One-Strike Rule

"Laura accepts a strict discipline regime from her chummy mummy"

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I was so lucky to have met Becky who is now my chummy mummy. I know she is twenty years older than me but I had always wanted to be mothered and loved, and as my own mum put her own interests first, I knew I had to look elsewhere. 

Becky was forty-eight and was at one of the classes at the sports centre which I attended to keep fit and I started chatting to her there. After a couple of weeks of speaking in class, we went out for a coffee afterward and got on well and Becky asked, “Hey, Laura, are you interested in seeing the latest rom-com film with me?” 

I was, and we went together. 

We were soon an item and my friends joked how Becky was my mum’s age. I said we were just friends and soon enough Becky was known as my chummy mummy. What I didn’t tell my friends was that Becky was looking to befriend the daughter she never had. Well, no, actually she had a daughter but they fell out. Becky always reckoned she had failed her daughter who went off the rails and got in with the wrong crowd, and, after a few dates, Becky opened up and told me she felt if she had been stricter with her daughter then maybe she wouldn’t now be wasting her life. 

I told Becky that my mum also left me to fend for myself but that I would have liked a more disciplined upbringing, particularly when at college and I was given too much freedom. It was after a few drinks I admitted I was so hung up about the lack of discipline in my life I often wondered what it would have been like to have had a really strict mum, and actually admitted how I masturbated picturing myself being spanked. 

Becky smiled and said, “Well, it’s not too late for that you know.” 

“But I’m twenty-eight,” I said half-heartedly objecting. 

Becky kept smiling as she retorted, “So? I reckon we should give it a good go. I will be strict and if I think you need it then I’ll spank you, just like I should have spanked my own daughter.” 

I thought for a moment, but even as Becky was talking, I had made my mind up, and said, “OK, deal.” 

In fact, we were both nervous about introducing spanking straight away although Becky definitely took more decisions than I did as our relationship grew and deepened. 

We both realised it was why I looked for women my mum’s age and Becky looked for women her daughter’s age. We both wanted to have the mother-daughter relationship we never had. It didn’t take long for Becky to start to correct the things I did wrong and for that to become reprimanding me. We both got turned on by that and so when, one time. Becky lightly smacked my hand when I mischievously tried to take a cake I wanted from her plate, that showed us both Becky needed the right to discipline me. From there it was a small hop, skip, and a jump to the discipline regime we had agreed on involving my bare unprotected bottom across her lap and a spanking that was as long and hard as Becky felt I needed and then using an implement she chose until I had learned my lesson. We were both turned on by the full maternal authority regime and I accepted her word was final every single time. 

Over the next month, Becky spanked me about a dozen times, each time bent across her lap and spanked on my bare bottom. It was a mixture of weird and wonderful sensations, one being 

humiliation as I stared at her upside-down legs and the floor and when I looked beyond Becky’s legs and saw my legs dangling on the far side of her lap. At the same time, there was lots of stinging pain as Becky spanked me with her hand first but soon took to spanking me with a wooden-backed paddle hairbrush which really stung. 

What happened after the spanking surprised us both, but maybe made sense as, after all, we were friends and not really mum and daughter. Becky cuddled me and wiped away my tears as I apologised and said I would never be naughty again, which seemed natural. The lovemaking was sensational, though, as my bottom stung brilliantly with a warm stinging throbbing smarting sensation and when Becky ran her fingers along my wet pussy I gasped and moaned ecstatically. I would also put my face between her gorgeous soft thighs kissing them on my way to her pussy and would hear her own erotic gasps as I gave her orgasm after orgasm. 

So, it turned out that although Becky and I took the disciplinary aspect very seriously, we both got aroused, Becky by spanking me and me by being spanked. 

We joked about how discipline had turned into lovemaking, although we had kept it quiet, just between ourselves, but I knew in time we would have to tell our friends. We were becoming a serious item, after all, and even discussed whether I should be spanked in front of anyone else, like in a real family. 

The weeks went by and Becky kept on spanking me, and we both agreed, though, that sex must not automatically follow every spanking. I know I still misbehaved and wanted to know Becky would spank me just because I needed it and not only because of the sex, and as she did so the relationship intensified so I got spanked more often and made love less after a spanking, but more often when I was a good girl and we both just wanted sex. 

Things took another turn as our relationship became more and more serious, and it seemed such a good idea at the time, the way my chummy mummy Becky described it. I so often spoke without thinking and just blurted out an answer not caring who I hurt, nor how rude I was, so Becky suggested the one-strike rule. Normally Becky gave me a couple of warnings, like, ‘Do that again and you’ll get a spanking,’ or ‘Watch your tongue young lady or I will have to put you across my lap.’ That would calm me down for a while and sometimes I would behave for ages, whilst other times I would snap again really soon afterward and get the threatened spanking. 

