Nude Swim Team Chapter 1

"A junior in high school has to swim naked on his swim practice."

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The bell rang. Everyone jumped out of their desks and bolted for the door, except for a few students, including me.

The other three were girls. One of them, whose name was Elana, was talking to another one named Alexis. The third was a girl named Alice. She was packing up her backpack. All three were juniors, like me.

Elana was an attractive Iranian girl with long black hair that covered the top half of her back. Her body was smooth and relatively unathletic. She stood at 5’7″, barely shorter than me. Her boobs were nice and rounded, not too big, but not to small either.

Alexis stood an inch shorter than Elana. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail behind her head. She had boobs that barely protruded from her chest, but were still noticeable. Her build was attractively slim, and her skin was white as snow.

At the front of the room stood Ms. Bowler, my Spanish teacher. Her curled brown hair collapsed beautifully on her shoulders. She was an athletic and slender 5’10”, and had pale skin underneath her baby blue dress that extended to her ankles. The dress was see-through, revealing her black one piece swimsuit. Her bosom was below average in size, but still managed to easily show itself off.

The third girl was Alice. Her ever so slightly tanned skin was slender, yet athletic. She had the most beautiful combination of blonde and brunette hair color that reached to the middle of her back. She stood at 5’8.5″ tall, which was my exact height. Her boobs were relatively small, but still noticeably bigger than Alexis’s. She had a little bit of acne, but I didn’t mind.

I didn’t talk to Alice that much, but when I did, I could tell that she was extremely nice, almost to a fault. In fact, she was so nice, that despite not being the most attractive girl at the school, I still had a bit of a crush on her.

Elana and Alexis walked out just before Ms. Bowler asked me in a very soothing voice, “Are you ready for your first swim practice, John?”

“I hope so!” I boasted, trying to mask my nerves.

“Don’t worry,” Alice declared, “You got this!”

I swung my backpack over my somewhat muscular shoulders, “I’m less nervous about my first practice today, and more nervous about my first meet being tomorrow.”

“Well, maybe senior year you won’t wail until the middle of the season to sign up. You’re lucky I got you in when I did,” Ms. Bowler added.

“Yes ma’am,” I politely replied as I walked to the door following Alice. I closed the door behind me, and turned to Alice, “Hey, Alice? How do I get to the pool?”

“You don’t know where the pool is?” She asked with innocent laughter in her voice.

I shook my head No.

“Alright. Follow me.” She started walking down the hallway. I followed her.

After we had pushed through the horde of students blocking the hallway, Alice asked me, “You do know that boys have to swim completely naked, right?”

“Yeah, I know,” I answered.

“Just making sure. I didn’t want you to be surprised by that. Personally, I think it’s stupid. Why should boys be forced to swim naked while girls get a suit to swim in?”

“Why did they make that rule?” I asked her.

“Last thing I heard was that bits and pieces of the swimsuits would clog the pool.” Alice answered.

“That’s stupid. The same material makes up both the girls and guys swimsuits,” I responded.

We arrived at a pair of metal doors. Alice gestured toward the one on the right, “That’s the boys locker room. The pool’s on the other side.”

I gestured toward the door on the left, “I guess that’s the girls’ locker room.”

“Mm-hm!” She responded with a warm smile on her face.

Before walking through the metal door, I turned back around and said, “Thanks.”

“My pleasure!” She answered with the same grin.

I walked down the hallway and eventually reached a surprisingly warm room shaped like a square. I assumed this was the locker room due to the fact that there were backpacks and clothes scattered across the floor, despite the plethora of hooks and cubbies all across the walls.

I hung my backpack on a nearby hook. I pulled my white uniform shirt off of me and stuffed it in the nearest cubby. My nipples stayed soft on my somewhat toned pecs. Next, I kicked my shoes off, picked them up, and put them in the cubby with my shirt. Then, I unbuckled my brown leather belt, and pulled down my jeans, revealing my ninja turtles boxers.

I grabbed the elastic waistband on my boxers, and pulled them down to my socks. My flaccid penis dangled in front of my loose testicles. The head of my penis was cherry red. Orange pubic hairs matched the color of the hair on my head.

As I pulled my boxers off of my ankles, I took off my socks. I wadded them up along with my jeans, and forced them into the cubby. I then removed my watch, and put it there too.

My bare feet pushed me across the tile floor to another door. With the assumption that this was the pool, I grabbed the door handle, and swung it open.

A blast of cold air rushed upon my entire naked body. I saw Elana and Alexis talking outside of the pool. They turned to look at me.

I wrapped my arms around my chest in a shivering position, and started rubbing my arms in attempt to retain some form of warmth. I walked toward the pool filled with six girls in one piece swimsuits (two in white, four in black), and three naked guys playing around in the water before Ms. Bowler arrived.

I was about to jump in when I felt a stern tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Alexis in a white swimsuit behind me, “I know you’re new, but you’re not allowed to enter this pool until you’re showered,”

I looked around, “Where are the showers?”

“They’re inside the locker rooms. They’re back behind the door in the back corner.” Alexis pointed into a hypothetical map.

“Thanks.” Before I started walking over there, Alexis told me, “Tale the one closest to your door. It actually has warm water in it.”

Alexis turn around and was walking back to Elana. I stared at her back for a second when I noticed that the entire back side of the white swimsuits were transparent. I could see everything!

I took a long look at her ass. I took in the perfect curves, the anus, the cheeks, and after some staring, I noticed a few hairs near her anus.

