The only thing he had to look forward to was drinks with Tommy that same evening. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to go. After the break up with Mimi six months earlier, he didn’t feel like meeting a new woman or socialize. He was happy being alone at home. He had his movie collection, his books, and magazines. If he wanted to he could go for a long walk in the park, or go to one of the shopping malls and look in the windows. But his friend Tommy was worried. He said it wasn’t healthy to be alone, he needed to go out, meet people, talk, laugh, drink.
Mimi and Jerry had been married for twenty years when she decided it was enough and the grass was greener on the other side. The grass, in this case, was a co-worker who drove a Ferrari, had a house in the Bahamas, and enjoyed skiing in St.Moritz. Jerry couldn’t compete with the guy so Mimi filed for a divorce and left him with no house, no car, and monthly alimony checks. Why he had to pay for her when she left with a rich guy he had no idea but that was the way things were.
He lived in a rented apartment in a lower-middle-class part of the city. The area was safe enough to go to the grocery store after dark and he didn’t have to have five bolt locks on the door. There were a few bars, pizza restaurants, and a kebab place. He was alright for now and didn’t think life was too shitty. He missed Mimi sometimes, mostly her perfect body and the hot sex they had.
She was only nineteen when they met and a year later they were married. Jerry loved sex and so did Mimi. They could spend an entire weekend in bed trying new things and repeat old favorites. Maybe she had left him when he couldn’t keep it up for hours or that he had begun to shoot his load way before she even gave the first moan of a coming orgasm?
The train arrived at his station and Jerry got off. He walked the one block to his apartment building and was surprised to see Tommy standing outside waiting for him.
“Hi, what are you doing?”
“I thought I’d pick you up.”
“Why? We could have met at the bar.”
Tommy laughed. “Nice try, but I don’t trust you. The last time, you stood me up.”
Jerry took out his keys and opened the door to the lobby. Then they took the elevator up to the second floor in silence.
“There is beer in the fridge. Let me take a quick shower and change clothes,” said Jerry when he had closed to door behind him.
Tommy took two bottles from the fridge and opened them with his lighter. He gave one to Jerry through the half open door to his bedroom and then sat down on the sofa while he waited for his friend.
Tommy was a bit worried. Jerry hadn’t been himself since Mimi had left him. He understood that it had been hard on him, but that was over six months ago, and it was time to move on. Jerry was a decent looking guy, had a great personality and was usually a lot of fun to be around. Tommy hoped that maybe this night they would meet some hot women so Jerry could get laid. He himself had no problem picking up women.
Even though he was quite short, he had a charm that few ladies could resist, not even the co-eds that often hit the bar scene over the weekend. At forty-five both him and Jerry kept in shape by going to the gym a few times a week. Tommy liked to go there not only for the workout but also for the chance of meeting women. Jerry, on the other hand, was more interested in the free weights and machines than ladies in tight shorts and halter tops.
“Are you done yet?” asked Tommy.
“In a minute. Where are we going?”
Jerry came out and said, “Really? Aren’t we a bit too old for that place?”
Tommy grinned. “Never. We just have to lower our vocabulary to twenty-year-olds. We’ll be alright.”
Jerry finished his beer and they walked down the stairs and hailed a cab.
Rory’s was packed with people. They made it over to the bar while skirting the dance floor and when they got there Tommy ordered two gin tonics without even asking Jerry what he wanted. While he waited for the drinks Tommy looked out over the dance floor and the tables close by. He smiled when he noticed it was mostly women. He had timed it perfect. Rory’s had ‘ladies night’ from eight to ten in the evening on Fridays and they had arrived just after ten.
When Tommy handed Jerry his drink he drank some of it and watched a young woman dancing a few feet away from him. She was in her early twenties and wore a short black skirt and a white top. Her boobs bounced seductively as she moved her body to the music. She saw him watch and gave him a smile which he returned.
“She is a hot one,” said Tommy.
“Mm, she is.”
“Are you going to talk to her?”
“Why not?”
Jerry finished his drink and waved to the bartender for another. Then he turned to his friend. “Look, I appreciate you taking me out and I know you want me to meet someone. The thing is, I need a break from women. I like my drink, the music and talking to you, but I am not chasing skirts.”
Tommy was quiet for a while, and then said, “fine, but if I meet someone, I am out of here.”
“That’s fine with me.”
While Tommy took a walk around the bar Jerry drank from his second drink while sitting on a bar stool that had become free. A brunette came up and leaned against the bar trying to get a drink. She glanced over at Jerry. “Hi, how’s it going?”
