It was late one Friday night and Brad’s tube train was emptying out as the train crawled closer to the end of the line. It had been a long week and he had worked into the early hours on most days. The two beers he had had after leaving the office had gone to his head and he started to doze.
Sitting opposite him, and now the only other person in the carriage, was a blonde woman in her mid-twenties. Brad had discretely glanced at her on several occasions, mainly because she was attractive and was wearing black leather shorts. Not tight, not loose, but perfectly fitting. She also wore a white blouse and a fitted pale blue jacket and had long hair which hung down past her shoulders. She had smiled at Brad as she sat down, but even this hasn’t been enough to keep his attention.
Brad woke as he felt someone grab his wrist and saw the woman in the leather shorts standing right in front of him, with her knee pressing down on his forearm. He tried to lift his arm, but her knee held it in place. A few seconds later she release her grip, but as he tried to raise his arm he heard a metal clatter. He soon realised that she had handcuffed his wrist to the metal armrest. He looked up just in time to see the woman grab his bag from the seat next to him. She then calmly walked away and sat down on the seat at the far end of the row.
“What are you doing?” Brad shouted as he stood up and tried in vain to reach her.
The woman cross her legs slowly and started to empty his bag, finding his wallet, phone and keys.
“Give that back now!”
She smiled a very cute smile and spoke in an educated, slightly husky voice as the train slowed for the next station. “It’s a pity we don’t have longer together, but this is my stop.”
“Give that back!” Brad shouted as he pulled as hard as he could against her cuffs.”
“It’s just not your day,” the woman purred as she stood up.
Brad had to think fast. “OK, take the bag, but please unlock me.”
“OK, then leave me with the key to the cuffs.”
“What this one?” she smiled she fished inside the pocket of her shorts.
The woman just laughed.
“But what am I going to do? How can I get out of here otherwise?” Brad was starting to get desperate.
“Without my key? You can’t,” she smiled.
“Don’t leave me here, please.”
The woman smiled, pocketed the key and flicked her hair back over her shoulders as she left the train. He shouted after her but she ignored him and there was no-one else around to hear. He watched as the sexy shorts disappeared out of sight.
Brad kicked the armrest repeatedly but it wouldn’t give, and from where he was he couldn’t reach the alarm. His wrist was already bruised from the cuff which she had locked slightly too tightly. Brad sat back down and shouted in frustration. He had just been robbed by a chick and there was nothing he could do to stop her getting away. He was now travelling away from his flat and towards the end of the line.
The train reached the last station and the lights went out. It then moved to the depot where after ten minutes of calling Brad was finally able to raise the alarm. Once they had stopped laughing at his story, the maintenance crew had managed to free him by unbolting the armrest. He then reported the incident to the depot supervisor who had laughed, but said he would pass the details on to the police.
Fed up with jokes about him being ‘robbed by a girly’ and being ‘kinky’, Brad had turned down the offer of a ride home and instead walked the three miles back to his flat.
The woman’s cuffs were still dangling from his wrist. Unlike cuffs he’d seen before, these had a heavy lock which could only be unlocked with a unique key, a key that as far as he knew was still in her pocket. The guys in the depot had been unable to remove the cuffs and Brad had the feeling that getting out of her cuffs would be a major problem. Although, given the hour, it was a problem that could wait until morning. It was gone midnight by the time Brad arrived home. The blonde had also taken his front door key, but he was too tired to wait around for a locksmith and so decided to try and force the door. But as he climbed the stairs to his third floor flat he found the door ajar, the lights on and music coming from inside.
He slowly opened the door and walked inside to find the woman with the leather shorts sitting on his breakfast bar holding a glass of wine, with her jacket off and a few of the buttons of her blouse undone revealing a sexy black bra.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Brad cried.
“I’m sorry about my behaviour on the train, it was inexcusable.” she purred with eyes that conveyed complete confidence of the situation.
“I’ve brought back your bag and have opened a nice bottle of wine.”
“What? You rob me, and then return everything?”
She smiled her cute smile.
Brad grabbed her arm, pulled her over to the wall and pinned her there with one hand on her shoulder. She smelt nice and she really was cute. Crazy, but cute. She had a presence that could not be explained by her stunning looks alone.
“It took me an hour to get free from the train.”
“You should have asked me, I’ve got the key,” the woman smiled.
“I did, you just left me there.”
“You looked cute all chained up.”
“Would you like me to unlock you now?”
The woman pulled a key from her pocket and let it drop on the floor. As Brad crouched down to retrieve it, the woman reached for the spare end of the cuff and quickly locked it around her own ankle.
“What are you doing, you crazy bitch,” Brad said as he tried in vain to stand back up again. Brad knelt on the floor in front of her and tried the key in the lock. “This isn’t the key!”
The woman giggled and pushed herself against Brad’s head. Her scent, a mix of perfume and leather, was beautiful and Brad couldn’t help but let his headrest for a few seconds against her thighs.
When he regained composure, he picked her up with one arm around her back and one arm under her legs and carried her into the lounge.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do to me, but I want the key now.”
Lying on the sofa, and with Brad kneeling in front of her, the woman deftly unbuttoned her shorts and slid them down to her ankles to reveal cute black silk panties barely covering her perfect figure. Brad had no choice but to stop and stare. She then guided Brad’s hand on to the front of her panties.
