Opening The Marriage: Breakfast Conversation, Chapter 2

"Luke and Erin have an open and erotic discussion about opening their marriage"

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“How much cheese would you like on your eggs?” Luke asked as he flipped the omelet. The scent of fried onions and peppers filled the kitchen.  

“Do we have goat cheese?  I love lots of creaminess in the morning,” Erin replied, then laughed at her own entendre as she sipped her coconut cream and Bailey’s latte at the table. 

Her silk robe was wrapped loosely around her slender frame.  She had purchased the short kimono-style robe recently to wear for just such occasions.  Luke’s frequent glances her way and his loose-fitting shorts revealed a bulge that showed she had chosen wisely. 

They certainly had some ups and downs in their relationship, but amazing sex had always been a constant that she was so thankful for.  She was as satisfied as she could be in bed – and everywhere else they made love.  The thought crossed her mind that the free counter space next to Luke would be a great height for her to sit so Luke could eat her panty-less pussy for breakfast.  She wondered for a moment if the leftover cum from their earlier bedroom romp would be a deal breaker for Luke; she doubted it.  She decided to focus on the real breakfast instead – her stomach won the short debate in her mind.

“We do have some goat cheese, that’s a great idea,” Luke replied, turning toward the refrigerator, his tattoos flashing in the kitchen sunlight.  Erin had really grown to appreciate his new tattoo sleeve.  It was unique and she loved how the colors looked with certain clothes he wore.  Although Erin was uncertain at first, the tattoo had really grown on her, as had her small diamond stud in the side of her nose that Luke had recommended, and she had been reluctant to get at first but now loved so much.  Luke was right, it really brought out the distinctive angular facial features that Luke found to be so attractive.

Luke added the cheese to his egg creation, plated it, and brought it over to Erin at the table.  She made sure her kimono-style robe was just a bit open for him as he reached over her shoulder and set the simple, but delicious breakfast down next to her coffee mug. Luke caught a view of Erin’s sexy cleavage as he served her, then sat down next to her.  She laid a hand on Luke’s knee as they ate, thankful for her best friend’s presence next to her on such a beautiful and fun morning.  They ate in silence for a short time, their mouths full of food and coffee, before Luke finally turned to Erin with a thoughtful look on his face.

“Erin, I’ve been thinking about something, and I want to get your thoughts.  I’m afraid how it may sound, so I want you to hear me out before you give me your honest opinion,” he said with pensiveness in his voice.

Erin noticed this was one of those things that Luke had spent a lot of time thinking about.  His natural tendency was to live in his head, pondering things for a long time before saying something, in contrast with Erin’s tendency to verbally process through her thoughts.  Erin could tell from Luke’s facial expressions that this must be one of those important topics he had considered for a long time.

“Sure, darling, what’s on your mind?” she asked, wondering what it could be after such a fun and lighthearted morning together. 

“Do you remember when we were watching our favorite porn movie a couple weeks ago?”  he asked.  “The one we hadn’t seen in probably ten years, where the characters are hypnotized and get super horny when they hear a bell, and they end up having sex in all these inappropriate places?”

“Of course, it’s the only porn movie with a semi-interesting plot; at least the only one we’ve found, and it’s not like we’ve looked that hard,” she answered.

“Right, although I’m sure I’ve seen more than you have, and I can verify that the plot is almost never the entertaining part of the film in the way that one is,” Luke said.  “I mean, the sex is hot in that film, but it also has a storyline that is at least fun and in some way kind of lets them all off the hook.  That’s not really the point, though,” Luke added, hesitating about something.

Erin bit her lip, thinking for a moment.  She was a little distracted and turned on just thinking about her favorite scenes from the corny film.  “What is it, Luke?  It seems like you’re trying to say something?”

“Well,” Luke continued, “every time we watch that film – or the other porn movies we’ve seen over the years – you make a comment every single time about how sexy it is to see the…” Luke hesitated before continuing, “Well, the lesbian scenes.  You obviously get super turned on by them, and it makes perfect sense to me.  I think of all the ways I find you so sexy, and they are all a turn-on.  Every part of you is sexy, from your hair to your toes, and I mean that sincerely – even your toes.  I can’t quite explain it, but everything about you is sexy to me.

