Opening The Marriage: New Friends, Chapter 6

"Erin gets very friendly with two new neighbors"

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Erin arose shakily from her erotic nap in the Adirondack chair. She’d lost count of how many orgasms she’d had already but knew it was a lot. She was surprised to hear voices from the front yard. She was sure that one was Luke but didn’t recognize the other voices. Female voices. She rose shakily, smiling as her dream of the redhead and the massage parlor was still fresh in her mind and playing across her vision in fleeting glimpses.  She struggled to keep some remnants of it for the future, feeling concerned that it was futile, but trying, nonetheless.  

Erin smoothed the front of her short skirt, the slight pressure of her fingers against her pubic area sent shivers through her body from her recent erotic dream. “Keep it together,” she told herself, attempting to pull herself into the here and now and out of her erotic dreamland. She stepped lightly off the back porch and around the side of the house to greet her husband and inform him of her special day thus far.

She was surprised to find Luke in the front yard chatting with two women. He had a glow about him that Erin recognized but could not quite place in this setting. He seemed at ease and was smiling contentedly, confident in himself, and perhaps a little…sleepy? “Strange,” Erin thought.

“Hi, Erin, I want to introduce you to our two new neighbors,” Luke said as Erin approached.  “This is Julie and Stacy. Julie is renting the Wilson’s house for the summer, and Stacy is renting the Taylor’s house. They both just moved in today.”

“Oh, wow, it’s so nice to meet you both, welcome to the neighborhood!” Erin exclaimed, hoping the results of her back porch nap were not evident anymore. “I’m so glad to meet you. How can we help you settle in?” Erin asked in a kind and neighborly way.

“Thanks, Erin, that’s very generous of you,” offered Julie, the older of the two. She matched Erin’s height, build, and age. She was tall and athletic with auburn hair and tan skin that betrayed a life lived outdoors. “My movers took care of unloading and unpacking, so I’ve got everything I need for now except groceries and wine. I could definitely go for some wine right now.”

“Me too,” offered Stacy, younger by ten years and blond-haired. She was at least three inches shorter than Julie but had more curves. She was athletic in an amateur sort of way, more yoga than mountain running, and her youth gave her skin a natural tightness that Erin found immediately appealing. “I don’t have very much to unpack, but it can wait. It’s been a bit of a long day and I could use some time to unwind before tackling the task at hand.”

“Wine it is,” Erin offered with enthusiasm. “We have lots to choose from. Why don’t you both come inside and I’ll tell you the options.”

“Really?” Julie asked hopefully. “You’re too kind, Erin. We just met but I can tell we’re going to be friends,” Julie said with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

“Yes, Erin, that’s very generous of you,” Stacy said. “I will absolutely take you up on that offer.”

Luke said, “Well, I desperately need a shower. My hike was more than I expected. I’m going upstairs, I’ll join you all in a little while.”

“Sounds good, Darling,” Erin said. “Take your time. By the way, I’ve had quite a day so far, too, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.”

“Me, too, Erin. We’ll have time later,” Luke replied.

He led the small group into the front door and headed upstairs toward the master bathroom to clean up. Erin guided the group of women to the kitchen, which was freshly cleaned and almost sparkled in the afternoon sunshine. There were fresh fragrant tulips on the table. She took out a bottle of chilled rosé wine and white wine from the refrigerator and then a rich red wine from the cupboard.

“All of these are excellent,” Erin said, displaying each on the kitchen island. “I’ve started on the rosé, and I can tell you it is dreamy!” Erin laughed to herself, reminded of her afternoon nap. “The white and red are both the best we’ve tried all summer. What sounds good to you? You’ve both had a big day so far!”

Julie smiled slyly and replied under her breath “I think the day is showing potential to just keep getting better.” Erin heard her but didn’t quite understand her meaning. Julie offered more loudly “I think that red is calling my name. I like a deep, warm red even on a summer day.”

“I’ll share the rosé with you, Erin,” Stacy said. “I guess that leaves the white for Luke.”

“That’s his favorite,” Erin said. “Perfect choices. I can see we are all going to get along well together.”

Erin poured a generous glass for each of them, and they each took a satisfying drink as Erin continued to busy herself setting out a small charcuterie plate while they talked.

“Julie, where are you coming from, and what brings you to Alaska?” Erin asked.

Julie took another drink from her red wine before answering. “Well, I’ve just come from three years in Europe. I was on the mountain running circuit through the Alps. I came to Alaska to continue my training.”

“You’re kidding me!” Erin exclaimed. “I would never be on a competition circuit, but I love to run and hike in the mountains.  If you’ll slow down enough for me, I can show you some of my favorites in the area.”

“I would love to do that with you, Erin!” Julie responded. “Seriously, the first person I met in Alaska is a mountain girl? I can’t believe how great this is. I’ll have to tell you about the great girls I ran with in Europe.”

