I am writing to my Earth readers, to tell you about the incredible world of Rigel VI. I recently moved here to Rigel VI to retire. Why you ask? The main reason is the incredible local custom of having an endless supply of beautiful sex-slaves.
Pleasure-slaves, as they are known here, are owned by the rich elite of this planet. They take care of the sexual needs of their ‘masters’ or owners. Most rich men and women own at least a few pleasure slaves, depending on the size of their wealth.
Some very wealthy people own dozens of pleasure slaves, either women or men, depending on their preference. Married couples also own slaves to spice up their sex lives, either to share with their spouse together in threesomes or moresomes, or supplement their sex-life on the side.
To introduce myself, I am only forty-one years old, so quite early to retire, but I have made my fortune on my previous home of Fulston IV.
Both these worlds as you are probably aware are far from the centre of our galaxy. They are on the outer rim, and as such do not get the interference from government and large corporations that the central worlds seem to suffer.
There are benefits to this. These worlds are run as the inhabitants feel they should be, without constant lecturing from central government. They are too far from the central worlds for government to effectively run them.
There are some drawbacks too. The incredible technology that the central worlds enjoy has not really made it out to the outer rim worlds. Also, law and order can be an issue too.
But on the whole I would much rather live out here on the outer rim. I can say this as I have experienced the central worlds, as a child. I grew up on Galamel, and once even visited Earth for almost two years in my early twenties.
I joined Central Militaria when I was twenty-three. I initially trained in general combat. But I was shown to be highly skilled in long range weapons, and trained to be a sniper.
I was shipped out from the central worlds, and ended up for the next ten years touring various trouble-spots. These worlds were almost exclusively in the western section of the galaxy of course.
Central government has for almost a thousand years tried to effectively rule this region. There are enormous resources on these worlds and moons. Of course the inhabitants of these planets feel Central is ransacking their home worlds, for the benefit of those who live in the central systems.
I did two five-year tours of duty, before leaving the service with a fairly decent amount in the bank. I could have set up some small business back home I suppose. That’s what a lot of my colleagues had done.
But I wanted to continue to explore our wondrous galaxy. So I pushed out further, to the outer rim region. I took a long deep space flight, taking over two years.
These flights are long and boring. They do not have the stasis capsules like on the modern spacecraft of the central worlds. So you spend your time in your cramped cabin with little to do.
I spent this time educating myself. Learning all I could about my next venture, gem trading. I was headed to Fulston IV, a hotspot for interplanetary trading of precious stones and metals. Almost all of the planets in the Fulston system had numerous mines.
Once there I used the pay-off from my military service to set myself up as a trader. I found I quickly became very good at this.
The Fulston system was a corrupt and dangerous place. But I would travel anyplace, anytime to trade with anyone. This meant I bought at much lower prices than others, so maximized my profits.
It also meant I became very good at staying safe in this virtually lawless place. My military training, plus some hardware I had snagged before leaving, made sure I was always ready for trouble.
After five years, I had made a stunning fortune. I had amassed enormous wealth in cash in the bank, and still had three huge chests full of precious stones and metals.
The time felt right to move on. There was very little to spend your money on Fulston IV. I had worked hard for almost twenty years; it was time to slow down.
I decided to travel to a system even further out, virtually right on the edge of the outer rim. The Rigel system had six planets, four were inhabited. Rigel VI was the largest in the system, approximately nine times larger than Earth.
Rigel VI was mainly an agricultural world. Enormous farms the like of which you would not believe. Their food was transported all over this region of the galaxy, in vast spacecraft with gigantic freezers.
It was on one of these craft I journeyed from Fulston to Rigel. It took almost a year of my life, as again there were no stasis units on these craft. Stasis units can effectively put your body into a sleep mode; you don’t age as much, as my Earth readers will surely know.
But they are so very expensive. Particularly out here on the outer rim, they are almost unheard of. So I spent my time learning all I could about soon to be new home-world.
On arriving on Rigel VI I made my way to its biggest city, Trenton. I spent a few weeks looking for a home to buy. I soon found a villa high on the cliffs above this city.
It was quite expensive, as it was a large complex, in a very good neighbourhood. It had a large house, some small grounds, and another smaller house at the back of the grounds for servants.
It also had a huge patio area with a pool and balcony area perched over the cliff. In a secluded corner was a large jacuzzi.
A few months passed, I spent my time setting up a store in the local market to sell my gems and precious metals. I worked with some local jewellers to create some beautiful jewellery.
I was supposed to be retiring here, but I wanted a continuing income, so needed to set all this up first. After six months my store was doing well, and I got in a manager to run the place, so I could relax. Then I just went in one day a week to check the books and keep an eye on everything.
The rest of my time I spent socializing, meeting the wealthy denizens of my new city. I went to parties of my rich customers of my shop. They would invite me, perhaps thinking I would give them a discount.
The one thing that was always a subject of conversation, mostly amongst the men, was sex-slaves. Rigel had a booming market in sex-slaves. It had done so for a thousand years or more.
It was completely legal here, unlike on the government controlled central systems. Both men and women were sold to wealthy clients, for the purposes of being their sex-slave, or pleasure slaves as they were known here.
Pleasure slaves were bound to their new owners by having a tiny tattoo imprinted on their back of their neck, at the time of purchase. This tattoo could be read with any scanner, telling the reader who the slave belonged to. If you sold your slave to another, the original tattoo would be erased and the new owner’s details imprinted.
