No Strings Attached – The Promise – Chapter 22

"A promise made is a promise kept."

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Later that evening, I sit on the kitchen counter, holding an ice pack wrapped in a towel against my throbbing balls. The pain is nauseating, and I’m questioning my decision in allowing this to happen. Liam sips his wine beside me on a stool, reading through some statements and rolls his eyes as I whimper.

“You’re such a baby…”

“I’m sorry, but do you want me to strike you across the nuts so we can see how you react?” I snap.

Liam’s face flashes with malice as he glares at me.

“Why are you suggesting such a thing? Are you contemplating taking control? I will make you sorry for being born if you tried.”

“No… Dammit! It aches so bad. Can I ever have kids again? I’m going to be infertile…” I grumble.

I knock back the remainder of my vodka, thinking little of it, but then glance back at Liam.

“What do you mean by kids?” Liam frowns.

“Well, I want a family one day. Don’t you, Liam? Sure, right now it isn’t possible, but that doesn’t rule out the future.”

“I haven’t thought about it.”

I look at his now impenetrable expression, curious about the thoughts running through his head. A similar conversation to this is what led to my relationship with Charlotte ending. I fear pushing it could lead to the same thing, but the chance to talk about it may never come up. I don’t always want this in my life. I was never happier than when I had my daughter around. I want a family someday.

“Clearly, neither of us are women, but if we stay together, then what do you think about adoption or surrogacy? Our lives can’t revolve around sex forever. Surely you want something more than this in life?”

“Let’s not talk about it now. I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t forget to speak to Selena.”

My mind begins reeling. He could have let my complaint about not being able to have children pass, but he zeroed in on it. We haven’t been together long, but we’re already serious. It probably is a good idea to discuss it. I don’t want to waste years of my life to find out much later down the line that it’s not a possibility. I’d prefer to know earlier so I can make informed choices.

“Liam… Please?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. End of discussion, Matthew.”

As he passes me, I reach out to him, but he shrugs me off and leaves the room. Contemplatively, I swill the ice around the bottom of my glass, then pour another from the bottle next to me. Every time I think we’re making progress in opening up to each other, we end up with setbacks like this. I do know that he isn’t averse to me having Rebekah around when I finally have her back in my life. If Liam is completely against having his own family, then perhaps it doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. Charlotte didn’t even want me to see Rebekah.

Selena walks in, rubbing her eyes and interrupts me from my thoughts. We’d left her sleeping in bed to have some time together. She spots me sitting on the counter, drinking, legs spread with the ice pack and gives me a quizzical look.

“What are you doing? Is everything okay?”

“I’m just trying to relieve the pain, although it’s easing now. Sorry, you have to see me like this.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’m just admiring the view.”

“Really?” I respond, laughing as I raise the ice pack. “What about now?”

“Uhh, I take it back. Please cover that back up. Is it even possible for you to have children if you injure them like that? Do you want more children?”

“Not a clue, but I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t have an effect. I just tried having this discussion with Liam, and he doesn’t want to talk about it. I guess I should be happy for the daughter I do have,” I respond.

“I want a family one day, but I don’t know if it will happen,” Selena muses as she leans against the worktop. “I have PCOS. I have to be careful with my weight too, which is why I do hoops and silks.”

“So you’re on a time limit of when you can have your family? Why are you wasting time with us then?”

“I don’t feel like I’m wasting time, and I still have a few years. I’d rather risk not having a family than settling down before I’m ready. So how does a normal person like you get involved with someone like Liam anyway?”

“You think I’m normal? Hah, I spent six weeks on a psychiatric unit around Christmas because I wasn’t in a good place. I didn’t get out until February.”

“Do you still feel that way?”

“I think my reaction to my ex fucking off with my kid was completely normal at the time. My relationship with Liam makes sense now, doesn’t it? I enjoy the thrill he gives me which quietens those kinds of urges.”

Selena joins me by sitting on the worktop without responding to my revelation. I remain silent, waiting for her to get whatever it is off her chest and drink the rest of my vodka. So much has happened in the past week that it would be odd if she doesn’t ask anything about me cheating. What I’m not expecting is for Selena to grab my leg and raise it over her lap to stroke it.

