One-Night Cowboy

"My highway encounter with a truck driving cowboy turned intimate."

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I had been driving to Bakersfield and back every Thursday for the past several months. If it weren’t for my favorite music on the radio and the flirtatious truck drivers, I’d be bored to death.

Although my office is in Silicon Valley, I have to make the trip once a week to our southern office located in Bakersfield for a staff meeting. I’m getting somewhat used to the drive.

I doubt I am the only woman traveling down the interstate the truckers flirt with. I consider myself attractive as a woman in my mid-thirties. I have an average build, a pretty face, and a friendly smile. I still have the figure I had when I was twenty-five.

I probably get honked at a half-dozen times on my weekly trips. It’s partly the fault of my short skirts that creep up my thighs when I drive. From their vantage point, I’m sure the truckers get an eyeful. Maybe checking out my legs helps break up their boredom as well. I’ve often fantasized about what it would be like to climb into the sleeper with a trucker and have hot, crazy sex. I’m sure I’m not the only woman with these crazy fantasies.

Today’s meeting lasted longer than usual. The branch manager had a ton of charts and graphs he wanted to go over with everyone. It was just my luck to get tied up in rush hour traffic on the south side of town. I knew I would be late getting home this evening. I didn’t realize just how late I’d be.

I had been following this trucker with a load of coiled steel for several miles when he slowed down suddenly. I changed lanes to pass him, but he swerved into my lane and then back to the outside lane. I had to apply plenty of brake pressure to keep from getting too close to him.

I returned behind him just a few yards before spotting a large crate in the passing lane. I realized he pulled over to block me so I wouldn’t hit it at 65 miles per hour. It is hard to tell how much damage it would have done to the car. I breathed a deep sigh of relief that he saved me from hitting that crate. A few miles up the highway and after regaining my composure, I decided to pass him. As I sped past him, he honked his air horn. I sounded my horn in return.

I drove for another twenty minutes, spotting a rest area just ahead. I decided to stop and use the restroom and get a soft drink to take along with me for the remainder of the trip. I pulled into the crowded rest area and found a parking space at the far end of the lot. I locked my car and headed to the restrooms. As I strolled along the walk, I observed the trucker who helped save my ass pulling into the truck side of the lot.

I kept my eyes on the truck and noticed the driver exiting the cab. He was young, maybe in his mid-twenties. He wore a black cowboy hat. His tall height and athletic build added to his handsome face. He had a neat appearance. I liked his tight jeans and a blue and white striped shirt. I thought to myself, “Hello, Cowboy!”

After exiting the restroom, I looked around for the vending machine area. I found it located under a shelter next to the main building. I had just enough change on me to get my preferred soft drink. I put the coins in the machine and pushed the button. I heard the machine whirr, but nothing dropped down. The machine took my money and left me empty-handed. I cursed the machine under my breath and hit it with my fist out of frustration.

“They’ll rob you every time!” I heard a pleasant voice exclaim.

I looked to my left, seeing the trucker, the cowboy! He could see the look of frustration on my face.

“Yes. It sure seems like it,” I replied.

“It’ll be my pleasure to get that drink for you, Ma’am,” he stated.

“I couldn’t let you do that. The machine will take your money as well,” I replied.

“Who said anything about money!” he said, then gave the side of the machine a whack with the palm of his hand, and two cans of soda dropped down the chute.

“Wow! Two for one!” I exclaimed.

“You just got to know where to hit it. Someone else must have lost money in this machine before you. That’s why it dropped two cans,” the cowboy said as he leaned over to take the cans from the chute and handed me one.

I smiled and thanked him. “That’s twice you came to my rescue.” I quipped.

“Maybe it’s your lucky day!” he said, smiling. “By the way, I’m Dean.”

He reached out for a friendly handshake. I shook his hand, his grip firm but not hard.

“I’m Reyanna,” I stated.

Dean and I held our handshake for several moments before releasing our grip.

“There’s a bench over by that shady area,” he stated. “Would you care to sit with me?”