“I would love to hear all about it,” Erin replied, “we lived in Germany for several years. I did some epic runs in the Alps, I can’t wait to compare some notes with you on your favorite European experiences.” Erin took a drink of rosé. “My favorite was the Jungfrau.”

“Oh, yes, I love the ‘young women’ – I mean the ‘young woman’,” Julie said with a giggle. Erin understood the translation but didn’t quite get her meaning. She briefly wondered if Julie’s slip was on purpose.

Erin turned to her new blond neighbor. “What about you, Stacy? What brings you to Alaska?”

“Well,” Stacy replied, “my cousin lives here and has been telling me about the natural beauty for years. I’m all about having new experiences and figured this was the place to try something out of the ordinary. I just got out of a long-term relationship with a guy that didn’t end well, and I want to take some me-time if you know what I mean. Spread my wings and all that, live a little.”

“Mmm, you’re talking my language, Stacy,” Julie said with a sly smile. “I know just the cure to help a girl get over a guy.”

Stacy smiled a little uncomfortably. “What do you mean, Julie?” she asked.

Julie took a long drink of wine and set her glass on the table determinedly, then picked up a cherry nonchalantly from Erin’s charcuterie board and popped it in her mouth.  “You need some pussy, my new friend,” she said without making eye contact.

Erin nearly snorted her wine. She wasn’t sure she’d heard Julie correctly. It seemed that her day just kept getting hornier.

After a seemingly eternal pause in the conversation where Julie kept popping cherries, Stacy cleared her throat. “Sorry, I thought you said I needed some pussy,” Stacy replied, feeling affronted.

Julie picked up another cherry. “Oh, that’s exactly what I said.” She lifted her gaze to Stacy’s and held it as she twirled the cherry around her lips before popping it in her mouth suggestively. “My girlfriends in Europe taught me all about it. Some loser guy dumps you, so you ditch the guys for a while.”  Julie shrugged. “Enjoy the pleasures of being a woman – and no one understands how to pleasure a woman like another woman.”

Stacy’s cheeks and upper chest reddened above her tank top in embarrassment, clearly unsure how to respond.  Erin found Stacy’s shyness attractive in a surprising way. “I’ve, uh, never really thought about it before,” Stacy stammered.

Erin had definitely thought about it – a lot. She’d just been dreaming about it on the back porch. However, more than twenty years of marriage to Luke meant she had never experienced another woman intimately. She felt herself growing aroused at the mere mention of it by her sexy new neighbor.

“Listen, Stacy, I don’t mean to get personal or offensive. I can tell you from experience, though, that women just go together in a way that surprised me, too. It’s so easy and natural to enjoy the beauties of being a woman – with other women. We’re all curves and softness in a sexy and beautiful way. We can appreciate each other in ways that men cannot start to imagine. 

It’s very empowering and the perfect way to bounce back from a bad break-up, or just for some afternoon fun.  I’m not suggesting every woman becomes a lesbian, I’m just suggesting that you may be limiting yourself if you only have sex with men.”

Erin could feel her cheeks becoming warm, partly in sympathy with Stacy’s obvious embarrassment, and partly from her awakened interest in Julie’s perspective. She longed to hear more about Julie’s experiences with her girlfriends in Europe but felt that would be much too personal to ask of a new friend she just met. Her curiosity felt conflicted with her desire to be a good hostess, but she decided she couldn’t pass up such a great opportunity to learn more.

“Julie,” Erin said hesitantly, “it sounds like you have a lot of familiarity with this. Do you, um, go out with both guys and girls?”

Julie smiled at Erin’s naivety. “Yes, Erin, I date both men and women. I’ve never settled down with any one person for very long, I’m kind of a high-needs partner and I suffer from always seeing greener grass in another person’s yard, if you know what I mean. I’ve been with some amazing people and love my freedom to roam where I want to. I also like a deep and wide dating pool. I figure I double my chances at finding a soulmate, or just a fun fling.”

Erin took another drink of rosé, feeling a little buzzed and emboldened from the wine. “Do you find your ‘dating pool’ to ever be put off by your openness?” she asked.

“On the contrary, Erin.  Most men and women are quite interested in exploring my broad sexuality with me. Sometimes I even find that perfect person who offers me some openness in the relationship to explore my sexuality as long as I keep my primary relationship strong. It’s tough to find, but it’s pretty special when it happens.”

Erin considered her relationship with Luke and how lucky she was to have a husband who had offered her a certain amount of openness just that morning. She was certainly interested in his offer, and she had already started on a new path of sexual adventure. She hoped Luke would have similar opportunities and that they could share in a way that made their relationship stronger.

“I think I might know what you mean, Julie,” Erin said. She glanced at Stacy, who had turned her blushing face toward the table, staring intently into her wine. Erin certainly noticed a shyness but thought she also detected something else. Stacy seemed…aroused, although Erin could not identify exactly how she knew.  

