Or am I just dreaming?
The music is gone now, the silence is strange.
Can you call back that moment
On that day in September
When we first shared that secret
And everything changed?
Can you know what you meant
To a soul that was searching?
Can you know that I’m sorry
For all I’ve undone?
And know that in my heart
You were the only one
On that day in September it was so unexpected
The moment you kissed me, time seemed to freeze
Now I stand at a crossroad and stare at the question
If prayer were the answer I’d fall on my knees
but forward is calling and I cannot stay here
Nothing can change what you will always be
An angel sent to hold my heart and set me free
I’ve never been this bare I’ve never been so scared
I’ve never felt such honesty it will never leave
A moment of such peace each of us both standing bare
Still you are here with me knowing who we have to be
Know as you hold my hand I hoped and prayed
We’re forever you and I and that you would understand
I know you’re here in my heart
Please understand that I tried
Try to see it’s not good bye
The act is beginning, the audience awaits
Let’s stay in this moment, where secrets reveal
Here in a world where there’s safety in falsehood
I have discovered the one thing that’s real
That I love you and I’ve loved you from the start
And if you hold that close to you, we’ll never be apart
…Please know I loved you.
God I love you
From the start.
Once upon a time
I first held your hand
And love was not a crime
In a private world where
You said ‘don’t look down’
But then I did and now you’re lost above me
So much left to say
Trapped alone here
With my best laid plans astray
Standing scared outside a cold church
Soul search, seeking some lost answer
From a God who loves me
Can I turn to you in my need?
Would You take me back or watch me bleed?
Are You there? There at all?
And as I fall from the person that I tried to be
Could you really love someone like me?
Once upon a time
All I needed was your hand in mine
Then I lost my way and
Now I know not what I do
I bow my head and turn to you.