Pam Explains the Last Two Months Part 1

"How it all started - going from a regular wife to hot wife."

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Love is strange. When I was young, I expected it to last forever and stay the same as the day I fell in love with my husband, Rob. I never, ever imagined that I would end up being intimate with another man and certainly not while being deeply in love with my husband. More on that later, but first let me introduce myself.

My name is Pam, I’m in my mid-thirties and I’ve been married to my childhood sweetheart since we got out of high school. We have two lovely daughters who were born in the first two years of our marriage. After our second daughter was born, Rob got a vasectomy as I had problems taking the pill and we both agreed that two kids were all we’d ever want.

As you’ve probably read in the first two instalments of our story written by Rob, our lives have changed dramatically in the last two months. Rob asked me to fill you in on the details of our story from my perspective.

It starts with Rob requiring day surgery on his knee. We live in a small town so the surgery would require driving to a large city approximately three hours from where we live. The surgery was scheduled in the afternoon, so we knew we’d have to stay overnight in a motel after Rob was released from the hospital.

Enter Jack – Jack has been our friend since before we were married. He is Rob’s best friend, but I say “our” friend because over the years he’s been a constant in our lives. It’s seldom that we don’t see Jack at least once a week. Rob and Jack are typical best buddies. I’m happy that they have such a great friendship and wouldn’t want it any other way. Over the years, I can also safely claim that Jack is also a good friend of mine. I enjoy his company and find him intelligent, warm and he is interested in our family as much as he is in his friendship with Rob.

When Jack found out about the trip for Rob’s surgery and the need to drive there and back, he immediately volunteered to go with us. He specifically pointed out that Rob would be in no shape to drive back the next day so it made sense that he should be with us to drive, carry bags etc while I looked after Rob. Both Rob and I saw the sense in his argument and graciously thanked him for volunteering.

Now Rob and I are not rich people, so logistically we were upfront with Jack and told him we’d all have to share a double room. None of us considered this a big deal, as it wouldn’t be the first time we all crashed in the same room. There have been a few parties over the years where the festivities petered out around four in the morning and we all woke up sleeping in the living room. Also, Jack has stayed overnight many times over the years and has certainly seen me in my sleep attire and I have seen him in his jockey briefs as well. No big deal for any of us. It was always just friends hanging out with each other, comfortable in each other’s presences and with nothing more on the table than just being friends.

Let’s get back to love for a minute. I love my husband with all my heart. He is everything to me, my best friend and soulmate. Over the years, our love has only become stronger. I could never imagine life without him. Luckily for me, he is also a fabulous lover. He is attentive, spontaneous and creative in bed. I love his body and what he does to me with it. In other words in bed, he rocks my world.   

As you’ve probably already read in Rob’s first two instalments of our story, somehow I’ve ended up being intimate with another man besides my husband. The reasons are complicated and certainly not because I don’t love Rob or that in some way he is deficient in bed.

Rob told me that he received some feedback on his first two instalments of our story indicating I probably took up with Jack because Rob has a smaller penis, that Jack is physically more “buff” or that somehow Rob is submissive to me or Jack. All of those ideas are complete nonsense.

Rob is frankly more the alpha male between Jack and him. Size, buffness or muscles don’t seem to have much to do with maleness from what I’ve seen. It’s more an attitude and inner drive. In fact, one of the reasons I’ve always been attracted to Rob is he’s all man in the way he acts, thinks and his mannerisms. To some extent, Jack is more sensitive and can be more intellectually stimulating, qualities that also attract me.  

Anyway, back to how this started. About two months ago, the three of us headed off to the big city to get the day surgery completed on Rob’s knee. We arrived early and decided to check into our motel. It was just your plain jane room, with two queen size beds, a bathroom, microwave, TV and complimentary coffee maker with all the fixings. We threw our bags in the room and headed over to the hospital. They took Rob right in. It took approx two hours to complete Rob’s surgery, during which time, Jack and I grabbed a coffee and talked in the waiting room.

Eventually, a nurse pushed Rob through swinging doors into the waiting room. He was in a wheelchair with his knee wrapped up and propped on a leg support. He looked groggy and out of it. I was glad to see him and so happy the surgery was over. The nurse told us everything had gone fine. She gave us an envelope of instructions and various meds. She explained one med was a medium pain relief med and the other was a stronger one that we should give Rob if his knee was really painful. She then told us that in her experience Rob would probably need the stronger painkiller to sleep at night for the next couple of days.

We wheeled Rob down to the car, bundled him in and took him to the motel. I was so happy Jack was with me. Unless you’ve experienced it, you can’t believe how difficult it is to get a fully grown man with a bum leg in and out of a car. Jack was a godsend. Once we got Rob onto one of the beds, Jack headed out to get us some takeout for dinner.

I propped Rob’s knee up with pillows under his knee and on both sides of his leg. Per instructions from the nurse, I gave him one of the medium pain meds. I gave Rob the remote for the TV and he was as happy as he could be given the circumstances. After thirty minutes Jack came back with Chinese food which we all dug into with gusto.