“It’s more than that, though.  The way you respond to my touch is even sexier than the sum of the parts.  Yes, your breasts are amazing, for example.  They look so sexy, and they are just the right shape and size for me, I mean for my preference.  They look absolutely perfect to me, and I am so turned on by how they feel.  But, and I mean this so sincerely, the way you respond to me touching your boobs is the hottest part about your boobs.  I don’t know if that makes sense or not, but it’s not just that I’m attracted to you.  I’m attracted to the way you respond to my attraction.  The same is true for the way your pussy responds to every bit of attention – from the lightest touch to the firmest stroke to grinding against me or a delicate pussy kiss.  I don’t quite know how to say this, but your pussy by far the most interesting thing I have encountered in my entire life, and that includes a lot of things in the world. 

“Erin,” Luke continued, “I am attracted to you when you put your arm around me, hold my hand, glance my way with a smile, squeeze my knee like you’re doing now, and all kinds of affection.  I also find it so attractive to make you feel good by rubbing your tense muscles, massaging you, squeezing your knee in the car, glancing your direction with a smile, and so many other things.  Your responses to me and my responses to you are so much sexier than just how either of us looks.”

Erin noticed the feeling of her swollen pussy pressing against her breakfast chair.  She definitely had a sense of what Luke was talking about.  The purity culture they had both been raised in was repressive to all kinds of normal human sexual emotions and actions in ways that she recognized to be problematic.  She guessed that part of Luke’s meaning was that sexual adventures had absolutely been lacking in their youth. 

Erin and Luke started dating in their teens.  Luke had been scheming to ask Erin out for weeks beforehand.  However, they were at a very conservative college that didn’t allow for boys on girls’ floors and vice versa.  Anything sexual beyond handholding was discouraged, and they spent most of their dating years trying very hard to avoid having sex before marriage.  They had both skipped over the young adult years of sexual exploration.  It had taken a long time, but they both had been slowly releasing the feelings of guilt associated with so many things from their upbringing.  They were doing well with being sexually free with one another but were both still surprised at issues that came up from time to time that were yet unconsidered. 

Luke and Erin’s view of sex at the time meant that they would never have actual sex before marriage, although they did their best to come close without crossing the line while they were dating.  Erin had never really considered how they were both so sexually frustrated their entire dating time.  They were both ultimately agreeable to the arrangement, and maybe they had married young in part to escape the guilt of sex before marriage.  It was all just part of the fucked-up nature of their purity culture at the time.  Erin now realized there were so many contradictions between their self-righteous piety and their actual actions. 

Erin had recently been surprised to learn that Luke didn’t think their relationship would have been any different if they had sex before they were married.  Luke and Erin were an extremely rare couple that had only ever had sex with each other, and only after they were married.  For such a good-looking couple with so many opportunities in their teens and twenties, including with each other, that was really surprising and unusual.  At first, Erin was floored that Luke had changed his opinion.  She had always assumed that sex before marriage was some kind of death sentence for a dating relationship, especially in the conservative culture they were from. 

However, after they talked about it, she quickly came to realize that Luke was absolutely right.  If they had sex the day before their wedding instead of the day after, or two weeks before, or two months before, or whatever, their twenty-year marriage would be no different than it was now.  Surprised, Erin had to concede the point and then was left to ponder all they had missed out on by remaining “celibate” during dating, and it caused her to question her view of sex in general.

Coming back to the conversation, Erin wondered where Luke may be heading with this line of thought.  It was true, Erin always had an attraction to women’s bodies in a way that Luke did not share about men’s bodies.  To be fair, artists throughout history recognized the beauty of the idealized female form in a way the male body did not evoke, with certain exceptions.  Michelangelo’s David, Rodin’s Thinking Man and other such sculptures and paintings certainly demonstrated the potential symmetry and beauty of the male form.  However, male art was far eclipsed by things like Venus and Aphrodite and all the way to the modern day.  Women were just sexy in a way that men were not.  Erin sensed this intuitively and felt attracted to women in a way that was completely natural for her and innate. 

