Dane got off the elevator, walking toward his hotel room. His very presence exuded power and authority. He was a man who was used to getting what he wanted. His eyes took in the scene before him as he came close to his door. One of the hotel maids looked very distraught. Instinct took over, and he touched her shoulder, prompting her to look up.
“What’s the matter?” he asked her softly.
“I…I…you have no need to worry yourself with me sir, I’m only a maid. I will be all right.” Mandy bit her bottom lip, making a great effort to hold in her emotions.
“Please, please come in and sit a little while, and let me know what’s bothering you. I will call down to the lobby and let them know you are with me.”
Her eyes grew wide with fear. “Oh no sir, please don’t do that, I need this job desperately, especially now.”
Dane wondered what that could possibly mean, and took her hand to help her up. “Obviously you don’t know who I am. My name is Dane Wells, and I’m the CEO of RTI International here in Raleigh. Who might you be?”
Surprise seemed to register on Mandy’s face, and Dane beamed inwardly at the concept that she knew of the large corporation. “My…name is Mandy sir, err Mr. Wells,” she managed to get out.
“Well Mandy, have no fear, when they know it is me that needs you for a time, the front desk will not question it. You will not lose your job.”
Mandy appeared to relax somewhat, and Dane ushered her into his room. He was going to find out one way or another what the problem was. He didn’t know quite the reason, but she had an effect on him. Perhaps it was that face of hers, those full lips and golden hair. He tried to focus on her situation currently. Whatever it was, he was determined to find out and do something about it. Dane loved being in control, and he would fix her sadness one way or another. Perhaps in more than one way, he mused, getting lost looking at her again.
He shook his head and reached for the phone, letting the front desk know of the immediate situation. After taking care of that, he turned and took Mandy’s shaking hand. “It’s handled with the hotel; you are fine to stay here with me for the evening.” Her face seemed to brighten ever so slightly. “Now, let me know what’s going on to make such a beautiful woman have cause to cry.”
His other hand traced along the edge of her face in such a caring way, and she relented at last. “It’s my sister, sir. She hasn’t enough money to pay for treatment.” Mandy shuddered, but with encouragement from Dane’s eyes and a squeeze of her hand, she continued. “My sister Lauren has been diagnosed with stomach cancer. She needs surgery and chemotherapy, and I know she can’t afford the bills that will come. If the cancer doesn’t kill her, the resulting debt will!” With that, tears began to slide down Mandy’s face again.
Dane wiped them from her cheeks, slowly, deliberately. His brain was already moving at lightning speed. This could be an opportunity thrown right in his lap. And Dane loved opportunities, particularly ones dealing with beautiful women. And a desperate woman presented quite the opportunity indeed.
“She needs so much. I wish I had the money to give her. I can barely pay my rent, my landlord has been hounding me lately, and I just…just..” Mandy couldn’t maintain her composure and looked away so he wouldn’t see her tears any longer.
“Well, you know Mandy, there’s always a way to figure things out, and make things better. You happened to be in the right place at the right time, love. I am a man of huge means, and if you want to…please me, I would definitely contribute to better your situation.”
Mandy’s expression looked troubled, which he had expected. “Wh…what do you mean Mr. Wells?”
“First off, please call me Dane. That’s a start. Stay with me for the night, let me make passionate love to you.” Her breath caught in her throat, he could hear her sharp intake, and it caused a reaction directly in his cock. “I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, but the more you please me, the greater your reward will be. That I can promise you.” Dane took both her hands, and pulled her up to him, his lips close to hers. He could smell her cologne, and see her pulse in her neck. He had caused her to breathe faster already. So tasty, he thought. “I want to taste your lips, your mouth…” his lips came down on hers, insistent and needy. His tongue ran over her lips, then sought entrance into her succulent mouth.
Her lips parted after a time, and he tasted her, explored her mouth, his kiss getting more passionate and intense. Mandy reacted, her nipples hardening and wetness down below which she could not control. Dane could smell her, and knew she was getting aroused just from his kiss. It turned him on so much. What was it about her….
