Old Friends, New Lovers

"Best friends become lovers."

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Jennifer and Jason were best friends in high school. In all honesty, if they had not both been born and raised in a rural south Alabama town, they would have possibly been more. The racial tension in their town was not like some, but in the early nineties, a mixed couple was still frowned upon.

Jennifer was a beautiful African-American young lady in high school. She had all the qualities that Jason liked in a woman. Not only was she beautiful, but she was smart, athletic and had a sense of humor. She had long legs, toned from running track, long black hair, full lips and the prettiest chocolate colored eyes. She never went without a boyfriend long. However, her close relationship with Jason caused many of jealous outrages from her boyfriends.

Jason was the typical Alabama boy. He was smart, and many girls considered him good looking. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. He was never seen without his baseball cap, sunglasses, and boots. He was an average student, and had Jennifer to thank for that. She drilled him about getting good grades so he could get out of town and go to college. Jason had no intentions of going to college. He planned to go to the army and see the world on Uncle Sam’s dime.

The night of their High School Graduation, the whole graduating class formed a circle on the football field as the class song blared over the speakers. Hugs and high fives were exchanged as everyone got into place. Jason and Jennifer were straight across from each other, and as the principal presented the graduating class to the people in attendance, they stared into each other’s eyes.

As the principal gave the command, the graduates took off their caps and tossed them into the air. Before the caps could hit the ground, Jason and Jennifer were hugged in an embrace. Jason loved the sweet smell of the coconut lotion she wore. He picked her up and they turned around and around.

Jason sat her down and kissed her on the cheek. He wiped the tear from her eye. They hugged again. By that time their other friends and family were on the field, and they were pulled their separate ways. Two days after graduation, Jason boarded a bus and was off to the army.

Jennifer went to college and became science teacher. She married a guy that she had met in college and they settled down outside of Atlanta and began their lives together. Soon after they were married, the first of three babies came.

After basic training, Jason was sent to Afghanistan. While there, he began his climb up the ranks of his division. He learned to operate heavy equipment and helped in building the bases, and rebuilding areas after battles.

After his second tour, Jason used the money from the Military, and entered college. While in college he met his wife. He graduated and went back into the services as a second lieutenant. He and his wife had one daughter before they divorced after only four years of marriage. Jason continued to reenlist each time his time was up. By the time, he retired at the age of 38, he had made Captain.

The thigh school best friends had not seen each other since graduation. Jennifer searched hours on social media websites looking for Jason, but she was never able to find him. Not a day went by where she did not wonder how he was doing.

Their class reunions went by, and Jason never attended. There was no address for him, so no one knew where to send the invitation. Jennifer attended every one, in hopes her friend would surprise her with his presence.

After retiring from the military, Jason entered the civilian life. Single for almost fifteen years, he had accumulated a nice nest egg. He contemplated going back home, but he didn’t think anyone would remember him. He bought a small farm, and began working as a fireman in a small town outside of Birmingham.

Jason would work twenty-four hours on duty, and have forty-eight hours off. The time off gave him ample opportunity to tend his garden and the few animals that he had. He was happy, but for the first time in his life, he was beginning to feel lonely.

His daughter was now seventeen and urged Jason to purchase a computer, she explained to him how they could video chat, email and other stuff that he didn’t understand. On her next visit, he took her to town and she picked out the one that she thought was what he needed.

The entire weekend, she explained to him about social media, and how to communicate. She had never laughed so hard as she watched his facial expressions. She set him up a Facebook and Twitter accounts, and even snuck a picture of him to use as a profile photo.

Late one Sunday night, Jennifer had just tucked her kids into bed and as usual, her husband was out with his friends. In the silence of her house, she fixed a cup of tea and sat down with her laptop in her lap. She scrolled through her friend’s posts on Facebook, liked and commented on a few.

She checked a couple of groups that she was in, and as always, right before she logged off, she typed Jason’s name in the search box. Just like every time, numerous hits showed up on her results. She scrolled down slowly, looking at the profile pictures. Then she saw it.

Her heart began to pound and her palms were sweaty. She quickly clicked on the profile. It had to be him. His hair was a lot thinner, his face was fuller, but his hazel eyes were the same. She sent him a friend’s request, and waited. After an hour, she convinced herself that he was not online. She logged off and went to bed.

The following day was an off day for Jason. He woke up early and fed the animals before going back in and fixing breakfast for himself. After eating, he sat down at the computer. He looked around it and found the power switch and sipped on his coffee as it started.

