Open All Hours Pt 4

"Liam helps out Mrs. Kabak."

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By now I was sexually insatiable, Hakan was fucking me daily and I craved his cock. Some days he would make me wait and tease me throughout the day, other days he would pound me early to get my mind back on my work. There wasn’t an area of the shop I could look at and not remember with a smile on my face.

By morning I had already teased and sucked his balls and nearly choked on his cock as a customer couldn’t work the card machine. I was sure I’d left my finger marks on his arse I gripped so hard.

When Mrs. Kabak entered the shop I slunk into the back, hoping she would forget about me. I was sure what a cock whore I had become for her husband would be written all over my face. When she called me, my heart sunk and I put on my best innocent face.

Mrs. Kabak was tall with long jet black hair and the same deep brown eyes as her husband but where he was tanned her skin was white as snow. She was a very attractive woman and had the confidence that came with it.

“Here’s my little Liam, come here boy, ” as she wrapped her body around me with a hug. She stroked my face as she asked, “I need a favor from you, Susan has called in sick for Saturday. Would you please fill in for her, for me?”

Susan was a student who worked Saturdays for extra money, I’d met her once and found her pretty hot but my interests had changed a lot since then.

I figured I could always do with the extra money and it wasn’t like I had anything else in my life except work and its occasional benefits. “Yes, of course,” I did my best to appear grateful to her. It wouldn’t be the same without Hakan but I’m sure I could work one day without my mind wandering.

She squeezed me tightly when I said yes, “Hakan says your the best boy he’s had, so you have a lot to live up to.” After blowing a kiss to her husband she waved goodbye with a wink. Does she always wink?

As she disappeared, Mr. Kabak’s strong arms wrapped around my waist, “Be a good boy for my wife, do as she says.” His lips kissed my neck and nibbled at my ear, “Do not disappoint me, and don’t forget to pop in my present. I may visit in the afternoon.”

I spun in his arms and planted my lips on his. “I will do everything she tells me, she gave me the job remember I have to prove I’m worth it,” I said between deep kisses. “Like I have for you and I will be ready for your visit.”


On Saturday morning I left for work but not with my normal eagerness or desire, it wouldn’t be till the afternoon that I would see him. I would have to endure the wife until I could finally lay eyes back upon my man.

Mrs. Kabak was much more of a demanding boss than her husband, her words were curt and she expected her demands to be fulfilled. By my dinner break, I was feeling it, normally I would sneak plenty of breaks with or without Mr. Kabak but Mrs. Kabak had me working constantly.

I peeked through and saw her chatting to a customer, now was my chance to pop in my plug and await Hakan. I already started to feel happier and excited about the rest of the day.

For most of the afternoon, I worked the till with Mrs. Kabak busy n the back of the shop. My eyes darted to the door every time the bell pinged then my heart dropped from another customer. It was getting close to closing time and still, Hakan had not shown, what a waste of my plug.

It was then as I waved the last customer farewell I felt my plug vibrate, I clung to the counter as it increased. My face flushed as I desperately scanned the shop for Hakan, had he snook in through the back to surprise me but there was no sign of him.

As the intensity increased my legs shook and I gripped the top to hold myself up. The moans soon started to slip from my lips, I tried to stifle them but was unable to hold them back. When I heard the soft laughter I looked up shocked to see Mrs. Kabak holding the remote.

“What’s up, little Liam, you think me and Hakan keep secrets from each other,” she teased. “Why did you think you got the job, I knew my husband would love that little bubble butt on you, he’s thanked me for it every day since.” It was easily the happiest I’d ever seen Mrs. Kabak. “Now stay right there I’ll be right back.”

There wasn’t much else I could do, she still had my plug turned up high and I hung on to the counter for dear life. When she returned my eyes nearly popped out my head, she had stripped to a black corset and was proudly stroking a large black strap on.

She looked breathtaking, her smooth long legs in black stockings, large white breasts pushed up by the corset, and her strap on bouncing as she walked towards me. Finished off with her dominating smirk on her face like a cat with its prey.

“A few years back, we went through some problems, sexually but we found a counselor who helped us greatly. She showed me how to fulfill my desires and to become the woman I should be.” She circled me as she explained, gently stroking my hair.

“Through Miss Danvers, we both discovered that we are sexually tops and that we must not keep these desires hidden down but must let them flow free, Hakan has his boys and I have my girls.” Her hands gently slipped down my pants, “and with Susan missing, my husband says I can borrow you.”

At this, the plug was switched off and Mrs. Kabak forced me to my knees, I had to admit she looked magnificent looking up at her.

“Susan can take it to here, can you do better,” she pointed to the top of her strap-on cock. It looked even bigger than her husband’s but not nearly as desirable.

And again, Mrs. Kabak was much more demanding than Hakan, she forced my head deep onto her cock, scolding me whenever I failed. There was no encouragement or tenderness like her husband, just a relentless feeding of her cock.

“Up, little Liam, let me see if you really are the little cock whore my husband boasts of.” Each order was accompanied by a slap to the face or a spank to my butt, “You do have a nice butt boy, more girly than Susan’s.”

As she removed my plug, I never had time to regain my composure as her cock forced its way deep inside me. No easing in, or teasing, just straight in to the hilt. My breath was taken away as I tried to relax my hole to the thick interloper but she had already started to thrust hard.

Where Hakan was a gentle lover, his wife was much more aggressive. No wonder Susan only worked one day a week, this was a much more vigorous workout than I had anticipated. While her husband was strong and forceful, Mrs. Kabak was athletic and her stamina breathtaking.

With Hakan, we would both be curled up together exhausted in each other’s arms by now but Mrs. Kabak was only getting started. I was audibly yelping from each hard deep relentless thrust, my cum leaking from my helpless cock.

“Ride that cock, you little whore,” her voice screamed at me throughout. Never would I look at a woman and think they were the weaker sex, she rode me harder than I could ever have imagined. Great strings dripped from my cock to the floor, her cock had fucked my balls clean.

At the end she leaned on the top of me, cock still plowed inside me, “Not bad for a boy.” She was barely out of breath, I was panting and whimpering like a bitch. She pulled her cock out as abruptly as she entered, “Get cleaned up, little Liam.”

My legs ached, it felt like I’d had an extreme workout. I wish I had known, I would have stretched beforehand. I could barely pull up my pants over my throbbing backside, I would need the weekend to recover.

As I gingerly walked towards the exit, Mrs. Kabak chuckled, “At least I know who to call when I need an emergency replacement.” She slapped her wet cock against the wooden table.

I smiled back meekly, I had fully concluded that Susan really earned her money. “I really don’t think I could take the extra hours,” waved goodbye and tried to walk home as best I could.

Published 4 years ago

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