I didn’t want to seem unfriendly and reject his offer. On the contrary, I was glad he suggested it. We strolled over to the bench and sat down next to each other. Dean mentioned the highway crate incident. I made a point to thank him, placing my hand on his forearm.

We chatted about various things. Dean mentioned he was from Brownsville, Texas, although he didn’t get home more than once or twice a month. I asked Dean about his family. He mentioned the woman he loved left him for another man because he was on the road so much, and she was lonely. I could see he was getting depressed thinking about her, so I quickly changed the subject.

I told him about the company I worked for and traveled to Bakersfield every Thursday for a business conference. I also mentioned that I lived in Los Altos with my husband. Then I told him I was going through a rough patch with my husband. I don’t know why I offered him so much information about myself. I’m usually not this talkative with strangers, but this one was easy to talk to.

Sunset was approaching. We sat there finishing our drinks, watching the traffic speed by. We were both trying to think of something to say, but I couldn’t think of anything interesting to discuss. I should have been getting on the road, but I was reluctant to leave for some strange reason.

“Well, Dean, I guess I should be going,” I said. “I’ve enjoyed talking with you, and thank you for rescuing me twice.”

We both got up from the bench and shook hands again. Dean walked me towards my car, parked at the far end of the rest area. We strolled casually, neither of us in a hurry. My hand brushed against his, and his fingers latched onto mine. I didn’t make any attempt to pull away.

“I guess you’re anxious to get back on the road,” I stated.

“Well, I’m going to be here until morning,” Dean replied. “I’ve already driven the allowed limit of my hours for today.”

I didn’t think I’d want to be stuck at a rest stop for the night with nothing to do. I certainly didn’t relish his situation.

We finally made it to my car, time to say our goodbyes. Dean had my hand in his, holding it gently. I didn’t want him to let go. We stood by my car for several awkward moments. I started to say something but couldn’t speak the words. I looked around, my eyes turning back towards the trucks parked along the rear of the rest area.

“Would you like me to stay a while longer?” I asked, my words not much more than a whisper.

“Yes,” Dean answered. “Yes, I would like you to stay with me.”

We walked across the grassy area towards his truck. My high heels sank into the soft ground as we crossed the grassy lot. I took them off and walked the rest of the way on my stalking feet. Dean held my shoes for me. He unlocked the passenger door of the cab and swung it open.

I had to pull up my skirt to step up on the running board. I was sure Dean saw the tops of my nylons as he put his strong hands on my waist and lifted me high enough to put my foot on the step just below the floor level of the cab. I grabbed the door, pulled myself into the cab, and sat in the high-back leather seat. Dean closed my door and climbed into the driver’s side.

“Wow, this truck sits high,” I said as I looked out the passenger window. I could see how the drivers have the advantage of looking down into the cars alongside them. I surveyed the instrument panel. It looked like the cockpit of an airplane. The foot pedals were much larger than the ones in my car, and so was the steering wheel. I noticed the laptop computer attached to the console and a CB radio suspended from the ceiling. Dean pointed out what all the gauges, knobs, and toggle switches were for.

I looked back into the sleeper compartment. It was very spacious. I always wondered what sleepers looked like inside. I thought all they had was a little bunk bed, but this was much more than that.

Dean stepped into the sleeper, and I followed, leaving my purse on the seat. The ceiling was high enough for Dean to stand straight up, even wearing his cowboy hat. Four overhead tinted windows barely allowed the lights in the rest area to shine in. The sleeper had numerous conveniences, including a small sink, refrigerator, microwave, and a flat-screen TV pointed down from above towards the large bed. I was very impressed.

We stood there looking at each other. Dean put his hands at my waist, gently pulling me towards him. He kissed me softly on the lips. Our lips pressed tightly. I knew what I was doing was wrong in every way, yet I put my hands on his shoulders and pulled myself tightly to his body.