After a thoughtful pause, Erin responded, “I’m not sure where you’re going with this, but it’s true that I feel so turned on from the lesbian scenes.”  Remembrance alone was enough to make Erin wet again.  “I know you love those scenes as well.  What’s not to love?  All those pussies and curves and nipples and hips.  Mmm…” Erin said, trailing off and noticing the bulge in Luke’s shorts getting bigger.

“Exactly, that’s what I’m talking about,” Luke said, blushing a little, “I’ve noticed that you are attracted to women in a way that I am not attracted to men.  You have this wonderful thing where all people are potentially attractive to you – not that all people are attractive, of course,” Luke smiled, a subtle joke left unsaid about how most people in the world were funny-looking.  Luke and Erin had noticed this again and again in their travels around the world, especially in warm-weather locations where people of all backgrounds were nearly universally unattractive in their swimsuits.  However, there were the exceptional people of all backgrounds that were attractive.  Luke could recognize this, of course, but only felt attracted to women, whereas Erin had the potential to feel attracted to both men and women.

“Erin, I feel bad for you that our formative young adult years were spent in such a restrictive culture.  You never had the opportunity to explore an entire half of your sexuality.”  Luke paused, taking a bite of his omelet and then a slow sip of his hot coffee before continuing.  Erin, sensing he had something on his mind, gave him the space to gather his thoughts before he continued.

“I looked it up,” he said.  “One in five women feel the way you do, the vast majority of those going on to have a stable heterosexual relationship which they maintain through the rest of their lives.  Women who feel that way most often ‘explore’ such feelings during college or their young adult years.  You spent those years either dating me or married to me.  I know your tendencies were the same then as they are now, you just felt inhibited to act on them because of the strict religious culture we lived in at the time.”

Erin started to interject, but Luke pressed on, not wanting to be interrupted mid-thought.

“At the same time,” he continued, “the sexiest part of making love to you are responses.  Obviously, women respond differently than men.  You feel an attraction to women that I recognize and accept fully, Erin.  I’m really okay with it, I don’t want this to seem like some kind of guilt trip at all.  In fact, quite the opposite.”  Luke paused, looking to the side, then resolutely looked back at her, his hazel eyes piercing into her light blue eyes.  Erin knew this was the point Luke had been thinking about for a long time.

“Erin, I want you to have the freedom to be fully who you are.  Sexually, I mean.”  Luke hesitated, closing his eyes momentarily.  “God, that sounds so corny when I say it out loud.  What I mean, Erin,” he said, looking intently at her again, “is that I want to give you my endorsement to explore your sexuality in a way that was unavailable to you earlier in life.  I want you to grow old with me knowing that you left no stone unturned.  I am confident in our relationship, and in your love for me.  I know that your attraction to me can remain the same.  I just don’t want you to feel held back by our marriage.  I want our marriage to be a wide and open place that can include all the things for you that you desire.

“We both have changed in important ways over the last several years.  We both recognize that nothing has to be restricted to a prescribed set of rules.  Our relationship can be whatever we choose it to be.  Our marriage can be whatever we want it to be.  I want you to feel free to explore all the things that you avoided in your twenties because of a stupid purity culture. 

“I love our sex life, I mean I really love it,” Luke continued.  “I know, just from this morning, that you do as well.  I don’t feel that anything is lacking.  I don’t want you to ever have to feel that there is something missing, either.  I’m not asking for anything for myself, I just want you to feel free to explore in ways that were previously off-limits.”

Luke paused, closed his eyes, and waited for his words to sink in.  Erin’s mouth was slightly agape, uncertain she had heard Luke correctly.  She felt both incredibly excited and truly seen.  Luke was recognizing something about her that she knew she had repressed out of a sense of duty in her black-and-white way of seeing the world when she was in her teens and twenties. 

Luke’s world was gray, she knew that he could see options where she saw only absolutes. 

She had never really considered acting on the attraction she felt toward women at different times in her life other than in her fantasies.  She did find some women incredibly attractive, that was true.  If she was honest with herself, there were many times she found women to be far more attractive than men.  She had always channeled that feeling towards Luke, which was always a fun and fully appropriate way of expressing her sexuality. 

