After a long kiss, Jamie watched his mother-in-law drive away. He remained standing outside for a while in deep thought. He took a deep breath and turned on his phone and dialled the number. The call answered almost immediately. “Hello Angela, this is Jamie Thompson.”
Her reply was in whispered tone. “Shit, Jamie! I know who it is. You fucking arsehole. You ruined my life with your stunt. Mel won’t talk to me. To be honest, you’re the last person I expected to hear from… ever.” She paused, “Except maybe from your lawyer. What do you want?”
Ignoring her opening abuse, “You’re whispering. Are you with someone?”
“Yes, I’m with my fiancé, Tristan. I’m trying to repair the damage you caused last night. So, I’ll ask again. What do you want?”
“The things I need to talk to you about, you won’t want to discuss with Prince Tristan there.”
Angela sniggered at Jamie’s nickname for Tristan.
“So, what time do you get home from work tomorrow?”
She was silent, and Jamie was wondering, was she reluctant to tell him? She finally answered, “About quarter past five.”
“Fine, can I call you at, say five-thirty then?”
She hesitated to answer, “Yeah, I suppose so.”
“Thanks, Angela, I appreciate it. I think it’s important for all of us including you but especially Mel. I’ll speak to you then. I hope you get the outcome you want with Prince Tristan.”
She sniggered again, “I should tell you not to call him that, but it is kind of funny.”
Still, out the front of the cottage, Jamie looked down the empty road and thought about Janice’s advice, heading inside, poured a drink and relaxed on the deck with his phone in his hand. He gave Alfred a call to make some arrangements. Then he made another call.
“Hi, Charlotte, It’s Jamie Thompson, the groom from the wedding yesterday.”
“Yes, yes, Jamie. Oh my god, Jamie, you called. Oh my god, I don’t believe you actually called… I’m sorry, Mr Thompson.”
“No, you were right the first time, Jamie is fine. The reason for my call is our first meeting was all too brief. I’m sitting alone on a deck at a small country cottage, sipping some bourbon while admiring a beautiful view. And I was wondering if you’d like to join me to improve the view. It’s about an hour and a half east of the reception venue. If you want to come, I can send someone to get you.”
Her reply was immediate and excited, “Yes, yes, of course, I’d love to.”
“Great, I’ll cook dinner.”
“Sounds wonderful, but you don’t know where I live.”
“A man called Alfred will call you. Give him your address, and he’ll bring you. Tell him when you’ll be ready. He’s very discreet.”
“What should I wear? What should I bring?”
Jamie sniggered, “That depends on whether you want to stay for dinner or for the night. I’ll have a wine waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Jamie, thank you so much.”
“You’re most welcome, Charlotte. Looking forward to seeing you again.”
With plenty of time to kill before she was likely to arrive, Jamie took a drive to the local village. Pleased, he was able to buy everything he needed for his signature dish. Veal Scallopini with steamed broccolini, sautéed carrots and hasselback potatoes.
Alfred texted to advise the ETA so he could get the timing for dinner. Alfred suggested that perhaps Jamie may want to greet us and open the door of the car for her.
When she arrived, he was waiting to greet her. Jamie opened the door. Charlotte was wearing an extremely short black dress. Very sexy, yet also elegant. As she stepped out, he couldn’t help noticing she wasn’t wearing panties.
“Charlotte, thank you so much for coming. You are even more beautiful than I remembered.”
She kissed Jamie on the cheek; however, it was remarkably close to his mouth. “Thank you for inviting me,” she whispered.
He escorted her inside then excused himself as he needs to talk with Alfred.
“Thank you, sir, for opening the door for the young lady. I don’t think my old heart could have coped with holding the door for her a second time. I had an eye full in my rear-view mirror all the way here.”
Jamie smiled, “You could have everted your eyes.”
“Yes sir, I could have done that, couldn’t I.”
“And isn’t the rear-view mirror for looking out the rear window?” Jamie chuckled.