“Matt, may I ask why your body is completely hairless?” she says, running her hand up towards my crotch.

That unanticipated, but reasonable question catches me off guard, and I burst into laughter, not knowing how to respond. I don’t want to tell her about Dollie yet, but I haven’t lined up a convincing lie.

“I… fancied a change?”

“Matthew, you’re smoother than me, and I get regular waxes! You barely had any hair to start with, but you must be shaving daily?”

“More or less. Liam told me he likes me smooth, so I did it for him. Do you prefer me without the facial hair at least?”

“I could get used to seeing more of your adorable face. So, do you want to talk about last week? How did Liam react? He said he emasculated you on the phone?”

“He reacted pretty well. He’s been reasonable, which is more than I deserve, and a spell in a chastity cage is nothing in comparison. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings too. I’m surprised you want to see me after how I acted?”

“I was more concerned about you, to be honest, and whether I’d get to see you again. Just promise me you won’t do it again?”

“I’m in no rush to make that mistake again. I’ll try seeing my daughter the proper way next time,” I sigh.

“I’m glad.”

Chastely, Selena kisses me as she holds my hand. I’m in no mood for sex at the moment, but the comfort is much needed. We should do something together that I don’t usually get to enjoy.

“Hey, Selena, did you wanna watch something? We’ve barely seen each other in two weeks, and Liam is in bed…”

We go into the living room, sit down on the settee, and I begin to flick through the channels to find a film. Liam doesn’t spend any time watching the television, so the choices are limited with him not having cable. Selena opens up a bag of pretzels then takes a sip of the vodka and coke I’d made her.

“This is a bit strong? How much vodka did you put in it?” she grimaces. “Oh, Love Actually is on. Did you want to watch that? I haven’t seen it yet.”

The last time I saw this was with Charlotte when we tried acting like a normal couple. A sudden sinking feeling comes into the pit of my stomach at that unwanted memory.

“Not really, but I’ve got a DVD I haven’t seen yet. The Grudge? You’re not afraid of scary films, are you?”

“Not particularly…”

“So you’ll hold me if I get scared then?” I tease as I put it on. As I sit back down, Selena shifts, so she’s at the opposite end of the settee. Intrigued by her behaviour, which is incredibly odd, I cock my head. “What are you doing? Why are you sitting so far away from me?”

“I’m just nervous. You’re cute, and this feels like regular relationship stuff, and I’m not used to it with you,” she says, looking flustered.

“Well, I think you’re cute too, especially with the way you’re blushing right now. Come and snuggle up with me.”

Reluctantly she moves closer and rests her head on my arm, but there’s still a gap between us. I do the classic yawn and stretch and put my arm around her, bringing her warm body against me.


“I am a smooth operator, and maybe I’ll be able to woo you into bed with me later…” I wink. Watching her face turn crimson in embarrassment is too much, and I laugh. “Why are you shy again? We’ve banged at least twenty times already. Is it because you love me? How hard is your heart thumping in your chest?”

Selena gives an indignant hmph, irritated by me tormenting her, but then she picks up a cushion to hide behind. More interested in her behaviour, I barely pay attention to the film and continuously steal glances of her whilst I sip my drink. I’ve craved having this contact, and when she yells out during the jump scare, with her warm hand seeking mine, I can’t help find my mood being lifted.

“This film is terrifying! I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.”

“Is it? Then, I’ll stay awake with you. I’m sure we can find something to do to pass the time…” I grin.

“Maybe I’ll take my chances…” she responds, slapping my hand and pouting at my perfectly reasonable suggestion.

“Fine, but it’s your loss. I’ll just be best friends with my hand and make the most out of my current freedom.”

“I have to sleep next to you tonight!”

“Do you? Liam has several beds here so I’m sure we can find you one. You’ll be safe on your own right? I’m sure there are no scary creatures apart from Liam in this huge, old mansion.”

She sticks her tongue out at me and moves away but instantly clings to my arm as something scary shows on the screen again. I’m desensitised to jump scares, so her reaction is incredibly amusing to watch, and I stroke the goosebumps along her arm. Adrenaline and cortisol are coursing through her; the body’s natural response to fear, and that may make her really, fucking horny once the film ends.