The thought of actually touching a woman, the softness that made women so sexy, breasts and ass and the thought of a pussy close-up made Erin’s hamstrings involuntarily contract in excitement.  She felt her own pussy, already swollen, soak through her silk robe.  Even her nipples reacted by straining against the smooth material considering what Luke was offering.

“Umm, Luke, this is a big deal.  I want to make sure I understand you correctly.”  Erin paused and gathered her thoughts, trying to suppress the excitement she was feeling.  “Are you saying that…you are okay with me having sex with a woman?  In real life?”  Saying it out loud made Erin even more aroused than she already felt.

Luke opened his eyes and looked intently at Erin.  “Baby, that is exactly what I’m saying.  I’m not saying I want you to, for my part I am just giving you my endorsement.  You don’t need my permission for anything, obviously, I’m just letting you know that within this relationship I want you to be free to be who you are.  I want to endorse you fully experiencing your sexuality in a way that I cannot provide.”  Luke paused again, his heart racing, hoping that Erin would accept his statement in the manner it was intended.  He loved Erin so deeply and wanted her to be fully herself in such an important part of life.

Erin thought for several moments before responding.  “Luke, that is more than generous.  I am honestly shocked, and I feel really seen and loved.  Thank you.”  Erin smiled and looked deeply into Luke’s eyes, her smile lines endearingly showing her true emotions.  “Honestly, I recognize that I feel that way, but I have never really considered acting on those feelings.”

“I know, darling, which is great of you, and I totally get it.  I’ve been thinking a lot about it, though, and realize that there is a part of who you are that I cannot fulfil, and my love for you has the space to include it.”  Luke’s smile told Erin he was sincere; it made her feel very close to him.

“Also,” Luke added, pausing again, his hesitation causing Erin’s heart to skip a beat in anticipation, “I wanted to ask if there was anything else that is an interest for you.  I really want our relationship to be fulfilling to you instead of restrictive.  Does that make sense?  God, I hope I’m not messing this up,” he said as he turned away in embarrassment. 

“Oh, Luke, no, you’re not messing anything up.  Like I said, I’m just a little floored here.  I don’t ever want you to think that I’m not fully satisfied with our relationship.”  Erin reached out a manicured hand to cover Luke’s hand, causing him to look back at her lovingly.

“I’m serious, Erin, you are such an amazing lover, I want you to feel so sexy and attractive.  I love that you feel that way with me.  I think I have space to open that up for you if that is important to you.”

“Wow, okay.”  Erin took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.  “In the spirit of full honesty, then yes, I want to share some fantasies of mine and I want to know your thoughts.  I am open to your feedback and, Luke, I will give you full veto authority, okay?  And I hope you can do the same with me.  You are so much more important to me than any sexual fantasy.”

“Thanks, Erin,” Luke replied.  “I totally hear you and I think we are on the same page.  I’m honestly asking so I appreciate your honest answers.  Seriously, what ideas turn you on?  What have you been desiring that you’ve missed out on?  What sounds sexy to you that you’ve not experienced yet?”  Luke’s smile widened, and Erin’s hand on his knee moved up slightly to graze against his straining hard-on.  Erin knew this conversation was really turning him on and loved it.  Luke always enjoyed a good fantasy, and this was turning into quite a morning where fantasies may become reality.

Erin took another deep breath and gathered her thoughts.  The silk kimono hung loosely around her shoulders, exposing a small amount of cleavage.  Luke’s gaze drifted from Erin’s slightly pink cheeks to her sexy tits and back up to her beautiful blue eyes.  His openness with Erin was loving and sincere, he really wanted her to experience everything she was interested in and then some.  He knew that, ultimately, he would love all of her adventures as well. 

“Well, it’s true, I would love to be with another woman.  That sounds so incredibly hot to me,” Erin began to answer, then hesitated.  “There’s something else, though.  Part of the attraction of being with another woman is that you would be there with me.  I want it to be together.”