“Well, yes. That’s how it usually works, sir.” The two men just smiled at each other.
Jamie had arranged for Alfred to stay in a motel in the nearby village.
“I’ll be ready sir if Miss Charlotte wishes to leave at any hour.”
“Thank you, Alfred. Make sure you have a good dinner and charge it to the room.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Jamie poured Charlotte a glass of wine and finished preparing dinner.
“I hope you don’t think I was too forward, calling and leaving a message. I’ve never done this before. I looked up your number in our records at work and could lose my job if I was found out, but I saw what happened and felt I’d like to spend some time with you and…”
He smiled reassuringly, “It’s okay, you don’t have to explain, and they won’t find out from me. I’m glad you called. If you hadn’t called, you wouldn’t be here now, and I’d be all alone. I definitely appreciate such beautiful company.”
She blushed and kissed him like before. “I’m here for as long as you want me.” Then she kissed him lightly on the lips.
Charlotte stepped out onto the deck, “It’s a beautiful view. You can’t see anyone else anywhere. How far is the nearest neighbour? Would they hear me scream?”
With a concerned look, “That’s an odd question. Do you think I’ll give you cause to scream?”
With a cheeky grin, “Oh, I certainly hope so.”
They just smiled knowingly at each other.
“I’m dishing dinner now if you’d take your seat.”
Jamie topped up her wine and once seated, she asked compassionately, “Do you want to talk about it? I’ve found many times, I can think about a problem for a long time with no real progress, but by telling someone, by saying it out loud, sometimes the answers become clear to you. If you don’t want me to comment, I won’t. I’ll just listen.”
Jamie acknowledged her with a half-smile but didn’t reply. He just began eating, but after five minutes, Jamie quietly started talking. Telling her everything as he knew it. Including what happened with Janice and that it was Janice who suggested he call her and invite her here tonight. She was a little surprised that he confessed about the intimate relations with his mother-in-law but remained quiet.
She listened in silence and remained so for some time when he’d concluded his tale of woe. She finished her last mouthful of food and carefully placed her cutlery neatly on her plate then wiped her lips with her napkin.
“So, I have Janice to thank, for your invitation… and my job is to listen, be compassionate, then fuck you senseless. Do I understand that correctly?”
He was hesitant to reply, “Well… you have a knack for cutting through the bullshit… don’t you? I like that about you. But yes, that’s about the strength of it. If you want to leave, I’ll call Alfred. He could be here in about twenty minutes.”
She snapped her response, “Are you kidding. I seriously have no problem with fucking you to clear your head. I love Janice, and I’ve never met her.”
Because Jamie had been talking, he still had most of his meal to eat. Charlotte stood, kissed him, “You finish your dinner, and I’ll go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
When she returned, Jamie was putting the Crème Brûlée he had prepared in the oven. “Okay, that’s in now, depending on this oven, it should be ready in about forty-five minutes.”
Charlotte took his hand and led him to the sofa. “Forty-five minutes, you say. I can think of something to do for forty-five minutes.”
She kissed him tenderly then stepped back, turned around, “Unzip me.” she hissed seductively.
He slowly moved the zip down allowed her dress to fall and pool around her feet. Now only wearing her shoes she turned slowly allowing him to take in the view.
Jamie smiled, “This is a far better view than the one from the deck.”
She put her arms around his neck and kissed him again, then unbuttoned his shirt. Pushing the shirt from his shoulders, she kissed her way down his muscular chest. Unfastened his trousers so when she got there, one simple push of his pants and underwear together and they were down. “Oh, Jamie,” she uttered as she took it in her mouth, and Jamie softly sighed.
Looking up at him, “I’m told I’m good at this, so lie down on the sofa and just let go.”
As she went to work on him, he thought ‘Dyson’ doesn’t have anything on her. She played with his balls, and as she pulled him out of her mouth, she’d stroke his shaft with her hand. It surprised him how quickly she had brought him to the brink of orgasm.