“The key’s tucked in here,” she purred as she rubbed herself against his hand.
Brad was completely aroused as he slipped his fingers underneath the silk and retrieved the warm key. He unlocked the cuff from his wrist and walked back into the kitchen and drunk the wine that she’d poured for him in one gulp and then refilled his glass. She was one hell of a sexy woman, but she was also scarily unpredictable. She’d already caused him a lot of grief and could no doubt cause him a lot more.
By the time he’d returned to the lounge, the woman had unlocked the cuff from her ankle and locked both cuffs tightly around her own wrists. She walked over to Brad and slipped the key into the front pocket of his suit trousers, leaving her hand inside for a little longer than necessary.
“I’ve had you chained up for most of the evening, it is your turn now,” she whispered as she threw her cuffed hands around his body and walked backward, pulling him towards the bedroom.
The wine, the tiredness and the sexy woman were all too much and Brad started to strip off his shirt and trousers. Within minutes he was making out with the beautiful, crazy, unknown woman. Shit, he didn’t even know her name.
When Brad woke the next morning, the woman was lying by his side, once again dressed in her leather shorts and top. A few seconds later he realised that the cuffs were once again locked on his wrists and this time both hands were cuffed together around his wrought iron headrest. He also realised that his feet were cuffed to the foot of the bed. She kissed him on the lips and smiled.
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
“Good morning,” he replied, “you really like these little bondage games.”
She sat up, reached for Brad’s laptop and then sat down heavily on Brad’s chest. Brad cried out in pain.
“Let’s see, what’s your internet banking password?”
Brad couldn’t believe it, the woman had already gone from crazy bitch to cute blonde and was now back to crazy bitch. He pulled at the cuffs, which confirmed to him that he was completely screwed.
“I’m not telling you anything.”
“Oh yes you will, they always do,” she said as she lifted herself up slightly and dropped her butt heavily back down on to his chest.
“You bitch!”
The woman laughed. “You knew that last night and yet one look at my naked body made you forget.”
Her leather shorts had looked so cute on the train yesterday, and now only inches from his face and resting painfully on his chest they looked anything but.
“The longer I sit here, the more it will hurt,” the woman said with complete authority as she clicked on the internet and started to browse. “And if breaking a few ribs doesn’t work then I’ll sit on your face and use my butt to break your nose as well, maybe a cheek bone as well if sit down a little too hard.
“No way!” Brad muttered as he wriggled desperately beneath her.
“Do you want to put money on that?” she replied as she slid up his body and sat down squarely on his face. The leather smelt nice, but any pleasure was short lived as she positioned herself as she wanted, rested all her weight on him and sealed off his air.
Brad struggled but the woman’s thighs tightened and held him in place. He was running out of air and struggling more desperately. When she finally lifted up, Brad’s face was red and his chest was heaving. He looked up and saw real delight in her eyes, she was one seriously f***ed up girl. Things then became even worse as she pulled a heavy chastity cage from her handbag.
The thought of her controlling his dick was terrifying, but there was nothing he could do as she quickly and expertly fitted it around his cock. Brad couldn’t see what she was doing, but could feel the steel closing in tightly around him.
The woman slid back on to his chest. “If you think the cuffs are secure, you wait until you see this chastity cage,” she smiled once again with her captivating presence, “getting out of this isn’t an option.”
Brad looked for compassion in her beautiful dark eyes, but saw none. He had no idea what she was thinking or what she was after, but he knew that any begging or reasoning on his part was pointless.
He heard the chastity padlock click shut. “OK, I’ll tell you,” he moaned. She almost looked disappointed as she quickly transferred the daily limit from his account into hers. She then took some pictures of him locked in the chastity cage, which he assumed were to make sure that he wasn’t foolish enough to take this up with the police.
“It really has been fun,” the woman said as she slipped her jacket on and picked up her bag.
“You can’t leave me here.” Brad said desperately.
“Yes I can.”
“Please…. sorry I don’t even know your name.”
“No you don’t,” she smiled.
She sat down next to his head and inspected the cuffs. “You really are f***ed,” she said as she took the key from her pocket and ran it seductively between her lips.
Knowing that he had to try something, he moved his head and ran his lips over the inside of her thigh.
“Umm, that’s nice,” she purred as she stood up and removed her shorts. She knelt on the bed, with one knee either side of his head, and seductively swung her hips from side to side. She then slowly lowered herself on to his mouth and pulled the crotch of her silk panties to one side.
She was back to being sexy and seductive and giving her oral sex was really turning him on, even though he felt sure that she would leave him chained up in his own flat. She barely lifted up during the next hour and by the time she did, both his tongue and his cock ached like hell.
He had to wait a further half an hour while she showered. When she finally returned to his bedroom she once again looked impeccable. He looked up into her dark eyes, desperately hoping to see a smile, or at least some compassion.
She sat down on the bed next to his head and threaded the cuff keys on to a key ring, which she then proceeded to run up and down the inside of her thighs. Should he say something, if so what?
She finally spoke. “That was so nice that I won’t take these keys with me.”
“Thank you,” he blurted out.
“Instead I will leave them with the girl in the flat opposite. Judging by the look she gave me when I let myself in last night, I think she might find that fun.”
“Laura? No!”