Jason impatiently waited until the little swirly thing stopped, then he opened the browser. His daughter had put the social media sites in his favorites, so he clicked on the blue one that she had recommended. While it loaded, he retrieved himself another cup of coffee.

He sat back down and noticed he had several requests. He opened them. It seemed everyone he had ever known was there. Some buddies from the Army, cousins he had not seen in years, and old high school friends. The last one on the list caught his eye.

It was Jennifer, his long lost best friend. He clicked on her picture and the site took him to her profile. He viewed her photos. Most of them were of her kids. He smiled as he looked at a full body shot of her. She had not changed a bit.

He clicked on accept, then moved back to the main page and viewed and accepted the remaining requests. He laughed at some of the posts. He would never air his dirty laundry like that. In the bottom, right corner of his screen a little box popped up with Jennifer’s picture on it.

“Hello stranger,” popped up in the box. He moved his cursor over to the chat box and replied. The two old friends chatted for hours. They talked about their lives, kids and work. Before he knew it, the sun was high in the sky. He reluctantly told Jennifer that he had to go and logged off.

He began his chores, and did not take a break, so he could make up the time he had lost. Throughout the day, he would find himself smiling as he thought about Jennifer and their conversation. It was like they picked up where they had left off almost twenty-five years ago.

Over the next few months, their friendship rekindled. They moved away from the social media chatting to texting and phone calls. Her husband worked late, so after her kids were in bed, they would talk into the wee hours of the morning.

As summer drew near, Jason received an event invitation from his social media page. It was an invitation to his twenty-fifth-class reunion. He thought about how nice it would be to finally go home again and see old friends. He made a mental note to ask Jennifer if she was going before he decided to go.

Later that night, while they were talking, Jason asked Jennifer if she had planned on attending. She said she had, but her husband was scheduled to be on a month-long business trip during that time, and she wasn’t sure she would be able to.

As the time for the reunion drew nearer, Jennifer text him and told him that her in-laws were going to watch her kids, so she was going to the reunion. He agreed that he would go too, and began to prepare. He knew he could stay with his parents, but after being on his own for twenty-five years, he thought it would be better to stay at a hotel.

He and Jennifer booked rooms at the same hotel, not that there were many choices in their small hometown, and planned on meeting up and going to the reunion together. Time seemed to zoom by, and before he knew it, he was pulling up at his parents’ house.

Although he was not staying, he could never come to town without seeing his folks. Surprisingly, his parents had invited the whole family over for the return of prodigal, as his father called him. After eating too much, and talking to family he had not seen in years, Jason got into his truck and drove to the hotel.

He checked in and took his bag up to his room. As he entered the room, he threw his bag key on the bed. He needed a shower. He undressed in front of the sink, and stepped naked into the bathroom and started the water.

The water was refreshing. After a six-hour drive and an unexpected family reunion, he just stood under the shower head and let the water cascade down his body. At forty-three, he was in great shape. His military work had chiseled his body while his new farm work had bronzed his skin.

The water slowly turned from hot to lukewarm, so he quickly washed before he lost all the hot water. He dried himself and wrapped his towel around his waist. As he walked into the bedroom, there was a knock.

He looked out of the peep hole and seen no one. Yet he heard another knock. It sounded like it was coming from the other side of the wall. He turned and seen a door. He had not noticed it, but he had an adjoining room with someone. He shook his head, because he didn’t think those type rooms existed any more.

As he approached the door, another knock. He unlocked the door slowly and placed his hand on the knob and turned. He opened it slowly and peeked through the crack. He smiled when, through the crack, he saw Jennifer.

With the mystery of finding the knock, he had forgotten he only had a towel around his waist. He opened the door. He was confused when Jennifer’s smile vanished and her mouth opened. Then he remembered.

“Wow, damn Jason, do you meet all your old friends like this?”

Jason felt the blood rush to his cheeks. He placed a hand on the towel and extended his arm to give his old friend a hug. “Only special ones,” he responded as she placed her cheek on his bare shoulder.

Jennifer closed her eyes. She thought how nice it was to be in her old friend’s arms. She thought she noticed movement under his towel. It was her turn to blush. Surely, she was not causing Jason to have an erection.

Jason felt his cock begin to harden and stepped back. “I think I need to get more presentable.”

“You look pretty presentable to me.” Jennifer smiled.

“You are a married woman,” Jason joked as he walked away from the door.

He went to his bag and pulled out some jeans, t-shirt and boxers and walked to the bathroom.

As he closed the door he dropped his towel. He looked down at his semi-erect cock and shook his head. It had been a few months since he had been with a woman, Jennifer was a married friend. He had to keep his composure.

