Out of Bounds. Chapter 4.

"Sex and nothing but. Or was it? For both?"

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Chapter 4:

Stefan spent the winter trimester productively but, regarding any sexual adventures, uneventfully in Tübingen. Although he had Irmgard’s phone number, he had decided not to ring. Despite his wish to continue his relationship, Stefan did not feel entitled to hold Irmgard captive. Also, he did not rush back to Saarbruecken. Over Easter, Stefan spent ten days with friends in Provence.

He returned to Saarbruecken for a busy final term. His teaching commitments in the Education Faculty required preparation. Stefan would have little spare time with two papers to deliver at conferences and several visits to distant parts of Germany.

He was fortunate in that the University had reserved for him his apartment in their guest-house. On his second night back, he went to Liesl’s café. It felt like a homecoming, and Liesl welcomed him like a long-lost friend. She scolded him for not coming sooner. Irmgard, she told him with a knowing smile, had dropped in every night since Easter Monday. How could he be so cruel and turn up weeks late?

Only minutes after ten, Irmgard arrived. Stefan had placed himself at the corner table behind the partition to avoid being seen from the entrance. By watching Liesl’s face, he knew that Irmgard had arrived. She breezed in in her usual fashion to embrace Liesl. Only then did she see Stefan sitting in the corner.

Irmgard told him off for coming so late and surprising her. But then, her possession-taking embrace, her kiss, and the pitch of her voice told how much she had missed him. She welcomed him back as her lover!

They sat together for an hour or so, as close together as decency allowed, continuously reaching out to each other for just a touch. Stefan suddenly realised how much he liked Irmgard’s familiar smell! With Liesl close by, they chatted about general things. As always, he walked with her to her car.

There, in the semi-dark, Stefan took Irmgard in his arms and asked, ‘Are you coming to visit me tomorrow night?’

Irmgard’s face lit up with a broad grin as she brought her lips close to his and whispered, ‘You try stopping me.’ The kissing that followed promised all for tomorrow. Their embrace stayed just decent, mainly because their eager hands were hindered by the bulk of clothing still required in early spring. So, positively charged for tomorrow, Irmgard and Stefan reluctantly parted.

To celebrate, Stefan prepared a mini-feast of choice French and German delicatessen and champagne. He, as once before, bought candles and flowers to set the mood for their reunion. When Irmgard entered and saw what Stefan had prepared, she immediately turned into his arms and said, ‘God, I’ve missed all this! And you! You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.’

Stefan helped her out of her coat. Before he could put it away, Irmgard put her arms around his neck and whispered, ‘Is this all you want me to take off?’ Then, nodding to the made-up bed and partly set table, her voice breathily sexy, she continued, ‘Do you really want us to eat first? Aren’t you hungry for a different feast? I, for one, have fasted too long! So much of me is starved for your attention!’

Irmgard raised her arms, inviting him to pull first her top, and with it, the bra over her head. Stefan threw them aside and kissed her opening lips. While her tongue demandingly parted his, Irmgard pressed her bared tits against him and reached down to unzip her skirt. She just let it slide to the floor. Now, Stefan’s hand stroked down her back to slide his fingers under her pantyhose and panties. Irmgard broke free and laughed, ‘Now it would get messy. We better be patient for a moment longer.’

She stepped out of her skirt and invited him to look at her: Straight-backed, laughing, bare-breasted, with her shapely, long legs accentuated by the pantyhose and high heels! Then she turned for the bathroom. Her beauty and brazen sexiness robbed Stefan of his breath.

He collected Irmgard’s strewn-over-the-floor clothing, put the food and champagne back into the fridge, undressed and waited. He heard the shower. Irmgard had used it only a few times before, after a long session of loving, to freshen up for her drive home.

The Irmgard of tonight was in some magical way different from the woman Stefan had loved four months ago. What had delighted him then in Irmgard was her almost innocent openness, the absence of any prudery and coquettishness. In their love-making then, she was curious and adventurous but almost child-like trusting that he would guide her.

The Irmgard of tonight, Stefan sensed, was no longer child-like. She was a woman, confident, self-assured. She liked herself and knew what she wanted and how to get it. And Stefan was not disappointed that Irmgard had changed. He was thrilled and proud that this new Irmgard still wanted him as a man and lover.

When Irmgard emerged from the bathroom, she crossed the space to the bed slowly. Upright, proudly displaying her beauty, she looked down on him with the beginning of a smile and asked, ‘Do you still like what you see? Do you want me as much as last year, Stefan? Tonight, you’ll have to prove it.’

