Off Road_2

"My relationship with my cousin grows"

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I woke up spooned against Kelly’s back, and my arm was over her body, keeping her close to me. As I stirred, Kelly wiggled her ass against my morning erection. I moved back, causing her to groan. Flipping onto her back, Kelly put her hand on my cheek, leaned close, kissed, and hugged me.

“Good morning, Kelly. Did you sleep well?”

“I slept great, Brad. You kept me warm all night.”

“As much as I’d like to stay snuggled under the covers with you, I need the bathroom.”

“Yeah, me too.” Kelly flipped the covers back, exposing her bare chest and panties. She stood up, grabbed a pair of sweatpants, and put them on. While she put on her sweatshirt, I got up to dress.

Hand in hand, we walked to the restrooms. I went to the men’s side while Kelly used the women’s bathroom. I washed my hands and dried them with a paper towel when I finished. Outside, I waited for Kelly to return.

Leaning against the side of the building, I thought about the previous day and night. It seemed Kelly was uninhibited and willing to explore new things. Her actions when we went to bed made me wonder where things would go. I enjoyed kissing and touching Kelly; she seemed to like touching me.

Kelly exited the building, walked over, and grabbed my hand. As we returned to the campsite, she said, “I need coffee.”

“Sounds good to me, Kelly. We’ll have breakfast and hit the trails.”

When we returned to our campsite, we worked together to make coffee and breakfast. Sitting at the table, Kelly and I ate our eggs and sausage. She finished her meal and sat holding her coffee mug.

“I’m sorry if I came on too strong yesterday, Brad.”

Smiling, I shook my head. “You didn’t. I admit I never thought I’d end up skinny-dipping with you. You shocked me when you started undressing at the Cove yesterday.”

“I was so afraid you’d get mad at me and find me unattractive. It was the first time I ever did anything like that.”

“I wasn’t upset. Regarding your appearance, I think you have an amazing body, Kelly. If I can ask, what made you decide to do it?”

Kelly got up, refilled our mugs, and sat beside me. Staring into her coffee, she took a deep breath, then exhaled.

“I used to have a huge crush on you when we were younger, but I didn’t see you as often after my dad left. I guess we both moved on. I knew we could never be together because we were cousins. I dated a few boys in high school but never felt as strongly about them as I did you. After breaking up with Carl, I stopped dating boys and moved in with Sue.”

“My mom told me you moved in with your girlfriend.”

Kelly laughed. “Sue is my friend, and she’s a girl, but she isn’t my girlfriend. Not like people think. I’ve tried it, but it’s not my thing. I moved in with Sue to get away from my mom.”

“I’m sorry, I just assumed…”

“Don’t worry about it, Brad. My mom told everyone I was a lesbian when I moved in with Sue. I decided not to correct her, so she’d leave me alone.” Kelly chuckled. “It worked, and now she doesn’t talk to me.”

“So, how do you like working for MSC?” My grandfather started the company, naming it Medical Supply Company, but Dad shortened it to MSC. He wanted to be able to diversify and take on products not related to the medical industry.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am that your dad hired me. It’s a great job.”

“I’m glad you enjoy the job.”

“The work is fun, but the best thing is I get to see you all the time.” Kelly smiled. “Even though you didn’t seem to know I existed.”

I put my arm around Kelly, pulling her to my side. “I knew you existed, Kelly. I just never knew you felt the way you do or that you used to have a crush on me.”

Kelly snuggled against me. “My feelings for you were a dream, Brad. I never thought we’d get together because we’re related.”

I moved my hand down Kelly’s side, slipped it under her sweatshirt, and up to her breast. “I thought we put that idea to rest yesterday.” I chuckled. “Or do you always sleep topless with your cousins?”

“I never slept with a guy before we came here, Brad. Topless or otherwise.”

“You said you went camping with your boyfriend.”

Kelly put her hand on her chest, pressing my hand against her breast. “We went with his parents, and I had my own tent. As for my crush on you, there’s no use to about it.”

I was about to ask Kelly where she saw our relationship going when Kevin and JoAnne drove up to our campsite on their ATV.

“Hey. We’re going to ride the green trail this morning. Do you two want to come with us?” Kevin said.

Kelly and I got up and walked over to Kevin’s unit. When I looked at Kelly, she nodded. “Sure. We’ll go with you guys. Give us a few minutes to get ready,” I said.

“Great. We’re going to fuel our ATV. We’ll meet you by the concession stand.” JoAnne laughed. “Bring towels.”

Kelly and I watched our new friends drive toward the concession building, and we went to the tent to change our clothing. When I zipped the door closed, Kelly pulled her sweatshirt over her head. While I undressed, she removed her pants. She wrapped her arms around me when we were down to our underwear, pressing her breasts against my chest.

I hugged Kelly, put my hand under her chin, and tipped her face up. Pressing my lips to hers, we shared a heated kiss. After a few moments, we separated and smiled.

Kelly and I shared grins while we put on our clothes. She tucked her breasts into her sports bra while I watched her. Once we had our boots on, I led her out of the tent.

