Not How He Imagined His Wedding Day – Part 4 of 4, The Reconciliation.

"His love for meant he had to make changes to their relationship."

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“Hi, Mel.”

She started crying and talking incoherently, eventually making some sense. “I was sure you weren’t going to call. I’m so sorry. I love you, please don’t leave me. Please!” She became more excited, “I’ve got my period on Sunday night, I’m not pregnant, please don’t leave me. I’ll do anything, please, anything. I’ve been such an idiot. I know you won’t believe me, but I do love you. I should have come to you. when Ang told me.”

She finally stopped, panting out of breath, but continued sobbing.

“Sweetheart, I’m not going to leave you, and that’s fantastic news about not being pregnant. Your mother told me. We dodged a bullet there. She also told me you were tested for STD’s and came up clean, but we need to talk. If we are going to stay together, things are going to change. Okay!”

“Yes, anything. Anything! I’ve told Angela to go to hell. I never want to see her again.”

“Yes, I understand. I’ve had a talk with Angela about that too… Now calm down… I’ll send a man to pick you up tomorrow morning at Eight o’clock, Okay.”

Excitedly she blurted, “It’s Thursday night. I can come now if you want.”

“Tomorrow will be fine, and you’ll be here for the weekend.”

“Be where?”

“It’s not important. Alfred will bring you. It’s all arranged.”

With disappointment in her voice, “You sure I can’t come now. I’ve missed you. I love you…. I need to see you…” She paused, “Who’s Alfred?”

“He’s a limo driver. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay. I know it will be difficult but try to get some sleep and we’ll see each other tomorrow.”

She quietly replied, “Okay.”

“Good. You need to tell you that I love you too. I eager to see you too.”


Alfred’s Lincoln turned onto the gravel driveway. The car hadn’t come to a complete halt when Jamie stepped out the front door. Melissa flung the car door open and jumped out running and throwing her arms around him.

“She appears pleased to see you, sir.” Alfred quipped so dryly.

“Yes, thank you, Alfred… I’ll let you know what time for the next delivery.”

“Very good, sir.”

Jamie escorted Melissa inside, as she started apologising again, but Jamie asked her to stop.

“What’s done is done. All water under the bridge, however, there’s no doubt I’m a changed man, and time will tell if that’s a good thing.” he offered her a seat. “Would you like coffee or breakfast. I can whip something up for you.”

“Yes, please, I am so hungry. I couldn’t eat when I was at home. I was so anxious about today.”

“I hope that means your anxiety is settling a bit.”

She just smiled.

“So, what would like. I’ve got some local fresh eggs, and triple hickory-smoked bacon and some lovely sourdough bread from the local farmers market.”

Already feeling a little more at ease, she asked, “Have you got everything to make your sensational scrambled eggs?”

“I’ve got plenty of Colby and Parmesan cheese and some of the spices. I could probably put together something half decent.”

She beamed at him, “And coffee, please.”

“Coming right up.”

Jamie began cooking while she stood on the other side of the bench to chat.

“Mum said, you two have spoken a lot this week.”

Jamie sighed, “Yes, she’s been my rock. Helped me through everything. I don’t know what I’d have done without her. She was staying near here, and she’s been here most afternoons this week.” A small smile came across his face. “To talk,” he added.

“That’s funny. She said the exact same about you being her rock… I suppose she told you she’s leaving daddy. Did you have anything to do with that?”

Jamie looked directly at her, “We helped each other to see things more clearly. I didn’t discuss your father. I just listened to her when she spoke about everything, including your father. I’ve found when you say things out loud, the solution becomes clear. I just let her talk, and I think that’s what helped her, just giving her a sympathetic ear. I didn’t offer my thoughts on your father, although she probably knows what I think of him. So, let’s leave that there shall we.”


Melissa was staring at Jamie as she said, “She’s met someone else already. I guess you already knew that too.”