Instead of an answer, Stefan stretched out his arms. Irmgard practically threw herself at him and into an all reservations abandoning kiss. Her body, although hot from the shower, shivered. She squirmed and moaned as Stefan’s hand closed over her tits and then wandered over her body to grip a twitching buttock.

There was not going to be a slow, playful build-up tonight. When Stefan reached between Irmgard’s readily spreading thighs, her pussy’s lips opened wet and hot to his pressing-in fingers. As they seemed to be sucked into her cunt, Irmgard cried out, ‘Yes! Yes, Stefan! Touch me, feel me, love me! I – my pussy – have so missed you! It’s been too long, much too long!’

Irmgard brought her legs up against her breasts. Then, her frantic hand grasped Stefan’s cock and pushed it into the tight but slippery-hot grip of her cunt as Stefan mounted.

Almost upright, kneeling, he fucked Irmgard with deeply penetrating strokes that made her cry out. At both their level of arousal, it would have ended much too quickly in a major orgasm. So, a now knowing and assertive Irmgard reached up and none too gently pulled Stefan down into a voluptuous kiss before breathily whispering against his lips, ‘I’m close to coming already. Don’t you want to kiss me, eat my hot pussy into coming! Make me, Stefan! Make me come like that! Please!’

Stefan reluctantly unsheathed his throbbing cock and slid down. Irmgard – with a triumphant laugh – pulled her knees up to her cheeks. Shameless, she offered now her fucked and lushly aroused, hot-glistening pussy to Stefan’s eyes, fingers, and tongue. She was panting and biting her pulled-in lower lip as she waited.

On Stefan’s first broad lick, Irmgard cried out in pure lust. It urged him immediately to let his tongue begin its tantalising play over her cunt’s inner opening. Irmgard meowed shrilly as she ground her pussy against his mouth. To Stefan, it felt as if her cunt wanted to suck his tongue into its hot-tasty depth. But eventually, as Irmgard had not forgotten over her long winter, Stefan’s lips, teeth and tongue settled on her clit.

Just what it promised was enough to trigger for Irmgard the first wave washing in. As Stefan circled and sucked and nipped her pleasure-pearl, Irmgard’s moans changed to shrill, breathy cries. And her thighs locked Stefan’s head into a shivering embrace that threatened to strangle him.

For Irmgard on this night, it was too little and too mild a climax. As Stefan’s urging mouth propelled her deeper into her orgasm, she pulled him up by his hair. And he knew what she wanted. He lifted her legs on his shoulders. Then, looking at her lust-distorted face, he rammed his cock into Irmgard’s stretched-up, gaping cunt. Abandoning all restraint, Irmgard screamed out, ‘Yes! Yes, Stefan! You love to fuck me, don’t you? God, I want it so much! Yes, Stefan! Fuck me hard! Yes, like that! Yes! Yes!’

Irmgard’s raw, naked lust sucked them both into what seemed a forever tumbling torrent of orgiastic pleasure until, finally, spent, hoarse and out of breath, they were tossed ashore.

Over long minutes they clung together to recover their usual selves. Irmgard broke the silence. In a muted, trembling voice, she asked, ‘Have I shocked you, Stefan?’

As so often with questions like that, words as an answer, would not suffice. So, Stefan just hugged her closer. It made Irmgard giggle in relief and persuaded her to explain, ‘I told you I was famished for our marvellous sex! Lying alone in my bed between Christmas and Easter and remembering our love-making was torture. I now knew what I need! So, tonight, I decided I would not wait a minute longer, even if I had to all-but-rape you.’

Irmgard burst into an embarrassed laugh. ‘I did, didn’t I? Have I turned into a hussy? Would you mind if I did?’

He could truthfully assure her that he was thrilled by her raunchy sexiness, that she so loved to give him her pussy, to be eaten up and gloriously fucked. He was the luckiest man alive to have a beautiful, sexy woman like her, wanting him as her lover. He finished with a joke. ‘After tonight, I can be certain that you visit me not only wanting a feed. I love your sexy appetite for extras. But, are you ready now for a simple meal?’

Irmgard grinned, rubbing her stomach. ‘I’m famished.’

The table was quickly set, and the champagne’s cork popped. They toasted their reunion and thoroughly enjoyed their meal. During it, their conversation took an interesting turn.

