remember to swap back before going home just in case we got found out. It got much more risky, or bad, as we got older.”

“Your Mum’s favourite would be to call pant swap after she had peed her panties a little and so we would swap. I’d end up having to wear them for at least an hour. It ended up being a turn-on for both of us. Once we became sexual with guys you can imagine the messy panties we’d be swapping. Yes, these are your mum’s, she has mine, she called it halfway through the pub crawl the first time, and they went to and fro after that. You girls should try it, it’s a lot of fun, and you’re close enough in size too.”

Jenny eyed the girls keenly, her drunken slurring now gone, she seemed quite sober.

“Come on Jess, Pant swap,” she dared Jess and was holding out the panties she had taken off. Jess thought for a second, dropped her own panties, and handed them to Jenny. Pulling up the cummy pair she felt the cold mess pressed against her warm pussy. It was not the first time she’d had cum in her panties, but definitely the first time she had no idea who it was. Jenny pulled on the warm panties and climbed into bed. the girls turned to leave the room but Jenny called them back.

“Climb in, I won’t bite,” she said holding open the duvet.

Jess climbed in followed by Holly who twisted around and turned off the lights. Jess pressed a hand onto the panties and ran a finger along her pussy, she was very turned on by the idea of rubbing cum on her pussy. She held her legs open and pressed the material into herself. Holly turned to face her and cupped one of her small boobs, and felt her nipples already hard. Dropping her hand down Holly felt Jess’s hand working on her own pussy, then felt Jenny’s hand close over Jess’s.

Jess withdrew her own hand and opened her legs wider. She closed her eyes and give herself up to her two bedmates. Holly propped herself up on one elbow to watch in the gloom. She could feel Jenny working the material of the panties as far into Jess as she could until she stopped and pulled them down Jess’s legs and off. Holly could feel Jess’s pussy slick with her own juices. Jess’s pussy really did get wet when she was turned on, helped tonight by the cum from the panties.

Holly felt Jenny’s hand return with the panties and felt her continue to rub the material into Jess’s pussy, she was pushing hard against her. It took a while for either girl to realise Jenny was working the dirty cum stained panties inside Jess’s pussy. Bit by bit they disappeared until Jess could feel them inside her. Jenny patted her pussy, kissed Jess on the cheek, and turned over. Holly continued running a finger up and down Jess’s wet pussy, stopping after each stroke to rub and circle her clit.

Jess was enjoying the feelings but did not want to take it further, she gently put her hand over Holly’s to keep it there but still. After a few minutes Jess could feel Jenny wriggle down the bed, she heard her fumble about next to the bed and then make her way to the loo. Jess rolled towards the middle of…

Published 2 years ago

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