On Being Watched At The Movie Theater

"A young couple has an appreciative audience"

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Sarah really was a beautiful young woman. Her thick, wavy brown hair didn’t fall much below her jawline. Her pretty face was highlighted by sparkling green eyes and the shy smile she wore on her sweet lips. And all this was perched on top of a voluptuous figure.

Sarah always wore a bra but could never find one that was both comfortable and supportive so she opted for comfort. As a result, her breasts seemed to have a bit of an independent streak, a mind of their own, so when she moved, her breasts took a split second longer to start moving and then hurried to catch up, stopping a split second after the rest of her body.

During her late teens, Sarah started to realize the effect her breasts could have on men. Though naturally she was quite shy and dressed rather modestly, she did notice how men young and old seemed fascinated by her chest when she moved, even when she was just walking by. At first, she found it a bit unnerving, but gradually, as she thought about what it meant, what these guys were thinking about, it started to feel exciting, even arousing, and she would seek opportunities to let her breasts draw the attention to themselves that they seemed to crave.

Sarah’s boyfriend, Tom, was a skinny kid. Average height, good looking, though he never actually thought of himself that way. Shy, especially around girls, he had hit it off with Sarah when they met at the burger joint where they both worked part-time. Tom had been amazed that a girl like Sarah seemed interested in him, but he took advantage of it, overcame his shyness, and soon they were dating.

It was the first serious relationship for both Sarah and Tom. Though raging hormones fueled their desire, inexperience, and natural shyness kept things moving slowly. This gave them the time they needed to truly fall in love before they gave each other what their bodies demanded.

It started with kissing on the drive home from work, or at the movies. One night, parked just down the quiet street from Sarah’s house, Tom had moved his hand onto Sarah’s breast as they kissed and squeezed. He thought he detected increased passion from Sarah’s kisses and so he continued to fondle her breast on top of her blouse. It was only when he moved his hand to her top button that Sarah gently put her hand on his and moved it back down to her breast. After a bit more kissing and squeezing Sarah broke the kiss and, smiling sweetly at Tom, said she’d better go in.

The truth was, Sarah hadn’t wanted to stop, but her natural shyness just seemed to take over. As she walked the short distance to her house she smiled, still feeling the impression of Tom’s hand on her breast. She thought of how she could move things along at a pace she was comfortable with.

Her first thought was of a day at the beach. Lying side by side in the warm sun wearing little clothing was sure to provide some opportunities for intimacy while the semi-public environment would provide a natural break on things progressing too far, too fast.

But her next thought was delightfully naughty. She thought of a normal date, maybe a movie, except she would leave her bra at home. She vividly imagined Tom’s reaction when he noticed and what he’d want to do but couldn’t because of the other people around. No one else would be able to notice and the sexual tension between them would keep them on edge. Sarah didn’t fully appreciate the degree of torture her plan would entail for Tom, even though it was a kind of torture Tom would very willingly endure.

She decided to do it and on their next movie date, she snuck out of the house wearing a thin, peasant-style top. It had a small blue and white pattern with a round, elastic neckline. It was by no means form-fitting but it still followed the curves of her breasts so that even Sarah’s slightest movements made them quiver deliciously. She wore a light sweater over her top in case anyone saw her leave.

They got to the movie theater and got out of the car. Sarah removed her sweater and said, “I’ll leave my sweater in the car if you promise to warm me up if I get too cold.”

Sarah listened to Tom’s reply with her head titled cutely to the side and a mischievous little smile on her lips. Tom hadn’t noticed anything unusual yet, except perhaps how extra flirty Sarah was acting.

“I promise to warm you up, even if you aren’t cold,” Tom replied with a mischievous grin of his own. Then he noticed.

His eyes darted to Sarah’s chest. He had seen her wear this top before, in fact, it was one of his favorites, but as Sarah tossed her sweater into the back seat, under her top her breasts seemed to dance to the steadily increasing beat of his heart.

Tom kept staring. Only for seconds but still quite obviously to Sarah. She tugged her sleeves down over her shoulders leaving them bare on top.

“Ready to go it?” she asked, enjoying how she saw herself reflected in the look in Tom’s eyes. Tom just nodded.

On the way in Tom said, “You look fantastic!” He couldn’t stop looking down and watching what each step she took was doing to Sarah’s chest. Sarah just smiled and said “Thanks.” She could feel her nipples hardening but was pretty sure they weren’t too obvious due to the relative looseness of her top.

As they stood in line to buy tickets plenty of guys looked at Sarah but that wasn’t unusual. Sarah was tempted to step it up a notch though. She decided that she enjoyed feeling bold and self-confident rather shy and self-conscious. She took hold of Tom’s bare arm with both her hands and hugged it to her chest. She took care not to press her hard nipples into Tom’s, though she thought about it. But for now, she just enjoyed the feeling of his arm jostling the side of her breast.