He gasped, “Sweetie, I’m gunna cum any second.” She flicked her tongue quickly across the tip while sucking hard and he blew with great force. After she swallowed it all, withdrew him from her mouth, licked her lips and smiled. She climbed up to lay with him as she gained his breath. They kissed tenderly, then Jamie return the favour by kissing his way down. He sucked and flicked his tongue across her left nipple, looking up at her as he did it taking in her smile of pleasure, then did the same to her right nipple. There was no discernible difference between her reactions, so he asked, “Do you have a preference, left or right?” He gestured towards her breasts.
Her smile broadened, “Nobody has ever asked me that before. Nobody gave a shit if I liked it or not.”
He continued alternating between breasts as she replied, “I’ve never noticed a difference before. I’ve always like it to both, but as you’re doing that and you’re making me think about it, definitely it’s my right tit that feels better. It’s making my pussy tingle.” Jamie continued to caress every inch of both breasts while paying most attention to her right. Her breathing quickened.
“Shit, I think I’m going to cum, and you haven’t touched my pussy at all.”
He moved so while still stimulating her breasts, one hand slid over her belly then paused with the tip of his finger just lightly touching her clit. She began slowly gyrating her hips and arching her back. Her breath quickened. Without moving his hand, this caused his finger to light move back and forth across her swelling clit. It only took four or five brushes across her to induce her climax. She grabbed his hand and forced a couple of his fingers in then she screamed. Arching her back more and began convulsing as wave after wave of her orgasm reached the extremities of her body. This continued for some time. As she began to come down from her erotic high, Jamie moved between her thighs and guided his now erect penis up to her swollen, extremely wet lips. Rubbed the tip up and down then when he was sure he was lined up, he slowly sunk in and kissed her passionately. She was trying to return the kiss, but with each thrust, she would gasp finding a new orgasm building quickly.
“OOHH! Fuck, again so quickly, oh fuck.” She screamed again. Jamie knew that having just dropped a load, it was probably going to take him a while. Her moaning loudly continued the whole time he was grinding in and out.
He whispered to her, “Do you want to change positions?”
She quickly panted, “Don’t you fucking dare. My orgasms just keep coming, one after the other. Keep going.”
Jamie briefly wondered about the timer for the Crème Brûlée. Would he finish this dessert before the other was cooked?
Sensing he needed something extra she reached between them. Began rolling his balls in her hand while reaching around him with her other hand, gently caressing and probing his anus to massage his prostate. Making him increase the pace, and Charlotte screamed as he shot another load.
She laughed while panting, “I told you I’d scream, didn’t I?” They both chuckled as they kissed.
As Jamie approached the oven as the timer went off signalling their dessert was ready. Putting the ramekins on the bench, he prepared the small gas torch he’d bought to caramelise the top after misting some water to soften the sugar.
Charlotte watched in awe as he masterfully put the finishing touches to their dessert. As he was still naked, she joked as he fired up the little gas torch to put the crust on top. “I’m being totally selfish when I say, be careful with that fire. Don’t want to burn anything that shouldn’t be burnt.”
They both chuckled.
Charlotte put towels on the seats before she sat to enjoy Jamie’s culinary masterpiece in silence. Eager to resume where they had left off, Charlotte pushed her chair out from the table, scooped the remains of her Crème Brûlée from her ramekin spread her legs and wiped it on the wet lips of her vagina.
With a wicked grin, “I don’t want to give you indigestion, but would you like to try a little of this cream pie dessert I have for you.” Without a word, he was between her thighs devouring his dessert, even going back for seconds.
They moved to the bed to play with all types of positions, eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Jamie woke Charlotte in the morning with his tongue, licking her between her thighs.
“Oh god, that’s so much better than any clock/radio as a wake-up call.” She sighed.
After a stand-up fuck in the shower and a cooked breakfast, they went for a walk through the adjoining forest.