He looked up from his breakfast preparation, “Yes, hardly surprising. Your mother is an extremely attractive woman, he’s a nice bloke. I have a feeling it will just be a fling for her. Apparently, he’s pretty good in the sack.”

Melissa was surprised, “You’ve met him already? And did mum tell you that about him? That seems like more than your mother-in-law should be talking to you about.”

He just smiled a little, “What can I say. We’ve become very close. There’s nothing too personal anymore. After what your mother saw of you on the video presentation, she had a lot of questions, so our conversations got pretty saucy at times. I think she’s learned a lot.” he chuckled.

“I was shocked when mum told me, she’s had the best orgasms of her life this week. That must be her new lover. She’s never said anything like that to me before, but it appears, nothing’s off-limits for the two of you. You’ve always been close, haven’t you? It wouldn’t have surprised me if the two of you had run off together.”

“She didn’t tell me about her best orgasm, so it appears there are some things she didn’t share with me.”

Melissa studied him as he had ignored her comment about Janice and him running off together. The truth is, it could have happened, nearly did.

Changing the subject, “Here’s your coffee. The sugar is on the table over there, and your eggs won’t be long.”

Jamie told Melissa how Janice was already at the cottage on Saturday night when he got here. She was very drunk and wasn’t expecting him to turn up. He said that her mother slept in the bed, and he on the sofa.

Janice and Jamie had agreed that there was no benefit in anyone knowing what else happened here between them. Although they both couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t happen again if the circumstances were right.

Melissa asked, “So you helped Liam’s father buy daddy’s company.”

Jamies quietly scoffed, “The legal firm he works for. Yes… Yes, I did.”

She frowned, “Why would you do that?”

“It’s not as sinister as it might seem. Liam’s father came to me to ask if I could assist financially with a large transaction; he and his partners were working on. Liam told him I might be interested. I actually didn’t realise it was the company your father works for until I was already well involved. I have a feeling Liam knew your dad was there and that’s why he suggested to his father to come and see me about it. I think Liam thought it would be funny if I owned the company your father worked for. Of course, I can’t own a legal firm because I’m not a lawyer. I’ve merely assisted with some finances. In the end, it’s just a business deal.” Jamie chuckled, “I’ve got to confess, when I found out, I thought it was amusing.” He paused. “I had no intention of mentioning it at our wedding the way I did. It wasn’t relevant at our wedding; however, once I was on a roll and your father was going crazy, I couldn’t help myself. I know I suggested he’d be out of a job, but that probably won’t happen,” Jamie sniggered, “However, the hypocrite will have to stop fucking his secretaries.”

Melissa reached over and slapped his arm.


Halfway through her scrambled eggs, Melissa stopped, finished what she had in her mouth. Jamie could see she wanted to say something so also paused.

“Jamie, I know you’ll have lots of questions, and you deserve answers. All this week I’ve been asking myself the question that is probably the most important. Why? Why did I do it? I love you so much, you have to believe that, but I can’t make sense of what I’ve done. I don’t know why I did it. I honestly don’t. Angela got me drunk each time, but that’s no excuse. I was never ridiculously drunk, just drunk enough to get me horny. You know how I get when I’ve had a few. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but it’s the truth.”

Jamie nodded, stoney faced. “Yes, I do know how you get, and yes, it is a cop-out.”

She wiped her eyes, “But that’s no excuse, but I don’t have the answer you deserve. I don’t know why I did it.”

She looked down at her plate, crying.

Jamie handed her a tissue. “Maybe one day you’ll figure it out, and with a bit of luck, I’ll still be around for you to tell me. Now finish your eggs before they go cold.”


When she was finished, she turned to him, “Jamie? I’m so glad, so grateful I’m here, but what I don’t understand is, why? After what we did, what I did to you, why are you giving me a second chance?” Tears welling again.

“You don’t know?” he asked.

She just gently shook her head.

“I love you and can’t live without you. It’s that simple, but things will change.”


Jamie cleared the dishes, then continued. “Okay, this is the hard part. We are possibly about to enter the next phase of our relationship. It is entirely up to you.”

