Old Friendships Renewed

"Sue and Chris meet, by chance, a couple from their distant past and new discoveries are made"

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Sue and Chris Smith were walking in the village to which they had moved several years ago when Sue noticed a couple on the other side of the road that looked vaguely familiar.

“Do they remind you of anyone, her in particular?” Sue said to her husband.

“Well she looks a bit like Fiona Metcalf and I suppose that could be Clive,” replied Chris.

The other couple was looking in a shop window and were not aware that they were being discussed on the other side of the road. If they were who Sue and Chris thought they might be, the two couples had not met for about twenty years and that in the town that they both lived in at the time, many miles from the village.

“I think that is her you know, she looks a bit heavier than she did but does not look that different,” said Sue.

“I suppose that could be Clive, it must be twenty years since we saw them,” added Chris.

“Let’s go and introduce ourselves, if it isn’t them, it doesn’t really matter,” said Sue, looking to cross the not very busy road.

Having crossed the road, Sue and Chris approached the couple who were still window shopping. “Excuse me, you aren’t Fiona and Clive are you?” Sue said inquisitively.

“Yes, um, are you…?” started the woman sort of recognising the couple but struggling to place them.

“Sue and Chris Smith, we thought it was you two but we weren’t sure,” said Chris, answering Fiona’s question with a smile.

“Of course; It must be fifteen years; what are you two doing here?” said Clive, shaking Chris’s hand.

“More like twenty years and we live in the village, have done for several years,” said a laughing Sue.

“My goodness! We moved to a village three miles from here last year; Isn’t that amazing?” said Fiona.

They chatted for a few minutes about the years since they last met and about families and agreed to meet at Chris and Sue’s house the following evening. They exchanged phone numbers and addresses and then went their separate ways, chuckling and muttering about the chances of them both ending up living close to each other some two hundred miles from where they both used to live.

During the course of the brief chat, Fiona and Clive said how well that they had settled into their village up the road and that they were churchwardens at St. Mary’s in the village. Sue and Chris remembered the other couples involvement with the church from twenty years previously.

They had all been in their forties back then but now Chris was sixty-seven, Sue sixty-six, Clive just short of seventy and Fiona the youngest at sixty-one.

During the following day, Sue and Chris had an argument about nothing in particular but the atmosphere between them was still frosty when it was getting close to the time that Fiona and Clive were due to arrive.

“You behave yourself this evening, I don’t want you showing me up in front of Clive and Fiona,” warned Chris.

“Fuck off. It is you that caused the argument,” responded a fuming Sue.

“I am warning you,” repeated Chris.

“Fuck off,” repeated Sue.

Chris thought of putting her over his knee right there and then and giving her big arse a damn good spanking but with the Metcalfs due soon, there was not really time. It was not uncommon for Chris to spank Sue and she sometimes spanked him. They also possessed a couple of canes that were occasionally put to use.

Chris and Sue were sexually active, sometimes with other partners, but sex for Clive and Fiona was very infrequent and very conventional. Even when the two couples were quite close friends twenty years before, sex was never the topic of conversation mostly because Fiona and Clive did not discuss sex either with each other or with anyone else.

Fiona and Clive arrived and Sue and Chris kept their simmering rage with each other under control so the guests did not have an inkling of the situation before they arrived.

The two women were actually dressed to suit their personalities because Fiona wore a tweed skirt, a white blouse and a cardigan and Sue wore a black blouse and white trousers. Her trousers rather hugged her large buttocks but as she was mostly sitting down, it was not obvious.

They chatted happily about the past and laughed as they reminisced. Chris had offered them alcohol but they refused, not because they were teetotal but because Fiona was driving and Clive did not think it right that he drink if she didn’t. Fiona would not have had alcohol if Clive was driving. They did say though that if they took up Chris’s offer to stay overnight one night in the future, they would drink then.

Although Sue and Chris both fancied a drink, they refrained because they did not think it right to do so with Fiona and Clive not drinking. Chris and Sue were seated on a sofa and Fiona and Clive were in armchairs opposite.

Things had been going smoothly for about two hours and Fiona and Clive were starting to think about leaving. Sue was still feeling embittered about her earlier argument with Chris and could not resist a small dig. “Have you noticed how grumpy Chris is?” Sue asked the guests.

As Fiona and Clive echoed, “He doesn’t seem grumpy,” Chris said to Sue, under his breath, “I warned you.”

Now Chris had not actually said what he was going to do in his earlier warning but Sue had a pretty good idea, she pushed again.

“Yeah, we had an argument earlier and he lost,” Sue said.

“Susan, I told you,” said Chris, who only usually called his wife Susan if he was displeased with her.

