Pandora’s Box – Introduction

"This box can hide all of your secrets inside. What do you want it to be today?"

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Pandora’s Box – An Introduction

Here is a box, a fantasy box, for when you’re wound up and ready to play. This box can hide all of your secrets inside. What do you want it to be today?

Pandora, “the all giving”, filled it with the seductive gifts endowed on her by the pantheon of the ancient Greek gods; so what shall we seduce ourselves with today?

Let your weighted eyelids close. Allow your mouth to part and your divine essence to play across your quivering lips. Fingertips to reach for the silken bow, seeking its trailing ends. Revel in the sensation of that worm-made fabric as it caresses your eager flesh.



Shall we delve inside and see what secret desire Pandora has gifted for you today? Shall we close our fingers about it and pull it forth to gleam expectantly in the daylight before our shuttered eyes and open minds.

A deep breath. Blow out the candles and make a wish.

So what did you wish for? What did your fingers close about?

Whisper it to me in a Private Message, or shout it aloud for all the world to hear by placing a comment on this invitation to play, then maybe, just maybe, all your dreams will come true … or I might write a little flash erotica especially for you.

Who knows where it might all lead.

Cum Girl

Published 9 years ago

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