Pam Explains the Last Two Months Part 6

"Pam Tells Rob and He Reclaims Her"

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Rob arrived home just twenty minutes after Jack left. He found me tidying up in the kitchen.

I had already gathered up my discarded clothes from the living room floor, including my panties from the bathroom and thrown them all into the washing machine. My panties were soaked with Jack’s cum. As I threw them in the washer, I couldn’t help fingering some of the dollops of fresh sperm between my thumb and forefinger. It caused tingles again in my stretched and swollen vagina.

As he entered the kitchen, Rob greeted me, “Hi honey, how did your talk go with Jack?”

Rob came over and hugged me. I turned and greeted him, giving him a tender kiss on his lips.

We broke our hug, “Well the discussion with Jack went pretty well, but you and I need to talk now. Why don’t you get ready for bed and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

Rob gave me a quizzical look but did as I asked. After I finished cleaning up in the kitchen, I headed to the bathroom for my nightly ablutions. Then I went to the bedroom. Rob was in bed with the light on beside him on his night table. I turned back the covers on my side of the bed, let my robe fall from my shoulder and slipped into bed. I could tell that Rob noticed I was naked. Usually, I wear nighties, but not tonight.

Rob said, “Wow! Honey, you look so beautiful. Am I going to get lucky tonight?”

I curled up against him as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. My breasts were squeezed against his chest and I threw my leg over him so I could press my vulva against his thigh.

Rob, looked at me and asked, “So what’s up baby? Didn’t things go as you expected?”

He knew me too well, “Actually, the talk was awesome, but then things took a turn that I didn’t imagine.”

Rob looked at me with an expectant look in his eyes, “Go on.” He said.

“Rob, you and I both agreed that we would always be honest and forthright, so I’m just going to say it. I made love with Jack.”

Rob’s eyebrows rose as he gave me an inquiring expression, “I have so many questions,” he said.

Before you ask them, “Are we ok?, You’re not angry or upset?”

“No, baby, we agreed if it was what you wanted I would support you. I’m just surprised it happened so quickly. I thought that once you talked to Jack, you were going to fill me in on your decision. Looks like you were able to make that choice while you were with Jack.”

I replied, “It all started with me giving him a kiss so he knew that I was ok with his honest sharing of what was in his heart. Then he kissed me back … well, you know how I am with kissing and Jack kisses really good. Next thing I knew, we were making love. I’m sorry you and I didn’t have a chance to discuss next steps before Jack and I consummated things. You’re really not upset?”

Rob asked, “Are you happy? Did he please you? Did you enjoy it?”

With some bashfulness in my eyes, I replied, “Yes, very much!”

“Then I’m good. I only have one concern.”

I asked, “What’s that?”

Rob replied, “We never discussed birth control?”

“Yes, I know and that is a big concern for me. In the heat of the moment, I let Jack cum in me. It should be ok because I’m not in that part of my cycle where I’m really fertile. Even so, it’s taking a chance that I don’t want to take again.”

Rob replied, “Wow!, you mean you actually have his sperm in you right now?

I smiled at him and said, “Yes, you silly man. Once you guys squirt your stuff into us women, it’s not that easy to get it out, you know. I did clean up as best I can, but I’m sure there’s still some in me.”

Rob looked at me inquiringly, “Pam, I know you might think it weird, but would you let me look at your, … well, you know. Your pussy?”

I knew from our previous talks that part of the compersion thing Rob had previously explained to me included some peculiar fascinations for him. It involved a need for him to hear about the lovemaking between Jack and me. I was also aware that there was something Rob referred to as reclaiming me after sex with Jack. Apparently, as his recent request suggested, it also included checking out various parts of my body as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were others that even Rob was not aware of yet. We’d deal with them as they came up.

I didn’t have any problem with Rob’s request. I would quite happily indulge any or all of his unusual needs if it gave him the pleasure he craved through his feelings of compersion. It was the least I could do and if in some small way he gained his own satisfaction through these things, then I was happy too.

I smiled as I said, “Well, big boy, if you’re asking a lady to spread her legs for you, then you better give her some kissing first.”

You’d have thought I gave him the keys to Fort Knox. He was like a puppy that has just received his first ever treat.

I turned my face up to him to meet his lips. He kissed me hungrily. His tongue eagerly pushed into my mouth, Mine danced against his as I willingly gave in to the insistence of his soul-kiss. I felt that weakness again in my knees, the same as I had felt with Jack only a short hour or so ago. Jack had also invaded my mouth too. The similarity and differences were illicitly tantalizing. I loved it! I felt the warmth of arousal spreading through my body, especially in between my thighs.

Rob broke our kiss and worked his mouth down my neck to my breasts. He sucked my nipples, just as Jack had. It sent the same electric jolts through to my clit. My legs automatically spread in anticipation. I had to fight the yearning to take my own fingers and push them into my sex. Anything to soothe the burning fire already consuming me.

Rob continued downward, kissing my tummy and mound. This was different. Jack’s needs had overwhelmed him and he had taken me with his big cock directly after sucking my breasts. Rob was intent on something else.

Rob now slid his body between my legs, compelling me to spread them even wider. He looked at my quim, feasting his eyes and missing nothing.

He looked up at me, “Baby, your pussy is so swollen and red!”

Then he looked down again at my sex. I felt him draw a finger from the bottom of my opening up through the folds of my vulva lips. With it, he pulled the combined juices of Jack and me up and across my clit. I was already so close to an explosive orgasm.