Slaves also had transmitters injected in to them. If your slave ran off, you could easily locate them again with a simple GPS system.
Runaway slaves were an extremely rare situation however. Rigel had terrible poverty outside of the cities. Working on the huge farms was very, very hard work, and financially unrewarding.
Working on the farms meant very long hours of back breaking work. They didn’t have all the fabulous technology the central systems enjoyed. It was virtually all manual labour, because technology was expensive, and labour very cheap.
Millions of people worked like this all their lives. They worked themselves into early graves, never knowing any other type of life. Never traveling more than a few miles from where they were born.
So pleasure slaves were people who had left that life behind, looking for something better, something different.
Pleasure slaves were treated well, in comparison to the farm workers. Slaves were well fed; they lived in fantastic large comfortable houses with their owners. Other than the obvious, they did little work.
They also had some legal protection not afforded to farmers and general labourers. There were some rules you had to follow when you owned a slave. If the slave reported mistreatment by their owner, the local sheriff would investigate.
Punishments to the owner could be financial, the loss of their slave, or even short prison sentences’ in extreme cases.
You could not beat or in any way physically harm your slave. You could punish your slave for poor behaviour, but only through simple things like rationed food.
So pleasure slaves had a much better life than the ‘faceless millions’ as they were rather cruelly called by some of Rigel’s elite. Hundreds of young women (and some men) came to the big cities each week in the hope of selling themselves to one of the numerous auction houses.
The auction house would pay decent money to any good looking young woman. The more attractive she was, the sexier her body was assessed to be, the larger the pay-out. Typically the woman would give this money to her family, and her family would leave with the knowledge their daughter would have a better life.
Pleasure slaves also got a monthly wage from their owner, which was based on a percentage of the fee the owner had had to pay to buy them. Slaves could spend this money on whatever they wished.
Slaves also had a mandated one day off each week, the particular day to be agreed upon between the owner and the slave.
Slaves also had the legal right to buy their ownership. The fee for this was again based on a percentage of the fee originally paid for the slave by the owner. Slaves sometimes saved their monthly wages up for years to buy their freedom.
However this was rare, the slave would then leave with nothing. Most slaves enjoyed earning a decent monthly wage, and didn’t want to leave their master.
Often once the slave got older, and perhaps their owner had bored of bedding her and appreciated her years of service, the owner would release her from her commitment, if she so wished. She would then leave with years worth of wages to make a decent comfortable life for herself.
Some women would kindly refuse their owners offer to release her, as they enjoyed the rich life with their owner, it depended on the individual.
The girls who ‘submitted’ to the auction houses were trained in their new art. The auctioneers had tutors to teach the girls what would be expected of them by their new ‘masters’. Many girls who submitted themselves were fairly inexperienced, so had to be taught what rich men wanted from them.
After a month or so of schooling they were then taken to auction and sold to the highest bidder to start their new life.
However, I learned that once the highest bidder had won, the woman had to agree to be sold to him. She could refuse if she didn’t like the look of her potential owner for whatever reason.
If that occurred the second highest bidder would be offered to buy her, but again she had to agree to accept to be sold to him also. Refusals were rare though, the girls got a small percentage of their fee, and of course they did not want to return to the farms to work.
From all of these rules and regulations I learned pleasure slaves were rather more like high priced call girls, in that they had chosen this life, and that they had a choice in who they submitted to serve.
I noticed even married men often had sex-slaves; that their wives didn’t seem to mind. The often encouraged it, perhaps enjoying ‘a night off’ from their wifely duties in the bedroom.
The wives sometimes had their own male sex slaves too, which their husbands also encouraged. Perhaps they could not fulfil their wives needs, and thought it better to let the slave do it for them, than live with an unhappy partner.
One party I went to I spoke with one of these rich wives. Her name was Gramica; she was in her early fifties I suppose. She was fairly attractive, but had perhaps put on a few pounds in her middle age.
She had a young black stud as her pleasure slave. She talked openly about him. Sex-slaves were not a taboo subject among the rich, elite and powerful of this world, or this city. In fact, they enjoyed flaunting their wealth, often by showing off the beauty of the slaves they could afford.
It suited me, as these super-rich elite often bought expensive jewellery for their slaves to wear to make them look more beautiful. So my invitations to these types of parties were good for my business.
Gramica introduced me to her slave, Micus, a handsome young guy, who always seemed to be smiling. Within a minute she had told him to drop his pants so she could show me his big cock she had been telling me about. It was very big. She told me she loved big cock, and that she had had many different slaves during her marriage.
Once she got bored of fucking one, she would sell them on, and buy another one. She grabbed Micus’ cock and gave it a squeeze, and kissed him on the lips. This was all in front of her husband standing just a few metres away.
She told me sometimes she rented other young black male slaves from the local brothel, and had a party, letting two or three of them fuck her together with Micus. She said it was wonderful, as she would feel vulnerable with ‘free’ men in that type of situation, but felt perfectly safe and in control with pleasure slaves. She felt safe enough to let them do whatever they wanted to her body, as that’s what she enjoyed.
I imagined her with three hung black men around her in bed, her on all fours. One man in her ass, another in her pussy, and Gramica sucking off another, with the look of a woman in absolute big-dick heaven all over her face.