“You’re a sexy woman, Kelly. Sorry if I stare at you.”

“I like it when you look at me, Brad. Almost as much as when you kiss and touch me.”

I wrapped Kelly in my arms, moved my hands to her butt, pulled her close, and flexed my fingers against her ass. “I hope you don’t get tired of me touching you, Kelly.”

Stretching up, Kelly kissed me. “Never.”

We got on the ATV and headed out to meet our friends. After filling the gas tank, we took off, following Kevin and JoAnne to the trailhead, and started our day of riding.

As we moved over the bumpy trail, I glanced at Kelly. “Yeah, I know my tits jiggle.”

“I like it when they do.”

“Maybe I should try riding braless.”

I laughed. “I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“It’s okay. You can kiss my tits better if I do.”

We rode for another hour and a half, returning to the campground. I parked next to Kevin at the concession building and shut down the ATV. Getting off, I stretched. Kelly got off and hurried toward the restrooms. I laughed as I followed her.

Kevin walked in, saying he would see me in a minute when I came out of the building. Once we all finished in the restrooms, we went to get lunch.

Sitting at a picnic table, we talked about the ride while eating our sandwiches. I told Kevin and JoAnne I liked the trail and that it was more challenging than the others we had taken. It was about two in the afternoon and warm. When we finished eating, we got up and tossed our trash.

“Kevin and I are headed for the Cove. Are you guys going to go with us?” JoAnne said.

“I’d like to go. A swim sounds good. I need to rinse off the dirt from our ride,” Kelly said.

We left, heading to the secluded area. After parking our ATVs, the four of us removed our boots. Kelly took my hand, leading me toward the water.

“Aren’t you going to take off your clothes?”

“Yeah, right after I rinse them in the water.” Kelly smiled. “Do you want to see me naked?”

“You’re damn right I do. Hang on. I have to empty my pockets first.”

I returned to the ATV, removed everything from my pockets, and rejoined Kelly. We walked out into the water, diving under when it was deep enough. Standing in knee-deep water, Kelly started removing her clothes. We stripped, and Kelly took our garments ashore. I watched her ass as she walked to the ATV and hung the wet items on the unit.

Kevin and JoAnne walked up to us. “You had a great idea, Kelly. I rinsed our things, too,” JoAnne said.

“My clothes get filthy when we’re riding, and I’m going to have to do a load of laundry before too long,” Kelly said.

While the girls talked, they took Kevin’s and my hands and walked to the waterfall, stepping under the cascading water. I wrapped my arms around Kelly, holding her while the refreshing water ran over our naked bodies.

Kelly and I moved behind the falls, hugged, and kissed.

“I’m having the best time I’ve ever had, Brad. Thanks again for bringing me.”

“It’s great, Kelly. Things are working out better than I could have imagined.”

Kelly chuckled. “Why? Because you get to see me naked?”

“No. It’s great because you’re willing to ride and do things here. You like camping and don’t complain about anything. Seeing you naked is a bonus, but it’s not why I’m enjoying myself so much. I thought I’d have a riding partner but never thought I’d have a girlfriend.”

“Am I your girlfriend?” Kelly gazed into my eyes.

“It would make me happy if you were, baby.”

Kelly hugged me. “I’m going to make you so happy!”

“Kelly, you already do.”

“Okay, you two, that’s enough.” JoAnne and Kevin walked up to us. “We’re going to have a beer and see if our clothes are dry.”

We walked through the falling water and into the Cove. I held Kelly’s hand as we made our way to shore. Kelly checked our clothes, telling me they were almost dry, flipped them over, and grabbed towels.

Kevin gave all of us a can of beer. We placed our towels on the grass and sat down. Relaxing in the sun, we sipped our drinks and discussed our plans for the rest of the day. Kelly and JoAnne discussed what they planned for dinner. I listened, realizing the girls had planned for us to eat together.

We stayed at the Cove for another hour, having another beer. Kelly said our clothes were dry, so we dressed. As I drove back to camp, I thought about everything that had transpired over the past few days. I broke up with my girlfriend, but it seemed I’d found a new one. The fact that Kelly was my cousin didn’t change how I felt or my growing attraction to her. If I could design a girl I’d want to be with, she would be like Kelly. It was Kelly.

“We’re going to shower, and we’ll meet you at your campsite,” Kelly told JoAnne and Kevin when we arrived at our site.

“What can we bring?” I said.

“We could use some beer. JoAnne and I have everything else,” Kevin said.

JoAnne nodded and laughed. “Don’t forget what I told you, Kelly. It’s more fun if you conserve water.”

Kevin took off, leaving Kelly and me at our campsite. After I parked the ATV, we went to the tent to get clean clothes. After grabbing our kits, Kelly and I headed for the shower building. When we arrived, she took my hand and pulled me into one of the stalls.

I laughed, realizing what JoAnne meant when she mentioned conserving water. Kelly and I joked around as we stripped, placing our things on the bench. Once we were naked, we took our soap and shampoo into the shower. I pulled the chain, holding it while she wet her hair and body. Kelly moved aside so I could do the same thing.

