Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various others. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.
The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.
They were escaping the terrible poverty out in the vast farmlands of this world. As a pleasure-slave they would have a much better life, living in rich surroundings, and doing little work other than the obvious.
They also had much better legal protection than farmworkers; they could not be abused in any way. They also had to agree to be sold to the winning bidder at their auction, they could refuse if they so wished.
Pleasure-slaves were also paid a monthly allowance which they could do with as they pleased. They could also save up their allowances and eventually buy their freedom if they so wished, but this was rare, as life as a pleasure-slave was generally a good one.
I had purchased my first pleasure-slave, Melora; she was an eighteen-year-old ‘pure’, or virgin. Soon after I had purchased two other pleasure-slaves.
A few weeks ago, at an auction, I had purchased Claudia, the pleasure-slave of a friend of mine who had recently passed away.
The last couple of months had been enormous fun. I had purchased Claudia, a pleasure-slave that had belonged to my friend Charles who had recently passed away, at auction. She was twenty-nine years old, a blonde, fairly busty, beautiful young woman. I had agreed before the sale that I would put her up in an apartment of her own, rather than having her live with me and my other pleasure-slaves Melora, Helena, and Leka.
I had spent a wonderful night with Claudia, at the new apartment I had arranged for her, once all the paperwork with the local council had been completed. She had spent hours and hours sucking and fucking me in every position imaginable. It felt wonderful to see such a classy, well-spoken, and educated lady, on all-fours on the bed, dressed in just stockings and high heels, panting and moaning as I fucked her from behind in her tight little ass.
Claudia was a real class act, for sure. Such a well-dressed, stunning looking knockout, who was also a terrific fuck. I visited her at least once, sometimes twice a week. I loved getting my fix of this well-bred, sexy-as-hell woman.
I had often looked at Claudia with an admiring eye when Charles was alive and had marvelled at how elegant she always seemed. But now that he was gone, and she belonged to me, I got to see a whole other side to her personality as I bedded her repeatedly. She was quite the dirty-talker at times, albeit with a very cultured and well-schooled way of speaking, which was a turn on in itself.
I did worry that perhaps my other pleasure-slaves at home might be a little jealous of Claudia, having her own place, with maybe the perceived extra freedoms that entailed. However, after speaking to them, I discovered they weren’t bothered about it. I think they seemed to think of Claudia as perhaps from a family of high-class elites, who had fallen on hard times, and she had had to submit herself to being a pleasure-slave later in life to make ends meet. I think my pleasure-slaves felt that as they had started in different classes of society, that perhaps they might not get on with Claudia, and so it was better if she stayed in a separate residence to them.
In fact, Claudia had been just like them. A penniless country girl, who had been submitted to the auction houses in some far-off city at age eighteen, to provide an income for her family. It was my late friend Charles who had bought her, had her educated to the highest standards, and then treated her like she was his wife. But I did not want to spoil my pleasure-slaves opinion of Claudia, as it seemed to suit our situation, and so did not tell them the truth.
Melora, Helena, and Leka had all met Claudia on a couple of occasions, and they all seemed to get on fine. But meeting someone, and living with them is very different. This living arrangement seemed to suit all parties very well indeed.
So, my life continued exactly like this for a few more weeks. I had what I now dubbed my ‘in-home’ pleasure-slaves to enjoy, but also visited my Claudia in her apartment. I also, of course, still had sex regularly with other pleasure-slaves that I did not own.
There were the delights of The Dirty Wives Club, an establishment that regular readers will recall from my previous letters. There were many other pleasure-palaces that dotted the landscape throughout the city, that I would also frequent from time to time. In fact, at Claudia’s auction, there had been a pleasure-palace owner, Volare, who had bid successfully on several other women. I had visited Volare’s pleasure-palace, called Stars, on several occasions in the last month.
Volare had purchased Nadia, a twenty-one-year-old busty black girl, at Claudia’s auction. I had enjoyed fucking Nadia on a couple of occasions; she was a lovely sweet girl, with a cracking set of young firm tits. I had also seen Joy, a busty twenty-four-year-old of Filipina descent, whom Volare had also bought at Claudia’s auction. Joy was a very cheeky, naughty young woman, who looked absolutely stunning when bouncing up and down on my cock.
As you can see, I was certainly getting more than my fair share of all the stunning pussy that my city had to offer to one of its rich elite citizens. But for the next adventure that I wish all my readers to enjoy, I will have to briefly go back a few months.
