Not Myself Tonight

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I’m not usually the type of girl that goes out to bars or clubs a lot. Last Friday was an exception to that rule. I had a bad week last week. I got fired from my job, I was fighting with my best friend, and to top it all off, right after storming out of the job I was fired from, I broke my favorite pair of heels on the way to my car in the parking lot. Not a good week at all.

On Friday, after I got home early, since I had been fired, I decided to try to relax and take the rest of the day and have time to myself. No work, no talking to anyone, no computer. Just peace and quiet. As soon as I got through the door, I headed straight to my bedroom, grabbed my towel, and went to start the water for a bath. I waited impatiently until the water filled up enough, then carefully stepped in, and sunk down, the arms of warm water embracing my body, instantly relaxing me. I cleared my mind of everything I was stressed out about and nearly drifted off to sleep when all of a sudden my house phone rang.

“Hello,” I answered, sounding annoyed.

“Please just talk to me, Olive,” My best friend, Carrie said on the other end.

“Car, I’m really not in a great mood right now, I don’t wanna talk to anyone, but I’m not mad at you. We’ll talk more tomorrow,” I replied, then hung up, not giving her a chance to say anything else.

I love that girl to pieces. She is like a sister to me. We have been best friends since we were in diapers. She is the only one I let call me Olive. I hate being called Olive. I prefer my given name, Olivia. I don’t live in a jar of salty water.

After I hung up the phone, I decided to clean myself up, and figured I would go out by myself to one of the local bars. I couldn’t just go to any bar though, because if I just go to a regular bar, guys will hit on me constantly, which annoys me cause I’m a lesbian. It isn’t really their fault though, since I guess I don’t look like a “typical” lesbian. I am very girly, always wearing makeup, dresses and heels. I usually straighten my reddish brown hair, because I have found people seem to like my hair more and give me more compliments when my hair is straight. I don’t really wear too much makeup, mainly just a little makeup around my bright green eyes, and a neutral colored lipstick. I’m pretty tall when I wear heels, because standing flat, I am already 5’10, so I am taller than most people when I am wearing heels. I like being tall. It gives me confidence.

At around 8 pm, I decided to leave and walk a few streets over to the local gay and lesbian bar. I live in New York City, just outside the village, so gay bars are common around here.

I walked in scanning the bar, my eyes landing on an empty seat towards the far end of the bar. I made my way over, and sat down, ordering my favorite drink, a strawberry daiquiri. I was sitting there, just sipping on my drink at the bar, when a girl that walked in caught my eye, nearly causing me to choke on my drink. She was stunning. She looked like she might be a model, most likely a bikini model with the amazing body she had. She had dark brown hair, styled in curls, and eyes as blue as the ocean. She was wearing a tight, red dress, that showed off her figure so well. I noticed her round ass as she turned around to talk to her friend for a second. Her breasts were a pretty good size too, I was guessing maybe a C cup.

I noticed I was staring too much, and immediately looked away turning back towards the bar. I had also already finished my entire drink. I drink quite a bit when I get nervous. I flagged down the bartender and ordered another daiquiri. I was still facing towards the bar, when I heard a voice next to me.

“Make that two,” The voice said.

Oh my God,” I thought to myself. It was the girl that just walked in. Her voice was so sexy. It was sweet, with a hint of raspiness, and also a slight accent I couldn’t quite decipher. Just those three words out of her mouth and I was already wet. Maybe it was the alcohol starting to kick in, or maybe it was her, or a combination of both.

I tried to stay calm, and look cool, but then she said something to me.

“I like your dress! Where’d you get it”? She asked, hoping to start a conversation with me.

“Uh… I think I got it over by 42nd and Broadway, I don’t know I’ve had it for a while,” I replied, nervously smiling.

“It’s cute, but not as cute as you are,” She replied, flirtatiously.

I blushed and smiled shyly. “Thanks… So are you.” On the inside, I was kicking myself for not coming up with something better than just returning the compliment.

