Fiona and Clive Metcalf left the church and went home to prepare to return to Chris and Sue Smith’s house for what promised to be a night of sex. Another thing that was likely to happen was that their hosts would produce the cane and Fiona might well feel it across her buttocks.
Fiona was not too sure how she felt about the prospect because the only time previously that she had been caned was by her headmistress more than forty years before, and she did not enjoy that experience at all. On the other hand, she had found everything that she had done since she and her husband became reacquainted with their friends from the past, whether for the first time or things that she had rarely done, to be sexually exciting.
Chris and Sue were looking forward to their friends returning and they had indeed gotten the cane out of the wardrobe in preparation for what they hoped would be the caning of Fiona’s bottom. Sue was also very likely to get her arse cane marked.
Sue has sometimes caned Chris, very severely on occasions, but whether male backsides would be feeling the cane this evening was not known.
It was intended and expected that Fiona and Clive would be staying the night, but what the sleeping arrangements would be was to be decided later.
Fiona and Clive arrived at their host’s house and were warmly greeted. Sue even kissed Fiona on the lips and it crossed Fiona’s mind that Sue might be thinking of doing even more than that with her later.
They sat down for a drink and talked a little bit about what they had already done together since their ‘out of the blue’ meeting only about three weeks ago.
There was a lot of sexual tension in the air and Sue decided to get onto the subject of the cane and caning. “I have got the cane out of the wardrobe,” Sue announced.
“Oh, have you?” said Fiona, although she was not surprised.
“Yeah, when you said that you had been caned at school, I did not mention my experiences with the cane from my school days,” said Sue.
“Oh, is that where your interest in the cane comes from?” asked Fiona.
“Quite possibly; I went to a Catholic school and it was very strict, although I only got caned once there,” said Sue.
“She will be getting turned on now, talking about the cane at school always gets her going,” said Chris about his wife.
“Yeah, it does actually, although when I got six strokes on my bare bum as a seventeen-year-old I did not find it immediately exciting,” said Sue.
“Six on the bare? What did you do to deserve that?” asked a very intrigued Clive.
“I smashed a window in the sports hall by throwing a ball at it and I was sent to the headmistress,” answered Sue.
“So she caned your bare bottom?” asked Clive, who was getting stiff thinking of late teen schoolgirls getting caned, especially bare arsed.
“Yes, the headmistress looked upon me as a model student so she was disgusted with my stupidity and she took it out on my arse,” said Sue.
“I got four strokes when I was at school and I know how much that hurt, so six must have really stung you,” said Fiona.
“It did, and she had me crying loudly, but it was a bit later when I was able to look at the red marks on my backside in a mirror that I started to feel horny,” said Sue.
“So she fingered herself,” added Chris.
“I did and I came so fucking hard,” said Sue.
“Tell them about the time you masturbated after three girls got caned in front of the whole school,” prompted Chris.
“Yeah, three sixteen-year-olds got ten strokes each over their knickers for bullying with the whole school watching, shit, that was a turn-on,” said Sue.
“Um, I can imagine that,” said Fiona, thinking that she would find seeing a public caning to be highly erotic.
“I am sure that I was not the only girl fingering her cunt after seeing that, probably some of the nuns did too,” laughed Sue.
“I saw another sixth-form boy get a caning at my school and that made me hard, ” confessed Clive.
“You pervert, you never told me that,” laughed Fiona.
“I got three canings there myself,” continued Clive.
“I had a few canings at my school,” said Chris.
“So, Fiona, would you like to see our cane?” said Sue, happily.
“See it, yes, but I am not sure about feeling it,” said Fiona, although she, like the other three, was very turned on by the talk of canings.
Sue produced the cane and gave it to Fiona to handle. Fiona found herself bending it and she was wondering if she would get turned on by getting it across her buttocks.
“It seems to me that you have been here a while but we all still have our clothes on,” said Chris.
The events of Friday and the all-day nudity of Saturday had removed most of the inhibitions for Fiona and Clive, so they were both happy to go along with most of what Chris and Sue suggested.
“To make getting naked even more interesting, let’s cut a pack of cards and lowest card each time has to take an item of clothing off,” said Sue.