For one, Stefan talked about his time in Tübingen, his Christmas in snow-bound Austria, and his visit to Provence. Since they met, Irmgard had never questioned Stefan about his marriage and divorce or details of his life, plans and circumstances. She desisted from doing so, not out of consideration for his privacy or disinterest.

However pleasurable and meaningful it had become for her, Irmgard accepted that their relationship was an opportunistic, short-term liaison. There was no question that either she or Stefan would change their life paths to make them converge. Neither she nor he was taking possession of the other’s life.

That this was Irmgard’s realistic and unsentimental outlook, her easy chatter about their time of separation made clear. Firstly, she complained that Liesl had let her down by not finding another attractive and suitable stranger for her. She grinned and pinched Stefan’s ass. Then she told him about Susanne, a woman she worked with and who had become a friend.

Susanne, a few years older than her, was divorced. Now that a year had passed since Irmgard’s husband had passed away, Susanne suggested that they occasionally go out together and have some fun. On her own, Susanne was reluctant to do so. ‘Susanne lives in town. She knows none of my friends in my village. She is on the hunt for a lover like you. I was naughty, telling her about us. I thought it would be fun going out with her occasionally, even though I don’t have that much time on weekends.’

During the carnival time, they went out twice. Once to a masked ball and after, to a nightclub with two men they had met at the ball. It had been fun.

Irmgard suddenly had the urge to give Stefan a quick hug. He suspected that his grin was somewhat laboured when he said, ‘I see. So, your little black dress got another outing.’

Irmgard protested immediately. ‘Certainly not! To the ball, I was in costume as a pirate. To the nightclub, I was decently dressed. You can’t encourage fellows on a first date. That black dress I’ll only wear again for going out with an exceptional man. You know what that dress does to me and what follows!’

Smiling at him sweetly, Irmgard made a show of putting his mind at ease. ‘Jealous, are you? I like that, but there is no reason for it yet. They were nice enough men, but as Susanne said at the ball, they were only husbands in temporary disguise. And she didn’t even ask if they were married. Even for Susanne, they lit no fire. For me – after you – there was not even a glow!’

The champagne may have helped. Irmgard continued by telling Stefan that she and Susanne had booked a holiday in Majorca in May. They hoped to have some fun, and she was looking forward to it. It was a holiday adventure she had never imagined she could or would have.

Altogether, it became evident to Stefan that Irmgard had broken her chains. She had freed herself from the constraints of her past and from whatever could hinder her now. And Stefan sensed that in her mind, a hindrance could well be him. Therefore, the new Irmgard let him know that she considered herself unbound.

For Irmgard’s sake, Stefan should have been unreservedly glad about her liberation. However, not being immune to a lover’s selfishness, he felt more than a twinge of jealousy and loss.

With their talking done, they made love again. Now, with their raging sexual hunger stilled, it became a drawn-out, gently caring for each other, love-making. Afterwards, even before Irmgard left, Stefan felt – for the first time with Irmgard – the sadness of their impending separation.

This mood did not last. During the following weeks, Stefan was often away. Overall, during these last two-and-a-half months, Stefan saw less of Irmgard than he wished. Her eagerness to visit him in their lovenest on the hill, whenever he was in Saarbrucken, was not only undiminished, it had increased.

Irmgard admitted, amused by her state of mind, that she wanted to make the most of the time left with her ‘favourite lover’. He was, she assured him, her first and still only one. Now that he had sexually awakened her, she was insatiable.

And Irmgard was now ready to be the leading partner whenever they met. She clearly wished to take their sexual daring from its already intensive level to one where it was more and ever more enhanced. With Stefan as a lover – feeling safe in his care and love for her – Irmgard could shed the last of her inhibitions.

Besides being excited and delighted by Irmgard’s sexual liberation, Stefan was amused by how she saw him. Irmgard assumed, he realised, that he could not be shocked, that he was already as sexually liberated as she wished to be. Little did she know that Stefan was somewhat inhibited in many things, starting with nudity. In making love, he was hesitant in pushing his partners over any resistance. Stefan had experienced, of course, that most women were generally as unready – when it came to sex – to voice a clear YES as they were to shout a definite NO.

In Irmgard, Stefan had met an unconventional woman. She had, from the beginning, clearly said her YES. Now, paradoxically, she and not Stefan was curious whether there was anything she would ever say NO to.

Stefan was intrigued: What had heightened Irmgard’s sensual curiosity to such a level? Was it her friendship and the exchange of intimate confidences with Liesl and Susanne? Or was it her husband’s porn collection, which she had kept, that increased her appetite for hitherto untried sexual play and excitement?

