Panting on Saturday

"A morning I lived up to the title of bitch."

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My tongue felt swollen and dry as a bone. I probably could have slept longer had that sensation not banged loudly against my mind to address. Not a preferred way to wake up. Groaning internally as my sweat coated covers clung to me I adjusted so I could retrieve my iPad without wrenching my arm. Good grief I’m getting old.

Once on my back and iPad on my bosom, the emptiness of the bed confirmed my young wife once again stayed up far too late watching Criminal Minds. Can’t stand much of the show myself. Somehow it is too much of a mind fuck. Considering my sexual tastes and fantasies, perhaps I just don’t like the reminder that I am as much of a freak as I am.

For once I didn’t jump on BDSMLR right away but checked out my Trillian account. That’s where I found her, my pursuer, my big bad wolf wanting to gobble up a cute little bitch. A bit of teasing, a bit of dodging advances, and I find myself typing, “I’m edging right now.

A deafening pause. I knew I crossed a line, but I was ready for a bit of exposure. We’d already played once, but it didn’t feel right with Miss Big Bad’s heart still set on another. Especially as it was an ex of mine. Still, this was the present, and I was feeling frisky.

“Edge as far as you think you can, then count to ten. Only then stop.”

Biting my lip I rapidly agreed one-handed, spelling mistakes be damned. She guided me, my hand an extension of her will. Nipples hardening with each syllable and stroke of my, no, her fingers upon my quickly engorged clit and lips. The bitch in me crying to submit fully to this predator of fleshy delights. Breath catching, quick gazes at the clock counting down at real-life deadline. Focus girl!

Her continued description of how my body was reacting a prophesy of fate I could not avoid. Her very will driving me closer to my edge faster than usual. The trance only broken as my pussy screamed its eventual release.

Warning her of how close I was with a declaration of “ten”, followed by slowly counting down, I shuddered then slapped my pussy hard to snap me out of my lustful daze. Breath ragged. Collection of thoughts came slowly. Yet it was an industrial sound from outside that truly startled me out of my stupor!

Quickly excusing myself with a hastily written “brb”, I leaped out of my bed bare ass instantly freezing in the cold late autumn temperatures. Scrambling, no time for a better top despite obvious points pressing against cloth, sweats pulled up to cover my ass and slippers donned to protect my feet. A last-second grab for my fuzzy robe only to speed down the hall to the kitchen to gather the trash together.

Our boy Logan barking and startling my dear wife, with quick apologies to my love as I dashed through the garage and captured two more bags of refuse. The old automatic door lumbering away, wasting precious time. Dejected I could tell the truck had already been through, by its telltale retching of brakes and pistons echoing down the way. Relief brief as my gaze caught it five houses down and escaping further.

Now I never was athletic, but I could run decently in my youth, rivaling many of the boys. Tapping into those memories I took flight only barking out desperately for them to wait once close enough. I knew I looked a fright, hair a tangle of sweat and stinking of my sex, yet the garbage man mercifully averted his gaze from this crazed woman. 

Mission accomplished, my lungs burned in the cold air. Yet my nose refused to allow breath through so with victory in hand. So like the bitch I am, my ragged, hurtful panting filled the otherwise semi-quiet of the morning. Weary I rested my head against the door frame as the rumble of our domain was sealed once more. A final quick breath and a passing of entry, my dear wife greeted me, concern etched upon her face. I assured her I was fine despite evidence to the contrary, which seemed to pacify her. She is such a dear. Finally back on our bed, iPad in hand, I related to my pursuer my plight, only to get the obvious reaction.

The bitch had chased after a truck and caught it. 


Published 4 years ago

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