Our Adventure, Wedding and Honeymoon

"A GingerKitty and Poppet Collaboration - Part Five Of Five"

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Six Months Later…

It’s our first night as an official married couple. It’s been a tiring day of sightseeing, exploring and shopping. We rounded it out with one of our good hard fucks that we like so much. Gavin is fast asleep, curled into me, as I stroke his hair. He looks so peaceful, even though I’m tired, I can’t shut my mind off. The last few days keep repeating in my head.

When he asked me to marry him six months ago, I didn’t think he was truly serious. I mean, we just moved in together. But, he was as serious as ever. The look on his face when I said yes, said it all. I knew that he was truly, madly, deeply in love with me. I didn’t think otherwise beforehand, but this said it so much more clearly. We wanted something simple for the wedding, because that’s just who we are.

The parents were told first, of course, who were delighted but worried we were moving too fast. Neither of us met each other’s parents until that point. After making the call to announce it, we all had dinner. We all got on real well though, which helped, they all became more relaxed about it. They helped us with costs, though Gavin wanted to do it all by himself. In the end, the parents helped a little. I convinced him the more we save, the better our honeymoon will be. That’s all he needed.

All we wanted was to get married in the park, by the tree where we first had met. People knew of the story, at least the PG version of the story. The X rated would remind a secret just between Gavin and I. In total, we had about twenty guests attending. We had a Priest whom my mum knows, to do our vows. Gavin and I did our own small vows, which made each of us cry. I can tell you, he has a way with words, when he wants to.

We even had the reception at the park. Gavin and I know that even though this is a public park, it’ll always be our park. No one can take this away from us. We hired a professional photographer and even a DJ. The music was great, listening to the utmost sexual songs. Our first song as a couple was even I Want to Fuck You Like an Animal by Nine Inch Nails. This, of course, got us some strange looks. We didn’t care though, it suited us so perfectly.

I couldn’t have asked for a better wedding. I had the man I am in love with, my family and his, along with some of our closest friends. We spent the entire evening with them, right up until about two in the morning. We had to catch the redeye flight to our honeymoon destination. It took us all of two seconds to decide where we were going. Gavin suggested Amsterdam, I agreed. There was no doubt, we both wanted to go. It’s a place neither of us had been to.

Now, we’re one full day into being here, and it’s been fantastic. With saving on the wedding, help from family, and the two of us, we managed to have enough to spend two weeks here.

Yesterday afternoon, when we arrived, we thought we’d be tired. Though, both of us slept a lot on the plane. We wanted to get our mile high badge in, but didn’t want our first time being a quickie on the plane. We plan to do it on the way back though. The hotel is so beautiful, the bed is twice the size as the one we have at home. I think we could get lost in the bedding if we wanted.

With the door barely shut, Gavin pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply. I know it’s taken all he has not to rip my clothes off for this long. He has no idea how much I feel the same. Even though we’ve been making love now for a while, nothing was like our first time as a married couple. The slow, intense touches, the deep seeded need for one another, and the pleasure we cause each other. It was like an intense high, one I didn’t think we’d ever beat.

Our orgasms were hard, our cries and moans incredible. Once we were finished, I cried in his arms, not out of sadness but for pure love. It caused him to join me, telling me he loves me. Repeating it in my ear over and over again. Yes, so much has happened so far. I can’t wait to see where this honeymoon will take us.


So far, this honeymoon has been phenomenal. We shopped, saw some sights, fucked. Well, we can’t go anywhere without fucking can we? But here’s the thing, we didn’t merely fuck, we made love. Slow, passionate, loving. We kissed, touched, sighed and moaned. I giggled as I saw the treat that she’d prepared for me: matching pink bra and panties! Yummy! It was so perfect, we cried with happiness. I fell asleep in Nicole’s arms and dreamed the sweetest dreams of her and fondly remembered the wedding.

The cake was bloody huge! For twenty people, though, it was nothing. We nommed it all up within seconds. Our vows were so teasing, just the way we are and our first song was fucking filthy. Yes, we danced like animals, as NIN sang about wanting to fuck like an animal… Seemed appropriate.

Waking in Nicole’s arms, I yawn and look at her, rawring softly. She gives her sexy wee whimper and smiles at me. She pats me on the head and flits out of the bed, showing me something. My eyes are still foggy with sleep, but I see, or more accurately, smell something.

“You didn’t, did you?” I grin.

