One Heart Missing

"Choosing lust and finding love"

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There isn’t a place I haven’t been, 
Or a place I wouldn’t go. 
There isn’t a path I’ve never taken,
I chased my dreams both high and low.

I thought I knew each journey chosen, 
Each fantasy I sought to explore. 
Lines were crossed so many times,
Rules were broken and signs ignored.

I lived and loved each moment chosen, 
Not thinking about the pain or cost. 
The plans and schemes I put in place, 
Didn’t account for my future lost.

Lives were changed by my meddling ways, 
I didn’t care if they were pure or mated. 
All that mattered was my desires were met, 
And all of my urges were endlessly sated.

Wisdom comes at a place and time, 
When the heart and mind are ready. 
Not an epiphany or a lightning bolt, 
The changes come slow and steady.

Now I think of my foolish life, 
And often think ‘What if I had only…’. 
So many chances just thrown away, 
Now in a crowd I still feel lonely.

The life I lived I don’t regret, 
Even with meaningless lust and kissing. 
I chose my desires and discovered love, 
And finally found the one heart missing.

Published 12 years ago

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