I felt Dean’s tongue cross my lips. I parted my lips slightly, allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth. His tongue flicked over mine, and then my tongue swirled around his. We breathed heavily through our nostrils as our lips stayed sealed. Dean’s tongue swirled inside my mouth. I felt my body heat drastically rising.

I tried putting thoughts of my husband out of my mind, knowing it was wrong to be in this situation, even though the last fight we had had left us sleeping in separate bedrooms. But I didn’t want to stop. My nipples were tingling, blood was rushing through my veins, and my pussy was turning wet. We continued to grind our lips together and tongue each other’s mouths as our passion rose.

Our lips finally parted. We took a long, deep breath. My body was trembling. I leaned back against the sink vanity. Dean leaned into the cab, making sure to lock the doors. Then he closed the privacy curtains to the sleeper compartment.

Dean removed his cowboy hat, placing it on the overhead ledge above my head. His face was inches from mine, and I put my arms around him and kissed him hard until we gradually eased our kissing, and our lips slowly parted.

Dean unbuttoned his shirt, gradually exposing his muscular chest. I slipped off my top. Dean took it from me, placing it over his shirt hanging on a hook. He sat on the bed to take his boots off. I unbuttoned my skirt and let it fall to the floor. I put my hand on his shoulder as I stepped out of it. Dean folded it over and placed it on the overhead shelf.

I still had my panties, bra, and nylons on. I started to have second thoughts, but I fought them back. I needed this. My husband and I had been at odds for nearly two months, and that’s how long it’s been since we had sex.

I watched Dean unbuckle his belt and unzip his tight jeans. I stared at his crotch as he pushed his jeans down. He wore black briefs, and a well-defined bulge outlined his cock. I could not take my eyes off it. Dean tossed his jeans on the floor. He reached out for my hand and pulled me over to the bed. He sat on the bed, positioning me standing in front of him. His hands slipped my nylons down my legs and pulled them from my feet, first my left, then my right.

His head leaned forward and softly kissed my belly, and I felt his tongue dip into my navel. I put my hands on his head, pressing it tightly to me. I wasn’t having any second thoughts now.

“If you want me to stop, please say so now before we go any further,” Dean whispered.

I shook my head and said, “We’ve gone too far to stop now.”

Dean scooted back on the bed and stretched out on his side. I got on the bed and lay alongside him, resting on my back. Dean’s hand reached underneath me, unhooking my strapless bra. He took it off and tossed it aside. We kissed each other lovingly, our lips barely pressed together.

The cool air from the overhead air conditioner wafted across my bare breasts, causing my already hard nipples to harden even more. Dean massaged my firm breasts with his strong hands, and my body quivered from his touch.

Dean pressed closer to me and kissed my neck from one side to the other. I moaned as he kissed me ever so softly. Dean kissed my breasts and brushed his lips across my hard nipples. He drew wet lines of saliva across my breasts from one nipple to the other as he kissed, licked, nibbled, and sucked my tits. The sensations reached deep into my breasts. I gripped the upholstered edge of the bed tightly with my left hand. My body arched up off the bed, then sank back down slowly. I never dreamed my fantasy could be so hot and passionate.

I held onto Dean with all my strength. His hand slid down over my belly and slipped inside my soaked panties. When his fingers slipped down further and covered my pussy, I spread my legs enough to allow the width of his hand to access me.

I opened my eyes slightly. Dean was looking down at me, softly smiling at me. I felt his middle finger lightly rubbing my sensitive clit. My lips parted to catch a breath. At that moment, Dean penetrated my wet pussy with his finger. My legs widened, and my mouth gaped open.

“Ohhh…God!” I cried out.

Dean worked his finger inside me, swirling it around. I grabbed his wrist to get him to stop. He kept fingering me, but it wasn’t his finger that I wanted. It was his cock that I needed.

“Take my panties off!” I shrieked. “Fuck me now! Please!” I begged, feeling the need so great inside me.