“I don’t like this film…”

“You don’t? Well, what do you want to do instead?” I ask, licking my lips in anticipation. “We could make out?”

Selena’s eyes widen, and with a smile, I lean in close to rub my nose against hers. As her mouth parts in a gentle gasp, we make eye contact, and I find myself sinking further in love with her whilst we kiss. Our bodies grind, with my erection pressing firmly against the front of her dress. I want to make love to her, and rapidly it becomes clear that Selena wants that too as she moves on top of me, pulls off her dress and lowers herself over my unsheathed cock. The film continues to play, but I’ve completely lost interest as I gaze over the face of the beauty brazenly sitting upon me, who is no longer feeling shy.

“Maybe I want to sleep with you tonight,” she whispers, stroking my forehead.

Feeling intoxicated, and unable to keep our hands off each other, we walk up the stairs and pass Liam’s door. We don’t even reach the playroom before Selena is giggling in my arms whilst we kiss against the wall. I know we’re being loud, and it’s only a matter of time before we wake either Liam or Janet, and get into trouble, but it will be worth it.

“Isn’t it usually now when couples die in horror films? Did you see the Halloween film where he kills the ones fucking in the barn?” I ask, with sudden realisation.

“For fuck sake Matt, why would you remind me of that?”

“Heh, you really are scared,” I tease, caressing her cheek affectionately. “I could think of worse ways to go…”

I stagger through to the playroom, carrying Selena in my arms, and kick the door shut behind me with my foot. Sex with Selena is much different from what it’s like with Liam. I’d had my misgivings about bringing a third into our relationship, and I still believe she is too kind to be with us, but she gave me what I lacked with Liam.

Falling into bed together, I reach to the lamp. In the dim light of the room, she’s a siren, and my breath catches just looking at her as she crawls onto me on her hands and knees. Stunned, I remain fixated in place, until she pulls me into a kiss, with her tongue prying inside my mouth. Immediately I harden against her again, turned on by this vixen unleashing her feminine wiles on me.

“I want you, Matthew,” she says, moving onto my erection.

We continue to kiss, abandoning our senses as she rides me. This Goddess has me behaving in ways I shouldn’t, and despite the aching tenderness in my balls, I want her. My heart has been ensnared in an instant, and I’m unable to deny that we’re not crossing a line by getting carried away like this. We’re not even using protection.

The pain throbs as I get closer to orgasm and I lay back to watch as she moves over me, with her breasts bouncing gently. Did she ever tell me she was on birth control? For the first time, there are no barriers between us, and I can’t help but feel that risky, vanilla sex may be the ultimate thrill.

“Dammit, Selena… We shouldn’t be doing this,” I groan, wrapping my fingers around her gorgeous, red locks.

“But doesn’t it feel good to be bad?”

“Mm, but I’m the one who’ll be punished for it,” I respond, sitting up to kiss her neck.

“And you’ll enjoy it… Ah!” she gasps. “Remember when I said I wanted to feel you cum inside me?”

“When we had phone sex?”

“Yes. I’d love it if you tied me down and filled me all day, in the future.”

“Mm… Why are you doing this?” I sigh, gripping her thighs firmly against me.

“It’s my fantasy to be dominated this way and potentially be bred with… To overflow with cum from you,” she purrs.

I shouldn’t be turned on by this, but like over the phone, I find myself inexplicably enjoying it.

“It’s me submitting to you right now, Selena,” I whisper. “Maybe one day you’ll tie me down and just take it from me instead?”

With a smile, Selena pushes my hands down above my head and continues to fuck me. I could overpower her, but I don’t stop her, and instead, I thrust from beneath. My breath becomes heavy and uneven as I refrain from cumming until she does. If I fail, I’ll release my load into her which could lead to us breeding, and that thought increasingly turns me on. My pursuit of these rushes will get me into trouble someday, and right at this moment, Liam could walk in on us.

“Ah, Matthew,” she calls out, tossing her beautiful head back as her body shudders around me, and a flush creeps over her skin.

Her gorgeous, soft and warm pussy tightens rhythmically as she orgasms, and with every ounce of self-control, I pull out at the last moment and cum upwards over her breasts. My heart is pounding, knowing I’ve committed a huge sin with her. We’ve broken the rules. Selena may end up pregnant from this liaison, even if the chance is reduced.