The first change was introduced when – on Irmgard’s initiative – they began to shower together. They did so at length, and it became for them highly arousing foreplay. So much so that on a few occasions, when he towelled Irmgard off, and they saw their image naked and glowing in the mirror, they fucked! With Irmgard sinuously bent over the basin and Stefan, looking at her sexily half-open lips and wide-open eyes in the mirror, he would ram his fully aroused cock into her pussy. Looking at each other in the lit-up mirror, they read from each other’s lips the unvoiced words of pure lust.

Temporarily at rest on the bed after their mirror-fuck-foreplay, Irmgard burst into laughter. She confessed she had never seen herself fucking. With a grin, she admitted how much it turned her on, and she wished – ? Irmgard suddenly got up from the bed to open the door of the built-in wardrobe. It had a three-quarter length mirror. She turned the door to and fro, then stepped back to check what is reflected. Satisfied with what she had discovered, she threw herself into Stefan’s arms to tell him that she wanted to ride him on the floor. And they did; this night and a few times after.

Her adventurous, raunchy spirit also drew her attention, as once before, to the wall-to-wall window. It looked out on an, at night, dark, park-like beech-tree forest. Stefan’s large desk and swivel chair were in front of this window. With the light moodily low for their love sessions, the window became a darkish mirror surface. Stefan, knowing there was an unlit forest path outside, had always drawn the curtain. Irmgard now preferred not doing so.

Besides the bed, bathroom and floor, she began to appreciate added variety in where and how she wanted to make love. She loved fucking on the swivel chair with Stefan gripping her spread buttocks and a forward finger teasing her excitable, newly discovered anal rosette. Stefan also spread her on the desk, liking and fingering Irmgard into twisting contortions before fucking her and himself into a bone-shaking orgasm.

All this, with Irmgard, her face glowing in lust, glimpsing at herself in the window’s reflection, with the dark forest outside. As she looked at herself voluptuously arching and contorting on the chair or desk, Stefan hoped that nobody was likely to walk at night the unlit path leading past his window. He suspected, however, that Irmgard not only played with the idea of a watcher lurking outside. It was the prospect of actually being watched naked and fucking that pushed Irmgard into an ecstatic state of arousal.

From the beginning, Irmgard had been remarkably uninhibited about offering him her pussy. She was lustfully responsive to anything he would do to pleasure it. However, Irmgard was surprisingly shy about touching his cock and matching Stefan’s oral appreciation of her sex. Stefan wondered if some unpleasant experience blocked her. If so, he did not want to push her.

For Stefan, Irmgard’s apparent cock-shyness did not matter much. He had never shared in the – it is claimed – male obsession to have his cock sucked. He disliked the idea of women in foreplay down on their knees and found a woman’s attention to his cock’s pre-aroused slackness embarrassing. Nevertheless, if shyness about his cock was Irmgard’s barrier, he wanted it removed. Although they freely engaged in sex talk, Stefan thought there was a better way to bring Irmgard into fully appreciating his cock.

They always finished their night together – being satiated – with unhurried caressing or a gentle, loving fuck. On this second night, stretched out on the bed, Stefan turned 180 degrees. Pulling Irmgard’s body sideways, he rested his head on her angled thigh. Then he began to tongue-tease Irmgard’s from their lengthy fucking lushly swollen pussy. In their sixty-nine position in new arousal, she had Stefan’s swelling cock centimetres before her eyes.

Stefan expected hesitation. However, Imgard began quickly to caress what now so invitingly faced her. As he licked Irmgard’s pussy into growing lusting wetness, her stroking his cock changed into a possession-taking grip. And then, Stefan felt a first, loving lick over cock’s sensitive tip. He looked at Irmgard’s face: Her eyes were shut. Then, with a moan, her lips opened and closed over the cock’s head.

And Stefan responded by letting his tongue circle and tease the tight opening of Irmgard’s cunt. As his tongue began to push in deeper and deeper, Irmgard’s mouth repaid in kind. First, with her tongue in a growingly excited whirl around his cock’s sensitive tip and licking and nipping the length of his shaft.

When Stefan’s switched attention to her clit, his thumb slid in where his tongue had teased her before. Irmgard cried out and gripped his balls. Then she sank her in growing excitement wet-gasping mouth, again and again, ever deeper on Stefan’s rampant cock. Eventually and simultaneously, they climaxed. Stefan just managed to pull out of Irmgard’s possessive mouth to spray over her throat and shoulders. She did not flinch. With a sobbing sigh, Irmgard rubbed Stefan’s seed lovingly over her tits and rampant nipples.