“I’m Alex by the way. That’s my friend Grace over there,” she said, pointing to the blonde she had walked in with, “but she looks like she’s busy over there, so I hope you don’t mind me talking to you.”

“Oh, no I don’t mind at all and I’m Olivia, nice to meet you,” I said, a little too excited.

We made some small talk, and continued sipping on strawberry daiquiris until we lost count. I learned that she was from England, and she was in New York on a work visa, working as a part time model and a part time fashion designer. She was also 22 years old, like me. I told her about my terrible week, and the job I used to have at Elle magazine, as a photographer.

“Oh so you’re a photographer? That’s hot,” she said, flirtatiously biting on the straw in her drink. If I wasn’t soaked already, that did it. Everything this girl did or said seemed to be sexy, which was something I wasn’t. I usually don’t come out with things like this, but I guess the alcohol helped get it out of me.

“Yes,” I replied. “God. You’re so sexy. No wonder you’re a model.”

“Well thank you. So are you, I don’t know why you aren’t a model too,” she said, smiling.

“Me? No way. I can’t be sexy it’s just impossible. I could never get down the sexy look, like that thing with the eyes that models do,” I replied.

“Oh you mean this,” she asked, looking at me with her sexy model look.

“Yes! Exactly that. I cannot do that. I have tried so hard, but I just look stupid,” I said.

She laughed a little, “It took me a while to get it,” she took a sip of her drink, then continued, “The key is to not think too much and have confidence.”

We must have been talking for quite a while, because the bar was about to close. The crowd was starting to thin out, and we were among the few people besides the bartender, left in the bar.

The alcohol hit me again, making me say something else I normally wouldn’t say. “So do you wanna come back to my apartment, it looks like they’re closing the place up,” I asked. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

She paused before answering, biting her lip slightly. “Well I was gonna suggest we go to another bar, but I think I like you’re idea better.”

I just smiled in response. So many thoughts were running through my mind. Does Alex like me? Does she wanna have sex with me? Oh fuck. Did I wax down there? Oh thank God I did today. Oh crap. I definitely left my vibrator out. Fuck I am so wet. Thank God I’m wearing black. If I soaked through my panties, it won’t show.

I stood up, and Alex followed me outside, onto the street. As we were walking, she gently grabbed my hand, sending a heat wave through my body. I wasn’t sure if she felt it too, but I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that as she took my hand she smiled shyly.

We walked the few blocks to my house, and into my apartment. I have a pretty nice place. It has a nice sized balcony, and the building itself is nice. On the first floor, there is an indoor pool and jacuzzi, as well as a fitness room and laundry room, and also a party room that could be rented out for parties. The apartment itself is a 2 bedroom, but it isn’t small.

“Wow nice place,” Alex commented, as we sat over on the couch.

“Thank you,” I replied, unsure of what else to say.

I could feel the sexual tension between us. I was kind of hoping she would just climb on top of me and kiss me, because I’m way too shy to make the first move. We sat in silence for a brief few seconds.

“Would you like anything to drink or anything,” I suggested.

“I guess I could go for another drink, but only if you’re having one,” she replied.

I got up and walked into my kitchen. I took 2 glasses out of the cabinet, but one of them fell to the floor, breaking.

“Fuck,” I said quietly. I looked up, seeing Alex standing in the doorway.

“Are you okay,” she asked, walking over to help me clean up the glass.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just clumsy,” I said sheepishly.

I cleaned up the last few pieces of glass and tossed them in the trash. When I turned around from the trashcan back to Alex, her lips were on mine before I could even think. Before I knew it, she had me pinned up against the door frame, kissing me deeply, just how I had picture it in my head just moments before. Her lips were so soft, and felt amazing against mine. Her tongue found it’s way into my mouth, as she took control of the kiss. I loved how she was taking control, as I do have a sort of submissive side to me.

