He lay in the rainy moonlight on All Hallows Eve
Awaiting his lover’s kiss.
Shafts of watery pearly blue glowed upon his skin
As the scudding clouds laid shadows
Upon the face of the moon.
And he waited for her.
Midnight loomed,
The clock ticking,
As the witching hour approached
And the veil between the Other World
And this was drawn aside.
The dead moaned and shrieked
As the desperate, disparate spirits
Escaped their ancient bonds
For a tiny flicker of eternity.
After the tidal surge of the vengeful,
The violent, and the murderous spectres
Came the steady outpouring of the
Sick, crazed maniacs,
Laughing as they tormented the souls
Who were soon to greet them on the other side.
And as the waves of the undead slowed,
They gave way to the slow, heavy rise
From the belly of Nothing,
Where the lost lovers and forlorn dreamers
Languished until they were given a key to freedom,
Or were lost to every sentient being and
Crouched in corners of shadows
And miserable yearnings.
As the clock tolled midnight,
He drew in his breath.
And he waited for her.
Shadows of clouds and spirits zoomed before his open window,
And he feared they would enter
Whilst he waited for just One.
A tapping and rapping
On the window pane,
And a billowing cotton curtain
Showed the breath of the spooks
And phantom beings that rode the wings of the wind.
And he waited for her.
There! on the sill, a single, slender flutter.
An icy, piercing sigh crawled its way into his bedroom.
Fingers of fear and shadow walked their armless way
Across the floorboards,
And her silent footsteps creaked the joists.
Another sigh feathered itself across his naked skin,
Raising flesh on his arms, his legs, and his groin.
For whilst fear ruled his skin,
Memory, longing, yearning and loss
Ruled his blood,
And his blood had been wakened when her spirit
Traversed the earth once more.
He felt her smile,
Cold and blue,
With eyes of alabaster raking his chest,
Just as the angel that stood guard over her bed raked her grave.
Her hands, not manifest,
But pushing and stroking the air to tease him,
Roamed his body,
Sliding up limbs and across his torso,
Spectral moisture licking his throbbing manhood
And they both moaned in agony
And miserable joy.
Oh, to be held in the other’s arms once more,
To feel the way their bodies were made to slide together;
To share the same oxygen and exhale the happiness
Nose to nose and mouth to mouth.
Her whisper crawled around and into his ear.
“Oh come to me, my love,
Make haste.
This hour is soon lost to us both.
Yet tarry here a little while,
For too soon and
I shall wisp me away
On the heels of the devil who flies above
This dark witching hour on All Hallows Eve.
Come to me by the heavy clouds of the autumn rains,
As the world bears her child and shares her fruits.
Come to me when your day is gone
And your heart cannot face the night alone.”
And he reached for her face in the air
And sobbed
As he felt her dragged from his arms and his body,
And he called out her name
And she clung to his heart
And wisped she away
On the heels of the devil flying above
In that dark witching hour on All Hallows Eve.
And a year to the day as the rain poured down,
And the world gave its bountiful gift,
He welcomed the night with open arms,
And his face turned towards its gaze.
And she waited for him.
She stood at the boundary
On the shoulders of her angel,
Watching him stumble through soupy mist
Of gathering presences.
“Oh come to me, my love,
Make haste.
This hour is soon lost to us both.
We shall not tarry here a moment longer,
For now, we shall wisp us away
On the heels of the devil who flies above
This dark witching hour on All Hallows Eve.
You come to me by the heavy clouds of the autumn rains,
As the world bears her child and shares her fruits.
You come to me now your day is gone
And together, we shall face the night.”
And hands in hands,
On the threshold of the Other World,
They stood in the rainy moonlight on All Hallows Eve,
Both locked in a lovers’ kiss.
Shafts of watery pearly blue glowed upon the grass
As the scudding clouds laid shadows
Upon the face of the moon.
And the angel’s alabaster eyes raked her grave
And stood watch over his body
Until the daylight brought the living to dispose of the dead.
This poem only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.