Obsession – Part 2

"Jake teaches Eileen a new game."

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After meeting Jake, going out to dinner, and having great sex, Eileen was thrilled at having the man she adored for many years after her, and looked forward to doing whatever was needed to keep him.

Jake called the next day to thank her for their evening.

“Last night was so good with you, you sexy woman! Do you want to go to a movie tomorrow evening, and then maybe have another romp at my place?” he asked.

“Love to!” she answered.

“And did you take care of that little hair thing we discussed?”

“Ah, not yet,”

“Hmm. Well, could you do that before we go out tomorrow?” he asked, surprising her. “It’s really important to me, Eileen. If you want to be with me, you need to be clean-shaven.

“Then it will be my pleasure to do that for you,” she said.

Eileen didn’t expect Jake to dig in on her having a clean-shaven muff, but he did. She decided that she had the guy she’d always loved madly, obsessed over to the rejection of all other guys, and she wasn’t going to blow it over some pubic hair. She shaved it off, nice and smooth, and was ready for their date.

He picked her up and they went to dinner and a movie, and had a good time. Back at his place, Jake wasted no time kissing her and getting handsy. As they stood in his living room, he grabbed her butt tightly and pulled her to him, kissing her aggressively. Then he slid his right hand down to her crotch, where he started rubbing her pussy over her pants. She shouldn’t have been surprised and loved the sex they had last time, so she relaxed and looked forward to whatever Jake would do that evening. Encouraged by her acquiescence, he slid his hand inside her pants and began to rub her pussy through her panties.

Eileen loved it and got completely aroused. She stopped him, but only so she could take her pants off. They resumed kissing, and Jake resumed by slipping his hand inside her panties, finding a smooth and hairless pussy.

“Thank you for shaving down there,” he said as he started to diddle her, and she reacted to the raw feel of his fingers on her naked snatch. Soon, she was aroused, wet, and fully ready for him to take her.

“Let’s go to your room,” she said.

Jake didn’t hesitate, and they went to his room, and both of them stripped down. Getting on the bed, Jake suggested that she lie on her back, which she did. He lay beside her and ran his hands up and down her body, caressing her shoulder and arms, then down to her thighs and legs, before tracing back up to her breasts. He corralled her mounds in his hands and squeezed a little, massaging them gently. She moaned quietly with this new pleasure he was providing, as he continued by swirling around her nipples, pinching them gently, and feeling them harden.

Then Jake stopped and got off the bed to put in a condom. She was enjoying his breast play and hoped he was coming right back. When he did a moment later, he grabbed her legs and moved them to the sides, spreading her open. Then he again lay by her side before moving his hand across her belly and teasingly down to her pussy. There he ran his fingers down her slit to her vagina, where he dipped in to pick up her wetness, and traced up and down her snatch. She was in ecstasy with the feel of his fingers on her most tender places. Soon, he was swirling about her clitoris, and she was gasping and beginning to squirm uncontrollably.

Jake took his hand away and knelt between her legs, his warrior ready to go. He tapped her clit a few times before he pressed his penis against her hole, then pushed into her. She was loving the feel of him inside her, sensing his dick’s movement in her vagina as he slid in and out, further and deeper with each push. Eileen could not control her squirming and gasping, and soon came with her first true orgasm. Jake kept going and quickly followed with his own climax. He shot his semen into her with repeated jerks, and as it warmed her insides, she found herself experiencing a second smaller orgasm to accompany his finish.

She was in heaven!

They got off the bed, cleaned up, and dressed. After a nightcap, they walked back to her place, and Jake spoke. “That was a wonderful time in bed with you. You’re so beautiful! Do you think you could shoot a selfie for me that shows your pretty new pussy?”

“You want me to send you a photo of my pussy?”

“Yes. Well, any pose you like, and even better if it shows your face and breasts, too.”

“Who would see the photo?” she asked.

“Just me. I mean, we’re getting along and having fun, and I just wanted a nude pic of you for when we’re not together.”

She felt wonderful that Jake wanted to see her naked between visits.

“I’ll be happy to send you a nude selfie, Jake, but just for you.”

He agreed.

Eileen was thrilled that they’d had fun and wonderful sex both times they got together, and that he wanted a sexy picture of her. She took a series of selfies with a full frontal view of her face, her breasts, and her shaved pussy, and sent the most flattering pose to him.