“We probably shouldn’t do that again, or Liam is going to kill me,” I say, sitting up.

“We don’t have to tell him,” she says. “I won’t say anything if you don’t.”

“I don’t want to have any more secrets with him, Selena,” I respond kissing her collarbone. “He will send you away from me. I don’t want to lose you from my life.”

My mouth moves down to her chest, dripping with cum and I taste myself as my tongue laps over the curves of her milky skin. With the evidence swallowed, I continue downwards and nudge her thighs open, so I can devour her. My fingers slide inside her, becoming slick with her fluids. She could very well be fertile, and it only takes one to get with child. I will need to be careful about not getting carried away again, because fucking like rabbits, with her breeding kink, could lead to an entire litter.

Gently I begin to kiss and lick her clit whilst I finger her, and she gasps and tries to close her legs.

“I’m sensitive…”

“Hmm. Then I’ll just go slower… I want to make love to you all night, Selena.”

“You do? How many times can you orgasm?”

“My sex drive is immense, and my refractory period is short, so I could have an all-day marathon if I wanted,” I smirk. “But I’ll settle for an all-nighter?”

I kiss the inner part of her leg, and she stops flinching to my touch, so I hold her legs open to me. As she relaxes, I kiss her labia and everywhere else apart from her clit and listen to her faint sighs whilst I gradually increase the intensity.

Tentatively I use my tongue to circle her clit and gaze up at her as I lay before her. There’s an unmistakable flutter in my chest as she smiles then opens her mouth erotically. Delighting in her moans of enjoyment whilst she pulls my hair, I bring her to climax, and she cries out my name.

“Matthew… Oh my god!”

“Mm, I love hearing your enjoyment, sweetheart…” I say putting a condom on. I’m not going to risk getting carried away again.

I enter her as I pull her beneath me then tilt her face, so we’re making eye contact. I dread when I have to choose between her or Liam someday. I love both of them, dearly, but I know it will have to happen unless I can find a way to keep both of them happy. It would be so much easier if she loved Liam too. We might be able to make it work long-term if she did so he doesn’t feel left out.

“I love you, Matthew.”

“I love you too, Selena. I’m sorry, I didn’t say it sooner.”

We kiss whilst we make love intimately. I need to let her know about my decision regarding Liam but now is not the time. I’ll tell her afterwards. I don’t want to ruin this moment with her.

Selena’s arms wrap around my neck, and she embraces me with her body fitting perfectly against mine. Gently, I kiss her neck as I thrust, wishing with every fibre of my being that she will be the last woman I will ever love as my pleasure soars. With a small groan, I reach climax and cuddle her tightly against me in contentment.

“One day, in the future, I will happily create a family with you if we remain together,” I whisper in her ear.

“Pinky promise?” she asks, her eyes widening as my thumb strokes over her bottom lip.

“Yes, it’s a pinky promise. In fact, if this arrangement ends for whatever reason, we should meet five years from now if we’re single and give it another shot. Just you and me with no-one else involved. I will never change my number.”

“Okay,” she smiles.

With her beautiful hair flowing over my chest, she snuggles against me, wrapped up within my arms. I don’t have the heart to speak to her about the situation with Liam yet, so absent-mindedly I stroke her cheek as I try to fall asleep.

In the morning, I wake feeling unrested and slightly hungover. I’d chickened out of telling Selena about my decision in the heat of the moment. If I don’t tell her, then Liam’s patience will wear thin. I’d tossed and turned with anxiety over it all night. It needs to happen today. I glance over at the alarm clock and see it’s nearly midday so gently I stroke Selena’s arm to rouse her.

“Hey, Selena. It’s already eleven-thirty. Time to wake up…”

“Just ten more minutes.”

“No. It’s time to get up sweetheart. I’ll make you breakfast.”

“What are you making?”

“I have bacon and some eggs, or I could make pancakes?”

“Uh, bacon and eggs, but no runny egg, please? It’s yuck.”

“However you want.”