Gramica told me she often had small parties for her close female friends. She said her married friends who did not have slaves, perhaps because their husbands forbade it, or they could not afford them, would ask if Micus was ‘available’.
Gramica laughed, telling me Micus was always available to her friends, that she enjoyed sharing him. And so her friends would, one by one, go to one of the guest bedrooms where Micus was waiting.
Gramica’s friend would then get pounded by Micus’ huge cock. Once her friend was completely satisfied, she would come back to the party telling all the women about it, and another of Gramica’s friends would then go and avail herself of Micus’ services.
It sounded like Micus was a very busy boy. Plus the fact he had to service Gramica at least once a day apparently. No wonder he was always smiling. This life certainly had to be better than sweating it out on the farms for a living.
Another time, I had loaned some expensive jewellery to an older couple, as they were having an anniversary. They weren’t super rich, but certainly fairly wealthy.
A few days later the husband called me to tell me he was sending the jewellery back to me, and that he was sending a thank you present with them.
An hour later a woman appeared at my house with the jewellery, sending thanks from her ‘master’. Apparently she was a pleasure slave, and quite a pretty one. She was in her early thirties I suppose, blonde, and lovely tanned skin.
She told me her master had sent her to me as a thank you present. That she was mine to do with as I wished until the next day when she was expected back at her master’s house.
I was surprised to learn that men sent their slaves out to perform sexual favours for them. Surprised, but happy. I took her in to my house, and quickly into my bed. She performed well, calling me ‘sir’ all the time.
I noticed slaves addressed everyone as sir or madam, except their owners, who they addressed as master or mistress.
I sent her back to her master the next day, having had her three times. I was happy, her master was happy he had thanked me for the favour, and she seemed happy to get out of their house for a while and meet someone new for a change.
I discovered that this was quite a common practice to ‘loan out’ a slave for a day or two to someone you owed a favour to, or even owed money too if you could not afford to pay, or just needed some time to extend a financial loan. However the slave had to agree to it.
Over the next few months a got loaned a few slaves, and enjoyed having my wicked way with them. Their owners always insisted their slaves used protection with other men, only their masters were allowed to have them without.
I also noticed the women that were loaned out were usually in their late twenties or early thirties. It became apparent that Rigel’s elite men kept the younger woman to themselves.
They prized the younger women above all others, and did not loan them out if they owed a favour to someone. These super-rich men usually had numerous slaves, a veritable harem. But the youngest women were rarely seen at their parties, lest some drunken guest try it on with their prized possession.
They would flaunt their older girls happily, but covet the younger ones. Girls could be sold at auction at eighteen years old, even though the legal age for sex was sixteen. I imagined there were an awful lot of eighteen to twenty year old women slaves in just my neighbourhood alone, who were very busy every night servicing their master’s needs.
Not that I never saw them of course. Occasionally when meeting friends and business associates at their houses you would see glimpses of them.
My friends soon began to enquire why I did not have any slaves. I suppose I had been busy setting up my business and hadn’t had the time. But now I figured they were right, why have all this money if I didn’t enjoy it?
This is where I come to the tale of when I bought my first pleasure slave girl.
I had done some research into where I should go to make my purchase. I had learned from friends that there were ‘special’ auction houses that sold ‘pure’ girls. That is to say they were virgins.
But more than that, they had been submitted by their parents at a young age, for the auction house to bring up. Usually because the parents could not afford to take care of them anymore.
The special auction houses took care of them, fed them, and educated them, until they were eighteen years of age. The auction houses had a legal responsibility to take in any young girl or boy who their parents could not take care of.
At sixteen they would decide if they wanted to return to their families at eighteen, or stay on past that to become a pleasure slave.
They would sell off the most attractive ones who stayed on to the highest bidders. The lesser attractive ones were sold to local brothels.
The rest considered not attractive at all were sent back to the farms to work out the rest of their lives there. But at least they had an education, and generally did better than children who had spent their entire lives on the farms.
This meant the special auction houses needed to make very good money from the sales, as it had to subsidise the upbringing of all those who were eventually sent back to the farm lands.
It made very good money by ensuring the most attractive girls remained ‘pure’ until they were sold off. The elite of Rigel’s men prized ‘pureness’ above all else, and paid top money for it.
So the special auction houses segregated the girls and boys, so no hanky-panky could take place. Anyone who came into contact with the girls in their compound had to be female. All teachers, carers, cooks etc. They were all female. They never had any contact with men at all.
The first men they would encounter would be the ones bidding on them at auction day. The houses held an auction every month. They would be selling any girl who had had her eighteenth birthday since the last auction, plus any unsold girls from the previous auction.
I attended a couple of auctions at these special houses. They were very high class places, to make it comfortable for their rich clientele. These auctions always started at 12 noon for some reason I could never fathom. You also had to make a large cash deposit for entry, to ensure only the very rich were bidding, which was returned to you after the auction.
The girls were firstly paraded on a small stage in front of the clients, who sat in large booths with sofas and a small table for drinks. The clients sat mostly alone in the twenty or so booths available. Sometimes they brought their wives with them, so they could pick up a nice young guy too.
Then each girl would be brought round to each booth one at a time. They sat opposite the client in the booth for five minutes, so the client could talk with the girl, and get a closer look.
Each girl had a minder with her who stood outside the booth, just in case the client got any funny ideas and tried to touch the girl before he had bought her. A girl that had even been touched by another man, even just holding her hand, was not considered pure anymore, and could not be sold as such; therefore her value would diminish drastically.