The woman smiled her sexy smile. She then took some paper and pen.
“What are you writing?” Brad asked.
“You’ll find out when Laura arrives.”
The woman then took a ball gag from her bag.
“No way are you putting that in my mouth,” Brad said.
“You’re cute, but a slow learner,” she smiled, “do you know how many things I could do to you right now?”
It only took one look into her beautiful eyes for Brad to open his mouth and let her mute him. She then stood up, checked herself in the mirror and pulled a single key from the pocket of her shorts. Brad knew that this was the key to the chastity cage.
“Laura doesn’t get this one,” she purred as she tucked it back in place, “I’ll keep this until next time.”
At eleven o’clock on Saturday morning, Laura crossed the hall and knocked on her neighbour’s door. She was both excited and terrified. She held a note signed by Brad in one hand, and keys in the other. When she got no reply, she did as the note instructed. She unlocked the door and went inside her neighbour’s apartment.
Laura was wearing a pale red knee-length summer skirt, a cream fitted top and tan heels. It was the third outfit that she had tried on her trembling body that morning and she desperately hoped Brad would like it. She flicked her head from side to side, filtering her silky brown hair through her open finger. That had taken another hour to curl and shine.
She tiptoed into the man’s bedroom and, as expected, found her neighbour chained to his own bed, naked other than for boxer shorts.
“I got your note,” she stuttered, her ankles cross and legs pinned together as her skirt towered his manacled body.
Brad tensed his biceps and hauled himself on to his side. Despite his physique, the cuffs that chained his wrists and ankles to the steel bedframe were inescapable, and he was reduced to moaning hopelessly into his gag.
“Sorry, I feel embarrassed,” Laura giggled nervously, “I didn’t know you were into this.”
She smoothed her skirt and sat nervously on the bed next to her gorgeous neighbour. She was trembling; she had never had more than a passing smile and pleasantries from him before.
“Ag…ag…” Brad moaned, his body limp, exhausted from trying to escape from the double locked cuffs.
“Oh ‘gag’!” Laura exclaimed, reaching behind his head and releasing the red ball from his mouth.
“Thank you!” Brad exclaimed, his mouth sore from the tightly buckled gag. He tried to catch his breath, “I’m really sorry Laura, but I didn’t write that note. That woman you saw in my flat last night left me like this and left you that note.”
Laura could feel herself turning red and held her hand to her mouth.
“It’s okay,” Brad smiled, trying to reassure his mortified neighbour, “This is my fault, not yours.”
Laura stood up to leave.
“No, please,” Brad panicked, “Did she leave you any keys?”
“I’m so sorry,” Laura sighed, pulling a handcuff key from her bra, “I thought you wanted this.”
“Normally I would,” Brad replied kindly, “You look really nice.”
“Thank you!” Laura’s brown eyes glistened with moisture.
“Can you unlock me?”
“Oh god, sorry!”
It was the first time that Laura had used handcuffs and it took her several minutes to free Brad from his bed. He sat up and felt with dismay the hard steel chastity cage between his legs.
“Did she give you any other keys?” he asked, still playing with his crotch.
“Oh god!” Laura exclaimed with a laugh, “Oh I’m so sorry!”
Brad smiled and shook his head, “That’s okay, “Why don’t you make us some coffee while I shower and try to slip of his this.”
Twenty minutes later Brad joined Laura in his kitchen. His dark hair was towel dried but unbrushed, his white shirt was open a few buttons and his grey trousers led to bare feet.
“Did you get it off?” Laura asked from behind her coffee mug.
She let out a giggle before she could stop herself, “I’m sorry, it’s not funny.”
Brad smiled; his neighbour was an interesting woman, “I can pull it out, but I can’t get it off my balls,” Brad continued before adding, “Why am I telling you this?”
“Can I look?” she giggled.
“No! But thanks for the coffee.”
They sat across from each other at the kitchen table as Brad played aimlessly with the handcuffs. He swung them around to see how they locked automatically before accidentally locking one around his wrist.
“Oh fuck,” he smiled.
Laura was watching with interest, “Who was that woman?” she asked.
Brad explained how the night before, the woman had handcuffed him to the train seat, stolen this bag, only to reappear at his apartment. He had then let the woman seduce him, sleep with him and leave him chained to his bed. She had forced him to tell her his internet banking password but had only transferred sixty-nine pence. She had then left the note and the handcuff key with Laura.
“How will you contact her?” Laura asked.
“I’ll have to wait for her to call me,” he tapped his crotch, “Soon I hope.”
“Aren’t you mad at her?” Laura asked, confused by her attractive neighbour’s uber cool demeaner.
Brad smiled to himself. He wasn’t going to tell Laura, but sex with the mystery woman had been amazing, plus the woman had enforced this introduction to his cute neighbour. Okay, she had threatened to rob him twice but hadn’t taken anything. So no, he wasn’t mad, more intrigued, but of course all that might change if she didn’t return with the key to his cock.
The locked handcuff still hung from Brad’s left wrist and Laura nervously reached across the table to lock the other side around the table leg. She sat back down, hooked her hair behind one ear and chewed on her bottom lip, her big brown eyes blinking excitedly, “Sorry, just always wanted to do that to a guy.”
“Whoa,” Brad blew, his free hand reaching for the steel cage that contained his cock, “Fuck.”