Erin suddenly noticed Stacy in a new way – not as a neighborly friend, but all at once realized she looked incredibly attractive. Erin’s eyes traced the graceful way Stacy’s blond hair fell to the bare skin of her slender shoulders and framed her face. Her white spaghetti tank top revealed her athletic frame and bronze skin with just a hint of a swimsuit tan line over her shoulders. 

Her upper chest and cheeks still showed a rosy glow of embarrassment that Erin found endearing, and Erin was surprised at her attraction to Stacy’s breasts rising and falling as she panted in short breaths. Erin felt curious to know what Stacy’s breasts looked and felt like. Stacy glanced up at Erin, her brown eyes locking on Erin’s blue eyes for a moment. Erin sensed a small spark between them but quickly shook her head slightly to bring herself back to the moment.

Julie casually watched the two women contemplate her revelation with a playful smile on her full lips. She had been in this situation before. Far too many women were unfamiliar with how wonderful sexual adventures could be with other women. Julie’s experiences were perhaps less than she implied, but enough to know how fun it could be. She had determined to be daring during her time in Alaska and starting with these two women seemed to be as good a time as any to test her boldness. Julie’s thumping heart betrayed a sense of nervousness, but on the surface, she did her best to portray a calm confidence. She decided it was time to up her game a notch, starting with the more adventurous of the two beautiful women before her.

“Erin,” Julie said slowly, “have you ever kissed another woman?”

Erin felt a surge of sexual excitement run through her body at the question. She had certainly wanted to in theory, but never with a specific person.  

“No,” Erin answered, turning her attention to Julie. Before she realized what she was saying, she added, “But I’ve always kind of wanted to.”

It was Erin’s turn to blush with embarrassment and excitement. She felt intimidated to be sharing intimate details of her fantasies with these two women she had just met, but excited at the novelty of the conversation topic. She wished her other friends were this open to discussing sexual topics.

Erin’s answer caught Stacy by surprise. Stacy’s lips parted unconsciously, and she held her breath a little to see what would happen next.

“Would you like to kiss me now?” Julie asked matter-of-factly.

“Yes, Julie, I think I would,” Erin answered without a moment of hesitation, surprising herself again.  It had been quite a day, and she felt her adventures were far from over.

Julie had been hopeful for this response to her bold question and she quickly sprang into action. She knew the rest of the day was going to be a great adventure if she could just follow through on what she just set in motion.  Her move to a new home that afternoon was all but forgotten.

Stacy’s mouth was still agape, and she seemed to be shocked at the way the afternoon was turning. She was surprised at her girl-boner and the intensity of her arousal, and she was shocked at her desperation to be a voyeur and watch these two beautiful women kiss.

“Well, let’s give it a try, Erin,” Julie said, standing from her seat. She took a step in Erin’s direction.

Erin and Julie’s blue eyes stayed locked on each other as Erin also stood, her body moving before her mind could stop her. Julie moved toward Erin slowly as her eyes scanned across Erin’s tall body, taking in her sensual curves, and then brought her gaze back to Erin’s beautiful face. Julie knew she was in for a fun time.

Erin stood motionless with her arms paralyzed at her sides as Julie stepped up to her and lightly pressed her breasts against Erin’s chest. Erin could feel Julie’s wine-scented breath against her mouth, and they shared sweet close breaths for several seconds. Was this really happening, Erin wondered? It seemed so fast, and yet so natural at the same time.  Julie was amazingly attractive and had just the kind of adventurous spirit that Erin loved in her close friends, but Erin wondered if she could cross this line and where it may lead. 

Before Erin had time for another thought, Julie brought her face toward Erin’s. Julie’s red lips first grazed softly against Erin’s parted rosé scented lips, and for a moment both women enjoyed the tingling sensation of anticipation, then Julie pressed her lips in earnest against Erin’s mouth in a wonderfully sensual and deep kiss. Erin was amazed at the softness of Julie’s lips compared to Luke’s, and she was swept away in the moment, swaying with Julie again and again in a long and lingering kiss.

Julie pulled away momentarily and both women panted for breath, then Erin wrapped her arms around Julie’s thin waist and pulled her close against her body, pressing their breasts and thighs together, and both women parted their lips for another lingering kiss as their tongues played against each other in an erotic dance.  

Erin’s hands moved up from Julie’s waist to her back, squeezing Julie’s tight body against her own.  Her hands roamed across the back of Julie’s bra and up to her shoulders then back to her waist. Julie’s hands roamed more freely, starting at Erin’s waist, then moving down the back of Erin’s skirt to grab Erin’s beautiful round ass.  Erin responded by shifting her hips forward and pressing her pubic mound against Julie’s with a shudder of pleasure, hinting at what they both wanted.  

Stacy stared in disbelief as she watched her two new friends make out. She felt shocked and thought she ought to feel disgusted but instead, her arousal was in overdrive. She shifted in her seat to cross her legs and tried to ignore her growing excitement.  She could not take her eyes off Julie and Erin, their passionate kissing, or their roaming hands. Both women suddenly seemed so attractive in a way she had not noticed only minutes ago. Her embarrassment was conflicted with an awakening of a magnetism she had never known existed.  