“Aces are high,” said Chris, so there would be no dispute about it being a low card.
Chris got the cards and the four of them cut. Once this had been going on for a while, Sue was down to bra and knickers, Fiona had them plus her blouse, Clive had trousers and underpants and Chris had trousers, underpants and a shirt.
Clive got the lowest card next time, so off came his trousers and his arousal in his underpants was obvious to all. Next, Chris lost his shirt and then Sue got the low card so her impressive tits were bare.
Chris’s trousers were next to go and his erection was stretching his underpants. Fiona was positively overdressed compared with the others but she lost the next two hands, so all four of them were just down to underpants or knickers and next time somebody would be completely naked.
As it happened, two of them were because Chris and Fiona both cut a three and despite their protestation that there should be another cut, Sue and Clive insisted that they both had to get bare. Chris’s penis stood proud and Fiona’s cunt glistened; her nipples were hard too.
Clive then had to remove his underpants and Sue wasted no time getting her knickers off, so now they were all naked.
Sue put some music on and she initially smooched with Clive and Chris with Fiona. Sue then moved her husband out of the way and started dancing with Fiona.
Clive and Chris were not going to touch each other but seeing their wives dancing together was a huge turn-on. Fiona was a bit reticent at first but soon the women were open-mouthed kissing as their tits pressed together and the other woman caressed their buttocks.
Both Chris and Clive could have happily wanked themselves to ejaculation watching this, but they managed to refrain and it got even more erotic when Sue eased Fiona onto the carpet and moved so that she was lowering her cunt onto Fiona’s face.
Sue quite often had lesbian sex with the female of whatever couple they were swinging with at the time, but she had no idea if Fiona would go along with it.
Actually, Fiona had had a sexual affair with a woman slightly older than herself when she was nineteen, something that even Clive did not know.
Sue moved her hips slightly above Fiona’s face and then felt Fiona’s tongue flicking her cunt lips. Sue leaned forwards and started tonguing Fiona’s snatch and the two men were finding it close to impossible to keep their hands off their cocks.
Fiona had not tasted cunt for more than forty years but she rather liked the taste of Sue’s. Sue had licked a few cunts over the years but Fiona’s was rather tasty. The two women continued to feast.
Clive and Chris grinned at each other as their wives continued their cunt licking. Sue had Fiona cumming just before she soaked Fiona’s face with her cum. Both women would have liked to continue together but they both knew that there were two very erect penises that needed some relief.
Sue had carpet protecting sheets nearby and when she climbed off Fiona’s face she threw one sheet to Fiona and spread the other one nearby. Fiona raised her arse and put the sheet underneath her as she awaited a cock between her legs; she did not know whose it would be and she didn’t really care.
Sue seemed to have made the decision because she was lowering herself on the other sheet and bringing Clive with her, so Fiona happily spread her legs as Chris lined up his penis with her cunt.
Very soon, Clive was fucking Sue and Chris was fucking Fiona, but once each man had got the woman beneath them cumming, they swapped over and each husband was shafting his own wife.
The men had been highly aroused for quite some time, right back to the caning talk, and it was not too long before they both spunked.
Now was the time for a period of rest, especially at their ages, but as all except Fiona were retired and she only worked part-time and not on Mondays, there were no thoughts of going to bed, particularly as sex was not currently really an option.
The four of them relaxed and chatted and then thoughts turned back to the cane and caning.
“I think we should cane the men, what do you think, Fiona?” said Sue.
Chris was immediately excited by the thought of a caning from a female, especially if it was Fiona, but Clive was not immediately enthusiastic.
“Yes, let’s sting their arses,” agreed Fiona.
“Chris, you push the armchairs together and then you and Clive bend over them,” ordered Sue, picking up the cane.
Clive and Fiona were not sure exactly what the hostess had in mind but Chris knew because, like most things that went on, they had done it before.
Chris put the armchairs side by side and then bent over the back of the furthest one, leaving Clive to bend over the other one.
Sue slashed the cane through the air. “I am going to give them six each and then you give them six, okay, Fiona?” said Sue.
“Yep, okay,” said a thrilled Fiona, putting to the back of her mind that she would probably be getting caned at some point.