“Did it get bigger?” Laura asked naively.
“It tried…”
Laura’s bubbling giggles filled the room as Brad stood up to disperse the feeling in his crotch, only for the handcuffs to rattle and pin his in place. Fuck! He adjusted himself again. The crushing sensation around his penis was surprisingly nice, although the cage now pulled against his balls.
Laura was completely besotted with Brad’s predicament, “I can’t believe that woman did this to you,” she exclaimed.
“You mean lock me up and take the key?” he smiled.
“Oh, yeah,” she smiled, “Do you want the handcuff key?”
“Depends where you’ve hidden it,” Brad joked, rearranging his crotch and focusing on his increasingly cute neighbour.
“Okay, I won’t retrieve it,” Laura giggled, her confidence returning, “I don’t want to damage anything… down there.”
Brad sat and rattled his hand, “I feel like I’m being interviewed by the police.”
Laura was struggling to control her buzzing body. She stood up, giggled again and sat down on the kitchen table next to the locked cuff.
Oh fuck, Brad’s cock was swelling as his neighbour’s cute round butt sat inches from his manacled hand, “Okay, let’s talk about something other than your body.”
“We weren’t talk about my body!” Laura exclaimed, secretly delighted by where Brad’s mind was wondering.
“What? Oh.”
Laura was a little disappointed that the handcuff key was only in her hand, but still enjoyed the tease as she unlocked her cute neighbour from his own kitchen table, “Maybe we can do this again when you have a penis?” she smiled as the red skirt swooshed up and left.
“Yes?” Brad answered eagerly as his phone rang.
“I see Laura let you out of the cuffs…” The mysterious woman’s silky, ultra-calm voice took Brad back to the night before, his cock swelling at her command.
“She couldn’t let me out of the chastity cage.”
The woman laughed, “Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll give Laura that key one day?”
“Laura? Why Laura?”
“Westin… 1205… at 3,” she whispered before the line went dead.
The room cardkey was waiting for Brad at reception and he made his way up in the lift, unsure what he was going to find or how he would react. He unlocked the door to find the woman in the large ornate bathroom. She was dressed in a black knitted top, black leather shorts and ankle high boots. Her hands were cuffed together above her head with the cuffs looped around a large water pipe.
“Hi,” the woman whispered from behind large black sunglasses. She rattled her chains, “Guess you know how debilitating these can be…”
“I had to wait three hours for my poor neighbour to free me.”
With no handbag in sight, Brad slipped his hands into the small pockets of her black leather shorts. The woman was trembling and breathing deeply as she thrust herself against his hands.
“I’m so glad you came,” she purred.
Brad kept searching her body until he found the handcuff key, which he quickly transferred to his own pocket. He then lifted her top to reveal her tiny waist and black bra which he quickly unclipped. The expensive lingerie fell free exposing hard nipples, pert breasts and an even more lustful woman.
“Fuck, where is the key to my cock?” Brad moaned, sitting on the edge of the bath, bent double with his cock aching.
The woman’s hips and legs were in perpetual motion, thrusting forward as he knelt before her and unbuttoned her high waisted shorts and fought to free them from her hips. They dropped down revealing dark pantyhose encircling tight black silk panties.
“Fuck, where is the key?” Brad breathed, his hands performing an intimate search until the woman’s familiar scent overcame him, and he sunk his lips into the front of her panties.
“Slip it out,” she breathed, her voice sounding desperate.
Brad stood at the basin and stared down at the steel cage as he ran cold water and body lotion through the bars. Finally, he managed to pull his cock out and it bounced above his dejected balls that were still caught in the metal device.
With the chastity cage still dangling comically from his testicles, Brad knelt back down in front of the chained woman.
“Please,” the woman trembled, her body trying to become one with Brad’s lips.
Her body had now choked any rational thought and he slid down her pantyhose and underwear and lapped at her vagina. The woman hung helplessly from her chains, willing her body against his. Brad stood up and wrapped his arms around her slim waist and pushed his erect cock against her.
She was now half swinging from the locked restraints as she wrapped her legs around his waist to thrust deeper. By the time they climaxed she was almost hysterical with sexual hormones, her legs still gripping tightly to his body.
“Wow,” Brad mouthed, unlocking the woman from her chains and carrying her gently to the bed.
She was smiling from behind her sunglasses as she rolled over to sit astride his waist, “Your turn in the cuffs…”
Brad knew it was madness to let this woman handcuff him, but he was strangely mesmerised and after a several minutes of kissing, he found himself almost magically handcuffed to the metal headboard, “That’s tight…” he gasped as the woman continued to ratchet him in.
Her fingers snaked around his cock as she bounced on him, his cock magically disappearing inside her warm body. It felt incredible with Brad floating as he thrust into her lithe supple body. Spent, he lay panting on the bed as the woman surreptitiously secured his ankles to the end of the bed with a second pair of cuffs.
“Please don’t leave me like this again,” Brad moaned, kicking himself for his stupidity.
“Housekeeping will free you…”
“No, please?” Brad mouthed as she started to redress. The black silk underwear snaked up her legs and snugged into place. The pantyhose followed, slowly and carefully, itself to be enclosed inside black leather shorts.
“My chastity key?” Brad asked hopefully.
