I looked over at Laurie, and tried to focus on her words. I was pretty sure I understood what she was saying, but couldn’t quite get answer out. Instead, I shrugged and giggled at her. I’d been doing a lot of giggling tonight as had Laurie and Krissy. Giggling would be a normal occurrence anytime eighteen and nineteen year old girls had a sl**p over, but tonight there was a lot more than usual. The fact that the bottle of southern comfort Laurie had brought along was almost gone probably had something to do with our increased good spirits.
If the booze wasn’t enough to induce some extra laughs, the dime bag Krissy had pulled from her purse had ensured a fun filled night. Even as I watched Krissy take a hit from the third joint we had rolled since they’d gotten here, I still couldn’t believe I’d had the balls to do this in my parent’s house. Normally I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing something like this, but Mom was away on business and wouldn’t be home until tomorrow afternoon and dad worked a split night/morning shift for the city.
I still wouldn’t have taken the chance, but when Laurie and Krissy, who were s****rs in the sorority I was hoping to pledge to when I started URI this fall asked if they could come party, I said screw it. A year older than me, they had both been popular cheerleaders on the squad with me last year and although they hadn’t been good friends of mine, they had been coming around a lot lately hoping to get me to join them rather another s****rhood.
“Well?” Laurie asked, leaning over and giving my shoulder a playful shake. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Or did Mark get your tongue?” Krissy laughed.
That made me laugh again, but this time I managed to speak, “I don’t talk about that stuff.”
“Oh come on Keri!” Laurie exclaimed, “We’re going to be s****rs next semester and s****rs tell each other everything!”
“Unless little Keri’s still cherry!” Krissy giggled. “Then she’s just got nothing to say!”
“No way, she’s cherry,” Laurie shook her head, “With those legs and that adorable little face!” she reached out and gave my cheek a pinch, “She’s way too hot not to have gotten herself some cock!”
“I…” I stopped and felt myself blushing.
My face was already flushed from the drinks and I hoped they hadn’t noticed, but Krissy smiled, “Aw, look how cute, she’s embarrassed”
“No,” I lied, “Sides, you guys are hot, I’m kind of cute, but that’s it.”
I meant what I said, the two of them may only be a year older than me, but seemed much more mature. Both were absolutely beautiful, Laurie had long auburn hair and green eyes that resembled cat’s eyes. Krissy was a striking blonde with big green eyes that she used to full effect on the boys. Where I was taller, with a slightly thin, athletic build, they were curvier, certainly not chunky, but with nice hips, and full round asses. The most notable difference and one I was painfully self conscious of, was the size of their tits. Both of them were wearing little tank tops and their more than ample tits were all but falling out of them.
We were sitting cross legged on my bed and the way they were leaning toward me had those tits on full display. I looked down at my own very small, but perky little tits, and sighed. My first real boyfriend had referred to them as cute. He’d meant well, but I always felt embarrassed and tried to have sex with my shirt on whenever I could.
“You’re more than cute.” Krissy reached out and ran her fingers through my long curly black hair “With this beautiful hair and those big wide blue eyes, and those damn long legs, you’re pretty hot.”
“And those blow job lips.” Laurie added, “Wish my lips were that full.”
“Stop wearing them out and they might be!” Krissy laughed.
“Real funny.” Laurie whacked her in the arm, “Just remember, I’m not the one who fucked two guys at once,” she smirked, “b*****r’s at that.”
Krissy shrugged, “What can I say, I couldn’t make up my mind so…” she laughed, “I decided not too!”
“Two?” I shook my head. “I could never.”
“It’s fun.” Krissy said, “One in my mouth, one in my pussy, it was damn hot!”
“So fess up Keri,” Laurie aid as she poured a shot and handed it to me, “You ever have one in your pussy?”
I took the shot, wincing at how strong the liquor was and wiping my mouth, put my head down. “Yes, I’ve gotten laid.”
“Good for you!” Krissy said, “How many guys you have so far?”
“Just a couple.” Krissy handed me the joint and after taking a hit, I giggled again, “Okay, three.”
“Three,” Laurie nodded. “Not bad, enough to know, but enough to keep you a good girl” she smirked, “Did you blow all of them?”
“Two.” Finding myself no longer worried about what I was saying, I held up two fingers. I noticed that they were blurring together as I did and for some reason found that funny and laughed.
“Why not the third guy?” Krissy asked, “Because I’ll tell you what, I can’t not suck their cocks, I fucking love it!”