Each girl visited each booth for their allotted five minutes before moving to the next potential bidder. She would try to convince the bidder of her quality. But she could not undress, or touch the bidder. She could just smile, and chat with him.
You would think these girls would be very nervous being faced with men they had not seen before. But it seemed to me most of them were fairly relaxed about it. They had been schooled for two years in how to make a man happy; this was just a part of it I suppose.
Once all the girls had visited each client, they made their way back to the stage. The auctioneer would give a brief introduction of the first girl to be sold, and then the bidding began.
The men would continue to bid on the particular object of their desire until they either won, or another man was prepared to pay more than them. The prices these girls went for was very high indeed. For me, if I wanted one of these girls I would have to pay perhaps a years’ worth of income from my shop at the market, which was a considerable sum.
I went to three of these types of auctions without buying. I was really using them as research to see how they worked, what kind of clientele I would be bidding against, and ultimately what kind of money I was going to have to pay.
The girls I saw at the auctions were either very beautiful, very sexy, and sometimes a bit of both. I had decided my first slave would be a pure girl. I really wanted a gorgeous young stunner to bed every night.
I noticed they usually had at least thirty girls or so to sell each month. I also noticed that they front loaded the auction with the best girls. This meant most bidders had got their girl by the time it got to the last few women, and so they tended to go for slightly lower prices, or even went unsold.
I decided this would be my tactic. I couldn’t really afford any of the girls at the start of the previous auctions, but I could probably buy one of the girls toward the end. I just hoped one of them would take my fancy.
So it was I made my way to the next auction at the local special house. I arrived rather early, as I had had some errands to run beforehand, but they had taken much less time than I thought. So I sat in my booth with a cool drink, chatting with the hostess.
There was a dreadful storm outside, incredible heavy rain the like I had never seen on this planet before. The street outside was flooded with half a metre of rainwater.
Noon came around, and only five booths were occupied including mine. They were usually all full. The auctioneer came back and forth, having discussions with the staff.
The auctioneer was a rather stern looking rotund woman in her sixties. It was obvious there was a delay to the start of the auction, as due to the bad weather most of the potential bidders either hadn’t made it yet, or had given up even trying to attend.
After a while one of the bidders got up from his booth and began to leave. The auctioneer and her staff attempted to placate him, but he was obviously angry at the delay, and had given up waiting. They failed in stopping him, and he made his way out.
Another of the bidders also stood up, looking restless like he was going to leave also. The auctioneer rushed over.
“Please sir, sit, sit. We will begin immediately,” she smiled, signally to one of her staff.
I understood why they didn’t want to start without a full house; more bidders meant higher prices, meant higher profits. But faced with a mass walkout and no profit at all, the auctioneer had no choice but to start, perhaps hoping more bidders were just delayed and would join shortly.
So it was that the girls came out on to the stage, twenty-two in all. There were some real stunners among them I thought, and one in particular that immediately grabbed my attention.
She was gorgeous. Long blonde hair, petite, slim, and curvy. She wore a pale blue outfit, a long flowing skirt, with a slit almost right up to her hips, so it showed off her sexy legs. She also wore a small crop top, showing off her incredible cleavage.
What a bust this girl had, I couldn’t keep my eyes of it. Her tits were huge, accentuated by the fact she had such a petite frame. When she turned I saw she also had a lovely ass too, with a lovely wiggle when she walked due to her high heels.
I smiled at her as she walked across the stage when it was her turn. She saw me and smiled back, giving me a cheeky wave.
After all the girls had briefly paraded on stage it came time for them to come and sit in the booths across from the bidders. The first girl to sit with me was a pretty black girl. This one was a little nervous, unsure of herself.
But I cracked a few jokes and made her giggle to relax her. I wasn’t really interested in her, but just exchanged in idle chit chat. What I was actually doing was checking out the other bidders.
There was an obese, ugly looking man two booths down from me, talking with a pretty blonde. A few booths over was an elderly man chatting to an Asian looking girl. In a booth behind me were a couple, presumably husband and wife, conversing with a red head.
They all looked very rich indeed, I could tell by their clothes. I wondered who they might be interested in from the line-up.
The five minutes were up and another girl sat with me, different girls rotated into the other booths. The busty blonde sat with the obese man. I got a skinny tall blonde girl, who again didn’t hold any interest to me, but I chatted with her anyway.
But, I kept my eye on the obese man’s booth. The busty girl chatted with him, but I noticed she did not smile. I suppose she wasn’t too enamoured with the thought of servicing this huge man every night.
Next rotation and the busty girl moved to the elderly man’s booth, but she made her way past my booth as she did so, giving me a lovely smile. I smiled back, damn she was hot.
The asian girl sat with me now. She was very pretty, sexy too. She had potential, but I began to feel my intended auction target might be the busty blonde.
I watched her as she chatted with the elderly man. Again she did not smile; perhaps not over excited about being a nurse-maid in what was surely this man’s final few years.
Finally she made her way to my booth, a big smile on her face as she sat down opposite me.
“Hello sir,” she smiled, “My name is Melora. Pleased to meet you sir.”
“Pleased to meet you too,” I replied, “Very pleased. Why don’t you tell me about yourself Melora?”