The woman shook her head, long silky blonde hair swishing from side to side. She dropped down on to the bed next to him, her shorts nestling in cosily against his head. Brad looked up longingly as her breasts settled into her black bra and then disappeared inside her knitted black top.
“Time to put you away too…” she purred.
She slowly dripped lubricant on his erect cock as she squeezed him tightly between her hands. Brad managed to climax just before she forced him inside the cage. He looked up and smiled, only to be rewarded with a swing of her hips against his head.
The woman then fetched her heavy handbag which clattered on to the bed. She pulled out a heavy ‘D’ shaped rigid bike lock and threaded it carefully around his neck. Brad’s eyes looked up inquiringly as she turned the key to lock it in place.
“Why?” he asked her.
She didn’t reply, instead pulled out a second lock.
“No, please,” he moaned, “The chastity cage is our secret, but how can I live with these?”
Her black leather shorts sunk back down on to his chest as she slid in the fifth bike lock and turned and removed the key. It was as if she had placed him in a high security neck brace with Brad’s head movement now restricted.
“My cock,” was all Brad could moan as the woman shuffled forward putting him into a schoolgirl pin with the mass of high security locks between her pantyhose clad legs.
“Smell my scent,” she whispered, “That’s all you can know about me.”
For the second time in a day, Brad had to calm a startled woman and plead with her to unlock his cuffs. The hotel maid had finally released him, but not before calling in two of her colleagues.
Brad grab a towel and wrapped it around his neck as he walked home, even more caught up in the crazy’s woman’s web than when he had started. The sex had been good though, and he smiled as he collapsed at home with a whiskey.
“Someone confuse you with a bike?” Laura laughed as Brad opened the door to her that evening.
“Don’t ask…” Brad replied, but then proceeded to tell her everything, at least everything but the sex.
“You look ridiculous,” she giggled, jangling his locks.
They ordered takeaway and then moved to the lounge where Brad lay down on his back on the rug to relieve the weight of the locks on his shoulders. Giddy with wine, Laura stepped closer and provocatively looked down at her intriguing neighbour.
Brad glanced at the long legs stretching up inside her red skirt, “Laura!” he moaned, clutching his aching crotch.
“Perfect way to stop you ogling me!” she giggled.
With her heartbeat taking her breath, Laura gingerly sat down astride Brad’s waist and leaned forward under the pretence of looking at the locks. Silky hair enclosed them both as she kissed his lips.
Brad kissed her back with his tongue pushing in between her red lips. Her touch was swelling his penis, which was now tormented by both the cage, and being trapped beneath Laura’s cheeks, and being pulled from side to side as her hips rolled.
Brad instinctive tried to sit up to hug her, but accidentally knocked the locks against Laura’s chin while half choking himself.
“Ouch,” she cried, sitting upright on top of his cage.
“Sorry, if I can just turn over…”
“No!” Laura replied, “You’re cute, but with no cock and these things stuck around your neck, I’m not sure you’re much of a catch.” She stood deliberately close to him as she smoothed her dress.
“No, please stay,” Brad gasped, struggling and clattering to his feet.
“Only if you take those things off, they look ridiculous.”
“I can’t!” Brad sighed, inexplicably obsessed with this woman who he had barely noticed before, “Can I buy you brunch in the morning?”
Laura looked unconvinced.
“Uber Eats?”
“Okay,” she replied, “but get some sleep and sort this shit out.”
Brad stepped in for one last kiss before Laura picked up her purse and left.
Back in her own apartment, Laura dropped her cool act and with wide eyes and giggles, rushed to open her purse. The keys to the bicycle locks had been in there ever since they had been dropped through her letterbox earlier that evening.
She wasn’t even sure why she hadn’t given them to Brad. It would have been so easy to unlock him and relieved his anguish, but for some reason she was getting a buzz from denying him his freedom. Maybe she was cross that he was entangled with the other woman or maybe she just enjoyed the power.
Maybe she would produce them from her bra, one at a time, every time he spoilt her and made her feel loved. Maybe she would place one in her lingerie, a prize waiting for him if he went down on her. But for now, her neighbour would be confined to his apartment with Laura the only other person to know his secret.
Brad lay in bed on Sunday morning, smiling as he remembered making love the day before. He may not know her name, but the woman was stunning, albeit crazy and unpredictable. As he turned over, the five heavy bicycle ‘U’ locks clattered around his neck. They weighed over ten kilograms in total. Why had she locked them on him? She said it was to remind him of the five times they had made love, but it seemed more like a sadistic prank.
Maybe he could get them cut off, but the notable misfortune of having five of the most secure bicycle locks stuck around his neck was certainly going to get publicity, and he was not going to end up on YouTube. He sat up, the ten kilograms weighing heavily on his shoulders, and stared at his ridiculous reflection in the mirror. The mystery woman had literally branded him, effectively confining him to his apartment until she returned the keys.
“You’re late,” Brad smiled as he opened the door to his neighbour.
He took one look at Laura in her black strap top and tiny white cotton shorts and reached down to adjust his chastity cage; the second present from his mystery woman.
“You can’t do that every time you see a girl,” Laura exclaimed, although secretly delighted that the uncomfortably tight shorts were having the desired effect.