“Good, thanks. How are you?”
“Is it your birthday?” he asked.
She laughed and asked the bartender for her drink and then she turned to Jerry. “No, I dumped my boyfriend today.”
He laughed. “Was he that bad?”
“You have no idea, a real asshole.”
“Well, now you are single again.”
She took her drink after paying and before she left, she said, “Yes, and I am going to enjoy it.”
He watched her go back out on the dance floor, spilling a little of her drink. When she disappeared in the crowd, Jerry asked for another gin tonic. He wondered if the dumped boyfriend felt as shitty as he did. Probably, even though he might have been a dick, he still had feelings. God, if there was some way to have a woman without the emotional stress that came with it. Someone who was always happy, horny, and glad to see him. Someone who didn’t nag about where he left his clothes, what he ate and when he came home. Was there such a person? He didn’t think so. And what the hell was he doing in a bar anyway? What was the point in spending the time and money when he didn’t want to meet anyone?
He looked around to see if he could see Tommy anywhere and he saw him sitting with a blonde at the other end of the bar. They were deep in conversation and Tommy had his hand on her thigh.
Jerry finished his drink and slid off the bar stool. When he walked up to his friend, he leaned in and said, “I’m out of here.”
“Hey, why are you leaving? This is Tammy, and she has a really cute friend who is in the bathroom.”
Jerry turned to the blonde. “Nice to meet you, Tammy.” Then he turned back to Jerry. “Sorry, buddy, I just want to go home.”
Tommy shrugged his shoulders. “Fine, take care and I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Outside the bar, Jerry had to wait a few minutes before a cab showed up. In the warm interior, he leaned his head back and sighed.
“Rough night?” said the driver.
“Not really, I wasn’t in the mood that’s all.”
“Yeah, how did you guess?”
The driver chuckled. “If it’s not a money problem, its problems with the wife or girlfriend.”
“I guess you are right.”
“I don’t want to get into your life, but have you ever thought about a doll?”
Jerry sat up straighter and laughed. “Like a blow-up doll? Are you kidding me?”
“No, not those, I mean one of the high-end, expensive models.”
“Not really, why, do you have one?”
The driver nodded. “The best investment I ever made.”
“You are joking?”
“I swear, it has changed my life.”
Jerry sat back again. A doll? How far had he gone if he would spend the rest of his life with a toy? The driver must have some serious issues, he thought. When the cab pulled up outside his building and Jerry had paid, the driver said, “Look into it, I promise you, it’s not what you might think.”
When he walked into his apartment, Jerry hung his jacket on the hook by the door and then got a cold beer from the fridge. He turned on the TV and watched the late news while finishing it. He decided to make it an early night and went to bed.
Jerry slept in the following morning and didn’t get out of bed until eleven. He walked into the kitchen and put on the coffee maker. The sun was shining outside but the thermometer on the window sill said it was close to freezing. While he waited for the coffee he made scrambled eggs and bacon. He then went and got his laptop from the living room and put it on the kitchen table next to his plate. When the coffee was ready, he poured a mug and sat down. The laptop had booted and he went to the usual sites for the morning news and read what had happened in the world overnight while eating his eggs and bacon.
After he put the empty plate in the sink and poured another mug of coffee. When he had sat down again, he did a search for sex dolls and the screen filled with a list of online sex shops. He scrolled down until he found one that specialized in handmade dolls. The dolls looked very real and the more he read about how they were made and the materials used he realized that it was a lot more to these toys than he had thought. The pictures showed blonds, brunettes, and redheads. He could choose the makeup he wanted, and even the style of pubic hair. He got up and made more coffee and refilled his mug. After checking another two sites with similar dolls he turned off the computer and went or a walk. He needed to think.
The air felt good and he walked at a quick pace towards the closest mall. Being a Saturday there were a lot of people outside either on their way to or from friends or walking their dogs. When he reached the mall he went to the second floor to buy a few shirts he had seen on a previous visit. The young woman who charged him was a pretty brunette with big boobs and very blue eyes. She must have noticed him staring at her tits because she gave him a slight smile and said, “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
“No, thank you.”
“Too bad, I was hoping we could get together later when I get off my shift.”
He gave her a smile. “Maybe another day.”
She grabbed a pen and scribbled down her phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. “Anytime.”
He had no intention of calling her and threw the paper in a rubbish bin outside. He decided to walk around and window shop for a while before going back home.
He was on the third floor when he saw it. The windows were blacked out and there was a red neon sign above the door. It said, “Sex Shop”. Without really knowing why, Jerry went inside.