Nicole throws the baggie to me and I sniff it. Good lord, this smells as amazing as Nicole does! This has been on the honeymoon bucket list for ages. Finally we are going to do it! I’m so excited.

I roll us a joint each, knowing it won’t take much for us to get stoned – this is good shit! I hand a joint to Nicole and we take our first draw in unison. A few draws later and it still hasn’t hit us.

“I think we got a duff bag,” I sigh.

“Looks like.”

We take another few draws and stub it out.

“Well, that was shite!” I groan, “Let’s go out,” I try to get up and Nicole does the same.

“Whoops!” Nicole giggles as she falls down.

I look around and she is laying there, her legs in the air and a ‘fucking hell’ expression on her face. I can’t help it; I giggle hard, tears running down my cheeks and my abdomen hurting.

“Aw, fuck,” I giggle, “I can feel a six pack coming on!”

I try to stand, but I just stumble, which causes Nicole to descend into one of her epic giggle fits, making me giggle all the harder.

“Aw, holy crap, fuck!” I giggle.

“Gavin!” Nicole giggles.

I get up and hold my hand out to Nicole. She grabs it and we fall over again into a heap of giggling flesh and tears. My giggling stops suddenly, and I look deep into Nicole’s eyes. There’s something about her sexy green eyes that just do it for me. I kiss her cheeks and then her lips. No matter how much I kiss those lips, I just can’t get enough!

Nicole giggles into me as we kiss and kisses me back, her tongue intertwining with mine. Her moans are so fucking sexy, and I realise that I’m high as balls.

“Nicole?” I ask.


“I’m stoned!” I giggle.

This sets us off into another giggle fit and we somehow manage to get undressed amidst all the giggles. Laying, writhing, thrusting at each other, we giggle and roll, our hands roaming, we explore each other in our stoned and love-drunk state.

My cock hard, I slide inside Nicole and groan out. Fucking hard and fast, I watch as she pulls all of her amazing sex faces. How can I not love this woman? Before I realise what is happening, Nicole rolls on top of me.


Smiling at him, I can’t help but feel the love for him blossom more each day. The high is making me feel as though we’re out of this world. It’s early morning, the birds are chirping, the traffic outside busy, the chatter of people on the sidewalks passing by. I can feel the warm breeze coming in, filling my senses of the city we’re in. I can smell the fresh bread of the bakery a few streets down. It makes my stomach growl. We’ll have to go there and get fresh goodies before our trip is done.

Gavin is looking up at me, giggling slightly, caressing my breasts. His hands are always on me. His hands are so soft, making me let out light moans. I can feel his cock, rock hard for me, pressed against my slit. I rock back and forth over it, slicking him with the wetness that he has created. Moments like this, when we say hundreds of things to each other, without a single word spoken, speak volumes.

The way he looks at me, saying I love you with that look, me saying it back with my own. A soft moan escaping my lips, I lift myself before sliding down his shaft. He slips inside me with perfect ease, I lean down, and I kiss him gently. His hands work to my hips, gripping me tight, and in that moment the entire world seems to stop. The world stops spinning, the air is sucked from the plant, the rest of the human race evaporates into thin air. It’s just him and I, this moment is ours.

We move together, taking each other where only we can bring one another. He growls his sexy growls, giving me my undoing. He smiles, knowing he gives me the same reaction each time, no matter how many times he does it. I whimper out, gasping his name when he does. It sends a chill down us both, dissolving into one another. We’re becoming one, as if connected through our sex. Trying, without trying, to become one person.

My orgasm erupts, squeezing him hard, moving a little faster to prolong it. It makes him growl again, feeling his own undoing now. He spills his seed inside me. He fills me with all he has, making me whine out in pleasure, taking him. Gavin pulls me down, kissing me soft, but deep. The need is clear, taking my own breath for his, but in return giving me his.

It’s the sound of a car horn that sucks us back into the here and now. We’re back, high and in love. We’re smiles and giggles, throwing clothes on. We need food; the smell of the bakery is far too great now. I convince him to go, without needing to try too hard, and he takes me to the little shop.

The shop is indeed small, a little hole really, but it looks so inviting. The little old couple who own it congratulate us on the wedding, telling us their story of how they met, as old couples do. We buy some of their best bread, stopping in to the shop next door to grab cheese to go with it. We have no care in the world, we nom on our bread and cheese, walking along the city. We come to a park, giving each other a wicked smile, giggling as we know we have to check it out.