Selena climbs out of bed and removes one of my shirts from the dresser and buttons it up. No woman has ever worn my clothes before and secretly I kinda like seeing her strutting around like that. I’d been thinking about asking Liam for permission to give her a drawer of her own, but watching her wear my clothes is much more appealing. As she walks past I can’t help but slap her bare bottom, as it peeks out.

“What was that for?” she asks, her expression looking indignant.

“You have a cute bum. I won’t do it again if you dislike it…”

Selena smiles coyly at me.

“I don’t mind you doing it…”

We walk into the kitchen together, and Liam only looks up briefly from his newspaper at us.

“I see you’re wearing his clothes now…” Liam tuts.

I roll my eyes at Selena then open the door of the fridge.

“You want food, Liam?”

“Poached egg. Did you buy salmon?”

“I forgot. I have bacon…”

“Ugh! It’s the good stuff at least?”

“It’s just standard back bacon,” I respond, glancing at Selena who’s watching me expectantly from the counter. “Scrambled egg okay Selena?”

I stick the coffee machine on whilst I cook then pass her drink over with milk in it, just the way she enjoys it.

“Thank you, Matt,” she beams.

“You are very welcome, my dear. Your food is just coming up.”

Liam coughs and rustles his newspaper, but I ignore him as I finish the breakfast then dish it up. After placing Liam’s down first, I give Selena hers with a flourish and sit between them.

“Where’s my coffee?” Liam asks.

“Have you finished your other one?”

“Yes, I thought you’d ask me if I’d like one when you made Selena’s.”

“Sorry, I assumed you were good because you didn’t speak up. The coffee is hot, why don’t you make yourself some?”

“So you’ll be nice to Selena but not to me?!” he yells.

I put down my fork.

“Why are you like this today? It wouldn’t hurt you to pour your own out for once.”

“You’re supposed to treat me the same, if not better than Selena.”

“Seriously, Liam? You’re getting bent out of shape over a fucking coffee? Selena’s our guest, and you’re a grown adult. It wouldn’t kill you to do it yourself.”

I get up and snatch his mug to make him his coffee, then place it down in front of him and start eating my breakfast again, hoping he’ll stop acting like a petulant child. Selena’s only wearing my shirt, so I don’t get his problem.

“That film was terrifying yesterday! I was surprised I could sleep.”

“Haha, you were so scared! I told you I’d keep you safe.”

“What film?” Liam frowns.

“The Grudge.”

“Oh… You haven’t tried watching a film with me?”

“That’s because we’re usually too busy having sex or you’re not here. I’ve waited two months to have a chance to watch it.”

“But, you haven’t even suggested it…”

No longer feeling hungry, I shove my food away then turn to face Liam.

“Are you going to continue being irritable?” I tease, reaching to stroke his face. “Or are we going to have some fun together today?”

“I’m not in the mood, Matthew,” he snaps, slapping my hand away. “Just go and fuck Selena instead.”

He walks off, slamming the door behind him, leaving his food and coffee untouched. An awkward silence fills the room. Is he this pissed off over a shirt? Or is this still over our disagreement last night?

“Umm, I’m not the only one noticing he’s in a terrible mood am I?” I laugh.

“Yeah, you’re definitely not imagining it. Do you think he heard us yesterday?”

“I’m certain he would have interrupted us last night if he did. Under no circumstance can we fuck today. It’ll just make him angrier. Would you like to hang out in the garden? It’s a beautiful day,” I beam, gesturing towards the window.

Laying on the grass, sunbathing naked together, I gaze up at the clouds above us and smile as the sun warms my face. My hand reaches out to hold Selena’s, and our fingers entwine.

“No-one can see, right?” she asks.

“Not a clue but you sunbathing would be the least weird thing they’ve seen.”

“Why? What weird shit has happened out in the garden?”

“Some guy being caned in the balls and savagely fucked?”

“That guy’s you right?”

“Of course! I’m probably not the first either.”

“But will you be the last?”

I think about it for a moment.


“Do you see yourself with Liam forever?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. At the moment, it doesn’t feel like I can do anything right. What about you? Do you think you could see yourself with us forever?” I ask, turning to face her.

“I’m not sure. I want to feel loved and have a family life.”

“That’s definitely not going to happen with Liam. I think the person you end up with will be a lucky guy or girl. You’re bi right?”

“How did you know?” she grins.