I snapped out of it once I felt myself getting hard.

My next steps were in the direction of the boys locker room. When I finally arrived, I walked through the door that she was talking about and saw a giant white room of shower heads surrounding the square room. The only two spots lacking in shower heads were the two spots that held the doors to each locker room.

Right after I closed the door behind me, I heard the other one open. I quickly turned to notice that Alice was walking in with me. She closed the door and said, “Hey!” She was wearing a black one piece swimsuit. Her nipples were starting to poke out, but not too bad.

I shifted my gaze to Alice, and quickly offered her the first turn with the shower with a hand gesture.

“No, I’m fine. You can go first.” After saying this, she leaned up against the wall.

“Okay.” I responded. I turned on the shower head, and nice, warm water soaked my exposed body. The warm water tricked down my ginger head, off of my shoulders, down my pecs, through my toned abs, and dripped rapidly off of my penis.

I looked up to Alice to see that she was staring at my penis. Once she realized that she was staring, she realigned her eyesight with mine “Sorry…” She put her hand on her chest in a swooning fashion, “I was just fascinated by the way the water was…”

“It’s fine,” I replied.

At that moment, Ms. Bowler pushed her way through the girls locker room, wearing nothing but the swimsuit that was under her dress.”Alice, John, why aren’t you in line?”

“I’m waiting for a shower,” Alice shouted back.

“We don’t have time for that. Just join him.”

I couldn’t believe my ears! Before I could process what was happening, Alice leaned her body against my shoulder in order to get water, “Sorry, I’m just trying to rinse off.”

“Why don’t you just lie underneath my penis, then?” I joked.

Alice chuckled. I made some room for her, but not enough to avoid Alice unintentionally rubbing up against me. This started to give me a bit more of an erection.

I think Alice noticed this, and decided to spin me around, “Hold still.” She started rubbing her hands across my back.

“What’re you doing?” I asked, trying to mask my excitement.

“I’m rinsing off your back,” She answered. My penis was slowly shrinking down back to its normal size until Alice moved down to my ass.

This caused my penis to start to grow back. However, it was nothing like what it would be after she started rubbing my legs from thigh to foot. Her knuckles would gently grace my testicles with each stroke.

She stood up, tapped me on the shoulder, and said, “Do me. But just my legs.”

I complied, and knelt down on the ground. My hard penis head barely slid across one of Alice’s ass cheeks, causing it to twitch. I started rubbing her legs up and down moderately fast.

“Hey, could you slow down just a tad?” she asked.

I obeyed. With every stroke my thumb pushed into her ass cheek through her black swimsuit. My hand came so close to her vagina that it was almost unbearable. My penis eventually cooled off completely, going fully flaccid.

After our shower, Alice and I found our spots in line in the pool area. I was right in between Alice and Ms. Bowler.

Ms. Bowler asserted, “First thing we’ll do is jumping jacks, so spread out, face each other, and get to jumping.”

I ended up right in front of Alice. We started doing jumping jacks right in front of each other. I noticed that several times Alice glanced down at my penis flopping up and down as I jumped.

After that, we dived into the water. I made sure to get a glimpse of Alice’s ass before she jumped in and swam at an incredibly fast speed. Then, I jumped in, and my lap was much slower than hers.

This went on for the rest of practice, which was shorter than normal because it was right before a meet. During practice, there was quite a bit of motivational ass slapping. Guys slapping guys, girls slapping girls, and even the occasional girl slapping a guy on the ass. Alice both had slapped other girls’ asses and had her ass slapped by other girls. I avoided participation in the ass slapping altogether.

After practice was over, I got out of the pool. My penis and testicles were shriveled up from the cold pool. The head of my penis was light purple instead of cherry red. I walked over to Alice, shivering and out of breath.

Alice picked her towel up from the table nearby and handed it to me.

“Thanks.” I took the towel and started to dry off quickly. I pulled the towel over my head and started to dry off my back when I started to talk, “You know, during practice I got to thinking about this whole boys swimming naked rule, and came up with the idea to go to the school board and tell them about this.” My penis shook while I was drying off my back.

Alice nodded her head in encouragement, her typical smile radiating off of her face.

“Then I thought about how stupid the idea was. No one would listen to me.”

“I think it’s a pretty cool idea. Plus, you never know how far you’ll get,” Alice assured me. She took one last glance at my wobbling penis, which she tried to avoid me noticing. She failed.

I handed the towel back to her, and walked into the boys locker room. It was then that I realized that if you included me, there would be four guys on the team.

Before I even got dressed, I grabbed my phone, and immediately called my former babysitter that I have become close to. Her name was Amanda.

“Hello,” Amanda answered.

“Hey, Amanda, I was wondering if you were still planning on coming to my swimming meet tomorrow?”

“Yeah, definitely. I can’t wait!” She answered.

“Alright, cool. Bye!” I exclaimed to her.

“Bye!” She said. I hung up the phone, and walked into the shower room. Everyone was in there showering. The boys were still naked, and the girls were still wearing their swimsuits.

I noticed Elana had her black swimsuit pulled down to her waist, and was facing the wall. The water bounced off of her majestically.

Quickly, I turned to one of the shower heads, and turned back to face her. When she was done, she covered her boobs with her arms, and walked to the girls locker room door. On her way out, she grabbed a pair of pink panties in a chair near the door.

I quickly rinsed off, got dressed, and left.

Published 9 years ago

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