Melora giggled. “Well I’m eighteen years old. It was my birthday last week. I’ve been looking forward to my auction,” she replied, “I can’t wait to get out into the world. I’ve been confined to the compound for so long.”
“I see,” I said, “What’s life like in the compound?”
“It’s okay I suppose, but the accommodations are quite basic. Are you very rich, may I ask sir?”
“I’m very wealthy, yes. I can certainly take care of a slave girl,” I replied.
“Are you married sir? Do you have many slaves?” she asked, twirling her hair in her left hand.
“No, not married, and no slaves as yet, I’m looking for my first. I’m looking for a special girl,” I grinned, “I have been to three auctions before this one, but never seen her.”
Melora smiled at this. I could tell she liked the idea of being sold to me, as she wouldn’t have to compete with a wife or any other slave girls for my attention. She probably had the fantasy I would fall in love with her, and buy her a citizenship, meaning she would be a free woman, so that I might marry her.
This did happen of course, but it was quite rare. Of course many young slave girls dreamed of this.
“Well I could be your special girl,” she purred, “I would very much enjoy learning everything that you like from a girl in bed sir.”
She giggled, putting her hand in front of her face for a moment, as though she was shy, but I could tell she wasn’t. The minder looked at her watch, our time was almost up.
Melora looked at the minder, as she adjusted her little crop top, her huge tits jiggling inside, her nipples pushing out her top slightly. Melora saw me looking at her tits and grinned at me. The minder turned away for a moment, probably trying to work out which girl was she supposed to bring to my booth next.
Melora had noticed the minder turn away too. She pulled at her crop top, in between her tits. She pulled it down lower, and lower still, showing off her enormous cleavage. She was almost spilling out of her tight top.
“I think you would really enjoy my body sir,” she said, giving me a super sexy smile, blowing me a kiss, “I would love to completely give myself to you sir.”
“Mmm. How big are they?” I whispered.
“Thirty-four double H, all natural of course sir. They’re very firm and pert too sir, and of course never been touched before,” she whispered back with a grin.
She tugged down further at her top, now I could just make out the tops of her areola. She adjusted her skirt so I got a good view of her legs, the slit going all the way up to her little blue panties. Damn this girl knew what she was doing, she had been taught well.
The minder started to turn back toward my booth, and Melora immediately let go of her top, so she didn’t get into trouble. The minder, blissfully unaware of the little private show I had just witnessed, signalled for Melora it was time. I was getting a real hard-on.
Melora smiled and began to get up slowly, bending toward me, letting her tits hang down so I got one last good view. They were incredible.
“Nice to have met you sir,” she said, “I really hope we meet again.”
I smiled. The only way we would meet again is if I was to buy her. She wanted me to bid for her. It was against the rules for the girls to explicitly state which man they wished to be sold too.
But she had done her very best to make it clear of her desire. As she turned to leave, she stopped to adjust her dress. She bent over a little, sticking out her ass at me. She brushed aside her flimsy dress for a moment as she did so.
For a second I saw a glimpse of her stunning peach of an ass, and her little thong panties. She looked over her shoulder smiling, blowing me a kiss.
She had made her play for me, and it had worked. I had to have her.
Melora was led over to the couple in the booth behind me. Another girl came and sat with me, another blonde. I again engaged in some chat with her, but had to feign interest.
I kept an eye on Melora. She chatted with the couple; the wife seemed interested in Melora perhaps more than the husband. Maybe she was bi-sexual, or perhaps she was just being polite.
Melora smiled a little at the couple, but again seemed a little distant. Soon her time was up and she had now sat with all the bidders, and made her way back to the stage and sat on a stool.
There were still other girls waiting to see all the bidders. A very beautiful skinny blonde sat with me. Her name was Trixie, again eighteen years old.
She had gotten a lot of interest from the obese man I had seen. She had smiled and chatted with him, but her smile immediately faded as she left his booth. I didn’t think many girls wanted to be sold to him.
I could just imagine this poor gorgeous girl getting screwed by this enormous man, Trixie underneath him virtually drowning in all the blubber on top of her. Or perhaps more likely Trixie on top of him, bouncing up and down on his cock, trying to block out from her mind the view of the gigantic man underneath her, a fixed fake smile on her face to keep him happy.
I imagined her hoping he shot his load inside of her quickly so that the ordeal would be over. Of course she would surely have to repeat it again the next day.
I felt sorry for her if she was sold to him, but if it wasn’t her it would be some other poor girl. He was certainly here to buy.
Another beautiful girl sat with me, a Latina looking brunette. The elderly man had seemed interested in this one when they had been chatting before. A few more girls came and went, but I kept my eye on Melora, still sat on the stage waiting.
She smiled at me, keeping an eye on me too as I chatted with the other girls. When I thought about it her strategy seemed quite risky. She had deliberately been quiet and distant with the other bidders that she was not interested in.
She had then been very friendly, flirty with me, hoping I would bid on her. Hoping the others would not. But it was risky, what if I had not been interested?
Still, it had worked, at least so far. I was very interested in her; I was just hoping no more bidders arrived. She would normally go for a price out of my range I felt. But today I had a real chance perhaps.
Finally the last girl sat with me, another pretty black girl. The auctioneer was getting all the other girls up and stage and organized. Soon the black girl left me and returned to the stage.
The auctioneer gave a quick explanation of how the bid process would take place, and then began. She brought forward Trixie, perhaps the most classically beautiful girl on sale today.