“You wouldn’t dare,” sneered Sue, provocatively.

To Sue’s surprise and Fiona and Clive’s shock, Chris dragged Sue over his lap and commenced spanking her arse, hard.

SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP sounded in the room as Chris spanked his wife.

Fiona put her hand to her mouth in shock and Clive squirmed in his chair as the spanking went on and on.

Sue’s face was reddening, as too no doubt was her arse, and she struggled a bit but was not protesting. The spanking continued and Clive was ashamed to feel his cock stiffening, Fiona still had her hand to her mouth and she was now blushing, possibly because she was feeling aroused.

After a lengthy spanking, Chris stopped and pushed Sue off his lap and onto her arse on the sofa next to him.

There was briefly, silence apart from sobbing from Sue until Chris spoke. “Sorry about that, she deserved it and she was warned,” said Chris.

“Um, um, we should go,” said a shocked and embarrassed Clive, Fiona could not speak but her face was as red as Sue’s.

Sue had shifted so that she was on her hip and her arse off the sofa, she did not speak but had a wild look in her eyes.

“We will be in touch, we must meet again,” said Chris, as Clive and Fiona got to their feet but the guests did not respond and Chris’s first thought was that this was the last that they would see of them.

Chris saw them out but no words were spoken. Chris closed the door and returned to find Sue now standing, clutching her buttocks. Chris could tell by Sue’s eyes that she wanted to fuck and he certainly did, he was erect in his underwear.

“Get your trousers off,” said Chris, as he undid his belt and trousers and pulled his trousers down. By the time that he was pulling his underpants down and his impressive penis sprung free, Sue had her trousers off and her knickers were coming down.

Sue knew instinctively that it was to be from behind so she bent over the back of one of the armchairs. Chris shuffled behind her because he still had his trousers and underpants at his ankles. He looked at his wife’s glowing buttocks and he also looked at her arse hole. He briefly thought of fucking her in the arse, something that they sometimes did.


Actually, they discovered anal sex almost by accident. Several years before, they were on a cruise and had been drinking heavily and Chris was giving Sue a good fucking from behind when his cock slipped out of her very wet cunt and brushed her anus. After a brief discussion and the application of some lube, Chris’ large cock, slippery with Sue’s cunt juices, was edging into her arse.

Soon after they got comfortable and the arse fucking started, Sue orgasmed and Chris spunked in her arse.


Back to the present, Chris decided against fucking her arse and he slid his throbbing cock into Sue’s wet cunt. It was not a long-lasting fuck because after a few thrusts, Sue was cumming and then Chris ejaculated.

Whilst this was going on, The Metcalfs were travelling home in stunned silence.

Chris withdrew from Sue’s gash and the mixed cum ran onto her thighs. “Doubt if we will see them again,” said Chris, seemingly now on pleasant speaking terms with his wife.

“Probably not,” agreed Sue, straightening up and putting her hands to her recently spanked buttocks.

Fiona and Clive did not mention their evening when they got home, in fact, they hardly spoke at all. They were both thinking about it though, Clive was feeling strangely guilty because the sight of Sue getting spanked had made his penis stiff and Fiona was thinking that the expression on Sue’s face during the spanking and after, suggested that the woman enjoyed it. Fiona found herself wondering if she would enjoy getting her bottom spanked hard.

Chris and Sue were now friends again. “Fuck, that was quite a spanking you gave me,” smiled Sue.

“Yeah, it was wasn’t it,” acknowledged Chris.

“I think Fiona and Clive were rather shocked,” said Sue.

“You don’t think that Clive is giving Fiona a spanking now, do you?” chuckled Chris.

“I would be very surprised, but you never know,” replied Sue.

The next morning, Chris and Sue agreed that they should contact Clive and Fiona and explain and, if necessary, apologise for the previous evening but the question was, exactly when to do it. They decided that rather than phone them that morning they would wait until the evening in case their friends if they were still friends, were still in the shock that they appeared to be in.

Fiona and Clive had still not spoken to each other about the evening but both of them were thinking of the spanking scene in their own heads: Clive because he found watching an attractive female getting spanked very erotic, although he was ashamed to admit it to his wife, and Fiona because she kept imagining her own large bottom getting a spanking and wondering about the sexual stimulation of it.

At about midday, Fiona decided that she had to say something about the previous evening to her husband. “I wonder if what happened last night is normal for Sue and Chris?” said Fiona, still thinking of the expression on Sue’s face during the spanking.

“I don’t know. It seems that some people live their lives like that,” replied Clive, embarrassed about talking about what they had witnessed and a bit disapproving.

“Should we phone them?” said Fiona, not knowing what she might say if they did.