Resting on a rocky outcrop at the top of the mountain, their cuddling and kissing became more desperate and frantic until they were naked and fucking with fury. Upon returning to the cottage, they showered again and prepared lunch together. Afterwards, relaxed watching some movies.
Late in the afternoon, Jamie handed her a coffee. “Charlotte, I feel very awkward because I’ve had a wonderful time, and been most cathartic, but I have somethings I really must do.”
She kissed him, “No apology required. I’ve had a weeks’ worth of orgasms in less than twenty-four hours. A girl can’t complain about that.” She beamed. “It has been the most amazing experience. I hope Janice was right and a few good fuck sessions with me has helped you. You know where to find me if you need some more head-clearing.”
There was a knock at the door.
“That will be Alfred to take you home.” Jamie sighed.
Opening the door, “Thank you, Alfred, she’ll be out in a moment.”
They embraced and kissed. “Thank you so much for coming, and I hope you don’t feel…” Charlotte put her fingers to his lips. “I don’t feel anything other than a wonderful tingle in my pussy that’s making me wet just thinking about it. I hope you sort your shit out and if you ever need to fuck your mind clear, just send Alfred around.”
He smiled, “Ahh, about Alfred. He told me he enjoyed a nice flash of your pussy all the way here although he was a lot more discreet than that.”
With a cheeky grin, she whispered, “Do you not want me to do that?”
“No, that’s fine. You can give him a little more attention if you like.” A mischievous grin filled Charlotte’s face, and she winked.
At the car, Jamie held the door for her, and they kissed one last time. Jamie watched the Lincoln Town Car move off down the road. They were nearly out of view. The brake lights came on, and the car pulled into a clearing on the side of the road. Alfred got out, removed his cap and jacket and placed them neatly on the front seat then climbed in the back.
Jamie laughed out loud as he went back inside.
Jamie decided he needed some things from his office, and if he headed off now, everyone would be gone by the time he got there. That suited him fine, so he phoned Angela along the way on hands-free.
“When you said you’d call at 5:30, you really meant 5:30, didn’t you?”
“Have you ever known me to be any different?
“No, I guess not.”
“How did things go with Prince Tristan?”
She chuckled at Jamie calling him that, “He’s broken off the engagement thanks to your stunt.”
“Your welcome.” Jamie replied, “There no need to thank me. He’s a prat, and I reckon you wouldn’t have lasted more than twelve months. I had ten and a half months on the book-running at the pub. The only reason I figured you’d last that long is because you’re both pig-headed and neither of you would want to admit you were wrong. Liam took the bet that your wedding would not happen at all… I guess he wins.”
“You fucking bastards. You were betting on my relationship with Tristan.”
Jamie scoffed, “He’s so full of himself, and nobody can see why he thinks so much of himself. He’s a mummy’s boy, and none of us could understand what you saw in him… Go on admit it, I did you a favour.”
She was uncharacteristically quiet, “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but did you have to do it so publicly? So humiliatingly?”
Jamie sighed, “Arrh, well, you’ve got no one to blame but yourself on that count. I already had a presentation as part of my speech, and when you sent those videos, I was so fucking angry. That’s when I added the videos you sent. By morning I had mellowed and decided I was going to use my original presentation, without your video contribution. I planned to deal with everything privately… later. When you said, ‘Nice ceremony cuckie,’ I saw red, at that moment I decided I’d go ahead with the revised presentation.”
She interjected, “I never thought you’d do anything like that. I never thought you were capable of something like that.”
Jamie scoffed, “And there you have it. You… never… thought. Did you? Underestimate me at your peril is the lesson today.”
She grunted.
Jamie continued, “So, you convinced Mel, to try to turn me into a cuckold.”
She sniggered. “Mel was always going on about what a fantastic lover you were, and it was pissing me off.”
He scoffed, “So, at our engagement, you tried to proposition me, find out for yourself, and when I turned you down… that pissed you off even more.”
“Yes, exactly. I thought I’d show her what she was missing. The cuckold thing… that came to me later, and just kinda happened. That wasn’t my plan. I didn’t really have a plan, it just kinda unfolded. We’d get drunk, find some cocks and we’re on our way.”