The shop wasn’t very big. There were two aisles and at the end he saw a counter with a woman behind it. He walked up and said, “Hi, do you have sex dolls?”
She looked tired and said, “Sure, do, honey. Come this way.”
He followed her and when she topped she pointed at some boxes on a shelf. “White, brown and black. I think I have a Chinese doll also, but would have to go to the storage room and look for it.”
“Can I take one out of from the box?” he said.
The doll felt like an air mattress in his hands. He realized he would never get his cock hard enough to be able to fuck it. He turned to the woman. “Have you heard about the expensive hand made dolls?”
She took the limp toy from him and put it back in the box. “Yeah, but I don’t have any.”
“Do you know if there is a big difference between those and these?”
She smiled at him. “Honey, it’s like comparing a Vespa to a Harley. The dolls you are talking about are like mannequins.”
“Oh, I see.”
“If you have the money, buy one.”
He thanked her for the help and left. At a cash machine he checked his balance and saw that he had enough money, but he felt strange even thinking about buying a doll. He decided to go to the food court and have a coffee.
After getting a large Late and a chocolate doughnut with coconut flakes he sat down at a table from where he could look out over the food court. There were several women of all ages from late teens to their early sixties. At a table close to his sat two MILF’s with fruit smoothies in front of them. He watched them for a while and wondered how it would be to date one of them. If they were divorced, they would come will all kinds of “baggage”, an ex-husband, possibly kids, and God knows what else.
As he sat there thinking and slowly chewing on his doughnut when three young women walked by him with trays in their hands. He guessed their age to be around twenty. They all had good bodies which they showed off in either mini skirts or tight pants. It would be nice to fuck one of those, he thought. But then what? What would he talk to them about in the morning? They would probably want to go out every weekend, which he didn’t. He sighed and ate the last of his doughnut and then finished his coffee.
As he walked by the group of three one of them looked up at him and smiled.
After searching on the web, he found a website he liked. They offered several models of dolls. He chose a blond with blue eyes and five feet-five inches tall. He decided on a C cup, and for pubic hair, he picked a landing strip. He wasn’t into the shaved style and he didn’t like the big bush either. He read that the hair was a wig and he could change it any time he wanted. After paying and clicking on the option for overnight shipping he turned off the computer and sat back.
He had just spent over $4000.00 on a sex toy. If Tommy found out he would call him an idiot, but he didn’t get it. Jerry was tired of women, he just wanted someone who he could fuck, and then put away. He didn’t want or need the talking, the nagging, the phone calls, the shopping lists and the other stuff that came with a relationship. One night stands so often turned into something else, and he wasn’t into letting strange people into his apartment. No, the doll was the right decision.
He spent the rest of the day cleaning his place and doing some work on his laptop. When the sun had gone down, he made dinner and had a glass of wine while watching a nature program about whales. After eating, he had another glass of wine and watched a movie. Then he went to bed.
It was late in the afternoon when there was a knock on his door. Jerry got out of the sofa and went to open it. There was a man outside standing next to a big box.
“Jerry Reynold?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
The man who was dressed in a brown uniform gave Jerry a clipboard. “Please sign.”
Jerry handed the clipboard back and said, “Anything else?”
“No, that’s it, have a nice day.”
The box wasn’t heavy, but a bit cumbersome, so Jerry pushed it into his apartment and then closed the door. In the kitchen, he found a pair of scissors and began to carefully cut the tape. Then he carefully laid down the box on the floor and opened the side that said “open here”.
And there she was. Jerry stared at the pretty face looking back at him through dark blue eyes. She was covered in some kind of protective plastic so Jerry carefully picked her up and was surprised how light she was. He stood her up and her head reached his chest. While holding onto her he unwrapped the plastic and threw it in the box. When he did he noticed a booklet that had been under the doll. He held on to her and picked up the booklet. It was a manual how to clean and maintain the doll. The cover said that her name was Busty. Jerry didn’t like it.
He lifted her up and carried her over to the chair opposite the sofa where he sat her down. It was easy to adjust her legs and her arms. Then he went to the fridge and took out a beer. After sitting down on the sofa he looked at her while sipping from the bottle. The apartment was quiet, the only sound came from the cars outside and it was more like a distant hum. Busty looked back at him. She was naked and for some reason, he thought she might be cold. He himself was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
He got up and went into the bathroom where he got his robe. He put it on her and tighten the belt around her waist. When he sat down again, she looked better. He realized that he would have to buy her clothes, and that was something he hadn’t considered. The last time he had bought women’s clothing was for his ex-wife’s birthday and that had been a pair of sexy panties with a matching bra. She had never used the set.