Jennifer entered Jason’s room and sat on the bed. She was surprised how her feelings for him had rekindled so quickly. She watched the bathroom door. Part of her wished he had not closed the door so she could watch him. The other part reminded her of her husband.

When Jason reappeared, dressed, he sat on the other bed. The two talked for hours and decided to get something to eat. They went to the old hangout and met some old classmates. The group laughed and talked about old times, and new adventures. Shortly after midnight, everyone went their own ways.

Jason opened the door of his truck to allow Jennifer to get out. They walked up the stairs to his room and went in. She told him goodnight and walked through the interior door to her room. He stripped to his boxers and lay down. He could never sleep in a strange place, but eventually he dozed off.

Jason was awakened by Jennifer bouncing on his bed. He opened his eyes. She straddled his legs on her knees and bouncing. She was dressed in a silk nightgown with thin straps over her shoulders. He looked at her face, then her bouncing breasts caught his eyes.

She didn’t have on a bra and her dark nipples were visible through the thin material. Again, he felt a stirring in his loins. “What are you doing?” He asked, trying to sound grumpy.

“It’s time to get up, I am hungry.”

“I can’t get up with you sitting on my legs.”

Jennifer slipped off the bed. She bent over and kissed his cheek and gave him a perfect view of her breasts, down her gown. “I am going to change, get your butt up and get ready.”

Jennifer went into her room. She leaned back on the bathroom wall and smiled. She had seen him look down her gown. She felt a rush between her thighs. Her hand brushed against her cotton panties, they were soaked.

Jason hurried out of bed and put on his clothes. He adjusted his erect penis so it would not be too obvious. He returned to his bed and checked his phone while he waited for his friend.

In a few minutes, Jennifer appeared at the door between their rooms. She had her dark hair pulled back. She wore a tank top and shorts. Jason noticed her curvy hips and long dark legs. He stood up and the two left for breakfast.

The rest of the day they lounged around the pool and in Jason’s room. Early in the afternoon, they began getting ready for the reunion. Jason showered and shaved before slipping into a pair of jeans. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and slipped his arms into a button up dress shirt. After he had buttoned the buttons, he slipped on his sport coat and slipped on his socks and boots.

Jennifer stepped out of the shower and dried her body. She normally didn’t wear a thong, but tonight was special. She slipped her long legs into the thin panties and pulled them up. She adjusted the string to fit perfectly in her bubbly butt. She took her dress off the hanger and slipped it over her head.

Her husband would die if he knew how much she paid for the dress, but she didn’t care. Tonight was her night. She adjusted the straps on her shoulders and made sure her bare breasts were not exposed. She fixed her hair and makeup before slipping her feet into her heels. She grabbed her purse as she walked beside the dresser.

Jason was fixing his hair when she walked into the reflection of the mirror. His eyes widened. He had always thought Jennifer was beautiful, but he had never seen her look as good as she did. He scanned her body through the mirror.

The dress was short, with the hem a few inches above her knee. The straps over her shoulders were micro thin. He loved the way the dressed hugged her hips and as she turned he didn’t notice as panty line. Before he turned, he stepped into the bathroom and made an adjustment in his jeans.

The reunion was a blast and Jason seemed to be the guest of honor. Old friends and girlfriends flocked to him trying to get a bit of his attention. However, Jason’s eyes never veered far from Jennifer. Each time their gazes crossed, they exchanged smiles.

Jennifer watched as everyone made fuss over Jason’s presence. She had caught attention as well. She took pride in knowing she had kept herself fit. Many of the girls who had been popular and preppy in school, were now thicker and not as pleasant to look at. She looked toward Jason and their eyes met. She took a sip of her wine. She knew that the night was just beginning.

Shortly after one in the morning, Jason opened the door to his truck and help Jennifer in. He then went around and got into the driver’s seat. They drove to the motel while they laughed about the events from the reunion.

At the motel, they walked arm and arm up to his room. Once inside Jason took off his coat and shirt. He sat down on the bed while Jennifer slipped her heels off her feet. She returned to his room and asked for help unzipping her dress.

Jason stood up behind her. He could not help admiring her ass. She held her hair out of the way as his hands slowly unzipped her dress. He noticed there was no sign of a bra across her dark back. As the zipper ended, he noticed the string across her bottom. He closed his eye and exhaled loudly.

Jason’s warm breath hit her bare skin and Jennifer felt goosebumps pop up all over her body. She felt his hands leave her zipper and she slowly turned to face him. She looked up into his hazel eyes. She was tired of hiding her feelings.

