Office – Caught 2

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I couldn’t focus, my head was racing with all kind of thoughts. I had no idea what this would result in.

My manager and teammate noticed something was wrong. I just told them I was coming down with something and felt ill. As there was only about an hour before closing time, my boss told be to finish early and get myself home, dosed up and to recuperate over the weekend. I didn’t need to be told twice, this meant I could escape before bumping into Helen and being confronted about wearing tights!

I swiftly logged off my systems, packed up my laptop and made a swift exit, driven on by pure panic, fear and adrenalin. I lived alone in a small one bedroom flat so I could lock the doors and hide for the next two days whilst I worked out my best way out of this mess.

I quickly got home having a head start on the rush hour traffic. Home at last. opening a beer from the fridge I couldn’t stop thinking things over; Helen had actually twanged my tights! How did she know? How was she so sure of what I was wearing? I’d been regularly wearing tights since my uni days and never been caught. I’d always been extra careful. I had just been caught!

It then dawned on me that I was aroused, very aroused. Was it the fact I was still wearing my tights? Was it that I’d been thinking about Helen and her fantastic legs and choice of her leg and footwear? Or was it the the fact that someone else now knew I was wearing tights that turned me on? I opened another beer and removed my trousers and relaxed back into my couch enjoying the sensation of air on my nylon covered legs and began to wank focusing on the sensation and thinking of Helens luscious legs.

It didn’t take long for me to climax, harder than I ever have before, filling the front of my tights with cum.

Then the feeling of panic and guilt came over me. I pulled off my tights and threw them in the bin.

What was I doing? This had to stop. My nylon fetish had gone far enough; hell, it’s most likely going to lose me my job and I’d be having to start again, seek a new firm and start from the bottom rung.

I felt sick and more worried than ever. I drained a few more beers and started on the vodka until it was starting to get late. Taking myself off to bed, I passed out and had a full night’s drunken slumber only to wake Saturday morning to a hangover and the realisation that my problem hadn’t gone away.

When I could face food, I made myself something to eat and decided I should go out and get some fresh air. It would do me good and maybe help me clear my head. Opting to leave the car (probably shouldn’t be driving yet anyway) I walked fifteen minutes to the nearby train station and bought a coffee whilst waiting. Town was where to go, a bit of people watching and browsing a few of my favourite stores. I boarded then next train and started to gaze out of the window as the train pulled away.

Suddenly my attention was drawn to a young couple sitting at the far end of the carriage, clearly in love as they saw nobody but each other.

They were both young, good looking, and yes you’ve guessed it – the girl was wearing tights. Her long slender legs were encased in sheer black tights. She wore knee high boots with a moderate heel and a lovely A-Line mid thigh skirt. She looked amazing. Tights! I can’t escape them. For a moment I daydreamed about wearing a similar outfit. I loved crossdressing and whislt having a few items of clothing other than hosiery, I had never fully cross dressed but would love to. Maybe a nice blonde wig and expertly applied make up?

What… no, what was I thinking? I needed to stop this, think about what had just happened!

Over the next few hours I found myself wandering through the shops, in and out of stores, looking at the cds and dvds in hmv. I considered buying a new PS4 game to take my mind off things.

I ended up following my nose into the large department store in town that I regularly visit. The had a large hosiery department with all of the expensive quality brands that I loved and had enjoyed trying on over the years since I’d been earning enough for the odd treat. I just couldn’t help myself.

I looked through the first couple of rows and was considering a purchase or two to treat myself when I noticed two young women at the tills making a purchase. As they paid for their items they turned and faced me. One of them was Helen! We made eye contact, she gave me a faint smile as I felt my cheeks flush bright red, then continuing her conversation with her friend, she left the store.

I was back in panic mode. After everything, she’s now seen me standing in a hosiery department! Idiot!

I returned home and the rest of the weekend dragged with me still not really knowing what to do.

Sunday evening came and whilst lying in bed, I finally came up with the vaguest plan – denial. I wasn’t going to wear tights to work ever again. I’d try and brush off the “pinch” saying it was a support bandage. Yes, that should work and if she asked about why I was in the hosiery department… well, I’d just say I’d spotted her going in and wanted to explain.

Monday morning came and I was up before usual and made sure I got into work nice and early. I didn’t want to have to face Helen, in fact I wasn’t going to just go and explain things unless confronted by her. I would get in to my desk around 8:00 a.m. I would keep my head down and focus on work, that was the plan.

I was the first from my team to get in, so I powered up my workstation and went to fetch a coffee. When I returned drink in hand the others were still to arrive. There was a large jiffy envelope placed on my keyboard with my name on it. Weird I thought, sitting down to open it. It contained a pair of Wolford Individual 10 Tights in black, expensive and very high quality. I knew the brand but rarely wore them as they were expensive. My heart started to race, then I saw the note. It simply said, “Lunch, Costa 12pm sharp, wear these. H”

Published 9 years ago

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