“No, see if they contact us, but they probably won’t,” answered Clive.

“It would be a shame to lose contact having just found each other again after all these years,” said Fiona.

“I don’t think we want to mix with those sort of people, do we?” said Clive, sounding high and mightly but thinking of Sue Smith getting her backside tanned.

“I suppose not,” said Fiona, who still wondered what a good spanking felt like.

Two hours after that conversation, Fiona could wait no longer, she had to talk to Sue about spanking. She had no idea how she expected the conversation to go but she had to discuss it.

“Hello Sue, it is Fiona,” she said, her voice a little shaky.

“Hello Fiona: How are you? Um, yesterday did not end quite as you envisaged, I imagine,” said Sue, wondering if she should apologise.

“I am well and what happened was, um, a bit of a surprise,” said Fiona.

“Yes, we do not often do such things in public,” said Sue.

“Often? Do you mean that you, um, often um…?” said Fiona.

“Get spanked? Yes, quite often and sometimes I spank Chris,” replied Sue.

“Oh,” was all that Fiona could manage.

“Do you and Clive not do such things?” asked Sue, feeling a bit guilty about teasing Fiona because she doubted if they did.

“Goodness me, no. I have never…we have never..,” said an embarrassed Fiona, sort of wishing that she had not made the call.

“Maybe you should. You might enjoy it, both of you,” responded Sue.

“Enjoy it? Do you mean that you like getting your bottom smacked?” asked Fiona, partly incredulous but certainly interested.

“I find it very arousing, it hurts but it is very erotic: Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this but you had only just left yesterday when Chris and I were fucking over the back of that armchair that you had been seated on,” said Sue, thinking that she might have gone too far.

“My goodness!” said Fiona, who was blushing on the other end of the phone.

“Yes, he had just seen you off and he could see that I was ready for it and Chris told me to take my trousers off; We did not last long but we both needed it,” added Sue.

There was silence at the other end of the line. “Fiona, you still there?” asked Sue.

“Yes, yes, I am here,” said a shocked, and now sexually aroused, Fiona.

“As I said, you and Clive should try it; You might not like it but you will never know if you don’t try,” said Sue.

“Oh, Clive would not do that,” said Fiona.

“You sure? He might be longing to give you a spanking but probably thinks that you are not interested,” said Sue.

“You said that I might not like it, um, so it is not always the case that, um…?” said Fiona, stopping herself from asking about sexual arousal.

“If you are asking if every woman gets turned on by spanking then no, it does not excite everyone but unless you try you will not know,” said the knowledgeable Sue.

“Well, I guess I will never know because Clive wouldn’t do it…I don’t think,” said Fiona.

“I am sure that Chris would give you a good spanking if you wanted to find out if you liked it or not,” said Sue.

“My goodness!” said Fiona again, whilst imagining herself over Chris Smith’s knee.

“Can I make a suggestion?” asked Sue.

“Um…yes,” replied Fiona, wondering what was coming.

“I suggest you talk to Clive about it but in any case, why don’t the two of you come here again soon and let’s just see what happens?” said Sue.

“Um, I will talk to Clive about visiting you again but not sure if I will talk about, um, the other thing,” said Fiona.

“In that case, Clive might get to see both you and me get spanked by Chris when you next come here,” said Sue.

The conversation wound down but Fiona did commit to again visiting Sue and Chris, with Clive, and possibly staying overnight so that they could drink.

That evening Fiona told Clive that she had phoned Sue but did not tell him that the main reason for phoning was spanking. She told him that she had agreed that they would visit again and possibly stay overnight. Clive did not really comment but the image of Sue Smith getting a spanking came back to him, not that the image had really left him.

Sue briefed Chris on her conversation with Fiona and Chris agreed that he would happily give Fiona a good spanking. He rather liked spanking, or caning, ladies bottoms and he did not mind going over a female lap to have his buttocks warmed.

Three of the four people were looking forward to what might happen at the next get together although the fourth had little idea of what could be on the agenda.

It was not possible for them to meet the first weekend after their original visit but it was arranged for Fiona and Clive to visit Sue and Chris the following Friday with the option of staying overnight.

This time, rather than her tweed skirt, Fiona wore a black skirt that she did not usually wear because it was too tight across her buttocks, this Friday she was wearing it for exactly that reason. Fiona felt sexually aroused on the short drive to their friends, Clive was wondering what might happen too, although he had not been told what had been discussed.

Fiona and Clive accepted the offer of alcohol, immediately making the prospect of staying the night likely. Sue and Chris had not been arguing that day so the atmosphere between them was good rather than the simmering feeling that was there when the guests were last there.