“Ahem,” Stacy cleared her throat intending to pause the action to no avail. “Excuse me!” she exclaimed more loudly with feigned hurt feelings.  

Her intrusion had the desired effect. Erin and Julie paused with shared saliva on their lips and hands still groping. The two women pulled back from one another and shared a brief moment of eye contact before breaking into wide smiles. They both turned toward Stacy, hoping they had not alienated their new friend but recognized the beginning of their own intimate friendship.

“Excuse me,” Stacy repeated, more playfully this time, “but I have never kissed a woman either.”  Stacy’s eyes smiled coyly but her racing heartbeat betrayed her nervousness. She took one last long drink of her wine for courage and stood from her seat, unsure if she wanted to go through with her body’s desire.

“Stacy,” Julie said, “you know you are welcome to join in, but there is no pressure.” Julie paused, thinking of a way to pull Stacy out of her shell. She decided honesty was the best approach. “You know, I thought you looked super cute when I saw you unloading your things from the van earlier. I hope you don’t mind, but I was totally checking you out.”

Stacy had never known another woman to be attracted to her. She felt fortunate to have had a few long-term relationships with men who found her to be sexy, and she certainly enjoyed her own body and considered herself to be pretty. She occasionally would linger in front of the mirror appreciating her feminine curves and become so turned on that she would masturbate while watching herself.  However, she had not allowed herself to extend that feminine attraction to other women and never considered that she may be attractive to another woman, especially one as sexy as Julie or Erin.

Julie could see Stacy’s conflict written across her face. “Stacy, come on over. You look like you could use a hug at least. You said you just got out of a relationship; you could use some loving.”

Erin and Julie stood with their arms around each other’s waists and watched Stacy’s internal deliberation. Erin’s arousal was nearly overwhelming, and she longed to kiss Julie again, but she was even more intrigued to see what Stacy would decide. She hoped that Stacy would join in and not become an estranged neighbor on the first day they met. Julie’s hand rubbed Erin’s back as if to communicate “I’m still with you, there is more to come, I like you, and isn’t this exciting to see what Stacy will decide?”  Erin wondered if Julie had been in situations like this before. Erin had been simple to seduce, she practically seduced herself, but Stacy was a hard sell with some baggage that Erin hoped would not get in the way of a good time.

Stacy’s mind was a whirl of opposing thoughts. She considered herself to be straight, but when presented with the chance she clearly felt attracted to these women. She had only ever had sex with men and had never considered anything else for herself.  She did not have a current relationship to consider, which made her decision easier, but wondered how kissing these women may impact her future “self-identification” and if she may have to change her labels or habits. Was she a lesbian? She didn’t think so, she absolutely felt attracted to men. Yet there was no denying that she was feeling arousal and attraction towards these two women after watching them kiss for only a few moments.

Stacy decided she was not quite ready to step into the action and sat back down. “If you both don’t mind, I’m just going to stay here for now.” She took another sip of wine and added with a smile, “But, please, don’t let me stop you.”

Erin looked back to Julie, trying to slow the burning passion she felt. Erin could sense Julie was attempting to do the same. They both turned to press their bodies together again and leaned in for another long kiss. Erin allowed her hands to roam more freely now with Stacy’s encouragement and cupped Julie’s ass. It felt delightful and soft and feminine. Erin’s arousal heightened even more as they made out for several minutes before Julie broke away with a suggestion.

“Erin,” Julie panted, “do you want to move to the couch?”

“Yes, I do” Erin replied in almost a whisper, already stepping toward the living room. Erin held Julie’s slim hand and led her a few paces and then sat down on the couch, her legs parted slightly, her white skirt falling between her thighs.

“Just a second,” Julie said as she crossed her arms in front of her waist and deftly pulled her shirt up and over her head.  

Erin’s eyes widened at Julie’s advance. Julie’s sexy body was tight in all the right places and soft in all the others. Erin’s eyes were drawn to Julie’s moderately large breasts concealed behind a laced lavender bra. Erin had, of course, been around other women countless times as they showered or changed but had never stared so intently and closely at another woman’s body. 

She noticed every freckle, the downy soft hair on her skin, and the hint of a tan line across Julie’s cleavage above her flat stomach.  

“Oh, my god, Julie, you’re beautiful,” Erin said breathily.  

Julie smiled confidently and wordlessly reached behind her to unhook her bra clasp. Erin’s jaw dropped slightly when she realized what Julie was doing. In a swift motion, Julie slipped her bra off her shoulders, her arms pressing her breasts together. Erin gawked at Julie’s pink erect nipples standing out against the pale skin hidden from the sun. She felt a strong desire to hold and kiss Julie’s tits.

