Operation Nude Beach – Part 1

"What sort of nudist colony doesn't let you masturbate in public?"

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Ginger was pissed off. How could an adults only nudist colony have such strict rules banning sexual activity of any kind. The warm Queensland sun felt soothing on her naked skin, but on the inside she seethed with indignation as she read the brochure she’d been handed on arriving at the Hairy Palms Naturist Resort. The idea apparently was to provide a place were adults could relax in a clothing optional environment without being pestered by noisy, mischievous children. But, the brochure was careful to point out, this was not one of those free and easy swinger’s clubs masquerading as a naturist resort. Lewd or lascivious behaviour could get you banned for up to six months.

Lewd and lascivious were Ginger’s specialities. Those two words summed up her personality. Now she was told she was going to have to pretend to be something she wasn’t. Wasn’t that contrary to the philosophy of nudism? Weren’t you supposed to be more your natural self without clothes?

She’d been wanting to come to a nudist colony for years. It seemed perfect. She was an exhibitionist and a voyeur. And she liked guys and gals equally. She loved looking at nude people in all their shapes and sizes, and the idea of them surrounding her in the flesh – boobs bouncing, butts wiggling, cocks jiggling – was very exciting. And she hoped that a lot of them would be looking at her too. So far the few people she met as she checked in and made her way to her cabin in the woods had been very friendly and she’d noticed a couple of guys checking out her boobs while trying not to be too obvious about it. It was fun trying to catch them and giving them a wink. But they really didn’t have to be so subtle about it. Having her hairless pussy stared at was one of Ginger’s favourite things. Sometimes she wanked off to fantasies of being a stripper pushing her throbbing snatch right up into the faces of leering strangers.

Thinking about all these things was just making it worse. Ginger could feel wetness dribbling over her pussy lips and making a puddle on the canvas deck chair on which she was reclining. She really, really needed a wank. Along with exhibitionism and voyeurism, masturbating was Ginger’s other great love. Most of the time she’d rather finger herself than get fucked. She’d had some fantastic fucks in her life, but it wasn’t a sure thing, and her fingers were. And best of all was combining all three of her loves – finger-fucking herself while watching another wanker watching her do it. She did it regularly with guys on web cam, and sometimes in the flesh, but her big fantasy was to find herself a female wank buddy.

But for now it looked like she was going to have to hide away in her cabin with the shades pulled so as not to break camp rules.

“What about boners?” she couldn’t help asking herself as she pulled down the shades. Could a guy get expelled for popping a chubby? Ginger was a kind-hearted woman, the last thing she wanted was to be responsible for getting someone else in trouble. But it could happen. She could imagine it. There she would be, bending down to pick a daisy, her moist pink snatch just peaking insouciantly out beneath her peachy soft bum cheeks, when, all of a sudden – “B-O-I-N-G! B-O-I-N-G! B-O-I-N-G! B-O-I-N-G!” – the woods would reverberate with the unmistakable sound of boners being popped. She would turn to face the chaos she had wrought only the be startled by the sight of the Nudism Police suddenly leaping from their places of concealment behind various eucalyptus trees Tazers at the ready.

It was all too horrible to contemplate. Was this holiday going to be a disaster? She lay back on her bed feeling dejected.

But her pussy really did need to be played with, and, as always, masturbating took her to her own magic place. She thought about all of the men and women who would see her nude body during this vacation. The Anti-Jack Off Jackboot Brigade might stop them from responding right away, but how many would keep her in their spank bank? How many of her fellow campers – men and women – would lie back on their beds when they got home dreaming of her as they wanked off like she was doing now? How many guys with their hands wrapped around their throbbing hot cocks dreaming that she was sucking what they held in their fist. Or dreaming of fucking her in the pussy or in the ass. Or squirting their cum all over her tits or her ass or her face. She didn’t care as long as it was thoughts of her that were stiffening their cocks and causing them to squirt fountains of hot cum all over themselves. And then there were the women, dreaming of masturbating with her, or rubbing their web pussies all over her body, or licking and sucking on her clit while she did the same for them. As they imagined this they would be pinching their nipples and rubbing their clits, or maybe filling their aching pussies with dildoes or vibrators or their sleeping husband’s fat fingers, anything that would get them to that cum. As she played with her slippery wet pussy, moaning and grinding her hips, Ginger’s mind exploded into a fantasy world where guys came like fire hoses drenching their bedroom walls in sloppy spunk and women squirted so much that every room in their house was submerged in a tidal wave of pussy juice.

Ginger was still laying there in an exhausted but euphoric state when their was a knock at the door. Quickly she dried her sopping wet pussy on the bed sheet and ran to answer the door.

Standing on the door step was a pretty blonde of about thirty. Her body was slim but shapely, with full breasts and a shaven pussy. She had the all-over tan of a seasoned nudist.

“Hi,” she said. “I’m your neighbour. Sally’s my name.” She held out her hand.

“My name is Ginger. Come on in.” She motioned for Sally to precede her into the lounge room. The site of Sally’s nude bottom swinging loosely in front of her told Ginger who would be the subject of her next masturbation fantasy. But little did she know that it wouldn’t be just fantasy.