During our short winter here, I had received a long-distance inter-system message. It was from my sister Aurelia, whom I had not seen for almost twenty years. The message stated she was onboard a starship transport and would arrive here to Rigel VI in a few weeks. She hoped I would meet her on arrival, and wanted to stay with me until she found some work and could afford her own place.
My sister was a couple of years older than me, fairly plain looking as I remembered. She had looked after me when our parents had both passed away when I was still a boy. When I had left our homeworld to join the military and see the galaxy, we had continued to write to each other from time to time.
Aurelia had married a man when she was in her mid-twenties. She had a son when she was thirty. Last year she had written to me to tell me her husband had been killed.
Our homeworld had been engaged in an interplanetary war with three other local systems, for the past four hundred years. No-one remembers what initially sparked this conflict all those years ago, but it continued anyway. Life usually went on as normal for the vast majority of the population, as these battles were often fought in space. But occasionally skirmishes would spread down to planets below.
That is what had happened in the area I had called home as a boy. Soldiers had invaded, delivered by dropships, and attacked and killed anyone they could find, before being eventually chased off by the local protectorate. Aurelia’s husband had been incinerated in a fireball.
Even with the speed of the faster-than-light transports that occasionally ventured out here, the outer-rim of our galaxy, it would have taken at least ten months to get here from our homeworld. If she was arriving in a few weeks, then I had guessed she must have left our homeworld not long after her husband’s death.
A few weeks later, there was an emotional reunion at the spaceport. My sister looked a lot older than I had expected. From all that she told me, it seemed she had had a fairly hard life, and it showed on her face.
She had also brought her son, Marcus, whom I had never met. He was fifteen-years-old when he arrived here. He was fairly tall, with a slim build, and boyish good looks. He was a quiet though, fairly shy, and unassuming.
Aurelia had come to Rigel VI not knowing much about it. She also did not really understand just how wealthy I had become. I explained to her that living with me probably wasn’t going to work.
I had to explain all about the local custom of pleasure-slaves, and that I owned some myself. She seemed shocked at first, she had always been very conservative in her beliefs when I was younger, and that had seemingly not changed in the intervening years.
But I also explained that I could easily afford to buy Aurelia her own house for her and Marcus to live in. That I could easily afford to give her a monthly allowance so that she wouldn’t have to work. That I could pay for Marcus to attend a private school.
Aurelia was over the moon at this news and perhaps forgave me for the perceived sin of being involved in any way in the pleasure-slave business. She would learn it was simply an accepted part of society here, very different from the morality of the main central systems of our galaxy.
So, I purchased Aurelia a small house, in a fairly good neighbourhood, not too far from where I lived. We enrolled Marcus in a very good private school, and I paid the first year’s fees upfront.
Aurelia seemed very happy with her new life. We would meet up for lunch once a week or so. Occasionally she had come to my house and had met Melora, Helena, and Leka, my ‘in-home’ pleasure-slaves. She was quite friendly and polite to them.
I could sense that though she still didn’t approve of the practice exactly, she had perhaps come to find it as an eccentricity of this planet. Unless she was visiting my house, for her it was out of sight and therefore out of mind.
Life went on like this, and soon the long Summer season arrived. Claudia then became my new pleasure-slave, and life was good.
One day, however, my sister Aurelia called me asking to pop by her house. She had something of importance to discuss with me but wanted me to come now while Marcus was at school. When I arrived, Aurelia showed me Marcus’ latest school report. It was not good.
Marcus was failing almost all his subjects, apart from mathematics which he apparently found very easy. It had been the same in his previous week’s report. At that time, Aurelia had decided that Marcus had been unsettled by the anniversary of his father’s death, and chose to let it slide, and not tell me about it. Now, however, she was concerned this was becoming a trend.
Aurelia told me Marcus had always been a good student back on our homeworld, and also when doing his studies alone on the long spaceflight here. She didn’t know what to do, she had spoken to him many times about it, but had obviously failed to have any effect.
Marcus was now sixteen-years-old, his birthday had been just a few days ago. I had been away on business on his actual birthday, and so had told him and his mother we would celebrate when I returned.
Aurelia also wanted to show me something else she was concerned about. She took me into Marcus’ small bedroom. It was actually pretty tidy for a sixteen-year-old boys’ bedroom I thought. Perhaps Aurelia had cleaned up before calling me to come over.
She lifted the mattress on Marcus’ bed a little and looking away in disgust, pointed.
“In there,” she said, still unable to look.