Melissa frowned, “Next phase? What do you mean, next phase?”

“You know what a cuckold is?”

Cautiously she replies, “Yes, I’m sorry we did that.”

“Yes, I know. Do you know what a cuckquean is?”

“No, I don’t, and I’m afraid to ask.”

“A cuckquean is effectively the same thing, the other way around.” He waited for some sign she understood before continuing. “This is how things are going to be. For a while, you are going to be a cuckquean except, there will be some rules in place. Firstly, you will be advised either before, during or immediately after it has occurred.”

Confused, she queries, “What has occurred?”

“I will; have sex with other women; however, you will remain faithful to me.”

“What the fuck? No way.”

“Do you want to rethink that response?”


“These are my terms. Perhaps you should listen to all the rules then if you have any questions or need anything clarified, you can ask afterwards.”

He handed her a piece of paper. “Here, I’ve written them down. From the top, firstly, you will be advised preferably before an event. If that is not possible, then either during or immediately after any meeting occurs.” Pausing again for the recognition she understands before continuing.

“Second, there will probably only be two women involved; however, if the opportunity presents itself for another, I will discuss this with you first. Third, if it happens at our house, it will not occur in our bedroom. Our bedroom and our marital bed are always to remain sacred, and I will expand on that later. If it happens at our house, we will set up a guest’s room for such occasions, and you will be required to watch, and possibly participate.” Jamie thought for a moment, “Yes, I’d like very much for you to participate.” he paused, “That’s not on there on the document, so we’ll have to make an amendment.” She nodded but was feeling like a rabbit caught in headlights. He continued. “Fourth rule. I will not have sex with the same woman more than twice in one week, and the total of sexual episodes with other women, won’t total more than three times in one week. Rule five, and this is important.” A smile crept across her face as she read ahead. Jamie realised why she was smiling and could help but develop a cheeky grin. “I will never deny you sex. My duty as your husband is to give you as many orgasms and as much sex as you require.” Jamie paused and smiled back at her.

“Keep going, let’s get this done.” She said, waving her hand at him.

So he continued. “After a period of twelve months, so let’s say on our wedding anniversary, we can add a date to the document if you like. If you wish to take a lover, we will discuss and probably renegotiate all these, terms. If at that time, you do not wish to take a lover and wish to remain faithful to me, then it’s only fair, I will also forgo my lovers. We will have a monogamous marriage from that point forward. The two women involved are aware of all of these terms and have agreed.”

Jamie looked up at Melissa, whose tears were starting to roll down her face. Jamie continued, “You don’t have to give me your answer now. In fact, I’d rather you didn’t. Okay? I want you to think about this and be sure of your answer. No matter what you decide.”

She nodded, wiping her tears.

After a pause, Jamie added, “Back when we started going out, I know that you’d been… shall we say, promiscuous.”

“I think a slut, was the word you were looking for.”

He chuckled, “Call it what you will, but it was naive of me to think you’d suddenly be monogamous.”

She couldn’t look directly at him. “You should expect that of me. I expected it from you.”

With a heavy sigh, “Be that as it may, as stated in that document, for a period of twelve months, you will remain faithful, and albeit within certain limitations, I will not.”

Jamie moved over to the T.V. to turn it on.

“Yesterday and on Wednesday I made some videos, and you are going to watch them now until you enjoy watching them.”

She snapped back, “Until I enjoy them? What the hell are you going to make me watch? And what if I don’t enjoy them…, ever and I don’t agree to the terms here on this paper?” She waved it in the air.

“Well, I guess we’ll have a problem.”

She thought for a moment and wiped her eyes. “Okay, let’s get this show started.”

Jamie kissed her passionately, and she melted in his arms. They stood holding each other for some time. “Great.” He said, “I’ve moved the T.V. to the end of the bed, so you’ll be comfortable. Please strip down to your panties and give me your clothes and shoes.”

She frowned and reluctantly complied. When she was comfortable, he turned the video on.