The doll’s blond hair was slightly curly and reached down below her shoulders. Her mouth as pinkish with a sexy smile. Her nose was small and straight and her blue eyes were almond shaped. She looked so real that Jerry thought she would begin to speak at any moment, but she didn’t, she just sat there looking at him.
“I need to give you a name,” he said in a whisper, surprised that he was actually talking to the doll. “What shall I call you?”
He had had a crush on a cheerleader back in high school, her name was Emma. She was a blond bombshell that had never looked at him. He had spent hours fantasizing about her and jerking off to her photo in the yearbook. “I’ll call you Emma, and I will fuck the shit out of you, eventually. But first I needed to go and buy you some clothes.”
Jerry got up and left the empty beer bottle in the kitchen and on his way out the door, he grabbed his jacket from the hook by the door.
After a quick two block walk, he reached a department store and went up to the second floor where the women’s clothes were. After browsing for a while and fending off several clerks that asked if he needed help, he decided what to get Emma. He bought six pairs of panties, both regular and thongs and made sure they had matching bras to go with them. Then he bought two pairs of jeans, several blouses, and a few short skirts. When he went to pay for it all it came out to almost $500.00.
The woman behind the desk smiled at him and put all the items in bags. He thanked her for her help and headed back home.
“Hi, honey. I am home,” he said when he walked into the apartment. There was an eerie silence. He took off his shoes and hung up his jacket and then collected the bags he had left outside before closing the door.
Emma was still sitting in the chair where he had left her. Where else would she be, he thought? The sun was coming through the windows and shone on her face and her blond hair looked beautiful. He put down the bags on the sofa table and then took out each item and put them in front of her.
“What would you like to wear?”
Her blue eyes looked up at him, and her mouth was half open, giving her a seductive look. He swallowed and then continued. “What about a pair of jeans and a blouse?”
He took off the bathrobe so she was naked and then he put on one of the thongs. It was white and had a laced hem. When he touched her skin he noticed that the sun had warmed it up. It was soft to his touch and felt like real skin. He then put on the jeans but he had some trouble sliding her legs into them. After a few tries, he pulled up the zipper but left the button open so he could tuck in the blouse.
He chose a peach colored one and stood behind her. Pushing her body forward, he threaded first the left and then the right arm through the fabric and then button it up, leaving the top two buttons undone, so she was showing off some cleavage. He had decided not to put on a bra. He wanted her sexy.
As he bent down to tuck in the blouse his cheek touched hers and he shivered. Then he put his hands on hers and moved her arms up so her hands were behind his head, like if she was caressing his neck. He turned his head just a little and kissed the corner of her mouth. Her lips were soft and warm, just like a real woman. Suddenly he felt stupid and pulled away, but he had forgotten her hands and she was pulled up over the back of the chair and fell to the floor.
He looked down at her. “Poor thing, look what I did. I am so sorry.”
He gently lifted her up and adjusted the arms so they were by her sides and put her back in the chair. Then walked around so he was standing in front of her. After a minute of looking at her, he put one of her legs over the other and adjusted her body a little. “There you are. I’ll just put your things in the closet.
He took the clothes he had brought with him and put them into his bedroom. Before he could put them away had to make room so he emptied a couple of drawers of his socks and underwear to make space for hers. When he was done, he went back to the living room and turned on the TV.
He took Emma from the chair and sat down on the sofa with her next to him. He adjusted her arm so it was around his shoulders and then her head so it was leaning against his shoulders. It felt good having her next to him. After a few minutes he put her other hand on his crotch and when it touched his cock through his pants he said, “Oh, would you like to play with me?”
Moving her hand away, he opened his pants and pulled down his briefs so his hard shaft popped out. Then he took her arm from his shoulders and lowered her so her head was over his cock. Then slowly he pushed down so her lips slid over him and down his shaft. Her mouth was tight and he began to move her head up and down while watching the TV. He was so horny, that only minutes later he moaned and unloaded. When he sat her up again a drop of cum had formed in the corner of her mouth. “I love it when you swallow, baby.” The drop slid down her cheek and fell onto the sofa. Jerry smiled and leaned back. It was good to have a woman again.
Jerry woke up and stretched in his bed. The sun shone in through the windows and birds were singing outside.
“Good morning, honey,” he said and turned to kiss Emma on the cheek.
She lay on her back, eyes open and a smile on her lips. Jerry took her hand in his and wrapped her fingers around his cock. He then held her wrist and began to jerk himself off. When he was close to coming he rolled her over and moved her into a doggy style position.