She turned and shuffled as the line moved along, trying to exaggerate her movements just enough to see if they drew any extra attention. She couldn’t really detect any extra attention until they got to the front of the line and the young fellow selling tickets locked his widening eyes right on her chest. She couldn’t help it and actually chuckled, smiling up at Tom and then back to see that the fellow’s eyes hadn’t moved.

Tom ordered and paid for the tickets, distracting the fellow just enough for him to do his job though it remained obvious where his attention was really focused.

Sarah excused herself and went to the washroom. She stood at a sink and looked into the mirror she stifled a little gasp when she saw that the shape of her nipples actually could be seen under her top. No wonder that poor ticket clerk was so distracted. She laughed at herself just as a pretty thirtysomething exited a stall and went to the other sink.

“Cute top,” she said in a friendly voice. “Special date tonight?”

“I hope so,” Sarah replied, a little embarrassed.

“I’m sure it will be. You look great.” The other woman smiled at Kim in the mirror and looked down at her top again before winking and walking out.

This was one of those multiplex theaters where ten films would be shown at almost the same time. When they stepped into their theater they were surprised to find themselves the only ones there. They stopped, surveying their seating options.

“Where would you like to sit?” Tom asked, as he always did. Sarah would always just say, “Right next to you,” and let Tom decide, but this time she took Tom’s hand and lead him to seats about 3/4 of the way back and right in the middle. They sat down and Sarah answered Tom’s unspoken question as to why she picked these seats.

Sarah smiled sweetly up into Tom’s face and said, “In case you need help controlling yourself.”

Tom just looked back into Sarah’s sparking eyes. He was stunned. For her part, Sarah’s heart was pounding in her chest. Had Sarah really just said that? It was the same thought in both their minds.

Tom thought it was the sexiest thing he had ever heard. Sarah had just about admitted that she was irresistibly sexy and tonight she was putting more of that beauty on display than he had ever seen before. Sarah knew his thoughts, knew what he wanted to do with her and to her, knew that even this semi-public location might not be enough to deter him completely. Deliberately, but slowly, Tom let Sarah see his eyes drop from her face to her chest and linger there. He hoped the lustful expression on his face was unmistakable.

“I could melt!” Sarah thought. “I could sit right here and just melt. Oh, look at me. Look at me you handsome thing. Look at my breasts. They’re right here, so available, so ready for you to take them and do whatever you want. Yes, that’s right, go ahead and look at them all you want. They’re yours even now, even here, even though you don’t really know that yet. Even though I’ve practically told you I’m expecting you to take them.”

Tom kissed Sarah. He loved her so much. He wanted her so much. He was beginning to realize the meaning of the invitation she had just extended. He thought about her body, her breasts. His hand held hers, knowing that soon it would hold much more, but delaying for now to build the anticipation, to heighten the lust they shared.

As they kissed a few more people came into the theater. Two couples sat together several rows ahead of them. And just as the lights dimmed a lone middle-aged man came in and sat in their row behind and only five seats to Sarah’s left.

“What luck,” Tom thought sarcastically. He stopped kissing Sarah enough to glance around, taking note of the lighting. Now with the lights down and the ads beginning, even as his eyes were only starting to adjust, he could tell that the man would be able to see Sarah clearly if he looked their way.

Tom looked into Sarah’s beautiful eyes and smiled. She smiled back. She had seemed to enjoy the looks she had gotten so far tonight. The guy at the ticket booth had certainly noticed her breasts and had seen just as much as Tom himself had seen so far. And Sarah had not only seemed cool with that but excited, a wide smile to go with those sparkling eyes.

“I think she likes showing herself off,” Tom thought. “That’s so hot! She knows she’s hot and acts like it. She wants to be seen and appreciated but she wants it to be me that has her!”

He decided to experiment. He put his arm around Kim and kissed her. While they kissed he slowly pushed Sarah’s sleeve down her shoulder. He tried to slide it down her arm but couldn’t get it very far because Sarah’s back was against the seat. But then Sarah leaned forward. Sarah’s left arm was bent at the elbow and rested on her left thigh. As they kissed Tom slid her sleeve lower and lower until it nearly to her elbow and the entire upper half of her breast was uncovered.

They were breathing heavily into each other’s mouths as they kissed. “Is he really going to do it,” Sarah thought. “Is he going to slide my top right off my breast even with that guy sitting almost next to me? I’ll just die of embarrassment. … I hope he does it!”

Tom had never seen anything as sexy as Sarah sitting beside him, the plumb upper curve of her breast uncovered, and a strange man a few seats away staring right at her. Sarah had made no sign of stopping him but Tom was afraid he might cum in his pants if he moved her top down another inch.

“You are sooo hot!” Tom breathed into Sarah’s ear. He was so worked up with sexual excitement that he was shaking. Sarah hadn’t turned her body towards Tom. She still faced forward leaving the stranger an unobstructed view of her chest.

“I’m going to do it,” Tom thought. Then he breathed into Sarah’s ear, “I want to see your breast.” Sarah’s only response was to turn her head towards Tom, close her eyes, and part her lips. Her chest rose and fell deliciously in anticipation of what Tom had just announced was about to happen.

