Once Upon A Dream

"Was it a dream or the author’s plight?"

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The shadows seem to stir, but nothing materialized. She felt a presence, maybe just an uncontrolled feeling. The room was lit only by the pale moonlight, a breeze that seemed to whisper her name ruffled the curtains…a soft moan. She trembled from anticipation or was it an unrecognized fear?

She had committed to this rendezvous, not reluctantly, but as something that had lingered in the recess of her mind. Having never experienced this other than in her imagination nurtured on a sexual fantasy site. A liaison which matured to a point that the literary exchanges evolved to private e-mail chats. She became so emboldened that rather explicit photographs were sent accompanied by equally explicit commentary. Finally a decision was reached to meet at his house in New Orleans. When she arrived a note on the door advised the door was open and he would be there no later than 7pm and to let herself in.

Her heart thudded almost painfully…standing in the gloom trembling a deep voice called out…softly,

“It is what you asked for. Isn’t it? “

The entire house seemed to reverberate with the voice. She turned and lifted her eyes upwards towards the voice. She made out a tall figure in the dim and indistinct light.

“Is that you?”

The figure moved closer revealing a broad shouldered man with dark, curly hair and astonishing blue eyes. Without a light being turned on the room acquired an almost ethereal light as the man approached.

“I am Jacgues, Jacques Livaudais. Welcome to New Orleans and my house. I am so pleased that you are here. Let me turn on some lights. I asked the maid to leave the house lights on, but as you can see that was not done. I do apologize.”.

He stepped closer to her, holding his arms open as she folded into his body and embrace. Instantly she felt a sense of belonging and at the same time a feeling of remoteness. His hands caressed her back as they moved resting just above the crease of her buttocks. Almost instinctively her hips pressed into him. The feel of his penis pressing slightly against her pubic bone produced the first tingle of sexual arousal. Their cyber exchanges had become quite sexually graphic but being physically together produced a level of trepidation…words now became actions.

His hand laid against her cheek lifting her mouth to his as their parted lips met. Tongues entwined as the kiss became the instigator of a new found arousal. Her nipples hardened within the embrace of her thin bra pressing lightly on his chest. Her arms wrapped tightly around his body as she struggled to calm the undulation of her hips. Her arousal appeared to be reciprocated.

Her clothes were slowly peeled from her body revealing her full breasts capped by erect, light brown nipples. As his hand moved down her belly into the moist tangle of her pubic hair she moaned deeply. His shirt dropped in a pile of clothes on the floor. She undid his pants and they gathered at his ankles, he was naked…she shuddered at the sight of his precum coated cock. Moving backwards the back of her knees pressed against the couch as she dropped down, legs splayed in surrender.

Jacque kneeled between her legs licking and kissing up each thigh, her body trembling as he approached fountain of her arousal. His mouth and tongue elevated her arousal to uncontrolled lust defined by her howls of delight.

Her body arched in pleasure as her eyes opened wide, beside her was her iPad glowing with Lush Stories still open to an unfinished story. Her empty room scented with her solitary arousal…so it was.

And so it was.

Published 2 months ago

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