The talk was happy but, as yet, no mention of spanking although three of those there were interested in getting the chat onto that subject. Sue and Fiona had eye contact a couple of times, both seemingly thinking of spanking but Fiona could not quite pluck up enough courage to mention it.

Sue decided to bring the subject up. “At least I have not got a hot arse, yet,” said Sue, looking for a reaction from Clive but more particularly from Fiona.

“Oh yes, you did get quite a spanking, didn’t you?” said Fiona, as if she had forgotten the incident until Sue mentioned it.

“She had been a naughty girl and she deserved it,” said Chris, keeping the subject alive.

“Is Fiona ever a naughty girl, Clive?” Sue asked her eyes on Clive who shifted uncomfortably in his armchair, not least because his cock was stiffening.

“Oh Clive would never spank me, would you dear?” said Fiona, her face glowing partly because of a slight blush but more from excitement.

“I bet that you would give her a good hiding if she deserved it, wouldn’t you mate?” grinned Chris, upping the ante.

An embarrassed and aroused Clive knew that he had to say something and desperately thought of something to say. “Fiona is never naughty enough,” mumbled Clive, partly hoping that that would end the discussion but mostly hoping that it wouldn’t.

“Oh, I am sure she could be; Couldn’t you Fiona?” laughed Sue, also aroused by the way things were heading.

“Well, I suppose sometimes I might deserve a spanking,” said Fiona, looking at her husband. She was actually thinking that this was embarrassing Clive and she wished that she had discussed it with him beforehand.

“There you are Clive, she says that she deserves a hiding,” encouraged Chris, excited at the thought of seeing Fiona spanked or maybe even spanking her himself.

“Perhaps not a hiding but certainly a spanking,” corrected Fiona, her eyes alive with excitement.

“I think your wife wants you to do to her what Chris did to me,” pointed out Sue to Clive.

Clive looked open-mouthed from his wife to Sue to Chris. Was his wife really asking him to spank her, in front of other people?

“I will get a kitchen chair, I find that they are usually best for an over the knee spanking,” said Chris, helpfully. Things were moving at pace, it just needed Clive to catch up.

“Um, I don’t think…I don’t know…,” said a flustered but not uninterested Clive.

“Clive, your wife wants a spanking and if you will not do it, Chris will,” said Sue, as Chris returned from the kitchen with a chair.

“Darling, Sue and I discussed spanking, I should have told you,” said Fiona, wondering who was going to spank her bottom but it seemed that very soon somebody would.

“There you go Clive, give her a spanking for keeping things from you,” said Chris, whose trousers were bulging.

Three sets of eyes were on Clive. He did think of having Chris spank his wife but he decided that it needed to be done and he should do it himself. “In that case, Fiona, I shall spank your bottom,” said Clive, trying to sound authoritative and also feeling self-conscious because the other three people would notice his obvious arousal as he stood up.

Clive’s arousal was noticed by all three and Sue wondered if she might have the pleasure of what was causing his trousers to bulge one day in the future.

Clive and Fiona both felt awkward because not only were they about to embark on something that they had not done before but they were going to be watched. Clive sat on the kitchen chair and Fiona lay over his lap. Clive looked at her black skirt being stretched by her buttocks but then seemed to freeze.

Chris saw Clive’s reluctance to start the spanking and offered a solution. “How about I warm her up a bit and you take over?” suggested Chris and Clive had no objection. Fiona, apparently, had no say in the matter.

Clive eased his wife off of his lap and he got off the chair, allowing Chris to sit down. Fiona was then over Chris’s lap and she felt his swollen penis against her body, she had felt Clive’s too but this was something else.

Chris ran his hand over Fiona’s skirted buttocks, something that made Fiona squirm and her cunt to get damper.

Chris then started spanking her. Not quite as hard and fast as he had spanked his wife several days before but hard and fast enough SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP sounded loudly in the room as Clive and Sue looked on. Sue was watching Fiona’s face which indicated shock at first but was now showing signs of pleasure.

SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP continued Chris and Fiona was bucking and squirming and her face was red.

Fiona’s eyes met Sue’s and although Fiona’s eyes were tearful, she managed a smile of sorts so Sue knew exactly how the woman was feeling between her legs.

Chris spanked her a bit more and then decided to hand over the rest of the spanking to Clive. “You finish her off now, mate,” the slightly breathless Chris said to Clive.

Fiona found herself being stood up and she put her hands to her buttocks as Chris got off the chair and Clive sat down.

Fiona was put over her husband’s knee and she felt how aroused he was against her body. Clive did not think twice this time and spanked Fiona hard and fast SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP

Not quite as hard as Chris had spanked but Fiona’s backside was feeling very hot, her cunt was feeling very wet.