Rob scooched down further so that his face was parallel to my pussy. It gave him the ability to use the fingers on both hands to spread the lips of my vulva. He was looking right into my love-tunnel.

One part of my mind was apprehensive about what he must be looking at after being so ravished by Jack. Surely Jack’s sperm was still seeping from my love-hole. Plus, I knew I was swollen down there. I could feel the engorgement of my lady parts quite well. Another part of my brain revelled in the tantalizing depravity of what Rob was doing. My devoted husband was between my legs examining my used pussy after making love to another man. My carnal desires won out. If it was possible, I would have gotten my loving and kinky husband to crawl into my soul through my pussy. I spread myself as wide as my legs could go.

At that moment I pleaded to Rob, “Please, baby. My pussy is all yours. You can look and feel it as much as you need.”

Then I felt his tongue touch me just above my love-tunnel, right on my urethra opening. He dragged his tongue upwards and swirled it around my clit. God, I love this man!

Rob pushed a finger into my pussy and licked up my slit again. I felt him feeling around inside me, as though he was exploring for differences that Jack’s cock might have created. Then he added another finger. He used both of them to rub the anterior wall of my vagina, exactly on my G-spot.

I never felt so open and exposed, yet I wanted and craved that vulnerableness with Rob. My body drove my hips up to meet his fingers and tongue and open myself completely to him.

Rob ripped my orgasm from my used cunt. It washed over me in waves of ecstasy. I felt incredible contractions pulsing through my slutty love hole. As my orgasm continued, those same contractions enveloped my uterus as well. I think I was screaming Rob’s name, but in my rapture, I would never be able to swear to it.

As my orgasm ebbed away, I thought that Rob would ease away from my spent pussy. Rather than allow me respite, his lips clamped around my clit, sucking it into his warm mouth and his fingers drove vigorously and repeatedly into my hungering maw.

My body gave into another incredibly intense climax. This time I was spent.

“No more, Rob, please!” I cried.

He relented and pulled away from my quivering body.

Sitting up, he showed me his fingers. My juices and obviously what was also Jack’s cum was hanging down in stings from Rob’s fingers. I couldn’t believe how much of Jack’s sperm still remained inside me.

Shyly, I smiled at Rob and shrugged my shoulders, “I guess Jack really filled me up. I have no idea where it’s all coming from.”

As I calmed down Rob laid beside me. I felt his hard erection pressing against my thigh. We kissed tenderly and whispered our love to each other.

After I finally caught my breath, I turned to Rob, “Honey, I need you in me now. Please make love to me?”

Rob smiled and he willingly moved between my legs again. This time he lined his cock up with my very engorged slit. Bending his arms, he kissed me as he slid his hard cock as far into me as he could reach. Both of us savoured the soft buttery and slick feeling of his cock as he soaked in my well-used cunny.

I have read other stories where women have said they couldn’t feel their husband’s smaller cock after being taken by a bigger man. I suspect those stories were written by the husbands, who for some reason needed to feel dominated or belittled for some reason. I can assure you that from a woman’s perspective, I felt my Rob’s cock with every nerve of my vagina. If anything, my pussy was hypersensitive. When he started pumping in and out of me, I saw flashes of light exploding behind my eyelids. Although I thought it would be impossible to orgasm again, Rob‘s thrusting cock involuntary pulled me to another astonishing climax. We came together. He shuddered as I felt spurt after spurt of Rob’s cum flood me to overflowing. Even before he was finished cumming, I felt it squirt out from the sides of his cock and flow down my bum crack.

There was no doubt that I had been well and truly fucked by both of my men this night. I was tingly and pleasantly sore in all the right places. The idea that I had made love to two men in hours of each other was surreal to me. In all of my life, the possibility of such an idea had never occurred to me. It seemed completely wrong, especially to my Rob. Yet for some reason, I was exhilarated, more aroused than I had ever felt and contented.

My Rob amazed me in his perceptions and views on sharing me with Jack. I still didn’t fully understand how he could share me and feel joy through my pleasure. However, I had now reached a point in my thinking where I would no longer question it. I will admit, that my motives were self-driven to some extent. Frankly, the sensations and emotions I had experienced in the last few hours were beyond description. If Rob continued to be alright with this current arrangement, I would not rock the boat. I did resolve in my mind to always make sure his needs were fulfilled. That was still paramount to me in this new definition of our marriage that we now found ourselves in. 

Rob rolled off of me. It was all I could do to turn into his arms. Cum was seeping onto the sheets under me, but I didn’t care. Smiling to myself, my last thought was that tomorrow I would change them if I could walk properly. Sleep overtook us both almost immediately.

Morning came soon enough. Rob had already risen and gone to work. After a long, warm shower, I cleaned the house including changing those sheets. Then at 9 AM sharp, I called my doctor’s office and make an appointment to be fitted for a diaphragm.

Afterwards, I grabbed a coffee and sat at the kitchen table. Gazing out the window. I contemplating my promise to Jack that he and I would have a special evening soon so that we could really explore making love to each other. I wondered how Rob would take it when I told him of my plans with Jack.

If you have been reading our story from the beginning, you know that Rob told the story of that special night I arranged with Jack from his perspective early in the series. As you’ve probably already read how it went, I’m not sure if readers would want to hear it from my perspective. I can hand back the storytelling of our narrative back to Rob or retell that night with Jack from my viewpoint. I leave the choice up to the readers. Comment and let Rob and I know what you’d like.

Thank you for reading

Pam  ♥♥♥

Published 6 years ago

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