“In your bedroom, you didn’t just have pictures of men. I saw some female on female action…” I respond. Knowing I cannot leave it any longer, I sit up and wrap my arms around my knees, anxiously. “Um, Selena, I need to speak to you about something.”

“What is it, Matt?”

I swallow hard as I look into her expectant face. I feel like I’m going to ruin a perfect moment with her.

“There’s no easy way of saying this, but I’ve decided I want to take that next step with Liam.”

“The servitude thing? I thought you were dead set against it? And where will I fit into it?”

“I’ve been thinking it over daily, and I’ve come around to the idea after the way I acted last week. I would like Liam to have more control and prevent me from making more mistakes for the time being. Liam says he’ll work something out. It might not be as often, but if you want to see us, you can?”

“But that will change you!”

“I want to change. I’m not happy with the way I am. I want to be the best possible submissive I can be for Liam, including outside the bedroom.”

Selena sits up to pulls the shirt back around her, no longer smiling.

“I don’t understand why you’d do it?”

“Because I enjoy pleasing my Master. I love him, and I enjoy earning my pleasure from him.”

“You’re making a mistake. Just leave Liam and be with me. I love you just the way you are, and I know you love me. We don’t need to be involved with him.”

“Please don’t make me choose, Selena… I beg you…”

“But we’re perfect for each other. Liam doesn’t care about you the way I do. Just go and tell him it’s over, and we can be together!” she yells.

As I listen to Selena saying exactly what I’ve been dreading, I know I’m now being put in a position where I have to choose. I promised Liam I’d end it immediately if she suggested that I leave him.

“I can’t do this Selena.”

“You can’t do this?” she responds, looking startled.

“This between us. I’m with Liam, and I love him. I will never leave Liam for you, is that clear? You keep trying to come between us, and I can’t handle it. This needs to stop.”

“We made love last night? What was that all about then?”

“Last night was a mistake. I was drunk,” I lie. “We got carried away, and it shouldn’t have happened.”

Selena looks crushed, and tears form in her eyes. I had hoped that I would never see her looking like this due to me, but instantly, it’s become clear that this will not work. If she backed down, I could have pretended that it never happened, at the expense of going back on my word to Liam, but I cannot salvage this. I feared that Selena would hate me eventually, and that day has come too soon.

“How can you act like you did last night and then treat me like this?”

“Selena, I enjoy spending time with you, but you’re looking too far into it. I love Liam, and you will either accept that, or it’s over.”

“You know what, I fucking hate both of you!” she spits, getting to her feet and running down to the house.

I slowly follow her back down to the orangery and see that Liam is sitting inside, watching us. He won’t know what has been said, but it will be apparent from the body language that we’ve had a fight.

“What happened?” he asks, looking bemused.

“She made me choose, and I promised you I’d end it if she did. I’ll take her home, and we’ll talk on my return?”

I pass Selena on the stairs on my way to the playroom to get dressed. Her cheeks are tear-stained from our confrontation, and I can see that she’s trying to stay composed as we make eye contact. I wish I could comfort her, but instead, I step aside and let her pass, knowing I cannot go back on what I’ve said.

“Meet me at the car,” she hisses, giving me a look of contempt.


Selena switches some music on to fill the silence, but the drive is still difficult, and my heart feels heavy. I would have preferred for Liam to have taken her home, but with me choosing him over her, it would have likely led to them having an argument which would make the situation worse.

She doesn’t even say goodbye once we arrive, and as the door slams shut, I’m left feeling like the biggest, fucking arsehole in the world. I may look back on this moment with regret in the future because I didn’t chase after her, but I love Liam. If I chose her, then I’ll still be feeling like this. As I watch her disappear out of my view, I know I now need to stand firm by my decision.

As soon as I arrive back, I place my keys onto the sideboard along with my phone, then call out to Liam.

“Hey, Liam! I’m home!”

He emerges at the top of the stairs wearing an immaculately pressed white shirt with navy trousers. His golden hair hangs in waves to his shoulders which makes my breath catch. It’s only the two of us now, with no distractions, and I stand riveted as he walks down the stairs towards me.

“You’re finally back then… I wondered if you might change your mind?”

