Our Alarm Clock Is Very Good At Her Job

"My wife and I get a little help waking up from a horny college student."

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Every morning at exactly 5 a.m., a lovely woman climbs into bed between my wife and me.

Amanda’s naked body is always cold compared to the warmth of our covers, which is perfect since we have specifically hired her to wake us up.

If Amanda’s chilly skin doesn’t do the trick, at 5:15 our second “alarm” goes off. Smiling, she ducks under the covers and uses her gifted tongue on my dick and Jane’s pussy.

Some mornings I wake up to the wonderful sound of Jane moaning, along with the eager sucking noises Amanda makes when she has found my wife’s clit.

Other mornings, I feel the sensation of my cock being pushed down a greedy throat. My half-asleep brain often questions whether it’s a dream, but then I see the bobbing motion of Amanda’s head under our blankets and realize it’s just our alarm clock doing her job.

If by some miracle Jane and I are still asleep at 5:30, Amanda has been instructed to grind on us with her pussy, which is always wet by this point. It’s completely up to her what parts of us she grinds against, too.

Last week she decided to fuck my face. It only took two rolls of her hips to wake me up!

In order to turn off our “alarm,” we have to make her feel good. It’s our way of thanking Amanda for her generosity, consistency, and overall commitment to getting us out of bed. Most mornings Jane and I will team up to show our gratitude.

Yesterday, for instance, Jane laid down in the middle of the bed and instructed Amanda to “69” her. While my wife sucked on her clit, I used my stiff morning wood to fuck Amanda senseless. She came all over Jane’s face, which we all laughed about later over breakfast.

After Jane and I get up and begin our morning routines, Amanda makes the bed. If she is in the mood, Amanda will lay on top of the covers, grasp the footboard, and put her ass in the air to indicate that Jane or I can use her body to relieve any last-minute morning stress. (See my cover image.)

She will normally stay in that position until we have either enjoyed her holes or simply called her to the table for breakfast, which I cook. She puts on the fancy silk robe that Jane bought her for Christmas and takes a seat with us at the table for food and conversation.

We love chatting with Amanda about her college classes, boyfriends, and career plans. She’s a bright young woman who is going places, much like the three-alarm girls we’ve hired before her.

One morning she will take her crisp hundred dollar bill from the counter and leave for the last time, off to begin her career. She may even refer one of her sorority sisters for the vacancy she will be leaving in our bed … that’s how Amanda got the job, after all.

We will really miss her. Until that day though, we will enjoy Amanda’s company. When she heads out the door for campus, just before we leave for work ourselves, we always say, “See you tomorrow!”

“Bright and early, Mr. and Mrs. Jones!” she replies, often with a mischievous wink.

Published 3 years ago

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