It’s been about a week since the dick-tease. Nozomi even found herself thinking about it over the following days, laughing a bit to herself in a proud sort of way. She is still surprised how big Darren’s dick is and how hard it was when she was resting her feet in his lap. Nozomi definitely wasn’t the only one with that last meeting on their mind.
Darren can’t stop thinking about it. He even tried to hit her up the next day to hangout again, but Nozomi wasn’t in the mood, she wanted her days off to herself. Darren already felt a little embarrassed for pressing the issue so quick, so he decided to leave it alone for a few days.
But tonight… his dick is throbbing just at the flashbacks of the last hangout, and he is dying to see Nozomi again. The only issue is, it is almost 11 pm and he never texts her that late. He says fuck it and did it anyway. Worth a shot, right? His dick is begging him.
Darren texts, “You up?”
Nozomi texts back, “Yea, watching a documentary. What’s up?”
Darren texts, “I’m bored and I can’t sleep lol so I was seeing if you’re feeling the same.”
Nozomi texts back, “Lol not exactly.”
Darren texts, “You going to sleep on me and leave me hanging? Lol”
Nozomi texts back, “I’m up lol I’m not leaving you hanging but I’m not leaving my bed”
Darren texts, “So that means I can come over and join?”
Nozomi texts back, “Lol it wasn’t an invite..but sure why not”
Darren texts, “Omw.”
Nozomi considers shutting him down when he asks, because she knows his motives; she can read them. But after consideration, she figures she could get a little fun from a late night tease.
Darren takes a quick shower, throws on a T-shirt with sweats and is on his way. He figures he will be strategic with the sweats. Some thin sweats will enhance the feeling on his dick, should something like last time happens where Nozomi put her feet in his lap or when he was hugging her from behind. He thinks to himself how good it will feel hugging against that ass in some thin sweats.
Nozomi is trying to figure out how much skin she is going to show by the time Darren gets there. She is already in bed, wearing a T-shirt and shorts, but she remembers Darren seemed to like the view he had of her wearing only a T-shirt, so she slides off her shorts and panties and gets back under the covers.
Nozomi answers the door for Darren when he finally arrives. Darren sees she’s wearing just a T-shirt, just the way he likes, and he loves it. As soon as they hug his erection begins to grow. Watching her lead the way to her bedroom only intensifies it.
Getting in the room, Darren doesn’t want to overstep and move too fast, so he sits on the bed beside Nazomi after she gets under the covers.
They both watch the documentary that Nozomi was watching earlier. Darren isn’t interested at all. He’s only thinking about Nozomi, glancing down at her sexy face. He is really into her lips. They look thick, luscious and sweet. Images start to pop into his head of her giving him head. That is something he had been thinking about since he first met her when he was eighteen.
Nozomi decides she’ll throw him a bone. He looks so cute next to her sitting up on the bed, not trying to cross any lines. She appreciates his precaution and decides to reward him a bit.
Nozomi says, “You don’t have to sit up, you can lay down.”
Darren replies, “Don’t worry I won’t hog the covers.”
Nozomi says, “Better not.”
Darren asks, “What are we about to watch now?”
Nozomi answers, “I don’t know, you pick something.”
Darren finds a movie and plays it. He doesn’t care what movie. He is going to be focused on Nozomi the entire time. He is laying behind her in a spooning position, so he is hoping to catch some good fortune.
As the movie goes on, Darren slowly makes his way closer to Nozomi. By now, he is really close. He is hoping that she will still be awake, as he wants to make a move. He figures laying in bed with her that late at night is as good a time as any. He checks on her and sees that her eyes are closed. This makes him a little upset because he doesn’t want to wake her up just so he can make his first move. He knows it will be a sure way to get turned down. He lays there and thinks… and thinks…
Meanwhile, Nozomi isn’t asleep at all. She’s just laying down with her eyes closed, relaxing, wondering what Darren is thinking about. She notices that ever since he has gotten under the covers he has made his way closer and closer to her backside. She wonders how close he will get.
Darren wishes Nozomi was awake but he figures this could be an opportunity for him to look under the covers. He checks again and sees her eyes are still closed. He peeks under the covers and sees Nozomi’s plump ass sitting real nice, with her shirt only halfway covering it. Darren loves the view, wishing he could just squeeze it. He can feel his dick pressing up against his sweats, throbbing.
Still staring at Nozomi’s ass, Darren quietly reaches his hand down inside of his sweats and starts slowly stroking the head of his dick while he looks at Nozomi’s ass. He had jacked off plenty of times visualizing her ass, but jacking off with it right before his eyes is amazing to him.
Nozomi hears his heavy breathing behind her. She’s knows that he must be peeking under the covers, but she doesn’t know that he’s jacking off.
Darren makes the bold decision to see how much she’s into her sleep by moving much closer. This time close enough that he’s right up on her, lightly touching. He slides down a little bit lower so his dick can line up with her ass, and he’s so close that the tip of his dick, that has made a tent in his sweats, is lightly touching Nozomi’s ass… Nothing… She doesn’t move.
Nozomi feels the light touch. She immediately figures out that it is his dick touching her ass, but still she lets it happen, still letting him think she’s asleep.
Darren waits a minute, just to see if she wakes up from him getting closer. She doesn’t. Then Darren slowly moves up just a little bit and then back down, doing that so his dick can lightly rub up and down on Nozomi’s soft ass. It feels so good to him. He figures he wil wait a minute then try it again. He moves up slow… then back down slow…up again… down again… He starts a slow pattern now, a light and quiet dry humping. It is getting his dick extra hard with the sensitive touch against her ass.
He slowly reaches down and lightly pulls her shirt up to expose the rest of her ass so now that it’s all showing. He lines himself up so his dick can slide up and down the crack of her ass, and he starts his slow motion of his dick lightly grazing on Nozomi’s ass.
To Nozomi this feels good. To her it is like a feather tickling her booty with satisfaction.
Darren gets more into it. Now he’s going a little faster, and he’s a little closer on her now.
He’s getting good dry humping in, and it feels so good to him. He gently places his hand on one of her ass cheeks as he slowly humps. It’s so fluffy and soft.
It is feeling so good to Nozomi that she is starting to get moist.
Darren keeps going and going… and then… he starts to feel that he can’t hold on any longer… a few more humps… then he blasts a load of cum inside of his sweats.
Nozomi feels his body shake and smiles to herself at what she accomplishes by doing nothing.
Darren rolls on his back and lifts the waistline of his sweats. A big cum mess.
He would have rather been inside of Nozomi, but busting that nut was so satisfying.