Sue tapped the cane against Clive’s backside then SWISH CRACK she slashed it down.
Sue moved to her right, tapped the cane against Chris’s arse then SWISH CRACK!
She moved back to her left and gave Clive his second stroke and, over a period of about three minutes, she had given each man six strokes and each man had a series of red lines on his buttocks.
Sue handed the cane to Fiona, who decided not to move from one to the other, and she rapidly delivered six stinging strokes to Clive’s arse and had him twisting and yelping. Although his caning had possibly finished, Clive stayed bent over as Fiona gave Chris’s behind six rapid lashes and he too twisted and groaned.
The two men remained bent over as the two women examined their caned bottoms and the women giggled and congratulated themselves.
The men were then permitted to stand and both put their hands to their buttocks. Clive had had his first caning in just over half a century. Both of their penises were enlarged although neither of them was erect.
“I think us girls need to feel the cane now, bend over the armchair, please, Fiona,” said Sue, bending the cane.
Fiona knew that her getting a caning was inevitable so she thought it best to get it over with as she put herself over the back of an armchair and exposed her large arse for the cane.
“I will give you six, then you cane me,” said Sue, as she surveyed Fiona’s currently white buttocks that she was about to put red lines on.
Sue did not intend to thrash her friend but she did intend to make sure that she felt it.
SWISH CRACK Sue landed the first stroke and it took Fiona a moment to register that her bottom had just received a lash, but then the heat started to spread and she groaned.
Sue landed a second stroke and a second red line appeared across Fiona’s cheeks.
Sue lashed the third stroke in between the other two and Fiona jumped up and clutched her buttocks. “Shit! Oh fuck, oh fucking hell,” Fiona shouted as she turned to face the woman caning her and the two men who were watching transfixed. Fiona’s large tits swung and her hairy cunt was on display as she rubbed her arse cheeks.
“Bend over, Fiona,” said Sue, quietly.
Fiona did so and she took the fourth and fifth strokes, yelling but remaining bent over.
SWISH CRACK Sue delivered the last stroke at an angle so it crossed the other strokes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” shouted Fiona, as she jumped up and hopped from one leg to the other as she clutched her buttocks.
“When you get some strength back, you can cane me. Give me more than six if you want,” said Sue but Fiona said nothing; she was too busy trying to rub the burning and stinging out of her arse.
Fiona did not get much sympathy from Clive or Chris but it was noticeable that both their cocks had hardened from watching the caning.
After several minutes, Fiona decided that she was ready to try to make Sue’s arse burn as much as hers was. “Bend over, Sue,” instructed Fiona, and the men looked forward to more entertainment.
Sue bent over an armchair and Fiona commenced caning her but it seemed that her own caning had drained her strength. She had given Sue four strokes, not very hard, but managed to put a lot more into the fifth one and that certainly made Sue grunt.
From then on, Fiona temporarily forgot about her own sore arse and went about making Sue’s as sore as possible. Sue had told her that she did not need to stop at six, so she didn’t. Nobody was really counting but she must have given Sue a dozen or more and she certainly stung Sue’s behind, which was crisscrossed with red lines.
“Shit! You laid not on, didn’t you?” said the red-faced Sue, having been told to stand, as she cupped her whipped buttocks. Fiona smiled as best she could, now realising how much her own arse hurt, but she had also made Sue’s arse burn.
So the cane had been used and used on all four of them and nobody was sitting down.
The time had gone beyond midnight, but all four had been aroused by the caning episode so more sex was in the cards.
“Have you ever been fucked in the arse, Fiona?” asked Sue, whose tingling arse had now got her cunt tingling.
“No, but I expect you have,” replied Fiona, not meaning to sound that catty.
“Yes, several times. It is quite good once you get used to having a hard cock in your arsehole,” said Sue.
Fiona did not answer, so Sue continued. “Why don’t you let Chris fuck you in the arse now?” Sue asked Fiona, without asking Chris, but Sue knew that he would happily shaft Fiona between her arse cheeks.
Fiona thought for a moment; she had experienced so many new or nearly new things recently and every one of them had turned her on. Her cunt was certainly now reacting to her caning. “Not sure, Chris is huge,” replied Fiona, not ruling out an arse fucking.