This honeymoon couldn’t get much more perfect. I’m high as balls with the love of my life, in bed, having the most amazing orgasms. Can a man ask for more? No, he really can’t. After we finish making love, we head out and go to the bakery. It smells awesome and the old couple look so perfect together. I joke with Nicole that we’ll be just like them in our dotage and we all laugh, knowing it will be true.

Heading next door, we grab some cheese and walk down the street. Jostling, nudging each other and giggling, we see a park. We both have the exact same expression on our faces and we just have to check it out.

Walking in, we see lush greenery and huge trees. Lovers are canoodling by a pond, children are frolicking and people cycle by at a relaxed pace. This place weaves a magical spell, and we feel at home here, as if the park called out to us. This is our park, but in Amsterdam. It has the same feeling about it. It just feels so perfect, so us.

Linking hands, we notice a big wooded area. We can’t resist and decide to go there. We find ourselves in a darker part of the park. Dark, but not spooky. Very welcoming, in fact. Like an overgrown child, I see a giant oak and let go of Nicole’s hand, running towards it, beckoning her to come quickly.

Giggling, Nicole follows me and we stand under it.

“Wow, this is amazing!” I marvel.

“It’s huge!”

“That’s not the first time I’ve heard that!” I wink.

Nicole giggles and we take in the sight of the tree. I can’t help but think it looks just like Yggdrasil of the Old Norse folk tales, even though that was a giant ash tree. Whatever it is, it is magical and is definitely a gateway to another land. Walking around it, we see that it has a hollow bit and head inside.

“Wow,” I whisper.

It echoes, and Nicole giggles, making me giggle too. The spell continues to work itself upon us and we look in each other’s eyes. At that moment we know that another love making session is coming. As if guided by the magic of the tree, we kiss slowly and passionately. Nicole unfastens my jeans and grabs my cock. I grab her jeans too, pulling her panties to the side. We fall to the ground and I tease Nicole with my cock.

Nicole moans and guides me inside her, slowly, pulling me down and kissing my neck. I thrust deeply into her, moaning and kissing her neck, so as not to moan too loudly.

Nicole gets one of her wicked ideas and slips her hands on to my arse, guiding me deeper inside her, whispering for me to fuck her faster. Her nails grip into my arse and I moan out, not caring how loud I am, fucking harder, faster, Nicole moaning as loud as ever, soaking the ground as she goes.

“Lucky tree,” I giggle, feeling her growing wetter and wetter.

Faster, I thrust and bite into Nicole’s neck, causing her to moan out into my ear, almost deafening me.

“Nicole!” I whimper.

“Gavin!” She whimpers back.

Our orgasms culminate, and I come deep inside her. For a long moment we lay inside that tree, my cock softening inside Nicole and slipping out naturally. We make ourselves half decent, as we do, and giggle, taking a rest on the walls of the tree.

“Well, I guess that’s the tree watered!” I giggle.

Another of our epic giggle fits ensues and we roll around, poking and prodding at each other. We decide to get out from our magical hideaway and take in the rest of the park. Walking through the woods, we see a tea house.


The tea house grabs our attention right off. It’s small building, but its eye catching because it is a building that looks something like a flying saucer . It’s built like three rings on top of each other. When we enter, Gavin picks up a little booklet and goes on to tell me this unusual construction and the large surrounding terrace attract hoards of creative Amsterdam residents at the first ray of sunshine. You can even enjoy yourself here in the winter because of the outdoor electric heaters. Which we both think is pretty damn cool.

The menu is wonderful, it has endless items and we can’t decide on what we want to go with. Everything just sounds so fantastic. Even though we had bread and cheese not long ago, we are going to spoil ourselves. How often does one get to come to Amsterdam? Not very often, if ever! We order some tea and little fancy cakes, sitting down we watch others, chatting about what else we want to do.

After a while we notice people coming in and just making their way out back. It’s behind this beaded curtain, they go in and stay a while and come back out. Gavin and I being the curious type want to know what is back there. When one of the men comes out, Gavin asks him what’s back there. The dude smiles at us and tells us it’s a hookah lounge. Gavin looks at me, and we both giggle. We’re so in!

Getting up, we make our way out back. The lights are dim and people are scattered everywhere. Some are alone, others in groups. The low lights make it a little hard to see, but its set a nice relaxing mood. We head towards the middle of the room and relax in one of the bean bag chairs they have. The table just sits two, perfect for us. We look at the little menu and sure enough they have all kinds of flavours of hookah you can think of.