I put my hand under the mattress and pulled out a small stack of paper leaflets. I looked at them for a moment, as Aurelia let go of the mattress, but she continued to look away. The leaflets were advertisements for various pleasure-slave palaces in and around our city of Trenton.
They were mostly in a similar format. They had one photo of a female pleasure-slave filling the front side, with her name at the bottom, and the name of the palace she was owned by. On the rear were a few details about her, like her measurements, age, how long she had been in service. Also, at the bottom of the rear side was the address of the particular pleasure-palace she worked at.
They must have been around twenty leaflets, all advertising the services of the various blondes, brunettes, redheads, black, Asian, and Latina descent pleasure-slaves. The photos were quite glossy, tasteful, and well produced. The women dressed very sexily, showing off as much as they could, but naked or topless pictures were obviously not allowed.
Some of the leaflets described the pleasure-slaves’ specialities if they had any. Some young ladies were dressed in provocative uniforms like a schoolgirl or a nurse. These leaflets were routinely posted to wealthy pleasure-slave owners, to try to lure them to spend their enormous amounts of disposable income at the pleasure-palaces on their latest young sexy women.
I thought it was all a bit of harmless fun, to be honest. My sister Aurelia obviously felt differently about it.
“I’m sure he got these from you,” she said, shaking her head in disgust.
“No, I never gave them to him,” I replied.
“No, no. I know you would never give him this filth,” she explained, “But he must have found it lying around at your house when we visited at some point, don’t you think?”
That was a definite possibility. I often got this sort of thing in the mail. I would give them a quick look, but usually then just throw them in the trash.
This sort of material was only made available to the rich elite men and women of this world. The pleasure-slaves surely did not want these images to be shown for all to see, and so the pleasure-palaces were discreet in who they sent their advertising to. Certainly, Marcus couldn’t have found this kind of stuff lying around on the street. So it seemed very likely he had found it at my house, probably noticed in the trash, and nabbed it for himself.
It was obvious what he was using this material for. He was a sixteen-year-old growing boy. I was sure if I had found such material at his age, I would have been masturbating furiously over it. I’m sure he was doing the same, nothing wrong with that, it was quite natural.
However, my sister had obviously linked this ‘errant’ behaviour with his apparent lack of interest in his studies. Again, I imagined myself at his age, with a choice of doing some god-awful boring homework, or knocking one out over a photo of a gorgeous sexy young woman. I knew which choice I would make, perhaps he was the same.
But perhaps it was a little more complicated than that. I was providing for Aurelia and Marcus everything that they needed. They had a good life already. What motivation did Marcus have to get a good education, to achieve something in his life?
Perhaps he felt I would provide for him no matter how he did at school. I certainly didn’t want to be complicit in turning him into some spoiled brat. Of course, it was equally possible none of these things had even occurred to him.
Perhaps what Marcus really needed was motivation. Something to work towards, or a prize to be won, if he improved in his studies. A plan started to form in my mind.
Aurelia asked me to take the leaflets back, but I feared Marcus would then know his mother had discovered them and would be embarrassed to talk about it, so cautioned her against it. She told me Marcus would be home from school soon, and that we needed to decide what our strategy with him would be.
As her previous discussions about his schoolwork had not had the desired effect, and the fact he might be reticent to talk about the leaflets with his mother, I suggested that I might talk to him alone. A man-to-man talk might be the approach that worked for Marcus, at the very least it was a strategy that had not yet been tried.
Aurelia eventually agreed after some discussion, and I gave her some money and suggested she go buy herself something nice while I waited for Marcus to return. Aurelia called for a taxi and left as soon as it arrived.
I returned to the leaflets that Marcus had kept hidden from his mother. There were some very attractive women on them, but I noticed one in particular that seemed to have caught Marcus’ eye. I knew this because the edges of the leaflet were worn, the corners bent. It looked as though this one had been held in Marcus’ teenage hand many, many times.
The pleasure-slave pictured on the leaflet was a stunning looking brunette wearing a tiny red top, which just about covered her huge tits. She also had a lovely big smile. Her name was Kat, twenty-six years old, with 32GG-25-35 measurements, and a speciality listed as ‘Dirty Talk’. I figured from the state of the leaflet, Marcus had been jerking off over Kat quite a lot.
Marcus soon arrived home from school. He seemed pleased to see me, and we had a chat and a bit of a laugh for a while. Though he was usually fairly quiet, he often seemed to perk up when talking with me. He obviously missed his father, and perhaps I was the next best substitute.