Slowly Tom reached across and put his right hand on Sarah’s chest, near her collarbone. Slowly he slid his hand down over the curve of her breast until it met the edge of her top but he didn’t stop. He watched his hand push her top below Sarah’s nipple and areola. He cupped her bare breast and felt her hard nipple in the palm of his hand.

“Ooohhh,” Sarah moaned at the sensation of Tom’s first touch of her bare breast. She slid her arm the rest of the way out of her sleeve, arching her back to thrust her breast more firmly into Tom’s hand. Tom squeezed and moved his hand all over Sarah’s soft smooth skin while thinking that words like “soft” and “smooth” could not even begin to describe what he held in his hand. He only know that he couldn’t imagine getting enough of Sarah’s breast and remembered that she had another one that he suddenly knew he had to have as well.

He let go of Sarah’s breast and caught a glimpse of the stranger whose rapt attention was focused on Sarah. Tom cupped Sarah’s cheek and kissed her lips. He knew the stranger now had a perfect unobstructed view of Sarah’s breast since he had moved his hand to her face. It wasn’t that he just didn’t care. It was that the stranger taking pleasure from the sight of Sarah’s gorgeous breast added to Tom’s own excitement.

Sarah too knew what it meant when Tom moved his hand from her breast. It had felt so wonderful when Tom cupped and fondled her and she wanted him to do it again, but sitting here with Tom, and knowing her bare breast was totally exposed to a stranger’s sight, raised her excitement to another level. She wondered why she wasn’t apprehensive or embarrassed but she didn’t care. The feeling of being so desirable and so desired was overwhelming. She suddenly needed to know for sure whether the man was actually looking at her or just watching the movie. She decided to chance a quick look and broke her kiss with Tom.

When Tom felt Sarah break their kiss he moved his hand from her cheek down to her other breast. He noticed Sarah look towards the stranger just as he slid her top down to her waist. As Sarah looked toward the stranger she felt her top sliding off her right breast and knew she was now topless. Rather than the quick glance she had planned, her eyes locked eyes with the stranger and she smiled at him. Then she noticed some motion in his lap and she looked down to see his erection in his hand just as she felt Tom’s hand on her other breast.

Wide-eyed, Sarah watched the man move his penis so Sarah could see it in all its glory. She dropped her eyes to her breasts, confirming what she knew – that she was topless. She put her hand behind Tom’s head and pulled his face to hers. As they kissed he fondled one breast and then the other. Finally, she broke the kiss and pushed his head down until she felt him suck her left nipple into his mouth.

Sarah’s eyes closed as she sucked air through her teeth. What Tom’s mouth was doing to her nipple was the best feeling she had ever had. Even better than the occasional orgasm she had given herself. In fact, she felt like an orgasm could be coming on now.

Tom was in a heaven of his own as he slid his lips and tongue over and around Sarah’s hard nipple. While his mouth worked her right breast, he cupped her left one, holding it up and out toward the stranger almost as if he was offering it to him. Sarah saw this and looked from her breast to the stranger as if to add her own invitation to Tom’s.

Not wanting to ruin a good thing the stranger hesitated but then shifted one seat closer to Sarah. Sarah only smiled and looked down at his penis. Sensing he was safe, at least from her reaction, he shifted another and then another until he was in the seat next to Sarah.

Tom had noticed but hadn’t reacted except to move Sarah’s breast a little, as if wagging it toward the stranger in further invitation. Sarah’s smile had faded as the stranger got closer. Was she really going to do this? All she could think of was how great it would feel to have two men who madly desired her, both sucking her breasts at the same time.

When Tom released Sarah’s left breast, Sarah cupped it herself, holding it up to the stranger’s face until he slurped it into his hungry mouth. Her sudden gasp alerted Tom to what had happened and he watched the stranger molesting Sarah’s breast with his mouth. He also noticed the man’s throbbing penis.

In seconds Tom freed his own erection from his pants. Seeing it, Sarah thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She took it in her hand and with Tom’s guidance began stroking it up and down. Just as Tom once more lowered his face to her breast, Sarah felt the man take her other hand and guide it to his erection. She was now stroking both their cocks while they each suckled her breasts. The feeling was delirious.

It was Tom who came first, shooting his cum onto the back of the seat in front of Sarah while getting some on Sarah’s hand, arm, and leg. Seeing this set Sarah over the edge and she groaned, arching her back while orgasmic contractions coursed through her body. Finally, before either Tom or Sarah had finished, the stranger exploded, his cum gushing onto Sarah’s breast and arm.

It was a few moments before any of them could move. Then the stranger pulled out some napkins and offered them to Sarah before he tucked himself back in, said thanks and left the theater. Sarah wiped the cum from her skin and clothes as much as she could before looking at Tom. They both simultaneously broke into laughter. They knew that after this one singular experience, they had become hooked – but on just what they still had to discover.

Published 2 years ago

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