Jamies sighed, “You really are a piece of work. How did you think I’d put up with that? She knew what she was missing. I know what she was like before we started going out. I know she “
“If it’s any consolation, Mel kept telling me none of them was as good as you. Even that cameraman with that huge cock. She said he was just big. He didn’t do anything with it. Sure, she had some good orgasms, but she always preferred you. That just pissed me off even more. Now, after all this shit, she won’t talk to me.”
“I’m intrigued. Once you sent me the videos, how did you think that was going to play out? If I’d called it off straight away, what would you have achieved? That would have upset your best friend, and she probably wouldn’t talk to you. When you thought I’d gone through with everything and I’d said nothing, what was your next step?”
She sighed, “As I said, none of it was planned. And as for sending the videos, I was very drunk and regretted that in the morning. I really can’t explain why I did that. Extreme intoxication my only excuse.”
Jamie was feeling exasperated. “Yes, I have so many questions about all that, but it would appear you wouldn’t have any answers, anyway.”
“Probably not. I know this is too little, much too late, but I am truly sorry. Sorry for what I’ve done to Mel. Sorry for what I’ve done to you, and sorry for what all that means to me. I’ve lost my best friend, and I’ve got no one to blame but myself. You’re right. I thought none of it through, and it has fucked up a lot of lives.”
“You know, instead of trying to outdo me, if you’d convinced her to have a threesome, I wouldn’t have had a problem with that. You’re a beautiful woman, and I’d have loved a threesome with you both… together.”
“Oh, fuck! Why didn’t I think of that? Well, you’ll need to get her to talk to you first then maybe you’ll get your wish.”
“You’d do that? You’d have a threesome with Mel and I…, after everything I did?”
“Remember, I’ve got a few videos of you fucking and yeah sure, I’d do it with you and Mel if you promise to stop trying to sabotage our relationship.”
“Are you saying you’re not going to annul your marriage? You still want her as your wife?”
“To be honest, Ang, right now, I just don’t know what I want. I’ve got a lot of soul searching to do, but I can’t get past the simple fact that I love her. I still love her.”
With a tone of compassion, “Is it the baby? She’s pregnant to someone else. Is that the main problem?”
“That’s certainly a huge problem for me, I won’t deny it, but it may not be a deal-breaker.”
With a concerned tone, “You wouldn’t believe the tears and tantrums when she found out, when she saw that little blue line. She wanted to confess everything to you. She was sure you wouldn’t marry her, but she didn’t want to lie to you. It’s good you still love her because it might be hard to believe after all this, but she really does love you. She sees sex and love as two very separate things. Although I’m sure part of why she says sex with you is better is because with you it’s making love not just fucking.”
Jamie paused before asking, “It was only a few days before the wedding when she told me. We were so busy, and hadn’t had an opportunity to talk about it properly… Do you know which doctor she saw to confirm her results?”
Angela thought for a moment, “I don’t know if she’s been to a doctor yet. We did a home pregnancy test at my place because she missed her period.”
“So, she hasn’t been to a doctor yet?” he asked.
‘She may have seen one by now, I’m sorry, I don’t know.”
“Thank you, Angela, for taking my call. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I may need to ask you some more questions. Are you okay if I call again?”
After a big sigh, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Can I trust you not to tell Mel we’ve had this discussion?”
Angela scoffed, “She won’t talk to me, but yeah, sure. I won’t say anything. I’ve fucked things up enough, don’t you think.”
Jamie didn’t respond to that last comment. “Okay, thanks. I appreciate it. I’ve arrived where I was heading so I’ll talk with you later, and I’ll see what I can do to get her to forgive you. Thanks again. Bye.”
Pulling up at his office, Liz’s car was the only car still there and a light on in his office.