+ + +

They got together two days later, went to dinner, and returned to his place. He thanked her for the selfie and said now he’d get to see her wonderful smile and gorgeous body every day, even if they couldn’t be together. She was so happy to know she would be on his mind, and to have given him something he’d cherish.

They had a few drinks and fooled around on the sofa, Jake pulling her pants off with her help, then fingering Eileen’s pussy through her panties, and then pulling the panties aside and fingering her clitoris directly. She was soon wet, warmed up, and ready, and they went to the bedroom, where they again stripped the rest of the way and got on the bed.

“I was just thinking,” he said. “Why don’t we film this? If a photo is good, a video would be even better. I’d love watching us have sex, seeing your beautiful body join with mine. It’d just be for us,” he assured her.

“Well, okay, but I don’t want anyone else to ever see it. Do you promise?”

“I promise! It’s just for us,” Jake said as he got up and set the phone on the dresser to record them.

“I know what,” Jake continued when he returned to the bed. “Let’s have you ride me cowgirl style, but facing my feet. That way, we’ll see your pussy, my dick, and your nice tits all in the video. I’ll peek around you so my face is in it, too. Sound okay?”

“Ya, that’ll be fun,” she said with a smile.

So he put on a condom, and they got in position; he lay on his back with his feet toward the camera, and she got ready to mount his erect penis while also facing the camera. She straddled his hips which spread her wide open, then positioned her vagina over his penis and lowered herself onto him. Being on top, she found she was in control of the tempo, so she started slowly. He reached up and around her to fondle her breasts with both hands, then moved his right hand down to her pussy to diddle her clit. She gasped several times from the pleasure of his penis deep in her and the swirling sensations he was giving her at her clitoris. Eileen picked up speed as she now bounced up and down while riding Jake’s dick. Soon, she sensed the warmth of his ejaculate as he began to jerk and spew his essence into her. Feeling his climax, she had a great orgasm of her own, gasping and bucking on top of him. When they were both spent and had relaxed a minute, she got off him, and they both cleaned up and got dressed.

On the walk back to her place, they talked.

“I wondered if you’d be okay to go on the pill, Eileen?” he asked.

“I’m way ahead of you. I’ll be picking up my prescription tomorrow,” she replied.

+ + +

The next day, Jake stopped by the UPS store where Eileen worked and gave her a copy of their video on a flash drive. It was not great porn, but they were both visible, she particularly, with his penis up her snatch, and her breasts bouncing as they fucked. Jake called her later that day.

“Thanks for the video! I think it came out pretty good,” she said.

“Ya, it wasn’t too bad. I’m glad you let me shoot it. Say, can you come over tonight?”

“Sure!” she replied. “See you at eight,”

Eileen recounted the last couple of weeks, from moving to this small town to be near Jake, to meeting him, and all that followed. It was going better than she had ever dreamed, and she was thrilled! She thought she played her plan to snare him with sex very well, and it seemed so easy. She was having a lot of fun with Jake, and though he hadn’t said it yet, she was convinced he loved her.

When Eileen arrived, Jake was getting drinks ready, a wine for her and a beer for him. They sat on the sofa as usual and kissed between sips.

“I got us a few things for our bedroom pleasure and wondered if you’d like to see them now or later,” he asked.

“No time like the present,” she answered.

So they went to the bedroom, where various items were laid out on the dresser. She saw a vibrator, a blindfold, and several straps with Velcro and a ring at one end.

“What are those things?” she asked.

“They’re lashes, sort of like soft handcuffs. It’s all for a game we’ll play later,” he replied.

“That must be some game!” she said, laughing.

“You’ll love it,” he said with confidence.

They returned to the sofa and finished their drinks, had a nice slow kiss which quickly turned into passionate kissing, and then headed to the bedroom.

Jake said, “So we’ll use these items in a game called “Yes, Master.” I’ll be the master and tell you things to do, with the word “Please” always included. After I tell you what to do, you’ll say “Yes, Master” and then do what I asked. If you don’t say “Yes, Master”, you will be disciplined. Any time I forget the word “Please,” then you will have the next discipline forgiven. Does that make sense?”

“It does, but it sounds like you just want to boss me around,” she said, laughing.

“Well, maybe a little. But you’ll like it, I’m sure,” he countered. “Would you like to play?”

“Order away!”

“Okay, let’s start. Take all your clothes off, please,” Jake ordered.

“Yes, Master,” she replied. Then she removed her shoes, her shorts, blouse, bra, and finally her panties, laying them neatly on the dresser.