Dean slid down on the bed and pulled my panties down. Their wetness left trails along my upper thighs. Dean slipped my panties down my calves and off my feet, tossing them to the floor. I spread my legs wide, wanting him to plunge his hard cock deep inside me.

“Do it now!” My pleads turned demanding.

“No, not yet!” Dean replied, his face displaying a most serious look.

Dean held my legs apart, leaned forward, and licked up and down the swollen lips of my pussy. Oh, that, I didn’t expect! My ass bucked up and down against the sheets. I reached up and pulled a pillow over my face to muffle my screams. Dean’s mouth sucked hard on my clit, and I came apart at the seams. I pulled the pillow tight against my face and screamed out in pleasure.

My whole body arched up. My shoulders and feet held me suspended as the most incredible orgasm consumed me. It paralyzed my entire body. I felt like I was on fire, burning inside. Slowly, the orgasm eased. I felt my feet slipping down the sheets. Dean held my ass in his strong hands, slowly lowering me.

I nearly swooned. Dean pulled the pillow from my face and tossed it aside. My hard breathing was almost as loud as the idling noise from the truck’s engine. I rolled over onto my left side, looking at Dean.

Dean reached into the little refrigerator compartment, taking out a bottle of cold water. He took a big swig from the bottle and handed it to me. My mouth was dry from all the moaning and screaming. I took several swigs before handing it back to him.

“Are you OK?” Dean asked.

“Yes,” I replied. “But you shouldn’t have done that. I haven’t showered today,” I added.

“No, baby, you’re as sweet as sugar. I could stay between your legs like that all night.”

I smiled without a verbal response.

Dean was sitting sideways on the side of the bed. I put my hand on his leg, rubbing it slowly, gradually reaching towards his briefs. He leaned down and kissed me. Our lips pressed gently together for several moments. I rubbed my hand lightly over his cock through the cotton material and felt his heat warming my hand.

“I know you have been wanting this,” Dean said as he stood up and pushed his briefs down. His beautiful, long, thick cock sprang straight out from his crotch. The head of his cock, shaped like a thick mushroom, had a glimmering drop of pre-cum beading from its meatus.

Dean reached into a cabinet over the vanity and pulled out a condom. He stroked his erect cock, then rolled the condom down his long shaft. My breathing increased from watching Dean preparing to fuck me.

I spread and raised my legs to his waist. Dean held his cock near the base, guiding it between the swollen folds of my introitus. He leaned closer, and I felt the head slowly penetrate me. Dean continued to push in slowly. He worked his cock back and forth until he fully implanted himself inside me. I felt his balls rest against my ass. My juices were flowing, and the heat in my body started rising again. We both moaned from the pleasure of being fully connected.

Dean supported himself above me with his strong arms. I grasped his firm triceps with my hands and wrapped my legs around his slender waist, locking my ankles together.

Dean fucked me slow and easy, as if he savored every stroke he made. I loved the slick friction of his cock moving in and out of me. I rocked with him as he increased our tempo. Dean’s cock rubbed against my delicate clit as he fucked me harder and faster. My fingers dug into his arms as I fought back the urge to let myself orgasm. I didn’t know how long I could hold back, but the longer I held it back, the better it felt.

Dean was slamming his cock into me as our fucking turned hot, our bodies making loud smacking sounds. I couldn’t hold off too much longer. I squeezed my legs and ankles hard, pulling Dean into me as a phenomenal orgasm exploded in the pit of my gut and washed over me. My whole body shuddered. I gripped Dean so hard I saw his face grimace.

“Oooh – Oooh – Oooh – I’m cumming!” I screamed as I felt my head explode with the rest of my body.

After I relaxed, Dean began fucking me again. He pounded his cock into me hard and fast for several minutes before he shot his load. I could feel the warmth of his semen as he shot into the condom, and at that moment, I wished he wasn’t wearing it.

I held him tight until he slowly relaxed. He gave me a few more deep strokes and then froze. He had gotten off a second time, adding more semen inside the condom. His face was bright red, his eyes shut tight, and he gritted his teeth on his second orgasm. I kept my grip on him until his body slowly relaxed.