After a while, I turned the conversation to his studies and told him I knew he was a clever boy, and his recent school reports just weren’t good enough. That he was wasting his talent, and potentially throwing away his future.
I then put the pleasure-palace leaflets on the table for him to see. He seemed a bit stunned when I told him his mother had discovered them, and that I had assumed he had found them at my house. He simply nodded, but still was unable or unwilling to speak. I told him it was quite natural for him to be curious about girls, that there was nothing wrong with that.
“Marcus, I want to help you. I want to help you to concentrate on your studies,” I told him, switching the conversation back to his schoolwork, “Perhaps if you had a goal to work toward, a reward for doing better at school, that might work?
Marcus was still silent and simply shrugged.
“These grades are well below what you’re capable of Marcus, aren’t they?” I told him, putting my hand on the previous monthly school report.
Marcus simply nodded.
“If you and I could come up with a reward for you, for doing better by your next weekly report,” I said, now putting my hand on the pleasure-palace leaflets, “Do you think we could come to an agreement?”
Suddenly Marcus perked up, perhaps he was slowly starting to understand my plan.
Marcus’ school tested often, which is how Aurelia got a weekly report on how he was doing. The school graded from A1 down to G9. Currently, his average score over all his subjects was D6.
“I know I missed your birthday last week, Marcus, I’m sorry but I had some meetings out of town. But I want you to get next week’s school report from this average of D6, to above a C5,” I continued, “And if you can do that, then you’re going to get that reward you’ve been dreaming about, as your birthday present from me, do you understand?”
“Yes Uncle,” Marcus nodded.
“I also think that this agreement between you and I should be our little secret, alright? Your mother doesn’t need to know about any of this, does she?” I asked him.
“No Uncle,” Marcus replied.
“These types of things, well they are things that only another man can truly fathom,” I explained, picking up the pleasure-palace leaflets and putting them in my pocket, “So I’ll keep hold of these, for now, your mother wouldn’t understand.”
Marcus nodded.
“Now I think you have some work to do, don’t you?” I told him, pointing to his school books, “I’ll talk to your mother, don’t worry. But remember, this agreement is just between us, between us men, alright?”
He again nodded, picked up his books, and headed toward his room. I said goodbye and headed home. I called Aurelia from a taxi, telling her that I had spoken with Marcus.
I told her he had agreed to work harder at his studies, and if he could accomplish a C5 score by next week, I would reward him. She asked what kind of reward, but I just said I would take him out for the day and buy him a new computer or something. She seemed happy with that.
She did ask why a score of C5 when he was capable of much better. I told her it might not be an immediate huge turnaround, and that we could set a new goal for the following week with an even higher grade.
I kept looking at the photo of Kat, the young pleasure-slave in the photo that Marcus seemingly had been focusing on in his bedroom. She was stunning. The leaflet was from a pleasure-palace called ‘Sunsets’.
I had been to the Sunsets pleasure-palace quite a few times. I was coming up with a plan, beyond what Marcus was aware of. But of course, any concrete plans would have to wait until next week when Aurelia would receive Marcus’ next school report.
But it didn’t mean I couldn’t do some preparation work for Marcus’ reward. As perhaps Marcus was hoping, I planned to reward him by taking him to a pleasure-palace and let him have his way with a pleasure-slave of his choice.
He was sixteen, and so legally speaking, now allowed to engage in sexual intercourse. Of course, I imagined very few sixteen-year-olds had ever lost their virginity in such an expensive establishment as a pleasure-palace.
I could just take him to any random pleasure-palace, allow him to choose a pleasure-slave from the viewing area, and she would take him up to one of the bedrooms to fuck. However, I felt it was very possible he might choose a girl closest to his own age, which would be the eighteen-year-old pleasure-slaves. These girls were young and beautiful of course, but rather inexperienced.
I felt Marcus would enjoy himself a lot more losing his virginity to a woman with a lot more experience. I was perfectly fine with an eighteen-year-old in bed, as I was very experienced, and could take charge if the girl was less so. But a completely inexperienced virgin like Marcus really needed a woman to take the lead in bed, and I felt a young eighteen-year-old girl may not be able to provide that.
Having said that, an older very experienced MILF-type pleasure-slave probably wasn’t the way to go either. From the leaflets that Marcus had shown interest in, the ‘older woman’ was not his thing. I felt somewhere in between would work, maybe mid-twenties. She would then have enough experience to be able to take the lead through a boy losing his virginity but still be very attractive to that boy.