Brad looked gorgeous in his designer jeans and blue shirt with the upturned collar, even if his dreamy eyes were looking out from the jumble of bike locks. As promised, he had prepared brunch with a wonderful smell of coffee in the air. Laura discretely eased the white fabric out from between her cheeks and tried to free her twisted underwear before sitting down at the table.
Laura held her coffee cup to her lips, sipping slowly as she shook her head to make her brown wavy hair frame her face, “Still wearing your bike locks?” she smiled, her brown eyes dancing excitedly.
“They’re really in fashion,” Brad clattered.
“Oh, so it’s not because some girl locked them on and disappeared with the keys?”
“No, they’re cool.”
“Glad you like them.”
Laura intentionally let her napkin fall to the floor and watched as Brad reached down to pick it up, only for the locks to clatter into his neck, “Okay, they’re heavy,” he moaned.
Laura smiled sympathetically, “Come here, let me look.”
Brad dropped down on to his knees and bowed his head, sighing happily as Laura slid her hands inside his shirt to massage his strong tense shoulders, “Oh, that feels nice,” he breathed.
“Come closer…”
Brad’s head was now between his neighbour’s legs as Laura’s hands pressed into his back. She pulled one hand out of his shirt and wrapped her fingers around one of the bike locks.
“I can lead you around like this,” she trembled, pulling him towards her and slowly and surreptitiously closing her thighs. With Brad held in place, she continued to massage his shoulders, enjoying the warm contours of his muscled body.
Brad was also enjoying her touch, the warmth of her legs and the scent of her perfume, and his eyes blinked dreamily as she released her grip, “Wow!” he smiled, his hands once more on his metal crotch.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Laura whispered breathily, “Your crazy friend left a key in my letter box.”
Brad watched transfixed as Laura pushed her fingers into the front pocket of her shorts. She had practiced the big reveal at home, but the hot tight shorts and trembling hands made it harder, “It’s in here somewhere,” she giggled nervously.
“Now you tell me?” Brad smiled, his cock again reacting to Laura’s body and the shorts.
“Hey, I can always put it back in my pocket!” Laura teased, sticking out her tongue.
“As much as I would enjoy watching that,” Brad smiled, dropping back on to his knees, “I’m not sure it would ever come out again.”
“You don’t like my shorts?”
“Just unlock me, please?”
Laura rattled his locks, sliding the high security key into each keyhole in turn until it finally turned. The double deadbolts released, and she eased the lock free from his neck.
“Thank you,” Brad breathed, kissing her in gratitude. Laura was becoming sexier by the minute and that was causing havoc in his cock cage, “Will you stay? Maybe watch a movie?”
“Sure,” she beamed.
Laura swung her hips as her long legs led the way to the lounge. Surely Brad would notice her bottom in her specially chosen shorts.
“What’s in your back pocket?”
Yes! She giggled nervously as he caught up with her and kissed her neck. She could feel his hands caress her body, exploring the shape of her hips and butt. She turned and kissed his lips before sinking down into the soft sofa.
The bike locks clanked annoying around his neck, enforcing an upright posture and making it difficult for Brad to turn his head. A humiliation only enhanced as Laura giggled every time she looked at him.
“If only there was some way to take those off,” she smiled.
“Yes, if only we had the keys…”
“Mmm, keys,” Laura grinning, laying back against the armrest, unbuckling her shoes and poking her bare feet in front of Brad’s face, “I did release one of your locks,” she toyed with persuasive eyes.
“Just one,” Brad reminded her.
“Well, maybe if you’re good…”
Brad took her feet in his hands and kissed them, processing the smell of the leather and the woman’s scent. With his lips still pressed into her soles, he looked up to see Laura adjusting her shorts which were again riding up between her legs.
“Well, you’ve been touching yourself all day,” she replied accusingly.
Brad smiled and pressed his fingers into her soles. Laura lay back, moaning quietly against closed lips. Her smile became even wider. It was dreamlike being in Brad’s apartment and having his full attention. Her eyes blinked closed and her hips seemed to move on their own.
Her lips curled into a smile as she listened to Brad struggling with his locks; the mental cruelty was beautiful. She felt his fingers explore her calves and then move higher as they explored her slim and toned inner thigh muscles. She tensed her core, thrusting slightly as he touched the tight wrinkled white cotton that encircled her waist.
“Oh wow…” Laura mouthed, arching her back and rolling on to her front.
She laughed as the locks all clattered forward and Brad stopped, moaned and tried to realign his restraints. It was such a cool way to humble someone, funny, humiliating and totally inescapable without the keys. Maybe she could keep Brad like this forever?
She felt his kisses climb the back of her leg; his warm breath combined with the feel of the smooth steel. He was now kissing the back pocket of her shorts. Fuck, a man was kissing her butt. She knew what he wanted, but having tempted him just a little, Laura swung her legs on to the floor and sat up.
Brad looked disappointed as the key disappeared beneath her, but then watched open mouthed as Laura stood up and pulled her black top over her head and clear of her long wavy hair that flickered with static. She looked down hopefully at her modest breasts pressed together in her new black bra. She was trembling.
“Maybe there are more to find?”
“Wow!” Brad gasped.
He staggered to his feet and kissed her, his fingers circling her bosom and the key that was clinched between her breasts.
“Opps, how did the key get there?” Laura smiled nervously. She a gave a breathy moan as Brad’s fingers tingled down her back.