Clive spanked her a bit more and Sue could see a look of consternation start to appear on Fiona’s face. Sue did not know if Fiona was no longer enjoying it or if she was about to cum but, either way, Sue thought that Clive should stop.

“That is probably enough for the first time, Clive,” said Sue and Clive took her advice and stopped the spanking.

A very red-faced Fiona got off Clive’s lap and clutched her buttocks, Sue had a flash of inspiration. “Would you two like to go and use the guest room bed for half an hour or so?” asked Sue.

“I don’t understand,” said a heavy breathing Clive.

“I do, and yes we would. Come on dear,” said Fiona, very much wanting a fucking.

“Oh, um, yes,” said Clive, understanding what was being suggested but embarrassed about accepting the offer.

“Come on dear,” repeated Fiona, still with one hand rubbing her bottom.

“Have fun,” said Chris, as Fiona and Clive headed upstairs.

“Do you want a quickie?” Chris asked Sue as their guests went upstairs to fuck.

“That was hot but no, not right now,” answered Sue, although she was thinking of all sorts of potential fun involving Fiona and Clive.

Fiona and Clive got to the guest room and Fiona shut the door, she was wild-eyed with lust. “I want you to give me a good hard fucking,” said Fiona, using a phrase that she had probably never used in her life before.

Fiona undid Clive’s trousers but left him to do the rest as she undid and took off her skirt and dragged her soaking wet knickers off. Clive was mesmerised and had not progressed the lowering of his trousers so Fiona dragged them and his underpants down and Clive’s erection stood out.

Fiona sat on the bed but yelped when her spanked arse touched the solid surface. “Fuck me,” she said, spreading her legs and displaying her wet and hairy cunt.

Clive still had his trousers and underpants at his ankles but managed to scramble out of them before getting on the bed in between Fiona’s legs. Clive’s erection touched Fiona’s cunt lips and her right hand fed it into her begging vagina.

Clive started to thrust but Fiona wanted more effort. “Fuck me hard, fuck me hard,” Fiona ordered and she put her legs on her husband’s back as Clive moved his hips faster.

“Harder, faster,” Fiona instructed and Clive groaned as he humped his wife harder than he had ever done.

That, along with her stinging arse, did the trick for Fiona and she orgasmed, something that she did not do much in recent years. Not only orgasmed but she let out a load of expletives that Clive hardly ever heard her use. “Shit! Oh, fuck! shit, shit, shit,” shouted Fiona, so loud that Chris and Sue grinned at each other downstairs.

The bed creaked as Clive kept going and Fiona came a second time before Clive groaned and came harder than he had done in years.

When they eventually calmed down, it started to dawn on Fiona and Clive who they were and where they were and that what they had just done was so out of character. They both, temporarily, felt too ashamed and embarrassed to leave the room and to return to their hosts but they knew that they had to at some point.

They cleaned themselves up in the en suite and Clive got his first glimpse of how red Fiona’s arse cheeks were but, despite what had happened, he felt too awkward to mention it. They put their removed clothing back on and, rather sheepishly, went back downstairs.

“Did you have a nice time?” Sue asked with a smile.

“Yes, thank you,” replied Fiona softly and Clive smiled, self-consciously.

“I think that you can be added to the list of women that get turned on by being spanked,” Sue said to Fiona.

“Yes, it seems that way,” replied Fiona, noticeably not sitting down.

“Maybe next time we can find out if you like the cane,” said Chris, cheerfully.

“The cane?” said Fiona, one hand involuntarily going to her bottom.

“Yes, we have a couple of canes and they get used sometimes,” said Sue.

“On each other?” asked Clive.

“Yes, but also on other couples sometimes when we entertain,” replied Chris.

“Other couples? Do you mean that you, um…,?” said Fiona, trying to find the word that she was looking for.

“Swap? Yes sometimes, if the other couple is up for it,” answered Sue.

“Don’t worry, it is not compulsory,” laughed Chris, although he certainly would not mind giving Fiona a fucking.

Clive and Fiona both laughed, nervously.

The four of them had some more drink although Fiona mostly remained standing.

Swapping was not on offer this night but both Chris and Sue were hopeful that it would be in future.

Chris and Sue made love in bed that night and Clive and Fiona had another fuck in the morning, two fucks in less than twelve hours was something that they had not had in years.

Fiona and Clive went home late on Saturday morning but the four of them agreed that next time their stay would be over two nights and, although it was not mentioned again, it would not necessarily be a husband sleeping with his own wife.

The cane might come out of the wardrobe too.

Published 3 years ago

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