I also thought it might be more fun if Marcus could lose his virginity to a pleasure-slave that he had fantasized over in the leaflets. The leaflet Marcus had seemingly concentrated on so much, featured a pleasure slave named Kat, who was twenty-six-years-old. She seemed to be a good place to start as a candidate for Marcus.
So the next day, I made my way over to Sunsets pleasure-palace. It was one of the larger pleasure-slave establishments. I had not been here for a couple of months, but an assistant manager ran over to greet me as I exited the taxi out front.
“Hi sir, nice to see you again,” she said.
Her name was Raquel, a mixed-race lady, in her early forties I suppose, dressed as usual in her fairly tight grey pantsuit. I remembered her from my previous visits here, she had always been very friendly and accommodating.
As Raquel walked me through reception and into the viewing area, I exchanged some small talk with her. We sat on one of the sofas that faced the large stepped area, on which the available pleasure-slaves sat. There must be over five hundred women here, all sat looking at me, and the two other men that currently occupied the viewing area.
After a moment of politely scanning the rows and rows of gorgeous women, I asked Raquel if I might have a chat with her at the bar. She of course agreed, and escorted me out of the back of the viewing area, up a flight of stairs, and into a large bar area that I had visited once before. I was the only customer in here and sat on a stool at the end of the bar.
The bar had the benefit of an enormous window on one side of the room, which looked down onto the viewing area below, with all the available pleasure-slaves.
I had a drink with Raquel. I sat on the stool, but she stood leaning up against the bar, but quite up close to me. She had often flirted with me before; the managers and usheress at pleasure-palaces often would. I suppose it created a nice welcoming mood for their rich clientele, and I’m sure didn’t harm their tips either.
Raquel put her hand on my arm as we chatted. She was quite attractive, with a nice cleavage on show between the lapels of the jacket of her pantsuit, and the trousers nice and tight around her shapely ass. I put my left hand on her hip, to pull her a little closer as we chatted. She did not resist and parted my thighs so she could get closer still.
Now pressed up against me, I let my left-hand slide around her hip to her ass and gave it a good squeeze.
“Naughty boy,” Raquel giggled.
Having felt I’d been given permission, I slid my right-hand round to her ass too, giving it a lovely long two-handed grope.
“Oh, you have got wandering hands, haven’t you sir?” she giggled again.
“I hope you don’t mind, dear,” I told her.
“Oh no, be my guest sir,” she replied, smiling, “Just don’t tell my husband.”
Raquel giggled again, unbuttoning her jacket a little, to give me a better view of her cleavage. She rested her hand on my groin, giving my cock a squeeze through my trousers.
“So, did you want to talk to me about something, sir? Or did you just want to get a better look at my tits and ass?” Raquel whispered in my ear.
I told Raquel about my nephew Marcus, and that I wanted to bring him to a pleasure-palace to lose his virginity as a reward for improving his grades. I also told her it had to be a certain type of woman, and that I was here today to interview one I thought might be right. I showed her the leaflet with Kat’s photo.
“Oh sure, she’d be perfect,” Raquel said, looking at the leaflet, “She’s downstairs in the viewing area. Would you like to meet her up here?”
“Yes please,” I told her.
Raquel grabbed the phone from behind the bar and briefly spoke to someone downstairs, asking to have Kat sent up here.
“Another thing, exactly what kind of facilities do you have in the rooms here?” I asked.
Raquel listed all kinds of room types that they had, with hot-tubs, water beds, bondage set-ups, and many other options. But that wasn’t what I meant, and Raquel saw that on my face.
“Well, don’t be shy, exactly what kind of thing were you thinking of, sir?” Raquel asked.
“Well, it would be a kind of voyeurism kind of thing,” I replied.
“Ah ok, I think I understand. That won’t be a problem, we can take care of your needs, sir,” Raquel explained, “Just to be clear, you want to watch your nephew with Kat?”
“Yes, you think it’s possible?” I asked.
“Well sir, we have a bedroom on the top floor, that has floor-to-ceiling two-way mirrors across three of the walls,” Raquel continued, “And behind the mirrors, there is a very comfortable viewing area that surrounds the room on the other side.”
“I see,” I replied.
“The room also has microphones hidden everywhere, and the sound is relayed to the speakers in the viewing room behind,” Raquel explained, “It’s usually used by couples who want to watch each other with other people.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes, usually it’s a very rich old gentleman who can’t please his much younger wife or girlfriend, or even a favourite pleasure-slave. So, she fucks a younger male pleasure-slave, and the gentleman watches from behind the mirror,” Raquel continued, “Or we have a few elderly ladies, again who have a much younger husband, boyfriend or pleasure-slave, and they fuck one of our girls while the elderly lady watches.”