She was beautifully tight and as his balls slapped into her pussy he fucked her harder and harder until he came deep inside her. Pulling his cock out he playfully slapped her ass.
“Let’s have breakfast,” he said and lifted her up.
He put her down and leaned her against the chair in the living room. While he put on the coffee maker he glanced over at her. From where he stood he saw the swell of her left boob and just a glimpse of her pussy between her legs. His cock grew hard again and he walked up behind her.
Adjusting her legs a little he slid into her from behind and fucked her gently while saying, “I love you, Emma, you are so good to me.”
There was a sudden crash and his front door burst open.
Tommy couldn’t believe what he saw. His friend stood behind a young girl and he had his cock inside her. His hair was long and tangled. His face was covered with a scraggly beard and when their eyes met, Jerry’s were bloodshot and unfocused.
Behind Jerry stood a policeman and two paramedics with a stretcher. He stepped into the living room and looked around. The place smelled of rotting food and unwashed clothes. The floor and coffee table was covered in old pizza boxes with mildew growing in them. Plates with old food were stacked on top of each other and little white worms slithered over some of them.
He turned to Jerry who hadn’t moved. “Buddy, we are here to help you.”
His friend didn’t answer, instead, he began to fuck the girl again, but something was off with her. She hadn’t spoken or moved since Tommy had walked in. He stepped closer and realized it wasn’t a human, but a doll.
“Jerry, why don’t you sit down for a minute?” he said.
“No, I have to fuck her, she loves it when I fuck her, don’t you Emma?”
He caressed her ass and lower back.
The policeman came over to Tommy while the paramedics stayed in the doorway.
“What is wrong with him,” he whispered.
“I am not sure. It has been eight weeks since I last saw him. He hasn’t come to work and never answered his phone. I came by several times and knocked on his door but he never opened. I asked the landlord to tell Jerry I had been here but he never saw him either.”
“Why did you decide to call us?”
While they spoke Jerry continued to fuck the doll with slow thrusts. His eyes closed and his hands on her hips.
“The stink, I was worried he might have died.”
“He looks pretty alive to me.”
Tommy couldn’t believe the state of his friend. He waved the paramedics over and indicated for them to take Jerry with them.
“Sir, would you come with us, please?” said the bigger of the two.
“No, no, I can’t leave Emma, she needs me and I need her.”
“Please, just let her go, she will still be here when you come back.”
“No, she needs me to fuck her, every day, all day.”
The two men grabbed Jerry’s arms and forcefully pulled him away from the doll and began to drag him to the door.
“No, I can’t leave her!” shouted Jerry and began to fight them off.
The policeman walked over and handcuffed him and then they took him out. Tommy stood alone in the apartment, the smell made him feel sick and he ran to the bathroom where he vomited. After he had finished he walked into Jerry’s bedroom to get him some clothes since he would spend some time in the mental hospital.
When he opened the drawers they were filled with thongs, G-string, and regular panties and bras. In the closet hung skirts and dresses together with female jeans.
He found a few items of Jerry’s and put them in a backpack that hung on a hook in the closet.
Back in the living room he sat down on the sofa and put his face in his hands. What had happened to his friend, how could he have sunk so low so fast?
He looked up and Emma stared back at him with her blue eyes and seductive smile. She still stood leaning against the chair with her hip cocked and her boobs on the backrest. They looked so damn real, thought Tommy.
He picked up the backpack and walked up to her. Looking around and feeling stupid he cupped one of her boobs and when his palm touched her skin he sighed.
“Fuck me, they feel good,” he said out aloud.
His other hand caressed her ass and then slid around her hip down to her cunt. It was warm and so soft he shivered.
Tommy realized his cock had grown hard and without thinking about it, he opened his pants and let them drop to the floor. His dick popped out over the hem of his briefs and with a bit of jiggling, he slid deep inside Emma.
“Jesus, woman, you have a hot pussy,” he moaned while he began to fuck her. As he did he thought that Emma’s hot cunt came alive around his dick, contracting and relaxing. The feeling was so good that he came within seconds of entering her. When he pulled out he thought his cum would run out of her, but to his surprise it didn’t.
He turned her around so she was facing him and then he slid a finger inside her. She was wet and juicy but when he put his finger to his nose he didn’t smell cum, only the sweet fragrance of a young woman’s vagina.
He left her leaning against the wall and walked over to the window. The cop and the ambulance were gone. After a final walk-through of the apartment, he grabbed Emma around her waist and carried her outside.
Tommy was happy, he had a new girlfriend.