She gave Trixie a brief introduction, as she moved to the front of the stage.
The bidding began at the house minimum of a hundred thousand. The obese man raised his hand, registering his bid.
“One hundred thousand, thank you sir,” the auctioneer said, looking round the other bidders, “Do I have one fifty?”
The elderly man raised his hand.
“Thank you, sir. Two hundred?”
The obese man again raised his hand. The bidding continued between the elderly man and the obese guy. Two-fifty, three hundred, four, five hundred, on it went.
“Six hundred. Six hundred thousand, thank you sir,” the auctioneer motioned to the fat guy, “Sir, six-fifty?”
Again he raised his hand.
“Six-fifty, thank you sir. Seven hundred, sir?” the auctioneer looked to the elderly man. He looked unsure; I guess he was near or at his limit. It was certainly an awful lot of money.
The elderly man made a small gesture with his hand.
“Six seventy-five, sir?”
The elderly man nodded.
“Six seventy-five, thank you sir. Seven hundred, sir?” the auctioneer again looked to the big guy. He turned to look at the elderly man.
“Seven fifty,” he mumbled.
“Seven fifty sir, thank you. Eight hundred sir,” the auctioneer turned to the elderly man. He shook his head.
“Seven-fifty then. Any more bidders? Seven-fifty. Seven hundred and fifty thousand,” the auctioneer looked to me and the couple.
Trixie also looked to me and the couple, smiling a desperate smile, obviously hoping one of us would put in a late bid. It wasn’t going to happen.
“Seven hundred and fifty thousand. Once, twice, and sold to you sir,” the auctioneer smiled at the big guy.
The auctioneer then whispered in Trixie’s ear for a moment. This was Trixie’s chance to refuse the sale. But Trixie looked at the fat man and nodded.
“Congratulations sir,” said the auctioneer.
He nodded, writing something in his notebook. Trixie gave her best fake smile to him and was led backstage. I felt a little sorry for her again. She would soon be losing her virginity to a very rich, but hugely fat ugly man.
Still, she would be well looked after, and perhaps in a few years when he grew tired of her, he would sell her to a man more to her liking.
The next sale began, the Latina girl. The elderly man placed the first bid. I noticed a new bidder had just arrived, presumably delayed in the storm. He was a professional looking white man.
He would be allowed to bid, but he had missed his chance to chat with the girls now. He would be ‘bidding blind’; not knowing if the girl he won was really to his taste. He could only go by her looks now.
The auction was going well from my point of view. Melora had not been one of the first girls to be sold. This is what I had hoped.
I had hoped the other bidders would buy up the first few girls, be satisfied with their purchases, and not be interesting in bidding on my intended target.
The bidding continued for the Latina girl. The couple put in a few bids, but the elderly man won with a bid of five hundred and fifty thousand. Again, a lot of money.
Next up was the Asian looking girl. The professional white guy made a few bids, as did the couple.
The couple eventually won at four hundred and seventy five thousand. They both looked happy they had won their prize. I guess they were both going to bed her.
Next up was a pretty, tall blonde girl. The big guy wasn’t done yet and fought it out with the professional, eventually winning his target, at four hundred thousand. Now he had two girls to play with. At least Trixie would only have to take half the work load now I thought.
Finally, Melora was up next. She stepped up to the front of the stage. She smiled at me, but for the first time I could see she was nervous. It was a big moment in her life.
“This is Melora, eighteen years old. She is pure, as all our girls are of course,” said he auctioneer, “Very busty as you can see, very sexy girl, I’m sure you’ll agree.”
I smiled at Melora again.
“One hundred thousand?” the auctioneer looked straight to me. I guess she knew who had connected well during the little five minute visits, knew who was interested in who. I nodded.
“Thank you, sir. One fifty?”
The professional raised his glass in the air. Was that a bid, or he wanted another drink? No, damn. He was bidding.
“One fifty, thank you sir. Two hundred?”
The big guy raised his hand. Hell no, I thought, I’m not letting you get your fat hands on those tits.
“Two hundred thank you sir. Two fifty?”
“Three hundred,” I said. I hoped to scare off the other bidders, perhaps this way they would think I was willing to pay anything, and give up.
“Three hundred thank you very much sir. Three fifty?” the auctioneer looked around the room.
The professional made a small gesture with his hand.
“Three seventy-five sir? Is that…”
“Four hundred,” I interrupted the auctioneer, again hoping to scare off the other bidders.
“Oh, four hundred. Thank you sir. Four fifty?” the auctioneer scanned the bidders, her eyes resting on the big guy, “Sir?”
The big guy turned to look at me. I gave him my best thousand-yard stare, one I had perfected during many confrontations in my gem dealing days back on Fulston.
The big guy slowly turned back toward the auctioneer, shaking his head.
The auctioneer looked to the couple, then the professional in the corner.
“Sir? The bid stands at four hundred thousand. Four twenty-five then?”
The professional glanced in my direction, and then shook his head. I saw Melora smile slightly.
“Four hundred thousand then. Four hundred thousand. Any more bids? Selling now then at four hundred thousand,” the auctioneer pointed to me, indicating I had the current bid, ”Last chance, once, twice and sold to you sir.”
Again the auctioneer whispered in Melora’s ear. Melora nodded vigorously, smiling at me.
“Congratulations sir,” the auctioneer smiled at me.