This sounded like just the place I wanted.
“I even sat chatting with one of those older gents last month in the room behind the mirrors. He’s in his eighties, nice chap, he just wanted someone to talk to. All the while, his wife in her forties was getting seen to by two young-and-hung black pleasure-slaves. I’d never seen a rich lady having sex before,” Raquel went on.
At the other end of the bar, I saw a stunning looking brunette arrive from downstairs. Raquel turned to see who it was.
“Ah Kat, there you are,” Raquel said, hurriedly removing my hands from her ass, and readjusting her jacket, “Come here, darling.”
Kat approached, she looked gorgeous. She wore a small, tight-fitting, green knitted top that was tied with a bow under her bustline. The bow was straining, however, to hold in her barely covered huge boobs. She also wore a pair of green G-string panties, high heels, a smile, and nothing else.
“Sir, this is Kat,” Raquel said, taking a step away from me, and ushered Kat into the space next to my barstool and between my parted thighs that Raquel had previously occupied.
“Pleased to meet you, sir,” Kat beamed, shaking my hand, then kissing me on the lips.
“Pleased to meet you too, Kat,” I told her, as she took my hands, placed them on her hips, and then slid them further behind and on to her ass.
“Now Kat, the gentleman wants to talk to you about a special project,” Raquel explained.
“Oh, intriguing,” Kat said, grinning, as she placed her hands on my chest.
“Well, I’ll leave you to discuss it. Would you like anything from the bar, sir?” Raquel asked.
I ordered myself another drink, and one for Kat, plus some potato fries. Raquel went down to the other end of the long bar and spoke with the barman.
Kat was a truly stunning looking lady, with a real twinkle in her eye. I enjoyed having a good feel of her gorgeous firm ass, as she again kissed me full on the lips. She gave my cock a squeeze through my trousers.
“So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about, sir?” Kat asked.
I explained about my nephew Marcus, that I wanted him to lose his virginity as a reward for doing better at school, and also as his birthday present. That I wanted him to experience the delights of a pleasure-palace, with a pleasure-slave.
“Ah yes, of course, sir. I’d love to help you with that. How is it that you picked me, if you don’t mind me asking?” Kat enquired.
In fact, I hadn’t actually decided if Kat was the one to fulfil my plan for Marcus. She was certainly gorgeous, but her answers to my questions would hopefully make my mind up.
“Well, I found this in his room,” I said, pulling from my pocket out the Sunsets advertising leaflet with Kat’s photo.
“Ah, I see. Wow, he’s certainly looked at this many times, hasn’t he?” Kat giggled, noting the dog-eared condition of the paper, “You said it was his birthday? Exactly how old is your nephew, sir?”
“He was sixteen, a few days ago,” I replied.
“Oh, my goodness, he’s very young isn’t he, sir?” Kat giggled again, “He’s really still a boy I suppose. Well, he’s very lucky to have such a generous and understanding Uncle.”
“Would you have a problem with him being so young?” I asked her.
“Oh no, absolutely not. I look forward to it,” Kat immediately replied, “It would be a real honour to take a young man’s virginity. I mean, it’s something he would remember forever, and so would I.”
“And how would you deal with him?” I asked.
“Oh well, I suspect I would have to take the lead, you know?” Kat explained, “Just be caring and patient, but you know, I’ll take the reins and lead him through it all. But still be open to allow him to make any suggestions about what he might want to do to me, or what he wants me to do to him.”
“I see,” I stated.
“I think I would sit with him first and just chat for a while, and hug and kiss. I think that would relax him because he’s bound to be nervous the first time,” Kat continued, “And only once I feel he’s settled and happy, maybe strip for him. You know, put on a show, and then just naturally move on from there.”
Kat seemed to get exactly what I felt Marcus would need. She had passed my little interview with flying colours. She was the one. Now for me to introduce the other part of my plan.
“Now Kat, there is another element to all this, I hope you’re up for that too,” I told her.
I went on to explain I wanted to use the room on the top floor of Sunsets that Raquel had told me about, the voyeur room with all the two-way mirrors. I told Kat I wanted to watch her as she worked her magic on my nephew.
“Oh, that sounds like fun, doesn’t it?” Kat said immediately, grinning from ear to ear, “I’ve heard about that room, but I’ve never been in there. Will you be alone, or do you want some company back there?”