Dane backed her up to the bed, and pushed her onto it, his body covering hers as his hands began their exploration of her skin beneath the clothes. She moaned as he felt her nipples, pulling on them slightly. “Take your clothes off for me Mandy, slowly. I want to look at your body; I want you badly.”
Mandy slowly got up from the bed, and Dane sat at its edge, watching. Sensuously, Mandy took her shirt and pulled it over her head, shaking her hair as she did so. His eyes went directly to her full mounds, and the lacy red bra that contained them. Red was his favorite color. Damn. She was so hot; his desire was growing. The standard gray hotel skirt was sliding slowly down her shapely legs, revealing matching red lace panties.
Dane was hooked, transfixed. He pulled her to him, his hands touching her all over, as if wanting to memorize every aspect of her body. He stood, once again kissing her deeply, then shed his clothing quickly. Dane knew he looked good. As a wealthy and influential man, he always strived to look his best, which meant a lot of working out. His body was lean, taught, and fit. At 38, he looked at least 10 years younger.
Mandy’s eyes drank in the sight of him gloriously naked, her fingers touching him lightly enough to drive him mad with desire. “Bend over the bed Mandy, I want to be inside you.” His words had definite command behind them, and Mandy knew this man was used to giving orders. She acquiesced to his wishes, and slowly bent over the side of the bed, her body moving seductively as she did so.
Dane was beside himself with lust. Instantly, he was on her, his tongue and mouth licking, tasting her soft folds, opening her up like a flower. Greedily he thrust his tongue in deep, seeking her very core, his fingers thrusting in and out with steady strokes. Mandy orgasmed faster than he ever expected, and he was pleasantly surprised when he tasted her nectar for the first time so quickly. Devouring all of her, he then thrust himself into her wetness, crying out at her tightness and heat. “Oh Mandy, you feel so fucking amazing.
She nodded, and he grasped her hair with one hand, the other encircling her body, and began thrusting hard and fast, her pussy pulsating around him. “Take me Dane, make me yours, cum deep in my pussy, please,” she begged, and he felt her tighten around him in her second intense orgasm. It had been a long time since Dane had been with anyone, and with a few more strokes he could hold out no longer. He came hard, still thrusting with each burst, in the most intense and longest orgasm he’d had in some time. He pulled her to the bed with him and lay with her, temporarily satiated. He didn’t remember ever wanting someone so badly. Dane suspected it was partially because she was in a position to not possibly deny him, and that excited him even more. What Dane wanted, he usually got.
Dane and Mandy dozed a bit, and Mandy awoke first. She looked at his firm body as he lay on his stomach, his toned back and buttocks. A fine specimen of a man, she thought to herself. Lazily, she ran her foot over the small of his back, down to his firm roundness. Her toes ran along his skin, then sought entrance into his crack. Tenderly, she ran her big toe along its length, up and down, up and down. He awoke, looked back at what she was doing, and let out a moan.
“I can stop if you want, I’m sorry,” Mandy said softly. Little did Mandy know, Dane thought to himself, what a turn on that is to me, that it’s my fetish.
“No, actually that feels really good, you can play more if you like.” Mandy continued the stroking, then cautiously inserted one, then two, of her toes into his puckered star, feeling that it was wet. Dane let out a sexy moan, and pushed toward her foot, getting it in deeper. “Oh Mandy, that feels so amazing, oh fuck. Don’t stop.” Pulling Mandy’s body closer to his, Dane began fingering her in slow, sexy circles as her toe continued in and out of his body, Dane continuing to push back on it and pull out slightly.
After a few minutes of this, Mandy placed her hand around his rigid cock, stroking hard. At the same time, she moaned loudly, her hips spasming as his fingers brought her to climax. He pulled them out slowly, then sucked on them, both smelling and tasting her. All these things combined were more than Dane could have ever imagined, and he orgasmed powerfully, crying out and pushing himself as far as he could go onto Mandy’s toes. His ejaculation was so strong that it was almost painful in its intensity. Mandy continued to slowly massage the walls of his rectum as he was coming down, then finally pulled out.