On one occasion Becky threatened me with a spanking just before a friend of hers came over. I was still livid about something or other, although I can’t even remember what about, and when her friend made what I thought was a silly comment I answered her back rather sharply which clearly embarrassed Becky in front of her friend. She gave me one of her looks which I knew meant I had overstepped the mark and, as expected, straight after her friend went home Becky sent me to the spare room following a few moments afterward to make sure I was standing on the naughty spot, my knickers and skirt both already off, my hands on my head so my bare bottom was fully on show, and my nose pressed against the wall. 

Becky sat watching me for as long as she felt right giving me time to think about what I had done wrong and I knew she was right because by the time she told me to turn around, I had already accepted how naughty I had been and knew the spanking I would get was well earned. It still brought a gasp as I turned around to see Becky sitting on the chair with a hairbrush in her hand but knew I was going to spend the next half an hour across her lap being taught the most painful lesson, and one I knew I deserved but painful nevertheless. 

So, at the grand age of twenty-eight, I was spanked on a regular basis, although by Becky who was the most wonderfully maternally loving chummy mummy. 

Becky had complained for a while that even with the spanking regime my behaviour didn’t seem to improve quickly enough for her, and so worse was to come, under the one-strike rule. So, after one spanking when I had been particularly rude to Becky, she sat me down and explained, “Laura, I do love you so much, but you can be such hard work. I think we need to increase your discipline rather than reduce it and by that, I mean less leeway. What do you think?” 

I replied, “Well Becky, I know I can be very self-opinionated, and by that I know I am also rude to you and have a short fuse which I guess is the main problem with me, I do want to change to be a better person and make your life easier and will be happy to try anything you suggest.” 

Becky replied with a relieved sigh, “Good girl.” She then continued, “Well I was thinking of a one-strike rule.” 

I looked quizzically at my chummy mummy as she continued, “Right now I give you a warning, sometimes several, before getting to the end of my tether and giving you another spanking. Instead, if I spank you, for whatever reason, there should be a period of time, one day, two days, maybe three days, during which you get no warning and if you do anything that deserves a spanking then I will give you one straight away. I know that might mean more than one spanking a day but I think that will teach you to think much more carefully before you speak.” 

Becky saw I was surprised and thinking through what she had said, and after a few moments she took a deep breath before asking, “Well, what do you think?” 

I looked at Becky and knew she only had my best interests at heart and I knew I was short-tempered and wanted to improve, so what the heck. “OK Becky, let’s see if that works. I guess I’ll be spanked rather more than before.” 

Becky answered enthusiastically, “Yes for sure, but I think after a while you will stop and think before you make an unnecessarily rude comment so you should end up with fewer spankings,” she paused and added, “Over time anyway. I just think it’s worth a go.” 

So that was agreed. It was harder than I thought, but I reckoned Becky knew it would be and the very next day I earned a spanking and was sent to the spare room. Becky followed me in and after fifteen minutes on the naughty spot thinking about nothing else but how silly I was and how much the spanking was going to hurt I turned to see her holding the hairbrush. 

“Right young lady, today starts the new one-strike regime. After your spanking for the rest of today and tomorrow, you get no warnings at all. Instead, you will get another spanking, even if that means several on the same day. Understood?” 

“Yes Becky,” I replied. I had thought about whether to object but somehow knew it could be a good thing for me. Yes, I would probably get an extra spanking or two but maybe that would teach me to think before I speak. 

Becky replied, “Good, and I will also be stepping up the spanking by making it harder and longer.” 

I supposed that made sense as well. “OK, Becky, harder spankings all around then huh?” I giggled. 

Becky looked annoyed as she replied sternly, “I didn’t mean it as a joke young lady as me spanking you is serious and needs to be taken seriously.” 

“Sorry, Becky,” I said quickly licking my lips as I was about to get the first of these harder longer spankings in any case so maybe I won’t be finding it so funny in a short while. 

Becky added, “Another change Laura, if you are naughty in front of others then I will take you to another room and spank you straight away but everyone will know.” 

I was aghast and asked in a worried tone, “Won’t that be embarrassing Becky like I’m twenty-eight and maybe there will be younger people there and the like?” 

Becky smiled and replied in what I called her strict maternal tone, “Oh Laura, don’t you see that’s all part of making you better behaved. Spanking you in private after everyone has gone has done a bit of good, but you are still so naughty at times, even being rude to my friends, and I feel just spanking you after they have gone isn’t doing enough. After all, it’s about making you a better person isn’t it?” 