“Yes, I think I would take a pleasure-slave in there, she can blow me while I watch,” I replied.
“Ah ok, well if you want a girl who’s a world-class cocksucker you should ask to meet my friend Jessie,” Kat said.
“Well, I’ll need a girl who’s not going to chat, I want to be able to listen to what’s going on with you and Marcus,” I explained, “And I need a girl who can suck me slowly, not get me too excited, make it last, cos I want to be kept hard while I’m watching you.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking, Jessie would be perfect, just tell her what you want,” Kat continued, “She’s very, very pretty too. I know men really like a pretty face to look at when getting sucked off, it’s not just about a lady’s technique, is it sir?”
“Yes, you’re right,” I replied.
“Yes, I know what you want, sir. And I know what your nephew will want too, don’t worry. I’m going to make you both very, very happy. You’ll see,” Kat beamed.
Raquel returned with our drinks and potato fries.
“So how are you two getting on?” she asked.
“Oh great,” Kat said taking a sip of her drink, “I’m going to fuck the gentleman’s nephew, and sir is going to watch me do it.”
We all laughed.
“So, it’s all decided then? Good news,” Raquel smiled, “One point the house would need to clarify. I assume that your nephew is aware that you would be watching him from behind the mirror?”
“Oh no, certainly not, no.” I replied, firmly, “No, he will be nervous enough, it being his first time with a woman. I don’t think on top of all that he would want the knowledge his uncle is watching him. No, it would definitely have to be our secret.”
“Ah, I see. It’s just usually those using that room are always aware they are being watched through the mirror,” Raquel explained, “It’s a bit of a grey area, legally speaking.”
“Look, if you gave my nephew the choice of losing his virginity to a gorgeous pleasure-slave like Kat here, the only caveat being it had to be with me watching him behind the mirror, do you really think he would turn it down?” I asked, firmer still, “Of course not, he’d give his right arm for such a chance.”
“I suppose your right, sir” Raquel replied, meekly.
“But we don’t need to tell him about this, do we ladies?” I asked, putting my left-hand on Raquel’s hip and pulling her closer to stand side-by-side with Kat in front of me, “It can be our little secret, can’t it? And of course, I’m going to give you both a very generous tip for helping me make this all work.”
Both ladies smiled, giggling, and nodded their agreement. My hand slipped down Raquel’s hip and to her ass again. Raquel did not attempt to move it, however, even though she was married, and Kat could clearly see exactly where my hand was. Raquel then placed her hand in my lap, and both she and Kat gave my ever-hardening cock a squeeze.
“Well sir, are you going to take our Kat upstairs today?” Raquel asked, “Get a nice preview of what’s in store for your nephew?”
Raquel then loosened the knot that held Kat’s tiny green tied-top together just a little, revealing just a bit more of her very impressive cleavage.
“I mean, just look at those huge tits, sir,” Raquel said with a grin, grabbing Kat’s bosom and pushing them together, “Wouldn’t you like to slide your big cock in between them, sir? Don’t you just want to suck on her tits as she bounces up and down on your cock?”
Raquel was being very naughty, and also a good saleswoman for her employers.
“Well, I really do want to fuck you, Kat. But I want to watch you with my nephew first. Perhaps you will allow me to come back a few days after watching you behind the mirror, and we can re-live it all together?” I asked.
“Alright, sir. It’s a deal,” Kat said, kissing me again, “As long as I get to fuck you at some point, I’m happy.”
We chatted for a few minutes more, my hands never leaving Kat and Raquel’s lovely asses. Eventually, I let Kat go back downstairs to the viewing area, telling her I would soon contact Raquel about which day I would return with Marcus.
Raquel asked if I wanted to see another pleasure-slave for today. I hadn’t actually planned on going upstairs with a pleasure-slave today. But Raquel, and in particular Kat, had gotten me all worked up now. Raquel and I peered out through the floor-to-ceiling window in the bar that looked out over the viewing area below, my hand still groping her ass.
I spent a few minutes surveying the hundreds of ladies seated on the rising steps. There was also a touchscreen device set into a table in front of the window, which helped you make your choice. All the ladies wore a badge with a three-digit number on it. Typing this number into the device would bring up photos and other details about her.
A nice-looking MILF-type, with short flame-red hair, caught my eye. Typing her badge number ‘365’ into the device told me her name was Zoe, thirty-four-years-old, with a 36D-25-40 measurement, and from Italian ancestry. She wore a simple but sexy black bikini.