We decide on one where the smoke comes out like rainbows. Being a little high still from earlier, this amuses us. Gavin goes first, drawing in the first hit. I can tell instantly he loves it and offers me to try. I do, and it wonderful; we can’t help but giggle. Neither of us has ever been to a hookah lounge before and love that we can try this together. We spend the next hour here, smoking and kissing, being in love.

On the way out we decide to buy our own hookah and what needs to go with it. This time we buy a few different flavours. We want to try a couple of them. We thank the dude who is still out front, and we head back to our hotel. It’s getting late, and we have dinner reservations in the hotel we’re staying at.

We shower and change in good time, before heading back down to the restaurant. We’re seated, and we order a bottle of wine. We can’t stop going on about all the things we’ve done here and how much we love it. We decide to order our food and wait, still talking and giggling.


Looking all sexy in our formal wear, we giggle and talk about our day so far. It has been great, trying new things and not just sexually. It has been so perfect and it looks to be even more perfect as our food arrives. Our starter is called bitterballen and it is bloody delicious. We dip it in the mustard that came with it and feed each other little bits, before finishing it off ourselves, feeling slightly slobbish for using our hands. But that seems to be the way. We decide to go all native and order some slavink. We aren’t too sure what it is, to our delight, it is a meatball type thing, wrapped in bacon. We love our bacon! We eat our slavink and drink our wine, which is just a nice simple red.

“Nicole, this is just so perfect. Here I am, eating some amazing food, I’m with the love of my life and I just feel so damned loved. If I hadn’t married you already, I’d have proposed here,” I smile.

“I love you, Gavin,” Nicole smiles back.

“I love you, too,” I giggle a little.

When we finish our main course, we move on to our cheese board. It is full of Dutch cheeses and the waiter advises us on which wine to drink with it. He is absolutely spot on with his recommendation, and we sink another bottle between us. I take Nicole’s hands in mine and steal a kiss on the lips, then kiss her hand. I call the waiter over, pulling him to the side and ask for a bottle of champagne and some strawberries to be sent up to our room. Okay, so it’s a romantic cliché, but it has to be done, especially on this honeymoon.

“So, shall we head back to the room?” I ask, a wicked smile on my face.

“We shall.”

Hand in hand, we go to our room and see the champagne with two flutes and strawberries waiting for us. There is a small bowl of chocolate dipping sauce next to it. Nicole’s eyes light up, and I pop the champagne open, pouring it into the glasses. Nicole takes a strawberry and dips it in the sauce, offering it to me. I take a bite and then kiss her. We take a sip of champagne and collapse on the bed, staring into each other’s eyes. Slowly and lazily, we kiss. A passion builds up, and we find our hands roaming all over each other’s bodies. Quickly, our clothes are shed, and we are naked once more. Why do we even bother with clothes?

I take a strawberry and dip it in the sauce, letting the sauce drip down Nicole’s body, leaving a trail from her chest, along her breasts and stopping at her stomach. Nicole giggles, and I draw the strawberry down her body, lingering at her pussy. I tease her clit with the strawberry. Noticing how wet she has become, I tease her pussy lips with the strawberry, before eating it in one bite, then licking the sauce from her body. I giggle as I hear her moan and feel her shudder beneath me. I suck on her nipples where the sauce has begun to harden just a little, biting softly to get it all off, and her too, of course. Nicole grabs me and a strawberry, doing the same to me, making me giggle and moan.


I follow suit, dripping chocolate sauce along his chest, down his stomach and coating his cock. He looks so sexy, holding perfectly still as I run a strawberry down just his chest. I take it into my mouth in one bite, eating it as I move between his legs. His cock rock hard, standing to attention, almost begging to be touched. I smile, leaning down as I swallow the last bit of strawberry and circle my tongue around the tip of his cock.

The taste of his cock mixed with chocolate is so yummy. I’m not sure how we’ve never tried this sooner. It tastes so good, I can’t help but moan. I softly, slowly, teasingly begin to move down his cock. I take him into the back of my throat, sucking harder now, tasting the chocolate fill my throat.