Julie stepped toward Erin, swung her leg over Erin’s lap, and sunk to the couch straddling Erin’s hips.  Julie’s tits were at Erin’s eye level, and it took only seconds for Erin to cup both of Julie’s breasts and bury her face in Julie’s bosom. Erin kissed and caressed each breast with hunger while Julie pressed her groin against Erin’s stomach.  

Julie pulled away after several moments and leaned down to kiss Erin deeply with her hands holding Erin’s face. Erin’s hands moved from Julie’s breasts to her narrow waist and down to her modest hips and pulled Julie toward herself. Erin squeezed her ass muscles and raised her hips, longing for some pressure against her clitoris. Julie felt Erin’s excitement but wanted to keep Erin waiting a little longer, allowing Erin to savor her first time with a woman.

Stacy watched the two women make out on the couch with rapt attention. She knew both women felt amazing, and that part of their heightened arousal came from her presence observing their actions. Stacy’s arousal was becoming unbearable. She deftly slipped a hand into the waistband of her shorts and slid a finger between her swollen slit, moaning with pleasure at the pressure. 

Her wetness immediately lubricated her finger, and she began bending her wrist to apply pressure against the rise of her mound in a circular motion. Stacy touched herself while she watched Erin and Julie continue their lovemaking on the couch.

Julie sat back again, creating space between herself and Erin, and glanced at Stacy, glad to see she was enjoying herself and hoping Stacy might join in on more than just watching. 

She then looked into Erin’s eyes and observed that Erin was right where she wanted her to be. This was turning into the perfect afternoon. Julie looked down at Erin’s bucking hips and knew it was time to take things to the next level. “Erin, would you like me to take my shorts off?” she asked.

Erin smiled widely.  “I thought you’d never ask,” she said.  She leaned forward slightly and crossed her arms at her waist as Julie had done and skillfully slipped her shirt off.  She then reached behind her back, unhooked her black bra, and slipped it off, rubbing the skin under her breasts momentarily as Julie stood, unbuttoned her shorts, and wiggled them off her hips and down to the floor.  

It was Julie’s turn to gawk at Erin’s striking breasts as Erin stared at Julie’s body inches from her face.  Julie was wearing lavender thong panties that matched the bra that was now on the floor. Erin looked up and boldly said, “Please, Julie, take everything off.” 

Julie was happy to hear Erin’s enthusiasm and was all too quick to honor Erin’s request. She slipped two thumbs in the sides of her panties and swiftly glided them down her toned legs to the floor. Erin gaped at Julies swollen sex, captivated by her protruding bald pussy lips with just a patch of hair above her bulging clitoris and the same hint of a tan line as on her chest.  

Stacy slid forward in her chair as she continued fingering herself while watching the two women across the room. She had a perfect view of Julie’s firm ass and a side view of her large breasts. 

Stacy’s pussy responded to the heightened situation unfolding before her with a small spasm of excitement and she inserted two fingers inside of herself momentarily before she intensified the rotary motion of her fingers against her clit.

Julie straddled Erin’s hips again with her naked body and began to kiss Erin, their tongues swirling and hands exploring. Erin courageously reached a hand between Julie’s legs and slid a finger along Julie’s naked slit which was immediately slippery from Julie’s arousal. Erin discovered the familiarity and novelty of Julie’s swollen pussy and instinctively knew how to wrap her fingers to match Julie’s curves and began to slide against Julie’s clitoris in the way she knew felt so good.  Julie responded with a moan and an increase in her passionate kissing while her hands explored Erin’s amazing tits, causing Erin to moan in response. Erin’s fingering intensified as Julie’s hands caressed Erin’s breasts and erect nipples. Julie’s moaning grew louder and Erin matched her fingering with the bucking of Julie’s hips. 

Julie felt herself nearing climax for the first time in the afternoon and put her mouth next to Erin’s ear.  “Erin, you’re going to make me cum.  Will you please put a finger inside of me and take me over the edge?” Erin’s hips involuntarily bucked in response as she complied with Julie’s request. She slid her middle finger inside Julie’s wet cunt and rubbed her palm against Julie’s engorged clitoris. Erin could feel Julie’s box begin to spasm as she cried out loudly, her body convulsing in waves of pleasure.

Stacy felt herself nearing orgasm as well as she watched Julie’s naked body tremble. She could see Erin’s fingers between Julie’s legs and felt stunned at how horny she was, unsure what this meant for her sexuality.  She still felt conflicted but couldn’t help how aroused her body felt. She decided to stop her fingering before she climaxed and watched to see what happened next. She removed her hand from her shorts and, without a thought, began to suck on her fingers, enjoying the taste of her own sex.  

Julie slowly came back to her senses from her intense orgasm with Erin’s hand still resting against her pussy, and Julie’s knees still straddling Erin’s hips. Julie wrapped her arms around Erin’s neck, and they kissed passionately for several minutes as Julie’s body returned to itself. 

Julie’s satisfaction was contrasted with Erin’s yearning for more, and Julie knew just how to keep Erin on the wonderful edge of pleasure.