“Well,” I paused as I remembered, Bill the second guy I’d had sex with. “He was kissing my belly and I asked him to lick my pussy,” I shrugged, “He said he didn’t really like that so I told him I didn’t like sucking cock.” I shook my head disgustedly, “Fuck him.”
Laurie and Krissy burst out laughing, and Krissy put her arm around me.
“Good for you girl! It’s things like that, that are going to make you s****r material!” she nodded, “We’re always in control, the guy has the dick, but it’s up to us what they do with it.” She laughed again. “Even when those two guys were on me, I was calling the shots; there wasn’t a minute there wasn’t a tongue or finger taking care of….”
“Oh stop it you slut.” Laurie rolled her eyes, then looking past me pointed, “Speaking of sucking cock, that’s one I wouldn’t mind tasting.”
Turning, I saw her pointing at a picture of me with my father. We had been at the beach and Dad wasn’t wearing a shirt. He worked roadside construction and was in damn good shape for a forty two year old guy. He worked midnight to noon so caught some sun and those muscles were well tanned. Throw in his dark hair and bright blue eyes and I had to say, my Mom had done damn well for herself. As if reading my mind, Krissy said,
“Your mom’s a lucky bitch to have that fucking her, that’s for sure.”
“I guess.” I shrugged.
“You guess?” Laurie asked, “Come on Keri, he’s not hot?”
“He’s my dad.”
“So? Doesn’t mean you can’t have the thought.” Krissy shrugged.
“He’s my dad.” I repeated. “He’s loves me and is really good to me.”
“I’d let him be real good to me.” Krissy smiled, “And I’d be damn good to him,” Laurie licked her lips provocatively, and then winked at me, “You ever think about him being good to you Keri?”
“Hell no!” I said quickly.
That wasn’t entirely true, I’d had a few embarrassingly nasty dreams about Dad, but that had been when I was younger and before I’d started having sex with something other than my fingers. They had faded away and I hadn’t thought much about them since.
“Liar!” Krissy laughed as she relit the joint, “Hey Laurie, think Keri’s dad’s thought about fucking his hot daughter?”
“Yup.” Laurie said, and then paused to take a swig from the bottle, “And I bet he wanted her to call him daddy, while he fucked her.”
“That’s disgusting.” I waved my hand at Laurie as I accepted the joint with the other.
“Simple yes or no,” Laurie asked, “He’s not your dad, he’s all over you, he takes you in his room, and whips it out,” she grinned, “Would you blow him?”
“Only if he licked her first.” Krissy laughed.
I took a hit from the joint and despite my best efforts started coughing, the room was starting to spin and my head felt as if it were ready to float off my body. I passed the joint to Laurie and sighed, “If he wasn’t f****y and he was a just a hot older guy and I had a chance, I’d fuck him,” I burst out laughing, “After he licked my pussy!”
“Speaking of licking Keri,” Krissy said as she wiped tears from her eyes. “You never answered Laurie.”
“Ummm,” I picked up the bottle of southern from between Krissy’s legs and took a long swallow. I shook my head as my vision swam. “What she ask me?” ask had come out as ashk, and I giggled again.
“You and Mark,” Krissy prodded, “You fuck him?”
“I told you, I don’t talk about….” I paused then remembering that hot afternoon right here in my bedroom when no one was home blurted out, “Damn straight I did!”
“You did?” Laurie asked
“Yup,” I sighed, “Twice!”
“Twice?” Krissy whistled, then gave me a sly smile, “You blow him Keri?”
“Oh yeah!” I nodded, “He had a really nice cock!”
“Ohhh, I like hearing you say cock.” Krissy laughed, “Makes you sound all grown up,” she then leaned closer and asked, “You just give him some head or you suck him off?”
“Who cares?” Laurie asked, “So how….”
“I sucked him right off!” I exclaimed, now proud to talk about it, I leaned into Krissy and said, “I love the taste!”
“Damn!” she laughed, “And,” I continued, “What’s even better is how it feels going down my throat!” I made a purring sound, “Hot and thick!”
“Listen to you, you naught thing!” Krissy gave me a big smile, “But if you went down on him that means he….”
“Licked my pussy!” I returned the smile.
“Okay, enough.” Laurie said, no longer smiling.
“He get you off?”
“Two times!” I sighed, “He went down and made me cum, then I blew him then he made me come again. Then he fucked me!”
“How?” Krissy asked, as she smirked at Laurie who was now chugging from the bottle.
“Him on me, then me on him, then do….”