“That was beautiful, just like you! Now, lie on your back on the bed, please.”

She moved to the bed and laid down on her back.

“I’m afraid you didn’t say “Yes, Master.”, so you must be disciplined. He grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs until her rear was exposed, then swatted her a couple of good smacks on her rear before letting her legs down again.

“Ouch! Wasn’t that a little harsh?” she asked.

“It’s just part of the game… but let’s continue. Spread your legs apart,” he asked.

“Yes, Master,” she remembered to say this time and spread her legs. “Oh, and you forgot to say please.”

“So I did. Then, your next discipline will be waived.

“Permit me to lash your arms and legs, please.”

“What?” she asked in return.

“I’m sorry, but you did not say “Yes, Master” again,” he offered. He started lift her legs for another spank, but stopped and let them down.

“Ah, right… that discipline was waived,” he said.

“Okay, let’s continue. Again, permit me to lash your arms and legs, please.”

“Yes, Master,” she dutifully replied with a chuckle.

So Jake took the lashes from the dresser and placed one around each of Eileen’s legs just above her ankles, secured them with the velcro, and attached each by its ring to a cord he had connected to the bed frame. He pulled them almost tight, leaving her spread wide but with enough slack that the lashes would not hurt her. He repeated the process with her wrists, securing them with lashes and cords to the headboard. Eileen was now naked on the bed and spread toward the four corners.

“Well, this is different! So now what?” she asked.

“So now, allow me to blindfold you, please,” he added.

“Yes, Master,” she replied.

He got the blindfold from the dresser and put it over her eyes, then tied it behind her head.

“Now, I will use the vibrator on you,” he said.

“You didn’t say “Please,” did you?” she asked happily.

“Oh shit, I didn’t. But you didn’t say “Yes, Master” either, so we’re even.”

Jake took the vibrator, moved between her spread legs, and turned it on. He touched it to her inner thighs and ran it lightly about as he teased her for a moment, then pulled it away from her. She waited for it to touch her again, and flinched when he touched it to her pussy, especially since she couldn’t see where it was going. He started to massage her with it, and she settled in for some wonderful vibrations.

He skillfully maneuvered the vibrator around her pussy, buzzing her lips and folds, using it to open her up, and grazing over her clitoris. She loved it and began trying to squirm about, but the lashes held all but her torso in place. While that was a little frustrating, it was also extremely arousing. Soon, Eileen became so turned on that her already wet pussy was now soaking, and she convulsed in pleasure against the vibrator. She wiggled, squirmed, and jerked to the limits that the lashes would allow, almost screaming with pleasure. But just as she felt an orgasm coming, Jake stopped the vibrator and took it away. She felt an immediate anguish. She was almost at her climax, but now unable to cum after getting so close, waiting desperately for him to continue.

Jake got off the bed and took his clothes off while she listened to hear what he was doing, unable to see him due to the blindfold. Moments later, he got back between her legs, and she felt his fingers, or maybe his penis, touch her snatch. He slapped her clit a couple of times with his penis, she guessed, which almost sent her to her orgasm on the spot, and then he pressed his rod into her. He stroked in and out as her delayed orgasm was instantly renewed, and she came in moments with great convulsions, mostly restricted from her usual wild movements by the lashes but still wildly satisfying.

Jake continued to thrust, ever harder and faster, until he jerked repeatedly and shot his semen into her. She’d had such a strong orgasm moments before that she had nothing left at that point. Finished, Jake pulled out of her and got off the bed, freed her arms and legs, and took off the blindfold. He leaned over and kissed her passionately.

“You were terrific!” he stated. “So, how was playing “Yes, Master”? Was it fun?” he asked.

“It was wonderful, Jake!” she exclaimed.

They got up and dressed and had another drink before Jake got ready to walk her home.

“I’d like to take you out maybe tomorrow night if you’d like,” he said as they walked to her place.

“Oh, sorry. I have to do my laundry tomorrow evening, but how about two nights from now?”

“That be great. I’ll see you then, Eileen.”

“Have a good night’s sleep,” he said as he kissed her goodnight and left her door.

Back at her place, Eileen thought about the strange game they’d played. It showed a bit of a dominant side by Jake, but she really did enjoy it. And there was no way she’d let a little kinky play stop her from seeing the man she loved!

Meanwhile, Jake considered the game a success, introducing Eileen to a new way of being with him, one in which he would tell her what to do, and she would be okay with it.

<< To Be Continued >>

Published 8 months ago

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