“Erin,” Julie said playfully, “can we go to your bedroom? I would like to return the favor you just gave to me.”

Erin suddenly remembered that Luke was upstairs in the shower. She could still hear the water running, Luke was really taking his time. 

“Luke is up there,” Erin replied to Julie’s question. She quickly realized the folly of this response. Julie was naked, straddling Erin who was topless, and Stacy was watching the action just a few feet away. Luke would find them, and none of them were likely to hear Luke coming in time to respond in any meaningful way. Erin laughed, “I suppose he is going to find us all one way or another.”

“Maybe we give him something really special to find,” Julie responded, swirling a finger around Erin’s nipple. “Do you think he would be okay finding us tangled up together?”

“Okay? It will blow his mind!” Erin answered. “In a good way,” she said, “I think” she added quickly, suddenly second-guessing herself.

“Well, alright, then, beautiful,” Julie said. “Let’s move this party upstairs to a proper bed.”

Julie looked over at Stacy, whose cheeks were flushed even more red than before. Stacy appeared to be enjoying herself and certainly wasn’t showing any signs of aversion. “Stacy,” Julie said, “would you like to come upstairs with us? You can just watch if you want to, but I haven’t forgotten that you said you’ve never kissed a woman. You can join in any time you want to.”

Stacy’s eyes widened at being included specifically again in the conversation. She had nearly forgotten that Erin and Julie could see her, and she suddenly felt slightly embarrassed about her voyeurism and about masturbating in front of them. She was desperate to see what happened next and felt her reservations melting away.  She decided it was time to be courageous.

“Thanks, Julie. I think I would like to try a kiss,” Stacy said to her naked new friend. She stood from her chair and moved toward Erin and Julie, growing bolder with each step.  Julie unwrapped herself from Erin’s hips and stood, her naked body shimmering slightly with sexy sweat.  Then Erin stood, still topless.  She grabbed Julie’s hand, and the two women shared an intimate look before stepping toward Stacy.

Julie wrapped an arm around Stacy’s waist, pulling her clothed body against her own naked body. Erin stepped to Stacy’s other side and also wrapped an arm around Stacy’s waist, overlapping Julie’s bare arm behind Stacy’s back. Stacy looked down first at Erin’s bare breasts and then Julie’s, before turning her face upward toward Erin, taller by several inches and the more attractive of the two women, then toward Julie. Stacy decided she wanted her first kiss with a woman to be with Erin.

Stacy leaned forward toward Erin’s beautiful face; her lips parted slightly. Erin reciprocated by leaning toward Stacy, her lips still glistening from Julie’s passion. The two women locked in a long kiss. Stacy pulled away slowly, smiling with satisfaction. She then turned toward Julie, again sharing a passionate kiss with her nude friend. Julie’s hands slid from Stacy’s waist to her cute ass cheeks, pulling the shorter woman toward her bare skin.  

The three women took turns kissing one another, their hands exploring each other’s waists, asses, and backs. Erin was enthralled at the sensuousness and softness of her new friends’ lips and cheeks and the firmness of their bodies. The smell of lotion and womanly perfume mixed with the intoxicating scent of afternoon wine and a hint of feminine arousal. They kissed one another in turns and then attempted an awkward three-way simultaneous kiss that broke down into laughter and ultimately broke up their little party.

Erin, Julie, and Stacy stayed together in a friendly embrace as they all spoke at the same time to lighten the situation. They ended up talking over one another and then all burst out laughing. The sensuality was momentarily gone, and they were left as three new friends with a new shared experience among them.  

Julie’s naked body and Erin’s topless breasts brought Stacy back to the present moment. “Um, you guys said something about going upstairs,” Stacy reminded them, suddenly interested to see what was next in store for their new threesome.

Erin broke away from the embrace first and sauntered toward the stairway that led upstairs to her bedroom.  Julie smiled at Stacy and followed Erin next.  Stacy lingered for a moment, still nervous about the threshold she was crossing but too excited to turn back now.  Stacy nearly skipped to catch up with her new friends and followed Julie up the stairs.  Julie’s naked feminine hips swayed back and forth as she took each step.  The swinging motion nearly hypnotized Stacy, who realized she had never seen another woman’s body so close up before.  Julie’s pussy lips protruded from under her tan-lined round ass and Stacy could smell the sensual scent of orgasm around her.  Julie’s thin waist and runner’s legs made Stacy feel a rush of delight and a desire to run her hands over Julie’s skin.

The sound of the shower reminded Erin again of Luke’s presence upstairs.  Her confidence waned momentarily about continuing her afternoon adventure with Luke in the house, but her body wanted more.  She also felt fairly certain that Luke was in for the surprise of his life, and she was excited to give it to him.

“Come on in, ladies,” Erin said suggestively as she looked over her shoulder and crossed the bedroom threshold. 

Julie and Stacy followed closely behind her.  Erin was thankful that the sheets were freshly washed, and that Luke had made the bed very nicely that morning.  The afternoon sunshine was streaming through the windows, casting a warm glow throughout the room.  