Gavin begins to writhe under me, cursing with desires. I watch him, sucking harder, just like he likes it. The crazy bastard loves when I’m rough on his cock. I love that about him! I soon begin to take his length up and down, working every last inch on him. His hands come down holding my hair, thrusting upwards, causing me to gag every so often. His pre-cum mixing with the rest of the other tastes now mix, making me shiver. The mixture is overwhelming, I love how he tastes.

Before I know it, Gavin grips me just so, pulling me back onto the bed. He pins me down, dripping more chocolate over me, before parting my legs wide. He moves between them just so, with his fingers working over my breasts. He pulls on my hardened nipples, the chocolate dripping down over my breasts and stomach.

“You look so beautiful, Nicole, you know that, right?” He smiles down at me.

I blush, loving him all the more. “I love you, Gavin. You make me feel like the only girl in the world.”

“You are the only girl in the world, at least for me. And, I love you too,” he says, leaning down to nip at my breasts before coming to kiss me.

His lips are sweet, not because of the chocolate, but just because Gavin has the sweetest lips I’ve ever tasted. Our tongues swirl together, dancing lightly, I feel Gavin adjust right and slide softly inside me. I let out a soft groan, feeling him fill me. His movements are slow, tender, caring, complete love making. I feel my head spinning, we moan into our kiss for a long moment. He moves his mouth to my neck, sucking on my flesh, which is covered with chocolate.

He moans again, thrusting inside me, taking me deeper. I wrap my legs around him, feeling him sink in deeper. We grind against one another, the chocolate making us a little sticky, but we don’t even notice. I squeeze his arse tight, my hands covered with chocolate, and he knows it. It makes us giggle a little, before he moves to rawr into my ear. It makes me whimper out, which he loves so much. He can feel pussy tighten when he does it, making him do it again, rawring into my ear.

“Oh fucking hell, Gavin. Please, don’t stop,” I moan out.

I can feel him smile against my neck, “Why would I stop? RAWR,” he whispers into my ear. It makes me moan out again. I can feel him pick up speed inside me, thrusting deeper. “You like when I RAWR, for you, don’t you, Sweetness?” He growls his moan along with his rawr, making my heart pound harder.

Shivering and moaning, I gasp, trying to answer, “I do, mmm, fuck, I do, Gavin. I love when you RAWR for me,” I whisper back, rawring at him.

It makes him shiver, as if on cue we both begin to move faster, our thrust deeper. Our need has become primal, full of need. Moaning and rawring still, we move together. I feel the tightness build higher, I growl out, and begin to come hard. The tightness of my orgasm squeezes around him tightly. He shivers, fucking me harder, before he tightens and begins to release his own seed inside me. I feel the strength, coming so deeply inside me.

Our sticky bodies full of chocolate, sweat, and pure love have left us a mess. We lie there for a long time, as he grows soft inside me, kiss and panting, enjoying the moment. I manage to drag myself to the shower as Gavin calls the front desk for new sheets. He follows suit, joining me in the shower. We hear the maid come in and change our sheets. We can’t help but giggle again, thinking she must think we’re some kind of crazy.

When we’re out of the shower, the room is nearly clean, the bed made and ready for a new round of fucking. We don’t though, not yet. Gavin digs into his bag and pulls out a joint. We head out on our terrace and light it up. The bottle of champagne is on the table beside us. I’m sitting on Gavin’s lap, watching the stars twinkle in the sky. The air is light, making for a beautiful night. We just smoke and watch the sky. No words need to be spoken, not in this moment.

I never would have thought all those months ago when I met Gavin in the park, this is where we’d be now. I wouldn’t want anything to be different, except maybe meeting him sooner, so I could have had him longer in life. But, he’s here now; he’s mine and I love him. No one can take him from me, and no one can take me from him. The thought makes me smile.

“I love you, baby,” I whisper into his ear.

“I love you whole heartily, Sweetness.”

The End… This is a Poppet and GingerKitty collaboration. It’s a story that is written from both the male and female views. Written and Performed by Poppet and GingerKitty For LushStories ONLY!
Thanks for reading Our Adventure. We hope you enjoyed this 5-part adventure as much as we did. Thanks to the mods for verifying it, Poppet for putting up with me and GingerKitty for being the best damn co-writer I could ask to work with. It’s truly been an honour. The support from everyone who has read is greatly appreciated. 
The titles of the other four:

Our Adventure, So It Begins
Our Adventure, She Takes Control 
Our Adventure, Unexpected Turn
Our Adventure, Moving In Together

Published 11 years ago

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