“You mean you want to have a threesome with me and another woman?” Luke asked, both surprised and turned on.  “Oh my god, Erin, that sounds amazing!  So, you would be enjoying all the amazing things of being with another woman and I would be fucking you?”

“Well, yes, for sure.  In fact, that sounds ridiculously hot to have you fucking me while I am licking and touching another woman.”  Erin’s girl boner was getting more intense by the moment.  “But that’s not all.”  Erin paused before continuing.  “Luke, I totally want that,” Erin hesitated only a moment before continuing.  “Luke, I also want to be with you while you fuck the other woman.”  Erin steeled her resolve before emphasizing, “Luke, you are such an amazing lover, it would turn me on so much to see you making another woman feel as good as you make me feel.” 

Now it was Luke’s turn to be floored.  He had not seen this coming, and it was his turn to stare back at Erin with his mouth open, the coffee in his hand forgotten somewhere between the table and his lips. 

“Erin, you are blowing my mind right now.  I had no idea that your fantasy included the two of us with another woman.  I’m going to need a minute to wrap my head around that one.” 

“Um, there’s something else, Luke.  You said you wanted to hear my thoughts and I want to respect that.  Like you said, you have full veto power over this, okay?  There’s something else, but I don’t want to take things too far.”  Erin felt nervous, worrying it might be too much.  “If you have room for it, I was wondering if you would be okay with us having a little more of an open relationship.”  Erin paused, gulped a bite of food, and looked down at her plate, hoping this wasn’t pressing the issue too far.  “I love you, darling, and I absolutely don’t want you to feel like you are not enough for me.  You totally are.  I just have always been a little interested in having some more sexual experiences, if you know what I mean.”

Luke took a moment to consider what Erin was asking.  He took a few bites of breakfast and a swig of coffee, thinking about Erin’s proposal.  “Are you asking me for permission to have sex with other people more generally?  I mean, with either men or women?  And do you mean both of us have that permission?”  Luke wanted to understand Erin’s meaning; this seemed really important to have everything out in the open with a clear understanding.

“Well, yes, I mean since we are talking about our fantasies.  Luke, like I said, I would love to have sex with another woman.  Oh my god, would I love that!  And like I said, I would love that to include you, also.  But I also realize that I’ve been having these other fantasies also.  I love the stories you write for us – you always make it so much fun to consider all the taboo things that we could do with each other or with other people.  That’s made me think about what really sounds appealing to me.  I realize this may come as a surprise, but I find a lot of things appealing.  Sex with a woman is on my list, for sure.  But I’ve realized there are other things that sound appealing to me, also.  Things that at first pass might not seem appropriate for a married woman, but that seem appealing, nonetheless.”

Luke felt a little nervous to hear more, but his heart was truly open to hear Erin’s thoughts, and decided it was much better to discuss this than to leave something to chance, or worse, to surprise.  “Go on, Erin.  I really want to hear what you have to say.”

“Well, for example, part of those fantasies includes you having sex with another woman, whether I’m there or not.  That would be so hot to me.  Also, I think it would be so hot to have sex with you and another couple,” Erin responded shyly.

Luke was surprised again.  “Erin, you’re not going to believe this, but I have always thought having sex with another couple close by watching would be super-hot also, even when we were first married!  I never said anything because I didn’t want to offend you, but I love that you think that would be hot also.”

Erin continued excitedly, “Seriously?  I never knew that!  Yes, I think it would be so amazing to have sex with you with another couple watching us, and we would be watching the other couple.  Then we could switch partners, and like I said earlier, I think it would be so incredibly hot to see you making another woman feel as good as you make me feel.  Also, if I had sex with another man then told you all about it could be hot.”

Luke’s eyes widened a little.  Erin turned on by seeing him with another woman was one thing, but he had never really considered what it would be like to see Erin with another man or to hear about it.  His first reaction was nervousness, which he quickly realized was from insecurity.  Once he set that aside he realized that Erin with another man could be a real turn-on for him.  “Erin,” he said, “I can totally see how switching partners could be really fun, with all the people feeling good from each other.  I’ve just never thought about it till right now.”