Laura moaned in delight, as Brad kissed her breasts and then eased them free of her bra so that he could kiss her nipples. The key dropped to the floor and Laura’s toes mischievously flicked it out of reach.
Brad desperately wanted to pull his cock out of the cage, but he couldn’t. He had tried to pull out in the shower that morning, but the cage had been designed to stick to his penis after a prolonged period of wear. His cock had evidently passed the point of no return. Not that it really mattered, as even if he could pull out, the way it trapped his balls made them ache when he was aroused.
Laura lay down on the rug, tingling from Brad’s attention and his desire to undress her. She pushed his hands away from the buttons on her tight figure-hugging shorts and directed him back to her breasts. Oh fuck, his lips were sucking her nipples again as she fumbled with the buttons on his shirt.
“Oh wow,” she panted as he ripped off his shirt and flung it across the room.
“Fucking things,” Brad mouthed as the bike locks clattered into his throat.
Laura rolled on to her front and writhed in pleasure as Brad ran kisses down her naked back and buried his face once more into her shorts. Goosebumps covered her arms as she felt him breath slowly, inhaling her scent.
Brad squeezed his fingers into her back pocket but decided to leave the key in place. He loved how Laura used her power over him and he had no desire to be released. Seconds later and the key again disappeared again as Laura rolled on to her back, popping the buttons on her shorts. Oblivious to the crushing chastity cage, Brad eased the tight fabric free from Laura’s hips and pushed his head against her white cotton underwear.
“Use your mouth…” she breathed, thrusting up to imprint her damp lingerie on his lips.
“Another key,” Brad mouthed, kissing its unique shape through the woman’s underwear, “I’ve been suffering while the keys have been in your pants… fuck so cool.”
“You should have undressed me earlier…”
Laura lay on the rug with her legs spread while Brad carefully aligned his locks so that he could kneel down between her thighs. The lingerie was as tight as the shorts and the elastic kept flicking back as Brad tried to get his tongue inside.
“Oh, just take them off,” Laura cried in frustration, lifting her hips and whipping her panties free.
The wonderful man was now kissing her clit, slowly and beautifully bringing her to orgasm. She sprayed her hair across the white rug and stretched out her arms. If only there was mirrored ceiling!
It was almost dark by the time Laura retrieved her clothes and wriggled back into her shorts. Every time she came across a key, she released a lock from around Brad’s neck until there was only one left.
“What about this one?” Brad asked.
“Your mystery woman didn’t give me that one,” Laura sighed, “Nor the key to your cock!”
“Yes, fuck!” she hugged him tightly, “Please deal with that crazy bitch … so we can make love?”
As they walked to the door, Brad noticed Laura’s white lingerie hanging from the back of the remaining bike lock. He quickly pulled the scented silk to the front only to find that the lock was threaded through its crotch.
“Hey, you have this key!” he laughed, pinning her to the wall with a kiss.
“Well how did your panties get on here?” He bunched them up against his nose.
“Don’t!” Laura blushed.
“Definitely yours…”
“One lock to remind you of me?” she whispered hopefully.
With Laura gone, Brad collapsed on to the sofa with his neighbour’s lingerie stretched over his face. This woman had suddenly become incredible.
Just then, his phone beeped. ‘Chastity key?’
‘Yes’, he replied, now totally obsessed with his neighbour and frantically wanting to make love.
He read the woman instructions. There seemed to be an inevitability about the mystery woman’s cruelty, but yet she still fascinated him. Plus, Brad needed his chastity key more than ever.
As instructed, Brad walked down to the car park and found the metal grate that covered the storm drain. It was dark, but still hot from the day as Brad lifted the grate on its hinge and squeezed through the small opening and dropped down into the four feet cubed concrete chamber. He lowered the heavy grate back down and sat there looking up at the moon through the bars.
A few minutes later, Brad heard a car approaching. Its tires rolled loudly on the rough surface until the front driver’s side wheel came to a stop on the grate. He reached up through the narrow bars, craning his eyes to see the small Audi that had parked on his only way out.
The door opened and heels clipped towards him until the woman appeared above him. She crouched down, her long jacket falling open to reveal a short black skirt and pantyhose beneath. Her phone clicked on and illuminated Brad’s tiny cell.
“I was going to push up the grate and jump out when you arrived,” Brad sighed, “Didn’t expect you park on top of me.”
“Women drivers…”
She eased up her skirt and opened her legs further to reveal her black thong, “Do you want me?” she whispered.
“I need the key,” Brad replied, holding his hand to his face as he tried to see beyond the glare of the woman’s light.
“The key? Do you have a friend down there?”
Brad heaved his body against the grate, but it didn’t move, held rigidly in place under the weight of her car. It felt confining and oppressive inside his tiny cell and he wished that Laura was there with him.
The woman shuffled closer, her pantyhose clad crotch now hovering painfully close to his cell, “Try to kiss my body,” she breathed.
Brad was clutching his metal cock, but otherwise seemed unmoved by her provocation.
The woman popped open her purse, retrieved his key and dropped it down through the grate. She stood up and arched her back as the gorgeously imprisoned guy searched desperately for the key in the dark drain.
She turned and climbed back into her car, the bucket seat enveloping her slim body, “I think you have him,” the woman smiled to Laura who was now sitting in the passage seat.