“Yeah, but he will take it nice and slow, won’t you, Chris?” said Sue, pleased that it looked like she was soon going to be watching anal sex.
“Yes, of course. If you want to stop, we will,” replied Chris, now fully erect, as was Clive.
“I will go and get some lube,” said Sue, who then gasped when she realised that trying to walk with a whipped arse was a painful exercise.
Sue came back with the lube and Fiona bent over. Lube was applied around her anus, as was cunt juice from both herself and Sue, kindly applied with the help of Chris’s fingers.
With Clive and Sue looking on, Chris held the head of his cock against Fiona’s arsehole and very slowly and gently applied pressure. Sue was slowly wanking Clive’s cock as Fiona’s arsehole opened up and Chris gently eased in.
Chris kept checking all along the way that Fiona was okay as his penis went deeper and deeper until, to Sue’s surprise, Fiona had taken all of its impressive length. Chris then slowly fucked Fiona’s arse and she came and soaked her thighs with cum before Chris ejaculated in her arse.
Chris withdrew and Fiona collapsed on her hands and knees, drained but Chris’s spunk running out of her arsehole.
Sue turned her attention to Clive, whose cock had been in her hand as his wife got arse fucked. Sue dropped to her knees and started licking and sucking Clive’s penis, also using a hand on his balls and sometimes wanking a bit.
Clive was rapidly heading towards cumming, which Sue sensed, so she decided to ask where he wanted to spurt. She took her mouth off his cock. “Do you want me to swallow or do you want to give me a facial?” Sue asked.
“Oh, um, a facial, please,” replied Clive, who was just about as close to cumming as it was possible to be without cumming.
Sue smiled, held his cock close to her face with one hand and rapidly wanked him with the other. “Oh!” exclaimed Clive as he spat spunk into Sue’s face and, with her redirecting his cock a bit, into her hair, leaving Sue and Fiona, still on her hands and knees, shrieking with laughter.
There was now going to be no more sex until morning at least, so the four of them got cleaned up and went to bed, each husband with his wife. They were all a bit restless and mostly lay on their fronts due to their sore backsides, Fiona’s sore for two reasons.
In the morning, once up and about, they chatted happily and decided that there was no reason for Clive and Fiona to leave for quite some while yet, meaning that more sex might take place before they did.
It was early on Monday afternoon and all four were horny again. Sue, as she often did, came up with an idea. “Let me have both you men front and back and then you both give Fiona the same,” said Sue, who then took two cushions off the sofa and knelt on them.
Clive got behind Sue and, after prodding her cunt lips with his cock, entered her. Chris was in front of her and she took his penis into her mouth. All that Fiona could do, for now, was to watch as her husband fucked Sue from behind as Sue sucked Chris’s cock.
Sue knew from experience how far she could take Chris with her mouth before he got close to cumming, but she did not want him to spunk because Fiona was needing a turn with his cock. Sue did not want Clive to ejaculate either because he, too, needed to stay stiff for Fiona.
Clive was fucking Sue hard and fast and he had her cumming, which was enough for her. She took her mouth off Chris’s cock and passed the two men on to Fiona. “Go to Fiona now,” said Sue, her voice cracking a bit as she was still at the back end of her orgasm.
Fiona got on her hands and knees in Sue’s place and Chris soon had his cock in her cunt and Clive had his cock, coated with Sue’s cum, in her mouth. Chris shafted her good from behind and Fiona came; also cumming was Clive, in her mouth.
Chris kept fucking her and she came again before Chris finally shot spunk into her.
There was a recovery period and some more chatting before all four of them got cleaned up and Fiona and Clive got dressed to leave.
There was no doubt that these four would be getting together countless times in the future. Fiona and Clive Metcalf had had a crash course in swinging and they both seemed to like it, even if it was going very much against their outward appearances.
“I think Clive and I will invest in a cane,” announced Fiona, although whether Clive was aware of that was uncertain. He did not contradict her and Chris suggested an online site that they should look at.
Chris and Sue had also gotten dressed by now, so if anyone nearby saw them seeing their visitors off at the door, they would have no idea of what the four mature people had been getting up to and would be getting up to in the future.