The video opened with Jamie standing naked in the cottage, then he walked towards the very same bed she was now on, and the camera followed him.

“Who’s on the camera?” she snapped.

“You’ll see soon enough.”

As he got to the bed, Charlotte was lying naked right Melissa now was.

“Who’s that?” she snapped again.

“Her name is Charlotte.”

Melissa was about to ask another question when she watched Jamie climbs on the bed and kiss Charlotte. Melissa screamed as she watched them caressing each other.

Melissa yelled, “Turn it off.”

He stopped it, “It’s going to take a long time if you’re going to ask me to stop it every few seconds.”

“Is that what this is? Are you going to make me watch you fuck this slut Charlotte?

“Not just Charlotte but yes and you are going to watch all of the videos.”

Melissa was crying, “I can’t bear the thought of you with someone else.”

“And yet you were expecting me to accept you fucking so many different arseholes, including someone who used to be a friend and worked for me. He’s out of a job now by the way. If he thinks I’ll pay him to sneak around and fuck my wife well I’ve got news for him.”


She sighed heavily. “I get it. I said I was sorry, and I truly am sorry, but you don’t have to make me watch it.”

“Oh, but I do, and you will. Those the rules, and I won’t accept anything but this. It really is that simple. As difficult as it is. I will not bend on this. Not at all. Do you understand?”

He stood watching as she cried until she realised that he was deadly serious about this, and no amount of tears was going to shift him.

Still sobbing, “Okay, okay, turn the fucking thing on, you bastard.”

Jamie joked, “Yes, I am a bastard, and I think mum is a little proud of the fact in a weird way.”

“Always the smartarse, aren’t you?” she smirked.

The video continued with Jamie and Charlotte kissing and caressing each other. Then Charlotte moved to give him a blow job. Melissa gasped as the camera zoomed in as Charlotte tried to smile with his cock in her mouth. When he came, she showed the camera her mouth full of his cum then swallowed it. Melissa had more trouble watching Jamie licking Charlotte’s pussy and sucking her clit. The camera moved from Jamie’s face and tongue at work and Charlotte journey towards her orgasm.

Melissa was beginning to accept her fate and just watch it as porn, she commented, “Gee, she’s very wet.”

“No wetter than you get sweetheart.” Jamie retorted.

Then when Charlotte climaxed, Melissa quipped, “She’s loud when she cums”

“No louder than you,” he smirked with a cheeky grin.

“Really, am I that loud?”

“Often louder.”

“Shit, now I’m going to be self-conscious about it.”

“Please don’t be, it one of the many things I love about you.”

Even though she knew it would happen, Melissa looked away during the close-up of Jamie’s cock sliding into Charlotte’s pussy. So, Jamie rewound it and waited for her to be ready to watch it.

As she watched them moving into various positions, she finally accepted it. She passed comments about technique and style although the close-up of Jamie’s cum dribbling back out of Charlotte’s now well fuck pussy lips were challenging to tolerate.

Then the camera was placed on a tripod, and the naked camera person moved into the shot and climbed on to the bed with Jamie and Charlotte, Melissa screamed, “Liz! That fucking slut. Angela said you were probably fucking her. You fucking bastard. How dare you put me through this when you’ve fucking Liz.”

Jamie stopped the video. “Just calm down for a minute, calm down. Sit back down, and I’ll explain.”

Jamie explained the surprise that he happened upon on Monday night at his office and what happened. Swearing, this time in his office was the first. He had no idea Liz even felt that way, and he had never previously thought of her that way. Although that wasn’t entirely true, it was undoubtedly true that Jamie would never have been unfaithful to Melissa with Liz or anyone else for that matter.


It took a lot of explaining for her to accept, but finally, she allowed Jamie to press play. For a while, the three of them played then Charlotte took up position behind the camera to do the close-up camera work, while Jamie and Liz got it on. Considering the fuss, she made at the start, Melissa became accepting of this much quicker than Jamie expected. After that video, there was a second video, filmed the following day. It was a threesome filmed and edited from three fixed cameras, making the whole event appear to be much longer than it actually was. At the end of this, Jamie looked at Melissa with a cheeky grin. “You’ve got a wet patch on your panties. from where I stand, you look extremely wet.”