Reaching over to feel for her clothes, Mandy accidentally got a paper cut on her finger from the hotel numbers page. “Ouch!” she yelped, and Dane looked over.
“Oh, did you get a paper cut? Nasty things, they are. Here, give me your finger.” Mandy did, and Dane sucked on it. “I know this may sound a bit strange, but I love the taste of blood. Not a lot of it, I’m not a vampire I swear, but the metallic taste of it in my mouth is a turn on.”
Mandy reddened a little, but continued to allow him to suck on her finger until the bleeding stopped. “There, all better my little seductress.” Dane pulled her on top of him, and she kissed along his chest and played with his cock as he felt the softness of her skin. “You will be the death of me, woman,” he stated, knowing this was one he wanted to keep around awhile. “Sleep with me tonight, let me have you, all of you I want. In the morning, you will have your reward.”
Mandy appeared to give it some thought, then finally agreed. There was not a lot of sleep involved that night for Dane, but there was a lot of touching, tasting, fingers, toes, wetness, and moaning involved. Mandy realized just how much stamina Dane possessed that night. He was relentless, passionate, and intense.
The next morning, Dane ended up placing $15,000 into Mandy’s account through Paypal. The grateful and astonished look on her face pleased him greatly. “Mandy, if you continue to make me happy, satisfying me on a regular basis, I plan on continuing to reward you and keeping you around awhile.” Mandy nodded mutely, and he felt amazing knowing he had just rocked her world.
“If you don’t mind though, sir, I need to get home and take care of some things, and I do still want to maintain my job here for now as well.”
“Of course, I won’t keep you from your life, I just plan on making your life better and more comfortable.” Dane smiled at her, then walked over to her and kissed her deeply, temporarily distracting her from getting her clothes back on. “I will see you in two days from now, back in this room. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, you do. I will be here, if you can take care of things with my supervisor again.”
“Oh I will, don’t you worry about that. They are always happy when I stay in this hotel, and they will be handsomely rewarded for allowing me….shall we say full time maid service.” With that, he winked at her and smacked her on the bottom, then opened the door. As she walked out, he said, “Two days, Mandy. Two days.”
“I won’t forget, believe me.” Mandy turned and walked down the corridor toward the elevator as Dane’s eyes followed her, mesmerized by the swaying of her hips even in the dull gray uniform. Another one that was under his control now, another one he could manipulate. Excellent. Drumming his fingers on the wood door, he let it close behind him.
Mandy exited the elevator, and out to the parking lot. “Well?” she heard a familiar voice behind her.
“He fell for it, hook line and sinker!”
Collin beamed, wrapping her in a huge hug. “What did I tell you, I knew it would work. I knew it.”
Mandy looked at Collin, her lover and partner of three years. “How did you ever figure out about his thing for red, the toe in the ass fetish, or the blood?” she asked, totally curious. Collin had a way of finding information on people that was crazy personal, and she never quite knew how he did it.
“I have my ways, Gina. I have my ways. Hmm, I kinda like the way Mandy sounds on you. Maybe we should keep that name awhile.”
Gina laughed. “Well, I’m going to keep it at least a little while, since he wants me back in a couple of days.”
“You really got to this guy, didn’t you? You minx. You’re so evil, and it’s such a turn on.” Collin kissed her, hungrily.
“Hey, you’re the mastermind behind these plots, you know,” Gina said breathlessly after the intense kiss. “I just follow it up with the action. Someday though, you’ll have to do the action piece.”
“You never know, I might, I just might. But right now you’re going to continue said current action until Mr. Wells’ well has run dry. Because we both know…”
“It’s all about the money,” they both said in unison. They high fived, and spent some time talking of the vacation they would take to the Bahamas when they finished up in Raleigh. Gina was sure Collin’s mind was already on who was there, what they might be worth, and what their weaknesses were. It was the ultimate turn on and rush, and they were the best pair of sexy swindlers on the whole east coast. Eventually, it would be California or bust.