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My older cousins wife

"Lusting over my cousins hot wife"

When I went away to school, I stayed with an older cousin and his wife and new born daughter. They had a spacious house, so there was plenty of room for the young family. The baby was about 6 months...

My first time with a black woman

"Our first screw with a black prostitute"

I am going to reveal my absolute first time with a black woman. This goes back to the summer of 1979. I had just finished baseball practice that day and thankfully didn't have work. I asked a couple of buddies...

My bi-wife Birthday Present

"A bisexual suprise from my wife."

It was my birthday, and my wife stated that she had an extra special present for me this year. I got home from work, and she said, get in the car, we are going on a picnic, and wait until...