I had to wonder if he was going to try a third time. I put my hands on his chest. I could feel his heart racing. Dean partially opened his eyes and looked down at me. He leaned down and briefly kissed me. He lowered himself down on me and then rolled over on his side.

“Are you OK?” I asked.

Dean didn’t say anything but just nodded his head. I put my hand on his chest. His heartbeat was still rapid. I gently rubbed his arm to comfort him and noticed the deep scratch marks on his arm that I had made during our shared passion.

I could feel my juices dripping onto the crumpled sheets, so I got up from the bed and found a washcloth to wash between my legs. Dean got up from the bed and removed his semen-filled condom. I saw how full it was. He sure had a lot in him!

“I have to get dressed,” I stated. “I need to go to the restroom.”

“Hang on,” Dean replied. “I’ll go with you.”

I put my clothes on except for my nylons. I checked my watch. It was almost 10:00 PM. Dean stepped down from the truck ahead of me. He held my waist until my feet were firmly on the pavement. We walked to the restrooms in the main building. Dean held my hand in his. The main building was nearly deserted, except for a few people. I used the restroom and fixed my hair. It was a mess. I exited the restroom and made my way to the main lobby. Dean was waiting for me.

“Your husband is going to be worried to death about you,” Dean stated. “Maybe you should call him to let him know you got delayed.”

“I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. What time do you have to leave in the morning?” I asked.

“Sometime around 4:00,” Dean answered.

I didn’t want to leave! I wanted to stay with my one-night cowboy. I knew I might never see him again.

Dean took my hand and led me back to the truck. We climbed into the sleeper. He had some prepared sandwiches in his refrigerator. I put two of them in the overhead microwave to heat. Dean hurried to the vending machine shelter and brought back several soft drinks. We sat on the side of the bed, ate our sandwiches, and watched the news on the TV.

I thought about Dean’s long day of driving tomorrow. “I think we could both use some sleep,” I suggested.

We put fresh sheets on the bed before stretching out. Dean covered us with a blanket. He put his arms around me, pulling me in close. I drifted off to sleep within a few minutes.

I woke up around 2:00 AM. I didn’t know what I was going to tell my husband. I knew I had gone too far. I tried not to think about it, but the thrill was over, and guilt started setting in.

I lay there for at least twenty minutes before I climbed over Dean, trying not to wake him. I grabbed my panties, and before I had a chance to put them on, Dean woke.

“You’re not leaving, are you?” Dean asked.

“I should. I really should,” I muttered.

“No. Stay a little longer,” Dean said, then pulled me down on the bed with him.

Dean held the back of my head and kissed me hard. His other arm corralled me. I melted in his embrace and kissed him back, grinding my mouth hard against his. We gradually eased our kissing. Dean took his lips off of mine but held me close.

“Stay a little longer,” he said and kissed me again.

I couldn’t resist his lips or his hand that was rubbing and squeezing my breasts and tweaking my hard nipples. He rolled me onto my back and kissed down over my breasts as he slid his hand between my legs. My pussy was wet, my warm juices flowing.

Dean’s lips made their way to my pussy. I didn’t stop him from licking and flicking his tongue all over my sensitive clit. He spread my legs farther, darting his tongue inside my pussy. Seconds later, I gasped as I came hard, and I gripped the back of his head, forcing his mouth hard against my pussy until my orgasm waned.

“I have to have you now!” I cried. “Please, before I change my mind!”

Dean grabbed a condom from the cabinet and quickly rolled it on. I got to a kneeling position on the bed. I grabbed his arm, pulled him down on the bed, and wrestled with him to get him on his back. His hard cock stood erect. I held his shaft firmly as I straddled his hips and lowered my pussy down on his cock. I felt my hot pussy stretch as it consumed the entire length of his thick, rigid cock.