“Thank you Jess!” Laura whispered, leaning across to kiss her friend’s cheek.
Jessica held her finger to her lips and cracked open her window. Brad’s breathy cries were echoing up from beneath her car. She spread her legs either side of the leather steering wheel, eased up her skirt and touched herself, “He sounds so cute,” she breathed, “especially trapped under my car.”
“Hey, he’s mine!” Laura hissed.
Jessica smiled and pulled the keys from the ignition and dropped them between her open legs, “Well, good luck trying to get him of there, sweetie,” she smiled.
The women listened in silence as Brad climaxed, moaning out loud before the reality of his confinement returned. He was now calling out, begging to be released, puffing and heaving as he tried to lift the grate.
“Why do men believe they have super strength?” Jessica giggled.
“Maybe he’ll burst out like superman?” Laura daydreamed.
“No… he’ll languish pitifully in his humiliating little cell, enjoying your panties until we let him out.”
“Hey!” Laura objected.
Jessica giggled, “It’s okay, permanently locking your used underwear to a man is cool.”
They listened as Brad’s pleas for freedom gave way to sexual moans.
“You still like him?” Jess asked.
“Love your shorts by the way…”
“Thanks… so did he.”
“So, shall I leave him unlocked then?” Jess smiled suggestively.
Laura closed her eyes and pictured Brad between her legs. She listened intently as his moans reached a crescendo. She imagined his touch, slow and gentle, just like his lips. She freed her hair from its rough ponytail so that her long brown curls hung loose, framing her smiling face as her hips daydreamed about making out.
Jessica watched her with a knowing smile.
“Stop it!” Laura shushed in embarrassment.
“Sounds as though you two will have a big night….”
“Fuck, his lips were good between my legs,” Laura sighed.
Jessica had the same image in her mind, his touch all too easy to visualise as Brad’s cries built again. Why were men in chastity so good down there? Both women sat motionless, their eyes closed, and their aroused bodies weighting down the car as Brad climaxed for the second time.
“Lock him back in chastity,” Laura breathed, “but leave the key with me.”
Brad gazed up at Jessica’s imposing moon-silhouetted body that towered above the grate. Her skirt was still hitched up and her pointed heels toyed with Brad’s hands as they gripped the thick closely spaced bars. Jessica placed her black leather heels on the grate and crouched down intimidatingly.
“Put it back on,” she whispered silkily, “…and I’ll leave the key with your neighbour.”
Jessica floodlit Brad’s cell with her phone as he struggled to squeeze back into the metal cock cage. He jiggled the lock until it slid into its casing and then offered the key back up through the grate.
“You’ll give the key to Laura?” Brad checked, dark eyes staring up from his subterranean underworld.
Jessica opened the door and sunk back into her car seat with the key proudly held between her fingers. Laura was about to take it from her when Jessica raised her knees and dropped the key inside her skirt where it slid down to her crotch.
“Hey Jess, he’s mine!” Laura whispered.
“Take it…”
“You slut!” Laura mouthed.
“I got you your guy, didn’t I?”
Laura was trembling; everything about Jessica was crazy and exciting. Laura reached over and ran her fingers down Jessica’s inner thigh, the temperature rising the deeper she went.
Jessica’s eyes barely opened as she flicked open her glove box. Laura tentatively reached for the vibrator and jumped as she turned it on. She slid it between Jessica’s legs and watched the muscles on her friend’s face twitch and bounce as the feeling flowed up. Jessica’s moans were deafening inside the small car and Brad would certainly be listening. Sexual sensations seemed to rule Jessica’s life and her animated body climaxed intensely.
Jessica’s eyes opened slowly, and she smiled dreamily, “Drink?” she asked.
“What about Brad?” Laura mouthed.
“He’s fine. We’ll leave him to practice his super powers,” Jessica smiled.
Jessica swung her legs out of the car, stretched up and breathed in the warm night air. It would rain later and that thought made her smile as she listened to the man still trapped down inside the storm drain. Her fingers squeezed the key fob, the car immediately obeying her order and locking.
“Please?” Brad called, his fingers reaching desperately through the grille.
Jessica walked over to the grate, stood there for a few seconds before silently following Laura back inside.
It was past midnight and the rain was starting to fall as Laura walked back across the car park. She stood with her boots on the grate looking down into the drain below.
“Brad?” she called in mock surprise.
Brad woke from his sleep and stared up bleary-eyed. Other than for the boots, Laura was dressed for bed in a short cream nightdress and matching panties.
“That woman left me a note saying you were here,” Laura lied.
“Oh, thanks.”
“You’ve got to sort this shit out, Brad!”
“It’s okay, she’s going to return my cock key to you.” He looked genuinely pleased to have won this concession from the crazy woman and his doting eyes were just gorgeous as he tried to lift the grate on which Laura was standing.
She stamped one boot down close to his fingers, “Why should I let you out?” Laura asked.
“So we can sleep together?”
His fingertips were straining to touch the soles of her boots.
“Sewer man, really?”
“Laura!” he cried, his contagious smile spreading to her lips.
“Okay, that might be nice.”
Jessica’s crazy plan had worked, the look on Brad’s eyes was like nothing she had seen before. He would do anything for her. She stepped aside and helped Brad climb out of his hole. He hugged her, swept her up into his arms and carried her back inside.