Melora gave me a big smile again; I could tell she was happy. So was I, she was all mine now. Damn she looked good.
I had gone over my limit by a hundred thousand. But I had three chests full of gems back at my house each worth a hundred times that. She was worth it.
She gave me a wave and blew me a kiss as she was led off backstage. The next sale began on the redhead girl, but I had got what I wanted and got up to leave.
The hostess took me to a small office where a manager talked me through the paperwork. Some of it could be done today; some of it had to be registered with the local council office. That would take a while.
I had to give them all my details, and a DNA sample. Information from this sample would be used to create a unique tiny tattoo Melora would have on the back of her neck, to show she was my property now.
I made a bank transfer of the money, signed a few more pieces of paperwork, and I was done for the day. The manager informed me all the other paperwork would be completed by tomorrow morning, and she said I could come and collect Melora in the afternoon. She also gave me an information pack for newcomers, which she said might be useful.
I shook hands with the manager and left.
I couldn’t wait until tomorrow, when I could get my hands on her gorgeous pure big firm tits and stunning ass. Yeah, I was gonna enjoy taking her virginity.
The next day I got a call on network from the auction house manager to tell me all the paperwork and certification at the council offices was complete. She said Melora had had her tattoo imprinted earlier that morning. Also she mentioned that the beautician and hair stylist had visited her to make her look her best for me.
I had also already paid a small fee to have Melora fitted for some new outfits. The manager said Melora had enjoyed choosing some new clothes. She had also apparently picked out some lingerie too. I was certainly looking forward to seeing her in it.
The manager explained Melora was all ready for me to collect at my convenience. I said I would be down later that afternoon.
I arrived at the auction house a few hours later. The manager greeted me and led me into a private lounge area. She said for me to wait there, and she would bring Melora to me, so she could greet me and thank me for buying her.
The manager said that I would not be disturbed while we were here; that once I was ready to leave I should press the call button on the wall and she would return to take us back out to my vehicle.
The manager fixed me a drink and then left, the door closing behind her. It was very quiet in here. Now I understood what this place was for, what the manager had been hinting at.
It was a room for new buyers, who couldn’t wait to get their new slaves home, who wanted to fuck them immediately, could do so. There was no bed in here, but the sofas were very large, wide and super comfortable.
I looked around the room, wondering how many young girls had lost their virginity in here. How many girls had met their new buyers for the first time, and found their panties quickly slipped, or even ripped off, and had perhaps a rather rude awakening as to what men really like.
A minute later and the door opened again and the manager returned with Melora. She looked amazing, her blonde hair tied up, and a lovely black evening dress. It had a slit up to the top of her thighs. Most noticeable was the plunging neckline, showing her stunning gigantic cleavage.
She wore high heels and every time she took a step her tits jiggled and wobbled in her dress. She obviously wasn’t wearing a bra; I honestly didn’t know how she was staying inside that dress.
She gave me a big beautiful smile; she had a lovely smile and gorgeous bright white teeth. I began to get up to greet her, but the manager motioned with her hand for me to stay seated.
In the excitement I had forgotten men were not expected to stand when a slave girl entered the room, as the expectation was the slave was there to serve you, not the other way round. I sat back down.
Melora stood in front of me. She put her palms together in front of her, like she was praying, and bowed her head. She then dropped to her knees in front of me, and began to silently remove my shoes and socks.
I then remembered from the information pack the manager had given to me the day before that there was a small ritual the girls did here when they were presented to their new owner.
Once I had bare feet she bent down and kissed my feet.
“Thank you master, thank you master, thank you master,” she repeated over and over after each kiss.
The table behind her had a mirrored section. I’m sure it had been placed there deliberately, as in the mirror I could see right up the slit in her dress to a glimpse of her panties.
After a few minutes, she came back up. The manager took Melora’s hand, placing it in mine. Melora smiled, this was the first time she had ever touched a man.
“Melora, this is your master. You will obey him in all things,” the manager instructed, continuing the ritual, “You will strive to make him happy in all things, at all times, for all time, or until such time your master sells you to another.”
Melora nodded at each instruction.
“This is your master. If you displease him he will punish you, and he is right to do so. Your master is right in all things, in all things. Do you understand?”
“I do,” Melora said bowing her head to me again. She then lifted her head and smiled at me, she gave me her other hand to hold.
“Would you like to inspect her now sir?” the manager asked.
I had read about this also. A new buyer could inspect his new slave’s naked body, to check there were no scars, blemishes or marks that had not been mentioned at auction. If he found any, he could back out of the sale and get a full refund.
However I wasn’t worried about such things. Plus the first time I saw Melora naked I wanted to be the only viewer, not with some manager watching. So I declined.
The manager smiled, bowing her head.
“I shall leave you alone now sir. As I said this room is completely private, please take your time, and whenever you are ready to leave please ring for me and I shall return,” she said.
I smiled at her as she left. I was under no illusion now; if I wanted to fuck Melora right here on their sofa I was more than welcome to.
Melora beamed at me.
“You look beautiful Melora,” I said, grinning from ear to ear.
“Thank you master,” she smiled, shuffling forward on her knees to come closer, her huge tits now rested on my thighs, “Thank you so much for buying me master. You made me so happy.”
I stared down at her incredible cleavage. Melora giggled, pushing her upper arms into her tits, forcing them together, making them jiggle and wobble in front of me.