I decided Zoe was, unbeknownst to her, going to be the one servicing my aching hard-on this afternoon. Raquel called down to get someone to arrange for Zoe to be sent to change, and have her hair and make-up touched up.
These large pleasure-palaces had hairstylists and make-up artists in their on-site salon. The pleasure-slaves came through there to be made to look their best before stepping out into the viewing area. They were also sent their briefly, if they were selected by a client, to get a quick touch-up before meeting their gentleman caller upstairs. Clients could also ask the salon to change the woman’s hairstyle or make-up if it wasn’t quite to their taste.
Raquel offered to walk me upstairs to one of the many bedroom suites herself, rather than have an usheress do it. We made our way out of the bar to an elevator, and up to the eighth floor. All the way I kept my hand firmly attached to Raquel’s ass, which she found amusing.
In the room, Raquel gave me a brief tour, but I had been in these rooms quite a few times before. She poured me a drink from the small bar in the room and said Zoe would be with me very shortly. I had requested Zoe wear stockings and high heels and nothing else, so she also had to change out of her bikini as well as getting her hair and make-up touched up.
As Raquel said her farewell, I put my arms around her, giving her ass a good final squeeze. She grinned, so I kissed her on the lips too. She didn’t just allow it, but actually kissed me back, long and wet on the lips, giving my cock a squeeze too.
Raquel grinned again, putting her finger over her mouth, “Shhh.”
With that, she opened the door of the suite and exited. She was a fun lady; I imagine she would be top-class in bed. But of course, Raquel was not a pleasure-slave, she was a regular lady, and a married one at that. I wished for a moment that I could bed Raquel, right here, right now, but that was a wish that would surely go forever unfulfilled.
Just then there was a knock at the door, and then Zoe entered. As instructed, she wore just black hold-up stockings, black high heels, and nothing else. I assumed she had had to come all the way up in the elevator, and walk down the corridor in just that outfit, which rather amused me.
She had a lovely body, nice tits, and a thick ass, which I got to see close up as she approached and gave me a twirl.
“Hi sir, I’m Zoe,” she said simply, with a smile.
Zoe then immediately dropped to her knees, unbuckling my belt, letting my trousers drop to the floor. She then pulled down my undershorts, my still-hard cock popping out, slapping her on the cheek.
“Raquel said you’d still be hard,” Zoe grinned, gripping my cock in her dainty hand, “Let Zoe make you happy, sir.”
Zoe took my cock in her mouth and began noisily sucking and slurping away. I stood there with my trousers round my ankles, drink in hand, and a thick MILF sucking on my cock for some time, enjoying the moment. I watched as saliva dribbled down Zoe’s chin and dropped down on to her tits. Pleasure-palaces were certainly a wonderful place to spend your afternoons, I thought to myself.
Eventually, Zoe’s tits became plastered in her own saliva. She was certainly a good blow-job artist, and I was very much enjoying her efforts. I thought about the conversation earlier with Kat, that her suggestion that her friend Jessie could give me a great silent, slow blow-job behind the mirror of the voyeur room. Silent and slow was certainly not Zoe’s blow-job style, however.
After a few more minutes of this, I took Zoe to the large bed. I spent the next two hours, over two different bouts, banging away at this thick-assed pleasure-slave. She looked fabulous on her hands and knees, her big ass up in the air, presented perfectly. Just stockings and high heels were definitely the right choices to have this flame-haired MILF offer up her ass to me in.
Zoe didn’t talk much, but when she did, she had the strange habit of talking about herself in the third person.
“Oh yes, sir. Zoe wants to get fucked in her ass,” she told me, as I gripped her hips and rubbed my dick over her ass cheeks, “Zoe needs your big hard cock in her tight little ass, sir. That’s it, pound Zoe in the ass.”
It was a little odd, but I grew used to it. I pounded away in her pussy, mouth, and ass, eventually shooting my load all over her ass cheeks. Then a shower, and round two with more of the same, ending with me leaving Zoe with another sticky deposit, this time all over her face.
Zoe went off to clean up in the shower, perhaps expecting a third bout of sex. But I was done now. I lay in the bed, thinking about Kat. She was a real goddess; Marcus had no idea she was about to rock his world.
I just had to hope he knuckled down and applied himself to his schoolwork over the next week. It seemed to me he was certainly capable of it, and now had a real motivation to do so. I really hoped he would get the required results next week. I was very much looking forward to watching Kat guide my nephew through his first sexual encounter…