Erin turned to the other women, still topless.  Her breasts heaved up and down with each shallow breath she took.  Erin unabashedly looked each woman up and down.  Stacy was still wearing her white tank top and some running shorts, clearly chosen for moving in today and not for the gym.  She was shorter than Erin and Julie, with shoulder-length blond hair that looked as if it had been recently cut and styled.  She was curvy with large breasts and wide hips but thin, sexy legs.  Her bronze skin betrayed a summer spent in the sun before moving to Alaska.

Julie was even more beautiful with her clothes off than on, which is something Erin knew was not true for everyone.  She had broad strong shoulders, a thin waist, and a flat stomach with a little bit of an outie belly button, moderate hips, strong legs, and a small patch of dark hair above her bald pussy.  She had just a hint of tan lines from a recent beach vacation, perhaps from a stay at a sunny resort on her move to Alaska.

Julie’s nakedness inspired Erin, so she slipped her fingers into the waist of her white skirt and panties.  She slowly wriggled her hips back and forth and slid the skirt down her legs and let it fall to the floor.  Erin’s bald pussy glistened with excitement; fingering Julie downstairs had left Erin yearning for more.  Erin’s mind flashed to thoughts of Luke’s cock pounding into her naked body and she nearly came from reminiscing.  Erin wanted some stimulation, and Julie was quick to notice and all too happy to step forward.

“Erin, you look amazing!” Julie exclaimed when she saw Erin’s naked body.  Resisting the urge to step forward and slide her hands along Erin’s newly exposed skin, Julie restrained herself and asked, “Will you lie down on the bed?”

Erin complied wordlessly.  She first sat on the edge of the bed, then she pulled some pillows behind herself.  She laid back with her head nearly at the other edge of the bed, all while maintaining sexy eye contact with Julie.  Erin’s pussy was almost aching from desire, so she gave in to her urge and spread both knees apart.  Julie promptly stepped to the edge of the bed and crawled up on all fours.  Her ass lifted into the air which gave fully clothed Stacy an amazing view of Julie’s pussy and her puckered pink asshole.  Stacy bit her lip and ran her hand across her hips and her throbbing mound.

Once on the bed, Julie slowed herself to savor the moment.  Erin was spread before her like a desert and was already writhing in pleasure.  Erin was desperately trying to evade touching herself to quell the longing she felt.  Julie had never seen such passion and openness for a woman’s first time.  She briefly thought how lucky Luke was to be with such a beautiful, sexy, and open woman.

Julie’s view was all legs and labia.  Erin’s pussy lips were dripping wet from excitement and were parted slightly, giving Julie a slight view of the puckering of Erin’s opening.  It spasmed as if in response to Julie’s gaze.  Erin’s clitoris was engorged to nearly double its normal size and was peeking out from under its small hood. 

Julie ran a hand up each of Erin’s long legs, starting at her ankles and lightly working her way over Erin’s knees to her inner thigh.  She lingered on Erin’s groin but avoided touching her pussy.  Instead, she alternated between caressing and squeezing Erin’s upper legs as she kept her eyes fixed on Erin’s sex.  Erin bit her lip and moaned, almost begging Julie for more.  Finally, when Julie sensed Erin was ready, she leaned in and lightly kissed Erin’s pussy lips, drenching her lips in moisture, then moved up and licked Erin’s clit, applying just a small amount of pressure.  Erin nearly lost it right then, but there was more to come.

Julie expertly kept her attention light and playful for several minutes, teasing Erin with her fingers, lips, and tongue, with an occasional deep pressure kiss or lick to let Erin know what was in store.  Julie’s actions brought Erin to the brink of orgasm again and again, but Julie backed off just before she sensed that Erin was ready to burst.  Finally, Erin could take no more teasing. 

“Oh, my god, Julie, please make me cum.  I need to cum so badly, please Julie!” Erin exclaimed as she reached down with both hands, laced them into Julie’s auburn hair, and pulled Julie’s face toward her longing cunt.  Julie obliged by burying her lips and tongue against Erin’s clit, lapping Erin’s sex juices from her pussy, then licked up and over her clit again and again.  Erin’s toes curled, her she began to shake from her feet to her shoulders as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss swept over her again and again.  Julie could feel Erin’s pussy clenching and pulsing with each wave of pleasure.

As Erin began to come down from her orgasm Julie switched again to light kisses against Erin’s lips and inner thighs and gently brought her back to earth.  Erin collapsed against the bed, completely satisfied but still amazingly turned on.

Stacy watched all of this with fascinated attention.  She hadn’t moved from her spot next to the bed and had a perfect view of both women’s bodies.  Everything had happened so quickly that Stacy had not even thought of touching herself as she had done downstairs, but now she had a nearly uncontrollable desire. 