She slowly moved her hands away from the dress and it fell to her feet. She stood there in only her white thong. She let her arms fall to her side as she waited for Jason’s reaction.

She didn’t have to wait long. Jason’s eyes never left hers as he stepped closer. His strong arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her to him. Their lips met. Jason felt a rush throughout his body. After over thirty years, his dream girl was in his arms.

Their kiss grew more passionate by the second. Jennifer tugged his t-shirt from his jeans. Their lips parted just long enough to pull it over his head. Her dark hands pressed against his pale chest. She pushed him and he fell back onto the bed, and brought her with him.

As their lips pressed together, his hands moved down her back to her thong and squeezed her ass. Her hands fumbled with his belt, and unbuttoned his jeans. He lifted his hips and helped her push his jeans past his hips.

She reached between them and grabbed his cock. He had to bite his lip not to cum. He pushed her thong aside as she lowered her pink pussy onto him. He couldn’t believe how tight and wet she was. She rocked her hips a few times as she tried to get his fat cock inside her.

Finally, he slipped in they moaned in unison. There was very little passion. She sat down hard and drove his cock deep into her. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down hard. She began to bounce up and down on him. Her tongue pressed against his lips and he sucked it in.

Neither tried to hold back. They had waited way too long. She sat up and arched her back. His white hands covered her black breasts. Her nipples were hard and dark and reminded him of Hershey kisses as they poked between his fingers.

Her orgasm hit hard as she jerked and shook on his cock. Her pussy tightened around him. He could not hold back. He let his cock erupt deep inside her.

When their orgasm subsided, she fell into him. They held each other for a few minutes before she moved down. His cock slipped from her as she moved down his legs. Her brown eyes never leaving his. She crawled between his legs and took his deflated cock into her hands.

His cock was wet from their combined lust. She opened her red lips and he watched as his cock disappeared into her mouth. He couldn’t help himself from moaning. Her dark brown eyes stared into his. Her tongue swirled around his flaccid member slow and methodically.

He ran his hand through her hair, and loved the contrast of their skin. He draped his leg over her lower back and began working his hips slowly. He could feel his cock reacting to her warm mouth. As he hardened, her lips tightened and her passion grew.

When he was fully erect, he pulled her up. Her breasts brushed his skin as she crawled up to him. They kissed as his hands ran down her back and cupped her ass. In a slow motion, he rolled her over and rested between her legs.

He rose to his knees and rubbed his hand over her smooth lips. He positioned his cock at her entrance. He loved how pink her pussy looked peeking from her plump brown lips. He closed his eyes and pushed into her.

With his cock back inside her, he braced his weight on his arms and lowered his head. They kissed again. Her tongue pressed into his mouth and he sucked it in. They were in no hurry, this time. They were both soaking up the penned-up passion.

Her legs wrapped around his upper thigh and she pressed her heels into his ass. Slowly he made love to his old friend. He had wanted her for as long as he could remember, and he was savoring every second.

She loosened the grip her legs had on him, and rolled over to her stomach. He took the hint and rose to his knees. She lifted her ass up as she pressed her upper body into the pillows. He ran his hand down her spine and felt goosebumps form.

He moved closer and slipped his cock into her pink. He slowly worked his hips, pushing deep into her tight love tunnel. “Fuck me, Jason,” Jennifer plead.

Jason gripped her hips and began to fuck her harder. Her brown ass jiggled every time he thrust against her. The sight was so erotic to him. He bit his lip to keep from cumming.

He felt her body begin to tremble as her moans grew louder. His stomach slapped against her ass filling the small room with a wet, slapping sound. Sweat poured down his brow. He felt her pussy tighten against his cock as he rose from the bed.

His thrusts slowed as he allowed her to come down from her orgasm. When she had calmed. He slipped out of her, and kneeled behind her. He spread her cheeks and ran his tongue from her wet pussy to her tight ass.

His tongue drove her crazy, and in no time she was on the brink of another orgasm. Jason rose and pushed his cock back into her pussy and fucked her for all he was worth. Their moans turned to screams as they both approached their climax.

He pushed deep into her as he felt her pussy tighten and her body began to tremble. As she cum, he released his seed deep into her. They both thrust until he his balls were empty, and they collapsed onto the bed.

When Jason gained enough strength he laid beside her. She cuddled up as close as she could and she fell asleep in his arms. Jason held her tight. He didn’t know what would happen the next day, but for now, Jennifer was in his arms, exactly where she belonged.

Published 8 years ago

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