“Well, we don’t have to make any firm decisions right now, Luke,” Erin said.  “The most important thing is that we are secure together and that this relationship stays our primary connection.  I am so satisfied to be with you, I don’t feel like I’m lacking anything, to me this is just one of those fun-sounding things that we may try together if we are both on the same page.”

“I think that’s wise, Erin, and thank you,” Luke said.  “Whatever sexual adventures we have apart from each other just needs to ultimately come back to enhance our relationship together.”

“Exactly!” Erin exclaimed.  “I think we’ve figured it out, Luke!  We can have adventures with other people, we just need to bring that energy back into our marriage to make this relationship stronger!”

“And more erotic,” Luke added.  “A lot more erotic.”

“Baby, you’re making me wet,” Erin replied as she shifted in her chair, suddenly feeling quite horny.  “I love you and I want you to feel that in your bones – all of your ‘bones’ if you know what I mean,” Erin winked, and she slid a smooth foot up Luke’s leg.

“Oh, baby, you know I understand what you mean!” Luke said as he leaned in for a long kiss.  “I hear you saying you are more open than just being with a woman.  I will give you my endorsement to open our relationship sexually just a little to see how we both feel about things for the time being.  I am open to you being with a woman in any way you choose, I’ve thought a lot about that.  If you want to have an experience with a man…go for it, but be careful, I don’t know why it just feels a little different to me.  I trust you to make decisions that prioritize our relationship first.  Does that all sound okay to you?”

Erin’s heart was bursting.  She felt very seen and loved by Luke and was amazed at his acceptance of her and his openness.  It was not his natural tendency to look for new experiences and adventures, she knew he was very content at home in his comfortable bubble.  He was really going out on a limb here, and Erin knew it was coming from a place of love for her. 

Erin reached out with a slender hand to grasp his forearm.  “Luke, this is really incredible, and I am floored by you right now.  Honestly, it makes me love you even more deeply than I already did, and that’s a lot!  I’m also feeling a little nervous that you are too far outside of your comfort zone trying to make me happy.  I do not want to take advantage of your kindness.”

Luke held her blue-eyed gaze.  “Darling, we can make this relationship whatever we choose.  Let’s kick the box.  Fuck purity culture.  I absolutely love sex with you, Erin, and I want it to continue and be better than ever.  I also want you to be fulfilled, have adventures, and in a way that maintains our relationship as your number one.  But let’s crack the door and just see how we both feel.  We are strong, we can adjust if needed, we can always close the door if we want to, and honestly, you don’t have to do anything differently if you choose.  I’m just giving you my endorsement if it’s something you have opportunity for and an interest in.”

Erin leaned in for another long, passionate kiss.  “Thank you, Luke.  I want to offer you some permission as well, with the same understanding that you don’t have to do anything differently if you don’t want to, and if you choose to do something I totally want to hear all the details.  I know I’m a little more open here than you are.”  Erin paused to take a few sips of coffee, playfully stringing this moment out.  She could see he was intensely interested in what she would say next and enjoyed the anticipation. 

“Luke…I want you to fuck whomever you want to, whenever you want to, and I want to hear all about it.  Go wild.  You are such a great lover; I want to hear all about how you make other women orgasm as intensely as you made me cum over and over this morning.  I will do it with you if you want me to, with a man or a woman, or you can do it alone.  My only restriction is that you don’t develop a close relationship that may replace the special closeness that we have in our relationship.  How does that sound to you?”

Luke’s mouth was hanging wide open.  He didn’t speak for half a minute, absorbing what Erin just said.  “Um, wow, Erin, that is extremely generous and confident of you.  I promise to consider what you’re saying, and recognize you are not saying anything must change, but that you are okay with sharing me and participating by hearing about anything that happens, or by participating along with me.  It’s my turn to be utterly shocked.  You are truly amazing!”

Luke stood, breakfast forgotten, and Erin joined him for a long and passionate kiss.  Their hands explored each other’s bodies as Luke moved Erin several steps backward and then lifted her onto the counter.  Her parting legs spread the silk robe open, and Luke lowered himself down to lick her swollen pussy for the next orgasm of Erin’s adventurous day.

Published 1 year ago

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