She smiled back, “You think the outside looks wet, should feel it on the inside.”

Taking that as an invitation, he climbed on the bed, and passionately kissed her. This kiss was significant. Was it their new beginning?

She helped him out of his clothes as they kissed. He removed her panties and gazed upon her gorgeous naked body, “My god, you’re beautiful.” he sighed.

He gently slid his finger between her moistening lips, as she laid back and opened her legs, “Take me back, please take me back, Sweetheart. I’ve missed you. I’ve missed your cock. Make love to me; take me back.”

This was the first time he’d had sex with Melissa without a condom. Holding each other after over an hour of passionate lovemaking, Jamie raised his head, “Does this mean you accept the terms of the reconciliation?”

She sat up quickly grabbing the paper, “Have you got a pen?”

Jamie handed her one he had placed on the side table. She signed it, put down and she made the video play again, not that they watched it, they were too busy with each other.

They laid on their sides facing each other, Melissa kiss him. “It’s probably better not to remind you of what I’ve done in the past but, you’re still the best I’ve ever had.” Smiling as she scooped some of Jamie’s cum as it leaked from between her swollen lips, “and that was the best ever.” Then licked her fingers clean.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it because tomorrow will be the next step in today’s proceedings.” Jamie picked up his phone and sent a text.

“What next step?”

“You’ll see. How about we have a shower, then you can help me prepare some lunch. After lunch we can do some shopping for tomorrow’s lunch guests, then we will watch the videos again. and… whatever takes your fancy.”

“Guests? Who’ll be here…” then the penny dropped. “Are they coming here… tomorrow?”

“Yes, they are.”

She became agitated. “No, I don’t want to do this. Not tomorrow.”

“That’s unfortunate, but it is going to happen. When it comes to you, I’ve been too much of a pushover and today that stops. I love you, and I’ve given you whatever you wanted, but on this, I am putting my foot down. This process and the rules as we move forward will be adhered to. As with any contract, there is always the opportunity to renegotiate any issue as circumstances dictate it, but I will hold firm.”

“You’re treating me like a business dealing.”

“Yes, I am. It’s the only way I can keep my emotions in check and remain in control. Mark my words, I am in control of this. Everything else in our relationship will be as it always has been, it’s a partnership, and in time I know that will happen with our love life too. I promise I won’t keep throwing this up in your face; however, you brought this on yourself. If you don’t like it, you do have a choice. I will be devastated, I’d be crushed but, it’s this or nothing.”

She realised he was serious about this.

Jamie spoke quietly, “Someone I love, and respect told me I needed to taste the forbidden fruit to get it out of my system, but I discovered I liked it. When I told her of my plans, she helped me refine them. She was very helpful.”

“She?” she snapped, staring at Jamie, then she answered her own question. “Oh my god! Mum told you to… She knows about all this.”


Realising she wasn’t going to push him on this like she always had before, she climbed off the bed grabbing Jamie’s hand, “Come on then, let’s shower and we can wash each other.”

When they were drying, Melissa asked, “Seen as we are going out, can I have my clothes back now?”

He smirked, “I kind of like the idea of you going as you are… You can have your dress, but I’ll keep your underwear for the moment.” Smiling cheekily.


During the afternoon, after shopping, they cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie. In the film, there was a character called Angela. Melissa grunted at the mention of her name. Jamie paused the video. “I mentioned earlier that I’d spoken with Angela and she is truly sorry for her part in all this. However, while she may have been the architect and engineer in the project, you were the labourer, and as such, she shouldn’t wear all the blame.”

Melissa snapped back, “I never said she should. It was me who cheated on you.”

“Correct! So, what’s to be gained from you disowning your best friend.”