“Okay, okay!” Laurie said, “We don’t need the details.”
“I wanted the details.” Krissy giggled.
Laurie shot her a dirty look, then asked, “Did you see Mark after that?”
“Once,” I answered, “But we only went out to eat, he said he wasn’t looking for serious.” I shrugged, “I felt kind of bad, because I usually only sl**p with guys I date.”
“Maybe he had a girlfriend.” Krissy laughed as if she had said something funny.
“Whatever,” Laurie looked at the bottle that only had a couple of inches left in it then handed it to me. “Here, kill it.”
“I’ve had enough. I can’t see straight.”
“Don’t be a little girl.” Laurie told me, “Drink up.”
I looked at Krissy, who nodded, “Finish it off, then let’s get some sl**p, we gotta be up and out before your mom comes home.”
With a shrug I tipped the bottle back and chugged the rest. The liquor burned down my throat and when I was done, I went to put the bottle on the night stand and missed. I heard it hit the floor, whispered, “fuck it” and lied back on my bed.
“I can’t get over the size of this bed!” Krissy said as she stretched out next to me on the queen sized bed I’d bought myself with my tip money from the coffee shop.
Laurie lay down on the other side of me and Krissy said, “Imagine your dad walking in and the three of us laying here in our panties? That would be hot!”
“For you guys.” I f***ed myself to say. The room was spinning and I could barely keep my eyes open.
“Well you could watch!” Krissy giggled and said “Sweet dreams Keri!”
I started to try to answer, but gave up and closing my eyes went out like a light.
“Wake up you little slut!”
I slowly opened my eyes at the sound of Laurie’s voice, but never got them more than halfway open, before closing them again. The sunlight coming through the window caused a sharp pain in my eyes and as I became more awake I was aware of a slow painful pounding in my head. My mouth was dry and I felt as if I wouldn’t be able to move if I tried.
“I said wake up!” Laurie snapped and I yelped as I felt my face slapped and none to gently.
My eyes flew open and I saw Laurie and Krissy sitting on the bed on either side of me. They were both dressed and staring at me. Krissy was smirking, but Laurie looked pissed.
“What’s wrong with you?” I asked, wincing at the sound of my own voice.
“I don’t like sluts is what’s wrong with me you little bitch.” She replied.
“What are you talking….hey!”
I’d tried to sit up, which was when I realized my arms which were stretched out over my head, couldn’t move. Craning my neck back, I managed to see my arms were through the rails of the headboard and my wrists were tied together with a black stocking. I yanked down hard, but the wooden frame was solid and the stockings squeezed harder around my wrists.
“What the fuck?” I yelled, trying to kick my legs, which was when I realized they couldn’t move either.
Looking down the bed, I saw that my legs were spread wide and each ankle had another stocking tied around it that disappeared down the side of the bed.
“What’s the matter Keri?” Krissy asked, smiling sweetly at me, “You not into bondage?”
“Let me go!” I yelled, “This isn’t funny!”
“I’ll tell you what’s not funny, you little pig,” Laurie began as she tapped my face, “Fucking other girls boyfriends.”
“Wh…what are you talking about?” I asked, trying to stay calm.
“Mark, you little bitch!” She yelled in my face, causing the pounding in my head to increase. “He was my fucking boyfriend and you fucked him!”
“Twice.” Krissy laughed, “And she sucked him off and….”
“Shut up!” Laurie yelled at her, and then looked down at me. “You little fucking whore, and you want to be my s****r?”
“I…I didn’t know!” I said and was telling the truth. “He didn’t say he had a girlfriend!”
“Did you ask?” Laurie grabbed my hair and yanked on it painfully, “Did you?”
“Ow!” I yelped, “Stop hurting me! And no why would I? I figured if he wanted to fool around then….”
“You’ve seen him with me you liar!”
“Only…” I could feel myself starting to get scared, there was no one home and she looked really pissed. “Only with other people around and he…he wasn’t like all over you.”
“When you met all the other s****rs and we were talking you heard me say I liked him!”
“Well….I guess he didn’t like you or he wouldn’t have come on to me.”
As soon as I said it, I regretted it. As Laurie stared at me, Krissy burst out laughing, “She’s got you there!”
“Krissy, are you with your s****r or this slut?”
“My s****r of course.” Krissy said, then looking at me sighed, “You made a big mistake Keri, you never mess with a s****r’s man, hell even I won’t so that. So now you have to be punished.”
“Punished?” Despite my best efforts I could feel my eyes starting to well up…