Open Letters To My Underwear

"Open letters to my underwear"

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I like buying underwear, especially panties, or knickers as we call them over here. I don’t know why, but I’ve always disliked the word ‘panties’ in my mind it sounds dirty. Knickers sounds so much nicer, more innocent and cutsey. Maybe it’s because the word panties isn’t widely used in New Zealand? Below are open letters to my underwear, thanking them for their good service. I have lots of pairs of underwear so I won’t do them all, but I will group them.

Dear G-strings- I admit at first I hated you. I found you uncomfortable and annoying and I didn’t understand you, but now I love you. I get it now, why girls and guys love you. Not only are you comfortable once I get used to you, but you make my ass look great and give the illusion of not wearing underwear at all. Thank you for allowing me to wear tight jeans and leggings without the annoying panty-lines I would otherwise have. 

Dear see-through and sheer underwear- I don’t wear you as often as I would like. I still love you though, just remember that.

Dear lacy underwear- I love wearing you. You are so pretty and feminine and it feels nice to wear you. I am sorry blue lacy pair, that one day at the day-care I crouched down to comfort a child, and you rode up above my pants and one of the four year old boys pointed and laughed at you. I apologise for that happening. To the purple, hot pink and light pink lacy knickers I purchased on Friday- I am too scared to wear you because you are so pretty and brand new, so pristine and perfect. Lacy underwear, you are some of my favourites.

Dear leopard print underwear- I like wearing you, you make me feel good. Sexy, even. To the leopard print pair with the black lace around the edge- one day I will buy the matching bra for you, but it is expensive.I promise that I will get around to making that purchase one day, just be patient. 

Dear plain cotton underwear- Thank you for being so dependable and reliable. Thank you for being there for me and offering your support. I always appreciate it. Just remember that I am not angry at you, I am angry at nature, please don’t hold it against me. 

Dear patterned cotton underwear- Thank you for supporting all my different moods. If I want to be cute and innocent I can wear the butterfly pair or the pair with the hearts. If I am feeling teasing or naughty I can wear the pairs that have words and sayings on the back across the ass. Thank you for secretly being better than my millions of pairs of plain cotton underwear. (Sssssh don’t tell them)

Dear boyleg briefs- I don’t wear you very often because you are slightly impractical. When I wear pants and jeans, people can see your outline. I will still wear you to bed though. You have your uses. 

Dear floral underwear- I love you and I love wearing you. You are so pretty and girly. Thank you.

Dear French-cut panties- Every time I see you in the shop I want to buy you, but I never do. One day I will own you but for now I am silently judging your style as you are high waisted and I am not ready for that type of commitment. I prefer your smaller cut cousins when it comes to underwear. 

Dear string underwear- Thank you for being slightly ‘fuller’ in the front and back, and a thin string on the sides. You are comfortable and I like wearing you. Not as much as your sister g-string, but I still like and enjoy you. 

Dear hipsters- Thank you for allowing me to wear low-cut jeans.

I like your style, we should hang out more often. I am sorry that I like blue cheese so much and now you are slowly getting tighter. In fact, not just blue cheese but all food. (That’s another open letter) That goes to all my underwear actually, I am sorry that some of you are slowly getting tighter, but I don’t want to start buying you in a bigger size. It is winter here now, and I am hibernating, so please stop judging me. In the summer we can work together again. Deal?

Dear men’s satin boxer shorts I purchased for $5 on a whim- I love you. You are so comfortable and if I had it my way, I would only wear you and a tank top in the summer, but apparently proper clothing is required in public. I will buy more pairs of you in the summer so I can wear you around the house. Thank you for not pressuring or judging me. 

Dear sexy red underwear- I am saving you for a special occasion, you and I both know what that is. I will throw you at a celebrity one day, I just can’t decide between Stephen Colbert or Christoph Waltz. But one day I will use you. 

Dear blue lace bra- I don’t wear you very often because your underwire hurts me sometimes, but I am too nice to throw you away because I still secretly love you. Thank you for supporting me for all these years. 

Dear push-up bras- You are amazing and I like wearing you. Thank you for helping gravity to keep my breasts up. Thank you for the free drinks you have sometimes helped with. I owe you a lot. 

Dear sports bras – I know I have to wear at least three of you at any one time, but if I didn’t then I would get a black eye. Thank you for supporting and helping me. 

Dear black bra that is slightly see-through- You are my favourite bra and I love wearing you. Because you are so thin my nipple piercing is on display sometimes, and I like that. So do other people, I imagine. Thank you. 

Dear plain white bras – I don’t wear you very often but I still like you. 

Dear bras with no underwire – I don’t even know why I purchased you. My boobs are too big for you anyway and you offer me no additional support. I may as well not be wearing a bra at all. Say your goodbyes because I will be getting rid of you. 

Dear fuller cup bras – You are the most supportive of me and I love you for that. Thank you for being a part of my life. 

Dear lower-cut bras – I like you and you make me feel womanly and sexy. Like your sister push-up bra, you have helped me get free drinks sometimes when paired with the right top. Thank you for that. 

Dear bras in general that come in my size – Why do you have extra padding? You are big enough as it is, please stop. I don’t understand that concept. As if my tits needed to be any bigger. 

Dear bras in general no matter the sizing – Why are you so expensive? I can buy five pairs of underwear for the price of one of you. Some of my knickers are lonely because they do not have the matching bra. Please become cheaper. 

-Yours Sincerely, Lauradj. 

P.S. I love you bras and underwear and I will continue to buy more of you because you are my weakness. Whenever I see you I can’t help myself, I have to buy you and add to my collection. 

Published 9 years ago

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