Facing each other again, they embraced, caressed, and mumbled words of love as the waves of their orgasms receded. Stefan said, ‘It’s only fair that I can taste now my cock in your mouth. Up to now, it was the taste of your pussy’s hot juices alone that we shared in our kissing. We are perfect now. Do you love it as much as I?’

Irmgard cried out, ‘Yes! God, yes!’ She grasped Stefan’s neck and pulled him into a wet-open kiss that said all.

Whenever Irmgard and Stefan met during those weeks up on the hill, their sex was intense and adventurously varied. She rarely left before three in the morning, and always regretfully so. They constantly aimed to surprise each other with new pleasures. They could not get enough of each other in the playful pursuit of the ultimate arousal.

For instance, when Stefan sucked and whetted Irmgard’s fingers before pushing them down on her clit while they fucked, another barrier was breached. For Irmgard, what had been a guilty private pleasure, became now an arousing part of their love-making. It increased Irmgard’s arousal enormously in fucking side-on.

While they fucked and Irmgard’s eyes never left him, her fingers repeatedly pushed into Stefan’s mouth. In the beginning, she wanted them wetted before she dug them on her greedy clit. But then, with her pussy wetter and wetter, she slid them glistening into Stefan’s mouth to taste her arousal!

He noticed, of course, her newly discovered preference. When he asked her, pretending ignorance, what was or were her favourite ways of making love, she quickly answered, ’I love them all. You make me come in all! Often wildly, again and again! Can’t help myself.’

Then she burst out laughing and patted him as if she had now answered his question and calmed any doubts. Irmgard’s shyness to admit her pleasure in masturbating while he fucked her amused Stefan. To put her mind on the right track, he told her a bit about his sexual preferences and quirks.

Stefan started by confessing that he was shy about a woman paying close attention to his pre-aroused cock. Irmgard burst out laughing. Reaching for his resting cock, she threatened him with immediate embarrassment and remedial treatment. But when Stefan continued by telling her that there were ways of fucking he avoided with most women, he had Irmgard’s undivided attention.

Stefan admitted that he always wanted to see her face in making love to her and wanted her eyes on him. He resisted, therefore, the temptation to take her from behind. He explained, ‘Believe me, Irmgard, it would blow my mind to see you kneel naked, with your sexy ass lifted, waiting to be fucked! But unless you looked back at me, I couldn’t see your face, your lust and love for me. It could make me hump and fuck you as if you were just a sexy body, just flesh, almost a thing!’

Stefan paused, embarrassed about not finding the fitting words to let Irmgard know what sex with her meant for him.

Irmgard was silent. So, he told her that he would not like to make love to her in the dark either. Stefan grinned, admitting how much he loved to leer at her beautiful boobs and sexy ass and pussy. But in making love to her, it was her face; he always wanted to see her face. Making love in the dark, he would still feel all the other loved parts of her, but her face he could not read by touch alone.

In concluding, Stefan thought it necessary to assure Irmgard that with her, there was no suspicion or distrust behind wanting to see her face when they made love. Irmgard looked at him questioningly. ‘What do you mean by that? Having no suspicion and trusting me when we fuck?’

Stefan explained that he believed that the mind committed many more infidelities than happened in the flesh. In the darkness of a bedroom and the doggy-style, not facing each other while fucking, a creative mind can turn an undesired partner into an imagined and desirable lover. Therefore, fucking in the dark and doggy-style, whenever it combines with a sexually charged imagination, is probably the most common form of infidelity, both for men and women.

Stefan’s lecturing made Irmgard burst into laughter. The more she thought about it, the less she could stop. Eventually, with mischief in her eyes and a broad grin, she said to Stefan, ‘You may be unlucky. You could be suffering many hiccups over the coming years. And it’s your fault.’ With a peal of more laughter, she tied Stefan into a hug.

It took him a while till he recalled from his distant Austrian past the German folk-tale about hiccups. They are supposed to strike you whenever a lover, either a present, past, known or unknown one, thinks of you. Only the right guess makes the hiccup stop. So, Stefan tied Irmgard into a hug and said, ‘Every time I’ll hiccup, I’ll guess right. And Irmgard, I’ll be consumed by my jealousy about you being with a man that doesn’t appreciate and deserve you!’


Published 4 years ago

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