She broke the kiss, grabbing my hand, leading me down the short hallway to my bedroom. She must have took note of where it was when we walked into the apartment. We stood at the end of my bed for a few minutes, just kissing, our hands exploring each others curves, pulling at each others dresses. As we continued kissing, our breathing got heavier, and I knew she wanted me and I wanted her more than anything. She pulled back for a second, her deep blue eyes looking into mine, filled with lust. Without saying anything, she bit her lip and then took me, and gently pushed me back onto my bed, kissing me once again.

Her kisses were amazing. I could kiss her soft, full lips forever. The way she smelled and tasted, was so intoxicating. There was no doubt in my mind that my panties were beyond soaked. She started kissing my neck, which is definitely one of my sweet spots. She knew exactly how to turn me on. I couldn’t help but let a quiet moan escape through my lips, as she lightly nibbled, licked and kissed my neck.

She moved slowly and gracefully, her skin as soft as silk against mine. She ran her hands over the material of my dress, over my breasts, like a sculptor, gently sliding up and down the curves of my torso. Then she smoothly slid herself down, so that her face was near my thighs. I was hoping she would just stick her face in my crotch, and just lick me until I cum, but she started teasing me. I love being teased, but just looking at her was enough teasing for me, but I had no choice. She began placing sweet kisses along each of my inner thighs, pulling my dress up around my waist to go higher, only to stop just before my soaked, black lace panties. I couldn’t take her teasing any longer. I would have lost my mind.

“Please Alex… Please just eat me,” I managed to get out between moans.

Alex looked up at me, flashing a devious smile. I could tell she liked teasing me, and I mean of course I loved it too, but I really wanted to cum.

“Please make me cum,” I begged, as she continued to tease me.

She finally gave into my begging, sliding my panties to the side, exposing my drenched pussy. She slowly dragged her tongue from my opening up to my clit, taking my clit into her mouth, gently sucking on it. Her mouth felt so good on my clit. I was in heaven. Well at least I was until she pulled away again, leaving me moaning partly from pleasure and partly from frustration. She laughed a little at my reaction, and then decided to really give in to what I wanted.

She pulled my dress up and over my head, leaving me in my matching bra and panties. As she straddled my waist with her thighs, she took off her own dress as well, tossing it to the side of the bed on top of mine. Alex wasn’t wearing a bra and she was wearing a red thong that matched the color of her dress. She gently laid on top of me, once again kissing my neck, while expertly sliding her hands under me, unhooking my bra, taking it completely off, allowing me too feel her breasts pressed against my own.

The only thing remaining between us, was her small red thong and my black lace panties. Alex decided to take her time, cause apparently she hadn’t teased me enough. She continued kissing my neck, slowly inching her way down, first to my collarbone, then continuing down to my chest, finally reaching my breasts, taking one of my hard nipples into her mouth.

She didn’t spend as long as I thought she would playing with my breasts. Instead, she was giving in to what I really wanted. She quickly kissed her way down to my throbbing pussy, and finally started licking me. It didn’t take much for her to make me cum since she had been teasing me for what seemed like eternity. She licked my clit, as she pumped two fingers fast and hard into my pussy. Just as I was about to cum, Alex removed her fingers, replacing them with her tongue, sending me over the edge, causing me to cum on her face. After she licked up all of my cum, she looked up at me, with my juices glistening on her lips in the low lighting of the room. She slid back up and started kissing me again, letting me taste myself on her lips.

Once I regained enough energy, I grabbed her by the butt, and pulled her up so she was sitting on my face. I wasted no time ripping off her thong, and got right to licking her, causing her to cum within a few minutes, not once, but twice.

After that, we were both too tired for anything more. The last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep was looking into those deep blue eyes of hers, as she smiled her trademark smile.

When I woke up, I stretched and turned over, but to my disappointment, my arm landed on an empty bed. Alex was gone. She must have woken up before me and left. I sat up and looked around to see if maybe she left anything behind, but I couldn’t find anything. What I didn’t know, was that she had left a note, but it had fallen off of my night stand, and went under the bed.

To be continued?
*Let me know if I should continue this story, or just leave it as is. I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Published 13 years ago

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