Once inside, he could hear moaning sounds coming from his office, and Jamie wondered if she was doing one of the tradies. He was about to give her some privacy and wait outside when curiosity got the better of him. As he approached his office, he noticed Liz’s clothes on her desk, including her bra and panties placed on top, the gusset visibly wet. Trying to remain out of sight, he could see Liz, alone on his chair, naked, bouncing on a dildo. Her eyes were closed as she was nearing climax. As if this wasn’t a big enough surprise as she hit the height of her orgasm, she screamed out Jamie’s name. So, entranced in this vision, he had unconsciously pulled his cock out and was stroking his quickly growing erection.
She opened her eyes, screamed and at first tried to cover herself until she realised who it was and saw him stroking his cock. She came to him quickly, knelt in front of him swallowing as much as she could. She undid and removed his pants then sat him down on his chair where moments ago she had been fucking herself with a dildo. She desired to repeat this, only this time it would actually be Jamie’s cock filling her. Backing on to him and feeding his shaft between her already extremely wet vaginal lips, she sank the length in as quickly as she could. Jamie reached around to hold and caress her beautiful breasts. He had often admired her gorgeous figure but had never allowed himself to imagine, he would ever be burying his cock in her. He lifted her off, turned her and placed her on his desk.
“I have fantasised about burying my tongue in your pussy.”
As Jamie separated her legs and parted her lips with his tongue, she gasped and with a chuckle, “I’ve masturbated right here on your desk so many times imagining you were doing exactly this, but that was nowhere near as wonderful as actually have your tongue.”
When she climaxed, he stood so he could kiss her. She promptly fed him back into her, then wrapped her legs around him. There was a lot of pent up desire between them, so this lovemaking was almost manic. Neither of them being previously aware of the others craving, their collective orgasm was intense, and they both collapsed panting heavily.
They both dressed before sitting to talk.
Jamie started, totally avoiding what just happened, “I guess you’re wondering where’s the car that goes with the keys, I gave you?”
“No, Jamie. I know it was an off-the-cuff thing. Theatrics to suit the moment, I don’t expect you to give me the BMW.”
“I told you I was going to give you a company car as part of your new wage package, so, consider it yours.”
Totally shocked, “Really? Are you sure?”
“You know me better than anyone. Have I even gone back on my word?”
She had to admit, “No, not ever.”
“Right, so I don’t want to hear another word about it. Okay, it’s your fucking car. It’s in the garage at the new house. Here’s a key to the house.”
With tears building, “You’re too good to me.”
“Don’t be silly. You constantly do so much above and beyond the call of duty. Put out fires before I even know they’re happening. You deserve more than just a car, and when the company can afford to give you more, it will. This will have to do for the moment.”
She hugged and kissed him.
Jamie smiled and not skipping a beat, “How long have you been masturbating in my office?”
Suddenly feeling more than a little embarrassed, “I don’t know, it’s been a while now.”
Jamie smiled, but then there was an awkward silence.
Liz kissed him, “Let me break this uncomfortable vacuum. I know, what just happened was just pent up lust between us, and it was good to get out of the way. This is not the beginning of a great new romance. However, it was a great orgasm,” pausing only for a moment, “Despite what Melissa did to you, I know you well enough to know, you’re not done with her… Are you? I know you’ll be trying to get your head around this and how you can make things right. How she can make things right… As far as I’m concerned provided, if I can still take care of myself in the office after hours when everyone has gone, we’ll be fine.”
Jamie smirked, “Why does everyone have to be gone?” grinning cheekily, “Can’t I stay and watch? That has to be one of the sexiest things I’ve witnessed.”
A mischievous smile grew, “I don’t have a problem with that, and perhaps you’ll throw me your bone from time to time.”
Jamie stood, and his face came alive. He had a light bulb moment.
Liz frowned at him, “I know that look, what the fuck are you thinking?”
“I sometimes think you know me better than I know myself. I have an idea. If you’re up for it. I’ll need to call Charlotte, but first I need to see Janice.”
“If I’m up for what? I don’t understand, and who’s Charlotte?”