I made the mistake of sitting on the bottom of Rob’s bed. Just the movement of the bed when I sat down made him groan in pain. I jumped up and moved to the other bed. Jack and I sat beside each other facing Rob. While we finished our meal, we talked over Rob’s experience with the surgery. They hadn’t put him completely out, so he gave us a blow by blow description of his view of the surgery.  One plus was that they had given him a local and a sedative so he didn’t feel anything. The downside was that the local was wearing off, and the pain med I gave him wasn’t really doing the trick. That was obvious from the reaction of the small movement of the bed when I tried to sit down close to him.

After the meal, we all just relaxed, watched TV and talked. The evening went by quickly as time does when friends are just chilling together. At least it did for Jack and me. Rob, on the other hand, was in a fair bit of pain. He told me later that it got to point that even the prospect of someone bumping into the bed cause him apprehension.

I was beginning to realize that there might be problems sleeping in the same bed with Rob this night. Jack could see the problem too. He graciously said he would throw a pillow on the floor and sleep there. I could have the other bed for myself. Neither Rob nor I would have anything to do Jack’s suggestion. I adamantly told them both that we would try it first. I would sleep as far away on the edge of the bed as possible and try and stay as still as possible.

We watched TV and chatted as the evening went by.  In lots of ways, it was enjoyable. We just chilled with no real agenda. Around ten PM, I got up and headed for a shower and changed into my nightgown. It was a knee-length white cotton/lace item. Not sexy, but certainly no grandmaish ether. It was comfortable while being classy and accenting my best features. I usually wear it at home when the girls are up and around. It says to Rob that I want to look beautiful, but not slutty sexy when I’d wear lingerie just for him and me on one of our special nights.  One other very important thing to mention as it plays a part later in my story. Women don’t normally wear their bra or panties under their nightgowns, especially when the nightgown is not revealing. This night was no exception for me. I hadn’t even given it a thought.  

After I came out, Jack and I helped Rob to the washroom so he could get ready for bed as well. When we got Rob settled back into bed, I gave him one of the strong painkillers.  His trip to the washroom had caused him a fair bit of pain. It was obvious that he was very uncomfortable.

Jack then headed off for his shower. He came out of the bathroom dressed for bed in his jockey shorts and a T-shirt. I want readers to understand that none of us considered any of this other than normal behaviour because all of us had seen each other many times in the past in these states of undress. Being good friends for more than twenty years, camping with each other, having overnight visits, sharing Christmases, New Year parties, etc, – for us it was just normal.

Rob almost started nodding off as soon as he took his pain meds and Jack was already under the covers in the far side of the other bed. I turned off the lights and gingerly crawled into our bed. Even though I was as careful as I could possibly be, the slight movement caused groans from Rob.

I lay there as quietly as possible as we all began to drift off to sleep. Unfortunately, I’ve always been a restless sleeper. As I drifted into sleep, I would start my unconscious tossing and turning. Each time I moved, I heard Rob groan and moan even in my semi-conscious state. After a time, I fully woke up. I realize this was just not working and that any movement what so ever was hurting Rob. I lay there thinking of alternatives. The only reasonable option was to move to the other bed.

Slowly, trying not to move Rob, I extracted myself from our bed. I took one of the pillows I was using and walked around our bed to the one with Jack in it. I pulled the covers back, placed the pillow in the middle of the bed and crawled into the bed. Turning on my side facing towards Rob and drifted off to sleep.

Several hours later, I remember semi-waking. You know, you’re awake sort of, but not fully awake. I was lying on my side facing the edge of the bed. I had a pillow in my arms. My hight gown had ridden up over my hips. Not unusually for women who sleep in nightgowns, especially if you move around in your sleep. A warm body was curled up to my back and an arm was around my waist. At the moment I was warm and content. I drifted back to sleep.

Hindsight is wonderful, and wouldn’t it be great if only we could apply it at the moment when choices are put into our path. It would even be better if you could apply hindsight when you’re fully conscious. At the time, I remember thinking how nice Rob felt curled against me and how good his arm felt around me before I drifted back to sleep. Of course, it wasn’t Rob at all, but in my dream state, I thought it was.

Sometime later I again woke into threshold consciousness. Still mostly asleep, but somewhat aware. I was still on my side, but more in a fetal position. “Rob’s” arm was still around me and his body still curled around my back. However, I also felt a very hard and hot cock pulsing against my labia. It wasn’t moving and the hips behind the cock were still as well, but that cock was throbbing in tune with its owner’s heartbeat. I was wet, very wet. I had no idea how long that cock had been nestled against my vulva, but obviously long enough so that my body had unconsciously reacted to the stimuli.

I didn’t think much of the situation, because “Rob” wasn’t trying to initiate actual intercourse. He was obviously still asleep. It wasn’t the first time this had happened. Obviously married people sleeping in the same bed can often end up snuggling very close during sleep. It may sound odd, but even though I was wet, I really wasn’t entirely interested in sex. Besides, I still felt safe, warm and snuggly in “Rob’s” arms, so I again drifted back to sleep.

Suddenly I woke with a start. This time everything had changed. I felt that hot, hard cock deep in my vagina. In that second, complete clarity came to my mind. That cock was NOT Rob’s. I was not in our bed and the man behind me was not Rob. Jack was fucking me!   


Published 6 years ago

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