Kelly and I washed our hair, facing each other in the cramped area. After rinsing the shampoo from our heads, she handed me her puff and body wash.

“Will you wash me?”

“It would be my pleasure, Kelly.”

“Not only yours,” Kelly said as I rubbed her with the soapy puff.

I washed her upper body, spending a few extra minutes on her breasts. Kelly giggled as she put her hands behind her head while thrusting her chest out. As I moved down her body, she opened her legs to give me access to her crotch. When I began rubbing between her legs, Kelly held my shoulders. I started moving down her legs, and she turned around.

Once I’d washed Kelly and rinsed her body, she took my soap and started on me. Gazing into my eyes, she used her soapy hands to clean my cock and balls. When my dick grew into a full hard-on, Kelly stroked me.

“I could tell you were big when I touched you last night, Brad. I didn’t realize you’re this big.”

Not knowing how to respond, I smiled and nodded. Kelly released my dick and washed my legs. Once we were both rinsed, we grabbed our towels to dry ourselves.

“This is turning out to be a week of firsts for me, Brad. It was the first time I rode an ATV. The first time I went skinny-dipping. The first time I slept with a man. The first time I showered with a guy and the first time that I hadn’t felt self-conscious about how I looked. I can’t explain why I feel like I do, but I like it.”

“There’s no way you can like it any more than I do.”

I watched Kelly put on her panties and bra while she grinned at me and adjusted her breasts. I put on my boxer briefs while she wiggled into her jeans and sweatshirt.

Walking with my arm around her waist, we returned to our site. I put beers into the cooler, loaded them in the ATV, grabbed our jackets, and left for Kevin and JoAnne’s campsite.

When we arrived, I passed out cans of beer. Kevin and I sat in camp chairs, watching the girls preparing our evening meal.

“When are you and JoAnne leaving?” I said.

“We pull out tomorrow. JoAnne and I have to get back to Boston and work. Where do you and Kelly live?”

“We’re from Florida. We live in the Tampa area.”

“The only time I’ve been to Florida was when my parents took my brother and me to Disney years ago.”

“Is the grill ready, Kevin?” JoAnne walked over and put her hands on her husband’s shoulders.

“It should be. Is it time for the chicken breasts to go on?” Kevin replied.

“Yup. Kelly and I have everything ready. We just need the chicken.”

Kevin got up, picked up the platter of chicken breasts, and placed the meat on the hot grill. I got us beers and stood with him. Once he finished cooking the chicken breasts, Kevin took them to the table, and we sat down to enjoy the meal.

“Are we going to the bonfire tonight?” Kelly asked.

“I’d like to go for a little while because it’s our last night here,” JoAnne said.

Kelly looked at me. “Can we go too?”

I was a bit shocked by my cousin’s question. I wondered why Kelly felt it necessary to ask me if we could go. Deciding to put my thoughts on the back burner, I smiled and nodded. Kelly’s broad smile touched me.

“Come on, Kevin. Let’s take care of the dishes while the girls relax,” I said.

Nodding, Kevin stood up and worked together, cleaning up after the meal. While we washed the dishes, JoAnne and Kelly sat in camp chairs, sipping their beers. When we finished, Kevin and I joined them. We chatted about our hometowns and jobs until dark and decided to go to the bonfire.

Kelly and I took my ATV to our campsite, grabbed a few beers, and walked to the common area. We stopped at the restrooms before heading to the crowd. As we strolled toward the group, I put my arm around Kelly’s waist.

“You know you didn’t have to ask me about coming to the bonfire? It’s your vacation, too, and you can do what you want.”

“Yeah. I know. Thanks for agreeing to come to the fire tonight. I wanted to spend a little more time with JoAnne and Kevin. It’s been fun hanging around with them.”

I stopped walking, took Kelly into my arms, and kissed her. She hugged me, meeting my tongue with hers. When we broke our kiss, I looked into her eyes.

“I’ve had fun hanging around with them, too. After all, they introduced us to the Cove, and I got to see you naked.”

Kelly chuckled. “Yeah, and I got to see you naked.”

We arrived at the bonfire and found our new friends. I could tell Kelly and JoAnne had developed a new friendship. I also liked the couple, but it was more acquaintanceship than friendship. I knew the odds of ever seeing them again were slim.

While we had a beer, we talked with Kevin, JoAnne, and a few other riders. I realized there weren’t many women there. I saw a few other couples, some of whom I recognized from the Cove, but most of the group was men.

A couple of hours later, we decided to call it a night. Kelly and I walked with JoAnne and Kevin until we reached their road. Standing together, we said our goodbyes. Kelly told them we would try to stop at their site before they left in the morning.

When Kelly and I returned to our campsite, we decided to have another drink. I got the bottle of whiskey, held it up, and poured two shots when Kelly nodded. We drank our shots, chasing them with a cold beer.

“JoAnne and I traded information. She said they would look us up if they ever got down to Florida,” Kelly said.

“Sounds good. It’s getting chilly. Do you want to go to bed?”

When Kelly got up and headed to the tent, I followed her, zipping the door closed when I stepped…

Published 5 months ago

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