My pussy turned flaming hot as I raised and lowered myself down on his cock. Leaning forward, I put my hands on Dean’s shoulders, pinning him down, lifting myself with my legs, and slamming down on his cock. His hands gripped my ass tightly. I fucked my one-night cowboy, cowgirl style, kneeling straight up with my head tossed back, my hair flailing, and my tits jutting in the air.

Dean got worked up watching me bouncing on his lap and rolled me off him. He got behind me, positioning me face down with my ass in the air. I was on my knees, my face against the pillow. I felt Dean slide his cock deep inside my hot, juicy cunt with one long stroke. My tits mashed against the bed while he fucked me hard and fast, his hips gyrating wildly. Dean’s powerful hands held my waist tightly. He continued to slam into me mercilessly.

My passion climbed until the hair on my head began to steam, or so it felt that way. I had an extraordinary orgasm, climaxing like never before. My body shook, and my pussy convulsed and spasmed for several minutes before my orgasm waned.

Dean continued to pound me senseless with his hard thrusting cock before releasing his load inside the condom. He squeezed my waist so tight it hurt. I bucked against his thrusts until he relaxed his grip and collapsed against my back. We were both out of breath and sweaty.

Dean raised himself off me, and his cock slipped from my pussy. Neither of us moved for several minutes. Dean finally got up from the bed and took the spent condom off. I heard the water running in the sink. I assumed Dean was washing himself off. I was still lying on my tummy, my head resting on the pillow, facing the wall.

I started to lift my head off the pillow when I felt the washcloth wiping my pussy and ass. Dean washed down both my legs. The softness of the wet washcloth was very soothing. My pussy was tender from all the hard fucking we had done since early evening.

After Dean pampered me, I got up and got dressed. I grabbed my hairbrush from my purse and brushed out my hair. Dean was standing up, leaning against the wall of the sleeper with his arms folded across his chest. He was smiling as he watched me getting ready to leave.

“Do you have to go?” Dean asked.

“I’ve got just enough time to get home and change clothes. Even then, I’ll still be late for work. What about you? You wanted to be on the road by 4:00. It’s 5:00 AM,” I said as I rearranged my purse.

Dean didn’t answer me. I turned around to look at him. He was standing there with a stiff erection. I stared at his hard, beautiful cock. I looked back up to his face.

“Really?” I asked, smiling.

“Looking at you, even dressed, gives me an erection,” he said.

“Well, I can’t leave you like this,” I said, licking my lips.

We got back on the bed. Dean stretched out on his back, resting his head on the pillow. I stretched out next to him, leaning across his stomach. I took his cock in my hand.

“Are you comfy?” I asked.

“Very comfy,” he answered.

I slowly lowered my mouth to the magnificent head of his cock and swirled my tongue around it. I licked up and down his entire shaft, covering it with saliva. Dean’s body tensed a little when I took the head inside my mouth. I worked my mouth up and down on it slowly, enjoying the taste of his raw flesh. He tensed more as I took him deeper into my mouth and massaged his balls with my hand.

I sucked harder and faster as I continued. Dean began to moan. His legs stiffened, and he cried out that he was going to cum. At that moment, he shot his load to the back of my throat. I held his cock in my mouth, moaning hungrily and sucking continuously as his cum spread between my tongue and palate, under my tongue, and between my cheeks and gums. I didn’t stop until he finished, and then I swallowed his cum down my throat in one big glob.

Dean’s body went limp on the bed. I laid my head on his belly as I enjoyed the taste of his cum still lingering in my mouth and throat. We lay there for several minutes before slowly getting up.

In parting, I grabbed my purse and kissed Dean one last time before leaving him in his sleeper and exiting his truck.

When I got home, I carried my guilt for a week before telling my husband why I didn’t come home that night. He was angry at first, but it opened his eyes to my needs, and to my surprise, my adulterous behavior brought us closer together. He told me the next time I decided to cheat on him, to do it with him. I thought he was kidding at first, but I knew he was serious when he started talking about watching me having sex with another man. Maybe that will be my next story.

Published 4 months ago

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