“That’s lovely darling,” I said, still staring at her huge boobs straining to stay inside her dress, “I like a girl who puts on a show for me.”
Melora smiled. She almost always seemed to be smiling that big beautiful natural smile of hers. She continued to squeeze and massage her huge tits, making them bounce up and down on my thighs.
“Well, there are many shows I can do for you master,” she grinned, “I want to learn everything you like from a girl master. I’ll do anything you desire.”
I had such a huge hard cock now. At any time I could grab those huge tits, but I enjoyed being teased by her, letting the anticipation build. Melora noticed the huge bulge in my trousers, her hand moved toward it, squeezing it, stroking it. She seemed fascinated by it.
“Oh master, you are so big and hard,” she said, “I love touching it. Can I suck you master?”
I loved that, this busty gorgeous beauty begging to suck my cock. But I wanted this anticipation to build some more.
“Not yet honey, come sit beside me,” I said, patting the space on the sofa next to me. She smiled and got up off her knees.
I left my hand facing palm up on the sofa next to me, and Melora quite deliberately sat her lovely ass right on it. She giggled as I groped her ass for a while.
She adjusted her dress so the slit opened to reveal her legs. I pulled the slit of her dress to one side, and my fingers found her panties, and began rubbing her pussy from below. She giggled, quietly panting as I massaged her young pussy through her panties. Her tits jiggled as I did so.
“Oh master, yes,” she whispered in my ear, as I pulled her panties to one side and slipped a finger inside her, then two. She was quite wet.
“Master,” she whispered close to my right ear, “You know, this room is private. No one will disturb us.”
She kissed me softly on the ear.
“You can fuck me right here master,” she whispered, “Right here on the sofa. Any way you want master.”
“Any way?” I asked. Of course I could have her anyway I wanted. She was my pleasure slave, to do with as I pleased, but I liked to hear her say it.
“Yes master,” she continued, “You can fuck my tits, my mouth, my pussy, my ass. Whatever pleases you master. I would love to make you happy.”
She put her hands on my cock again, rubbing me through my trousers. She then unzipped me, pulling down my under shorts, my hard throbbing cock popping out.
Melora smiled, immediately grabbing it, slowly wanking me.
“Oh master, you are so big and hard,” she said, grinning, a real cheeky glint in her eye. This was of course the first time she would have ever seen an erect cock. With a body like hers, it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
I placed my hand on her head, and gently pushed it into my lap.
“Oh master,” she said excitedly as she opened her mouth eager to receive my dick. She began giving her first ever blow job, sucking the head, running her tongue down my shaft.
“Oh Melora, good girl. You better get used to that view honey. You’re going to be doing this an awful lot darling,” I groaned.
“Yes master,” she said in between mouthfuls of cock, “I love sucking you master.”
She was actually doing a pretty good job seeing it was her first ever cock sucking session. I had read in the information pack that from sixteen years old they were schooled in the art of sex and pleasuring a man.
Melora would have watched endless recordings of women getting fucked, and how to make a man happy. But now she was doing her practical exam, and passing with flying colours.
I began groping her ass again as she sucked me. Lots of nice slurping sounds, they had taught her well.
“Lick my balls,” I told her.
“Yes master,” she said, taking them in her mouth.
With a girlfriend I might have to ask her to suck my balls, beg or plead, depending on the girl. With a pleasure slave I could just tell her to do it, and she would, happily.
I took my cock and slapped her around the face with it. She giggled, and greedily started sucking me again, more urgently now.
I hadn’t really planned on doing anything with Melora in this lounge. I had planned on taking her back to my villa and spend all evening fucking her there. I was just going to have a quick kiss and a grope on the sofa and then leave with her on my arm, and her huge tits on my mind.
But it had just happened this way. I was certainly enjoying it anyway.
I realized I had not even kissed her yet. Perhaps it was better this way. Otherwise she might get the idea I was her boyfriend or husband. She was young after all.
Better that our first real physical contact was her giving me a blowjob. It set the parameters for our relationship. She was my slave, and here to pleasure me. I didn’t want to confuse her with notions of romance.
I could feel the spunk building in my balls. I groaned as Melora began to suck me even faster, she knew what was coming. Me.
A few moments later I reached forward and held her head in place as I thrust upward into her mouth. Melora moaned, I could see her right hand fingering herself.
Soon I erupted into her mouth, sending streams of my spunk down her throat. I let her up for air, and she swallowed the lot, smiling at me. She took a few sips of water to wash it down.
I pulled her close and kissed her. She melted, putting her arms around me, kissing me back, her tongue entering my mouth for the first time. Funny, until this she had never been kissed, but had just performed a blow job.
Her tits pressed up against me. Damn I wanted to rip of her dress and suck on them, but I decided to wait. I would open that present to myself back at home.
“Thank you master,” Melora said, grinning, kissing me again, “You make me very happy.”
“You make me happy too Melora,” I said, groping her hips.
“Would you like me to strip for you master?” Melora asked, pushing her massive boobs together, spreading her legs so I could see her panties.
“I’d like that very much, but back at my home I think,” I said, staring at her panties still.
I was going to enjoy a strip show at home from this mega-busty beauty, and then spend the rest of the night fucking my new plaything.
“Yes master, good idea,” she grinned. She cleaned me up, and then zipped me back up. She adjusted her dress, and quickly re-did her make up in the mirror.
I couldn’t wait to get her home and fuck her.