“I guess,” I conceded. 

Becky sounded relieved as she asked, “Good, so is that all agreed then?” 

“I guess,” I conceded looking at her fiery green eyes which always got my pussy quivering, just as it was now even with a spanking coming. 

Becky smiled and said, “Good, so let’s sort out your spanking now under the new rules. Undressed, I think, whilst I get myself settled.” 

I knew what that meant as I took my vest top and bra off, putting them with my skirt and knickers already on the table, and stood in front of Becky. Her getting settled meant sitting on the high-backed chair holding the hairbrush watching me get undressed, which I didn’t mind as she was so used to seeing me naked and glancing towards her as I undressed turned me on seeing her flatten out her skirt, run her fingers through her hair, roll her sleeves up, whilst all the time giving me a strict stare and leaving the hairbrush in full view for me. 

Once standing in front of Becky reminded me why I was being spanked and made me admit how much I deserved the spanking and, to be fair, just like now she was always right. I was apologising to her before I knew it, meaning the apology as well and not just saying it, regretting what it was that earned me the spanking and promising all sorts of things that we both knew I wouldn’t keep to, before bending across her lap and coming eye to eye with the floor once again. 

I still liked it when Becky rubbed my bottom a few times before the spanking as it was sort of loving in a maternal way, but the spanking itself was long and hard, and she did what she promised, well she always did, and the spanking was harder and longer and far more painful than usual. Her hand spanking was non-stop, spank after spank after spank, and I was gasping as she was spanking even harder, then with the hairbrush she again went on and on, ignoring my crying, maybe even spanking me harder because of my crying, but all the time she kept telling me how this was for my own good and if I begged her to stop she would just say, “Did you stop when I asked you to, no, so why should I stop when you ask me to, young lady,” and she would just keep on spanking me with that hairbrush. 

I hardly noticed the spanking stopped but registered her hand rubbing my bottom so I started to relax. Not for long though, as she asked me, “You know I said I will be spanking you harder from now on Laura?” 

She waited for an answer but I was still crying and just couldn’t speak properly, that is until she gave me another dozen hard spanks with the hairbrush and demanded, “Did you hear me, Laura?” 

I managed to get out a very sob-filled, “Yes, sorry.” 

Becky sounded aggravated as she asked, “Well Laura, do you remember or not?” 

I again squeaked, “Yes, Becky, I do remember.” 

Becky sounded strained as she said, “Good girl, just answer when I ask you a question as you know how it annoys me to be ignored. Anyway, as I was saying, I will be spanking you harder and so I will be making your bottom a deeper shade of red than before and you will see the difference when you look at your bottom in the mirror afterward. The point is, I want to get your bottom a shade redder now so I will be spanking you some more and will use my hand which I know will take a mite longer but I want to do it that way. Understood, Laura?” 

I was bewildered as to why she was asking me, but whilst I was still crying I at least knew to answer and said, “OK, Becky.” 

Becky sounded like she was smiling but still stressed as she replied, “Good girl, you see I like it so much better when you answer me quickly and nicely.” 

Like it or not, Becky then started to spank me again, with lots of spanks all over my bottom, and I was soon crying again even though it was only her hand as I thought goodness knows how red my bottom was going to be when I did get to see it in a mirror. Eventually, the spanking did stop and Becky said, “Up you get and stand in front of me, Laura.” 

I slid off her lap and stood up rubbing my bottom madly. 

Becky gave me a decidedly maternal smile as she said firmly, “Stand in front of the cupboard and have a look in the mirror then.” 

I turned, eager to see just how red my bottom was as I went to the full-length mirror, turned, and gasped when I saw how red my bottom was. 

Becky explained, “See there, Laura, that’s how red I will be making your bottom each and every time I spank you. That’s what we agreed wasn’t it?” 

I just cried some more. Sure, I knew I deserved to be spanked and, yes, I agreed I needed to be spanked harder so I wasn’t going to object, I just needed to learn to control my tongue some more. Still, I managed to say, “Yes Becky, we did agree to this.” 

Becky smiled still as she held her arms open and I fell into them and she hugged me tightly. I felt so loved right then as I hugged her back and thought how lucky I was to have such a strict chummy mummy. Of course, we both knew it meant no lovemaking, but I was in control now as it was up to me to behave or pay the penalty. 

Becky kissed my cheek and forehead and leaned back and said, “Good. So, I am going out now but I want you to think about how to control what you say so you are not as rude as you are at the moment. I know you just think they are your opinions but believe me you are just plain rude to me and to others most times. However, now you are under the one-strike rule you won’t get any second chances today or tomorrow.” 