Melissa sat up to look Jamie in the eyes. “What? But she…”

Jamie remained calm. “Yes, I’m well aware of what she did, but what’s that old saying. Don’t through the baby out with the bathwater. Ang would walk across broken glass in bare feet for you and friends like that don’t grow on trees. I’m just saying, give her another chance. I don’t think she hates me as she did.”

She scoffed, “I think she’s jealous of what a great lover you are. She hated when I talked about it, and I think she was trying to prove me wrong.”

“I know she was.”

“How do you know?”

“She told me, that was why she did it.”

“Well, that hasn’t changed. How are we going to fix that?”

A cheeky grin washed over Jamie’s face.

Melissa shrieked and playfully punched him in the chest, “You want to fuck her, don’t you? I didn’t see her name on that fucking document of yours.”

“If that’s what I have to do to get you two back together, I’m prepared to take one for the team.” trying to keep a straight face.

“How very charitable of you… Arsehole.” She scoffed but grinned mischievously.

“I’m thinking perhaps a threesome.” He said, thinking on his feet, he continued. “So, well… we could have an amendment to include an unmetered section and threesomes… because you would be involved, it would fall under that, wouldn’t you say?” Trying to look serious and business-like but not very successfully.

“You sly bastard.” A cheeky grin was growing on Melissa’s face.

“Life’s too short.” Then he kissed her. She kissed him back. Then they started pulling their clothes off.

They made love on the same couch where Melissa’s mother had her first orgasm on Jamie’s cock. A fact not lost on Jamie.




Melissa, all night, and all morning had been trying to get her head around their new lifestyle. She had lots of ‘What if’ questions for Jamie. They discussed it in detail while preparing lunch for their guests together. Jamie made notes for a revised agreement to include the amendments.

Just before Alfred was due with their guests, Melissa kissed Jamie passionately then looked him in the eyes, “This past week has been the worst of my life. After what happened, I never imagined you would even talk to me ever again. I vowed to myself that if you could ever see it in your heart to forgive me, I will be 100% committed to you. 100% devoted to you, and so I am 100% on board with this.” She paused, “Besides, it sounds like a lot of fun for both of us.’

Jamie held her as if he’d never let her go. “I’ve been thinking, I know you’ve been bi-curious, and I think both Charlotte and Liz would be more than happy to help you explore that with you.”

With a mischievous chuckle, “That sounds extremely exciting. But you haven’t covered that in the agreement.”

“As long as it doesn’t interfere with our time together, let’s just leave that open for the moment.”

Melissa looked at his sly grin, “You’re just thinking of the possibility of having threesomes or foursomes. aren’t you?” She thought for a moment then added, “That’s fair enough. I’ve had a few foursomes with blokes, and it’s awesome, so I’m more than happy for you to have some. Even up the score.”

He smiled. “I’m glad you said that.”

“Because that’s what you were thinking already, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry, but as the words were coming out of your mouth, I couldn’t help but think of the irony. I want to avoid throwing that back at you. I can’t deny, that was some of the motivation of how I came up with this.”

She wiped her eyes again, “The difference is, you’re spelling it out in black and white and all upfront. What I did is completely different and can’t be swept under the rug.”

Jamie held her and whispered, “That fact that you recognise the difference means I think we’re going to be alright.”



Hearing the Lincoln town car pull into the driveway, they both went outside to greet their guests.

Alfred held the rear door open, and Charlotte jumped out, threw her arms around Alfred’s neck and kissed him. “Thanks, so much, Alfred, you were amazing.”

Then she skipped to Jamie, kissing him then threw her arms around Melissa’s neck and kissed her. “I’m Charlotte. You must be Melissa. I’m so looking forward to becoming great friends.”

Liz stepped out of the car, hugged and kissed Alfred, “Yes, she’s right. You were amazing. Hope to see you again soon, Alfred.”

Liz then kissed Melissa, then Jamie and whispered, “I like Alfred, where did you find him?”

Quizzically, “What did you three get up to?”