“So how are you enjoying your stay?” Sally asked, pushing back her long blonde hair, as they sat close together on the sofa with their legs crossed toward each other.

“Well, I only just got here this afternoon,” Ginger explained. She paused. “I was just reading the brochure. Errr, I’m not sure about all these rules and regulations.”

“What rules and regulations?” Sally looked puzzled.

“Well, it says something about them being able to ban you for six months,” Ginger replied.

“Oh,” said Sally, raising her eyebrows and smiling a teasingly naughty smile. “For ‘lewd and lascivious behaviour’. Now don’t tell me you’re planning to be lewd and lascivious.”

“Well, what counts as lewd and lascivious?” she wanted to know. “What if I bump into a man and my hand accidentally touches his penis?”

“Well,” smiled Sally. “That’s an accident. As long as it stops there you shouldn’t get in any trouble.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Ginger sighed.

“But if touching his cock turned you on,” Sally expounded, “you’re not allowed to grab a hold of it and say, ‘Hey, Big Boy, fancy a fuck!’”

“Damn!” cursed Ginger. “They’re such spoil sports. It’d be so much fun to grab a complete stranger by the cock and drag him into the bushes for an impromptu fuckfest.”

Sally threw her head back and laughed a full throaty belly laugh that made her boobs jiggle enticingly.

“We’re just a hopeless pair of lewd and lascivious women,” she smiled, patting Ginger on the knee. “Old Red Beard’s got his work cut out with us.”

“Red Beard?” asked Ginger, imagining a crusty old pirate forcing her to walk the plank in the nude.

“Well, that’s what I call him,” explained Sally. “He’s the camp inspector, a middle-aged guy with a red beard and a beer belly. He’s the one who makes sure there’s no hanky-panky.”

“Let’s hope we don’t get caught,” Ginger replied.

“Oh, I’ve been caught already,” Sally sighed. “He’ll be keeping a close eye on me, that’s for sure. I’m on probation after a six month ban.”

“What did you do?” asked Ginger, exitedly.

“I accidentally gave my boyfriend Harry a blowjob down by the waterfall,” Sally confessed.

“How can you accidentally give someone a blowjob?” Ginger enquired.

“He was eating an eclair,” Sally explained. “You know what they’re like.

One bite and cream shoots everywhere. In this case it shot all over his cock and balls. I didn’t want it go to waste. I love cream. So I started licking and sucking all the cream off of his cock and balls. And, once his cock was in my mouth, he didn’t want me to stop. He grabbed my head and gently fucked my mouth until it filled up with a different kind of cream all together. And it was just at that moment that Red Beard appeared from behind a tree and told us we were banned for six months.”

“What is it with this Red Beard guy?” Ginger asked in a disgusted tone. “Doesn’t he like sex?”

“Oh, he likes sex all right,” said Sally. “You should have seen the boner he had when he caught us. When I saw it I was furious. ‘What’s with the stiff cock, pervert?!?’ I screamed. But he just dismissed it as an occupational hazzard.

“And you couldn’t come back for six months? That’s terrible,” Ginger sympathised.

“Well, it was worth it,” Sally admitted. “Doing naughty things right out in the open where anyone might see you is SOOOOOO hot. And anyway, I’ll let you in on a little secret, we weren’t planning to come again for six months anyway.”

“So is Max here now?” asked Ginger.

“No,” Sally replied sadly. “He couldn’t come. He’s away on business.”

“So you’re here on your own then?”

“I thought so, but now I think I’m here with my new friend Ginger. Sisters in skinny-dipping, hey?” Sally cried and gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Too right,” agreed Ginger. “And rebels without a stitch.”

Ginger and Sally saw a lot of each other over the next few days and Sally acted as a guide to all the most interesting features of the colony. And it turned out that Sally was just as much of a voyeur as Ginger. What Ginger hadn’t expected was that Sally, like herself, was an equal opportunity perv. At first the pair of them would give subtle hints to each other to check out hunky guys. But when Ginger noticed Sally giving some lingering looks at the women as well, she decided to break the ice on the subject.

“MMmmm, boobs to die for over at the bar,” she pointed out, nudging Sally gently.

“You dirty little lezzie,” Sally purred in her ear, in a way that made a stream of pussy juice run down Ginger’s leg all the way to her knee.

Ginger just hoped that Sally couldn’t tell that she had been wanking herself to sleep every night with dreams of her new friend. Her favourite fantasy was that Sally was laying between her legs, her face only about a foot away from her pussy, as she finger-fucked herself. She’d always wanted to masturbate in front of another woman, and there was something about the conspiratorial bond of licentiousness that characterised their newly formed friendship that made the prospect even more enticing.

Eventually there came a day when everything changed. Ginger woke late in the morning and set out to find Sally. She found her sunning herself down by the waterfall. She seemed to be asleep on a large fluffy beach towel which she had spread over a smooth expanse of rock. She had a cute little pink towelling cap over her face, her arms were spread out to embrace the sun and her legs were spread so that the sun could also warm the lips of her pussy. Ginger had never had a chance to get such an intimate look at this delight. And it was leaking a milky fluid. Either Sally was having an erotic dream, or, Ginger hoped, she’d fallen asleep after masturbating right out here in the open.