I looked at Becky and, although I fully realised what she said, I knew she was anxious to go out for the afternoon with a friend so thought it would be fun to wind her up a bit, so I asked, “Just run that passed me again Becky, please, because I need to be sure what’s going on.” I did know, of course, but I enjoyed winding Becky up, even after a spanking because when she looked annoyed I was so turned on and I thought a few fiery words from her would do wonders for me when I am on my bed with my vibe. 

Becky sighed and said, “You know very well Laura, so we may as well start right now.” 

That took me aback as there was no stern response, no angry tone of voice, nothing to turn me on, as Becky just came over to me, clasped my upper arm, led me back to the chair, sat down, and pulled me across her lap. 

Becky explained as she rubbed my bottom in circles, “That was cheeky, Laura, as we have discussed this many times. I know you like to wind me up and I usually just tell you off but one strike means one strike and you get a spanking with no warnings and no second chances.” 

“But I only asked Becky, really, please.” I was begging but knew exactly what the rules were and knew this was yet another deserved spanking as I stared at the floor inches from my face. 

Becky said pointedly, “I think you know you were a cheeky young lady, and cheekiness gets a spanking.” 

Becky started spanking me again and it seemed much harder because I supposed my bottom was already stinging from the hard spanking I had already been given just a few minutes ago. I was crying pretty soon after the spanking started but Becky was still telling me off and reminding me what one strike meant and that I had better learn soon enough or I might get four five or even six spankings a day. 

That telling off did strike a chord as I knew being spanked was a huge turn-on for me but doubted four or five times a day would be much fun. I supposed that what Becky was driving home with a very persistent hand spanking was that I needed to improve my behaviour to avoid that number of spankings. If so, she was right and a one-strike rule would be just what I needed to improve my behaviour. Soon, though, my thoughts were lost in the increasing pain all across my bottom and the tops of my legs as the stinging sensation was soon increased many-fold by the hairbrush as Becky spanked me again and again with it. 

I kept on crying well after the spanking finished and well after Becky was rubbing my bottom with her hand, shush shushing me, calming me, whilst reminding me this was all my fault and I needed to be better behaved. It took me several minutes before I slid off her lap, stood, and rubbed my bottom. Becky stood up and pulled me into her, my arms flew around her neck and she hugged and kissed me, and it felt so good, with Becky being so chummy mummy maternal to her naughty daughter, Laura. However, I also knew that I wouldn’t be cheeky again, so learned that lesson pretty quickly. 

A short while later, after a few more hugs and kisses, Becky told me, “Now I’m going out, so you be a good girl, and don’t forget one strike lasts until tomorrow at midnight. OK?” 

“Yes, Becky,” I replied most respectfully, still sobbing. 

In fact, I did think about my temper and how short I was with people, how I flew off the handle at almost the slightest thing, all because there was no deterrent. Not a real one at least. After all, I didn’t mind being spanked because of how it released all my sexual feelings afterward, and even a spanking every other day wasn’t so bad. However, I remembered my job which was home tutoring and I knew I had to be careful in front of my students because they would guess that it was a spanking that made sitting down hard for me and if I gasped when I sat on one of the benches or hard wooden chairs they would soon guess that I was spanked by my chummy mummy. 

A while later after lying on my bed and feeling really good giving myself some wonderful orgasms, Becky came home and I made her some coffee and we sat and chatted that night because making love was out during one-strike periods, I gave myself some more most glorious orgasms, and even the next day I was on my best behaviour and went the whole day without another spanking. Not sitting all day was a good reminder I had to admit, and Becky was happier than I had seen her for a while as I was so well-behaved and didn’t cause her any stress. 

I wasn’t so well-behaved of course and kept on earning a spanking. The routine was soon established and I got spanked, Becky decided how long the one-strike rule would apply, and nearly always I was a good girl for most of that period. Some lapses led to multiple spankings in a day but I soon improved and I even held out once on a three-day one-strike period. Becky was certainly proud of me and even I thought how much better the atmosphere in the house was, which was always loving but with less tension which of course I knew I normally caused. 

Things got better and better and although I was still spanked and Becky regularly set the one-strike period to three and then four days, always stretching my boundaries and pushing me to behave. I often went two or three days without incident but never four days and once I earned one spanking I regularly lost my cool and was spanked two or three times a day, each one a full no-nonsense spanking. In the main, though the one-strike rule was a success, for Becky and for me, and whenever I was a good girl we made love so often which made the discipline regime more and more important. 

I just knew how lucky I was, that at twenty-eight I had the most loving girlfriend in Becky, who, when I was naughty, was the strictest possible chummy mummy, so the best of both worlds. 

Published 2 years ago

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