“Ah, that would be telling… but Charlotte and I could do with a quick shower before lunch.” looking around, she continued, “Nice place this cottage.”

“Yes, I’ve rented it until Sunday, but I think I might buy it.”

“It’s it for sale?”

He retorted, “Everything’s for sale at the right price.”

Melissa whispered to Jamie with a grin, “Alfred didn’t offer me that service yesterday.”

Jamie just smiled, gently smacked her bottom, and whispered back, “If you’re a very good girl, maybe we, can arrange a ride with Alfred in his car.”

“Wouldn’t that be against the rules?”

With a cheeky grin, Jamie kissed her but said nothing.


After lunch, Jamie poured everyone a drink to help loosen up then addressed his haram. “I’ve spoken with all of you individually, but I’d like to read this to you all so we’re all on the same page and there are no misunderstanding or false expectations. I know doing it this way isn’t very sexy or even romantic,” as he looked lovingly at his bride, “but, once this is out of the way, we can all…”

Charlotte loudly interrupted, “We can all get naked and party.”

Everyone laughed. “Yes, thank you, Charlotte. We can… party.”

No sooner had everyone agreed; they understood and accepted the terms of the document by signing the primary copy.

Jamie informed them of the amendments, and they would all be given the revised agreement. He then announced that the formalities were completed. Charlotte was already naked and removing Melissa’s clothes, then moved her to the bed. Liz and Jamie undressed and joined them.

They spent the next few hours kissing, licking, sucking, and fucking each until they all were exhausted.

They were all relaxing out on the rear deck when Melissa raised, “There’s no reference to this type of activity in your document, Jamie. Will, there be an amendment, or is it free for all?”

Jamie scanned the girls, “How about we see how it goes before we get too hasty.”

They all agreed.

Liz quipped, “Technically, I’m supposed to be at work. You’re not going to tell my boss, are you?”

Jamie asked puzzled, “Working on a Saturday? That bastard doesn’t expect you to do that.”

“Well, I was otherwise engaged on a special project earlier in the week. There’s still a lot of work to do, what with the boss away and all.”


They ordered pizza for dinner, drank, and enjoyed each other’s company.

During dinner, Liz quietly offered the keys of the BMW to Melissa, but Melissa said, “It’s yours. Jamie gave it to you.”

“But I know he gave it to me as a spare of the moment thing, frustrated by what was happening. That wasn’t his plan. He originally bought it for you.”

“I know Jamie said he was going to buy you a company car as part of your wage package.”

“Yes, but not a BMW M3!”

Melissa hugged her and whispered, “I want you to have it. I know what happened in the office on Monday night and that you had a lot to do with bring us all together but more importantly, bring him back to me. Let’s call it a gift from both of us then. I’m sure Jamie wouldn’t be happy if he knew you were trying to give it to me.”

They both embraced again.

At the end of the night, while waiting for Alfred, Jamie proposed a toast, “This may sound cliché, but I’m doing it anyway. I don’t want to focus on the bad, just the good… To new beginnings.”

They all agreed, charged their glasses, and drank to Jamie’s toast.


Alfred was waiting outside to take Liz and Charlotte home. They all hugged and kissed each other. As Liz and Charlotte approached the front door, they both stopped, looked at each other and without saying a word, both knew what the other was thinking. They both reached under their dresses, pulled their panties off, put them in their handbags. They flung open the cottage front door.

“Here we come, Alfred. We hope you’re ready for us.” Everyone laughed.


Melissa and Jamie stood arm in arm as they watched Alfred’s black Lincoln as its taillight disappeared over the crest up the street.

“I love you, James Thompson.”

She pulled him to her, and they kissed passionately. Some young locals drove passed and honked their horn, “Get a room!” they yelled.

Jamie just waved at them while they continued to kiss.

As they walk back into the cottage, Jamie smiled. It occurred to him, his wedding day had not gone as he imagined, however, his marriage was definitely destined not to be as conventional as he had envisioned.

That suited him just fine.

Published 5 years ago

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