Erin remembered Stacy just then and raised her head slightly from the pillow.  “Stacy, are you interested in joining in?  I’ve never…done that…to another woman before and I would love to give that to you if you want me to,” she said.

Stacy recognized her opportunity for a new adventure and every nerve in her body was screaming for her to jump on the bed at once.  Her mind was a little slower, though, as she considered again what this would mean.  Was she a lesbian?  Would this alter the identity of her self-perception or the way she labeled herself?  She determined that whatever the outcome was, her body knew what it wanted, and her new friends were introducing her to a whole new world of fun.

“Yes, Erin, I want to be your first and I want you to be my first,” she said before she could overthink it anymore.

Julie sat back on her knees and smiled.  This afternoon was turning out better than she had ever expected.  She knew she would have many more adventures in store with her new friends.  She turned and smiled down at Erin and again looked her body up and down.  Damn, Erin was sexy.  She then turned to Stacy and saw the desire in her eyes.  Julie knew she needed to make some space for her two beautiful new friends.  She rose on her knees and straddled one of Erin’s legs and began to rub her pussy against Erin’s sexy thigh with her face still turned toward Stacy.  “Stacy,” Julie said, “why don’t you straddle Erin’s face so we can kiss?”

That was all the invitation Stacy needed.  She had watched some lesbian porn in the past and had no idea how Julie knew just the fantasy to offer.  Without ceremony Stacy slipped out of her tank top and slid her shorts to the floor, then pulled her sports bra over her head, releasing her perfect breasts from their hiding.  Both Julie and Erin gawked and felt a small pang of jealousy that was quickly overcome with desire.  Next off was Stacy’s black thong and she was as naked as the other two women.  Stacy’s pussy lips were freshly waxed, probably for her vacation in the sun, but she had a small thin patch of short blond hair over her bald pussy lips – the carpet matched the drapes. 

Stacy placed one knee and then the other up on the bed between Julie’s body and Erin’s outstretched leg.  She leaned in for a first kiss with Julie.  The experienced woman slipped her hands around Stacy’s waist and pulled her close to herself, pressing their breasts together and slipping her tongue between Stacy’s lips for a long and wet kiss.  The taste of Erin’s orgasm on Julie’s mouth was intoxicating.  Stacy finally pulled away and then leaned over to kiss Erin.  One of Stacy’s hands explored Erin’s breasts and the other stabilized her on the bed as the women kissed.  Erin reached a hand up to cup Stacy’s face as they kissed a second time then she let her hand wander down to Stacy’s large sensual tits and the two women caressed each other.  Julie gently continued to grind her pussy against Erin’s leg to the background sound of Luke’s eternal shower.

Stacy finally pulled away for some air, panting with excitement and pleasure.  “Stacy,” Erin said, “will you please straddle my face like Julie asked?”  Erin steeled her confidence and stated what she wanted more boldly, “Stacy, straddle my face so I can make you cum.”

Stacy nearly fell over from Erin’s assertiveness, but submissively did as she was asked.  Julie gently helped to guide Stacy’s shoulders and turned Stacy’s face toward her.  Stacy complied and swung one knee and then the other over Erin’s body with her calves just under Erin’s shoulders.  Julie leaned in to kiss Stacy again as Stacy slowly lowered her pussy toward Erin’s face.

Erin’s view was amazing.  Stacy’s pussy was perfect and smooth and was beautifully scented of woman.  Her round ass and feminine hips engulfed Erin’s view and Stacy’s light asshole looked surprisingly enticing.  Erin suddenly understood why Luke loved this view so much and she felt an overwhelming urge to kiss and lick Stacy’s swollen pussy lips and Stacy was more than ready for it. 

Stacy reached a hand around Julie’s back and pulled the tan woman toward herself as they kissed.  Julie ground her pussy against Erin’s leg as she pressed her thigh against Erin’s pussy, making Erin groan with arousal.  Stacy lowered herself the rest of the way down to Erin’s mouth and caught her breath as Erin lovingly began to lick Stacy’s pussy, slowly at first and then with greater intensity.  Stacy pressed down against Erin’s lips and then involuntarily began to thrust her hips against Erin’s kisses.  In moments, Stacy was cumming loudly from Erin’s actions.  Her loud moaning intensified Julie’s thrusting, causing both Julie and Erin to orgasm with Stacy.  The three women moaned in pleasure as they kissed and clawed and kissed and sucked.

Stacy, who had the amazing ability for multiple orgasms while making love, stayed where she was.  She broke away from Julie momentarily to look back over her shoulder down at Erin.  “Please don’t stop, Erin,” she begged, then turned back for another kiss with Julie.  The two other women instantly recovered and continued their actions, suddenly aroused again.  Julie and Stacy kissed while Stacy’s hands explored Erin’s feminine curves and Julie’s body.  Julie ground her pussy against Erin’s thigh and reached her hand down to stroke Erin’s pussy instead of using her leg.  The three women were so engrossed in their lovemaking that none of them noticed when the shower turned off.

Published 1 year ago

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