His hand reaches to my face, and he kisses me fiercely with his muscular body pressed up against me, surrounding me with the scent of his intoxicating, masculine aftershave. I’ve made my choice, and I now need to dedicate myself to it, so I pull away, strip off my clothes and immediately prostrate before him in reverence.

“Master, I entrust myself to you.”

“Are you certain, Lover?” he asks with a steady voice. “Look at me.”

I move to my knees and glance up at his face. His gaze is burning with adoration for me, knowing I am putting the entirety of my trust in him.

“Yes, Master. I am not afraid,” I respond, unwavering in my decision, even as the Cheshire cat expression passes over his face.

With my precious collar finally returned, he makes love to me aggressively on the bed in the playroom after branding me again with his initials on my chest. My body belongs to him; he who I have entrusted as my caretaker. I have revoked my autonomy, willingly and I feel like I can now be at peace, knowing that anything that goes wrong now can no longer be my fault, whilst it lasts. My Master is responsible for everything that happens from now on, and I am free from the stresses of decision making.

“There is no escaping me from now on, Lover. Every single part of your existence belongs to me. I own you,” he growls.

His strong hands grip my neck, partially suffocating me whilst he takes me violently. My ankles are cuffed together with a short chain, passed behind my head to hold them back helplessly, as he plunges deep within me. My cries of pain and pleasure reverberate around the room, but there is nowhere else that I’d rather be and as his load pumps into me, my argument with Selena fades to the back of my mind.

Two hours later, my head rests on his chest, with his hand continuing to stroke between my legs and over my cock. Three times he’s already made me cum, and he’s working me towards my fourth caring little for my sensitivity.

I cry out as I orgasm and ejaculate over myself, but Liam continues to hold me apart with his ankles, preventing me from getting away from him. His coated fingers move to my mouth and pry inside, running over my tongue, forcing me to lick him clean.

“Tomorrow, you shall be getting a new piercing, Lover. I want your cock fully locked down when it’s not being abused by me. Answer me!”

“Yes, Master!”

His hand returns to stroke my cock again, but I can’t escape his tight embrace, and I moan as I flinch to his touch.

“Are you struggling? This is both your punishment and your reward for your behaviour this weekend. Do you enjoy me torturing your body with forced orgasms?”

“Yes, Master. Ah!”

Unboxing the prostate massager I’d bought, he applies lubricant to it before sticking it inside me and turning it on. The vibration is pleasurable, and I sigh in enjoyment, but then he continues to jack me off. I cry out from the intensity of the sensations and try pulling away, but he tips my head back with his hand on my jaw to look at him.

“Relax, Lover,” he urges as his grip tightens.

“Yes… Okay, Master.”

His other hand grips my balls and tugs. They’re still tender, and I cry out in agony, but his other hand starts to rub the head of my cock until I’m moaning in pleasure again.

“I’m doing this all night until you fall asleep, Lover.”

“Thank you, Master,” I gasp.

I already feel exhausted by the constant attention he’s given me. The hand tugging my balls releases its grip, and with his little finger coated with my cum, he probes my urethra, making me groan.

“My dirty sex slave seems to be getting off over this. Look at the mess you’ve made!”

I glance down and see my fluids over my stomach, and his finger slipped inside with my poor cock being abused by his strong hand. The camera he’d set up was capturing the entirety of our incredibly dirty sex, but I don’t feel ashamed. I continue to watch until he makes me release again, but the quantity of cum is very little. I’m spent, but I eagerly lick his hand clean again as he brings it back to my mouth.

“Mmm,” I hum happily, knowing that my Master is showing his affection for me in his own way.

He replaces the massager with his cock and fucks me whilst he kisses my neck. The relentless assault on my manhood continues, and I cry out, becoming delirious on the pleasure as he stimulates me. I’m helpless in controlling the intensity, and roughly he forces a dry orgasm out of me leaving me a quivering mess within his arms.

With a growl, my Master fills me and finally, he releases my cock. I’m too exhausted to endure it any longer, and I sigh with relief as he strokes my damp hair away from my forehead and caresses me lovingly.

“You may sleep, Lover,” he whispers, kissing me with tenderness as I cuddle against his chest and close my eyes sleepily, and completely satiated.



Published 4 years ago

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