It was more than Ginger could bear. She reached down and ran a gentle finger over her own stiff clit.

Just at that second, Sally yawned and shook the cap off of her face. Her eyes flew up to Ginger’s face and then down to the hand over her pussy.

“Where you playing with yourself?” she teased Ginger, her eye’s lighting up as she grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

“No,” said Ginger. “A mosquito bit me on the clit and I was just scratching it.”

“You’re a dirty, dirty girl,” Sally exclaimed. “Wanking off while perving at your best friend’s cunt.”

Ginger went bright red. She felt so embarrassed.

“Don’t stop!” Sally implored. “I’ve never been wanked off to before. I never thought I was that sexy. Guys want to fuck me, that’s standard, but you have to be really hot for someone to want to just look at you while they get themselves off.”

“You are incredibly sexy, Sally,” Ginger sighed as she surrendered to her desires, squatting down on the beach towel while pulling on her nipples with one hand and pounding her hot slippery wet pussy with the fingers of her other hand.

“Oh, God, I think I’m going to have to join in,” Sally cried. “Watching you do that is just way too hot. You’re such a wank slut!”

“Oh, God! Oh, God!” panted Ginger, all of her wet dreams finally realised.

“Oh, my,” sighed Sally, as she diddled her clit with cum-slippery fingers. “I think I’m a wank slut, too. Oh, God, what if some guy wandered along right now and saw us like this.”

“Let him fucking watch!” screamed Ginger. “Let him watch and fucking worship the wank sluts!” As this defiant cry left her lips her cunt exploded like a fire hydrant drenching Sally in the warm outpourings of her lust.

“The wank sluts have been busted!” cried a gruff male voice from behind a eucalyptus tree. Ginger and Sally looked up to see a fat hairy man with a bushy red beard walking towards them. He was only about 5 foot 2 inches tall but the stiff cock that swung back and forth beneath his wobbly pink belly was 8 inches long and impressively thick.

“He looks just like a garden gnome,” chuckled Ginger, turning to Sally.

“Yes, I can just see him sitting on a toadstool clutching his cock like its a fishing rod,” Sally smiled.

“I, Quentin Bates, hearby ban you from the Hairy Palms Nudist Colony for a period of 6 months,” declared the little man.

“Quentin?” sniggered Ginger.

“If he weren’t such an arsehole, he might almost be cute,” commented Sally.

“Watch it lady! This is a second offense for you. I could ban you altogether!” he warned.

“Are we going to let this fat hairy little wanker spoil our holiday?” asked Ginger.

“What are you suggesting?” asked Sally.

“This!” Ginger cried, jumping on the inspector and throwing him to the ground. He hadn’t seen that coming. He was winded and his arse was a bit the worse for wear, but he couldn’t be entirely unhappy about the fact that Ginger’s luscious soft breasts were pressed up against his chest or that her sopping wet cunt had landed right on the throbbing head of his cock. “I’ll fuck him,” she added, “while you run and get some rope to tie him up with afterwards.”

“You can’t kidnap me!” Quentin blustered. “You’ll go to jail.”

“Now, now, you wouldn’t report lil’ ol’ me would you?” Ginger pouted, grabbing his stiff prick and guiding it into her slippery wet sex. “Just because we are going to hold you hostage doesn’t mean we won’t be abiding by the Geneva Convention. We’ll feed you well, make sure you get enough to drink and we’ll make sure you get your cock sucked at least once an hour.”

“I think I’m already starting to suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome,” he replied, as he started thrusting his hips up towards her with strength she never would have suspected in such a short fat man. He grabbed her arse cheeks as a pink wet tongue emerged from somewhere amidst his facial hair to invade her panting mouth.

“Fuck me me hard you filthy furry little man!” cried Ginger as she ground her juicy cunt on his massive cock.

“L-e-w-w-w-d,” breathed Quentin in shivery ecstasy as he slid his cock back and forth in Ginger’s wet and twitching cunt. “L-e-w-w-w-d and lasc-i-i-i-vious.”

“You love it, don’t you?” growled Ginger. “I bet you wank off to all of us nude sluts.”

“Ginger the wank slut deserves to be fucked hard!” he cried as she rode up and down on his stiff cock.

“She certainly does!” Ginger agreed, reaching behind her to squeeze his balls. By now she was riding him like a bronco and her tits were jiggling wildly, much to his rapturous delight.

“Oh, fuck!” she screamed as she squirted cum all over his balls.

“I want to see him shoot,” said Sally, who had just returned with a length of rope.

Ginger sat back between his legs so that his cock popped out of her pussy. She then grabbed it firmly in her right hand and wanked it a few times. It didn’t take long. Suddenly their captive’s cock exploded shooting ropes of thick creamy jism up over his fat belly, his hairy chest, and even his bushy red beard, which took on the look of a Christmas tree covered in tinsel.

“This is going to be fun,” Sally laughed. “I’ve never had my own personal pet pervert to play with before.”

Published 14 years ago

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