The following three weeks are intense. I’m given a crash course in stripping by Jacob who works at Liam’s club, and Liam assigns himself as my personal trainer. I decided to try it because quite frankly, I need the money. With Liam also having some issues with his finances, I see it as a way of helping him too by working for my keep. Ultimately, I am fulfilling some of his voyeuristic desires which further increases my sense of usefulness to him.
The day for my first performance in front of anyone other than Liam arrives. I stand in front of the mirror in the playroom and slip on the clothes laid out for me. Liam has chosen a vampire-themed party this time, and I feel stupid whilst looking at the reflection of myself wearing a sheer, black, shirt with lacy cuffs. It doesn’t do up entirely at the front either. I pull on my poppered, black, jacquard print trousers then carefully stick in my fangs.
Liam’s ferocity has kicked up since I’d moved in, and my super-brat switch behaviour is no longer tolerated. Most of the time, I do it intentionally. I enjoy goading him until he is forced to drag me over his knee and spank me with the tawse on my bare arse. It’s the only implement that I find severe enough to safe out on and the mere sight of it has me quaking in my boots. The thrillseeker in me loves it.
Occasionally, I’m in trouble for reacting without thinking. My smart mouth is my ultimate downfall. I’ve already been punished with the tawse today for complaining about the cheesy theme and calling it lazy. My reddened bottom still smarts. He didn’t appreciate me pointing out that I could wear anything I want as long as I have fangs and call myself a vampire. He then explained that his guests, especially Claudia, expected to dress up and the vast majority of his guests are paying members. Those who James invites are fresh meat, so to speak.
I take a few moments to tidy my hair up the best I can. Liam had ordered me to not cut it because he likes pulling my hair, so it’s now wavy and at that awkward stage where it doesn’t behave. I should have been ready ten minutes ago, and I may be in trouble for keeping my Master waiting, but I’m nervous. I’ve become comfortable with the idea of being naked in front of others, but I’m anxious about getting stage fright and messing up.
I return to Liam, who’s in his own bedroom. He’s dressed similarly to me, but his shirt is white instead. He’s holding an ornate, black cane in his hand and has his golden hair tied back. He smiles as he notices me, and he reaches out to stroke my face affectionately. I close my eyes and sigh feeling content. These fleeting, tender moments are what I crave, and all that I do is to deserve this. My Master is my everything.
He presses his muscular body against me and pulls me in for a kiss. He’s being exceptionally generous because I’m playing a massive part in his plans for tonight. I’ve been given explicit instructions to give a lap dance to someone I’m interested in for our later playtime. The enormous task of choosing our third relies on my success in seducing someone. If they’re not interested in what we’re offering, then it can’t be helped, but I don’t want to fail him.
“Are you feeling nervous, lover?” he asks gently.
“Yes, Master.”
“I can’t wait to watch you strip. Your body will be seen by everyone tonight. Right, we better hurry up, or we’ll be keeping everyone waiting.”
Thirty minutes later I’m standing behind Liam, collared and wearing my red and black wristband. Claudia is having a discussion about her holiday plans with Robert, who is at the club and a few others I don’t recognise. Whilst listening to them, I soon learn that there is some kind of hierarchy here, and those nearer the top get to approach new guests first. To get into Liam’s clique, you have to impress him.
Suddenly Claudia turns to me. She looks just as impressive as she did last month in a black, corseted ball gown but I’m happy with my decision to ignore her like Liam urges me to. She licks her lips, seductively.
“Liam, you must lend me your little puppy some time,” she coos.
“I don’t know if I want to share my toy, Claudia.”
“You didn’t deny me playing with your old submissive with you in October.”
“I was preoccupied that night and Charlotte had upset you. It was my way of apologising,” he shrugs. Liam then turns to look at me. He appears to be gauging my reaction to this revelation. “Would you like for us to go off and play with Claudia tonight, lover?”
“No, Master. I only want to be your plaything,” I reply.
Liam smiles, clearly pleased with my reaction.
“Sorry, Claudia but this one is just mine for now.”
Whilst Claudia scowls at not getting her claws into me, James approaches with his two women with collars on. They’re wearing black dresses with large white bows on and plaited pigtails like creepy twins. Unlike me, they seem to actually be well behaved as they appear to stare through me, expressionless. I want to test their resolve, so I pull a face from behind Liam’s back. A smile twitches on both of their faces, and I inadvertently let out a snigger. Liam turns and glares at me.
“Here! Now!”
I obey and stand before him, and Liam slaps me hard across the face in front of his guests, not tolerating my misbehaviour. It stings, but the redness won’t last long, and it’s not a deterrent. I love the attention and the feeling of contact with him.
He turns back around to talk to his friends and ignores me. I’m feeling bored. These parties are just dull with people standing around looking pretentious and having boring conversations about flight plans. I’d rather not deal with this.
As I glance around, wondering what mischief to do next to get Liam’s attention, I see the lithe figure of someone flittering between the other guests at the far end of the room.
I continue to watch her from behind him, mesmerised as she floats around the room in a cobalt blue, satin dress. Her gracefulness is breathtaking, and her vibrant red, wavy hair hangs in a cascade past her shoulders. She doesn’t seem shy at all. As she gets closer, I catch a glimpse of her leather wristband. It’s red.
“Who have you got your eye on, lover?” Liam asks in a hushed tone.
“No-one, Master,” I lie.
Liam turns to James, and I see him whisper into his ear, his lip curled. James responds back, but I can’t hear what he’s saying either.
As the vixen approaches, she takes one look at Liam and then at me. Her eyes travel down to both of our wrist bands. My one piques her interest, and she furrows her brow. The rest of the sharks instantly home in on her.
“Well, what do we have here?” Claudia declares, eyes wide.
Unlike Liam, who can keep his face relatively calm if he wants, hers instantly betrays her excitement.
“Hi. I’m Selena,” she answers cheerily.
“Hello Selena, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Liam says, lifting her hand to his mouth for a kiss.
Her face flushes in embarrassment as he turns on his charm and smiles at her.
“Oh, you’re one of the organisers! Thank you so much for having me.”
“The pleasure is all mine, I assure you. I will introduce you to some people. This is James, who I’m sure you’ve already spoken to. This here is Claudia and my good friend Robert. Finally, this is Matthew, my partner and my submissive.”
Her hand reaches to shake mine, and she blushes again at my touch. Unlike Liam, who generally feels cold, she is incredibly warm and inviting. I wish I had permission to talk to her.
She starts to speak about herself, and it turns out that she is a blogger who documents her experiences. She’s a year older than me and currently attending university, in her second year. James came across her website and invited her so she could broaden her experiences.
I listen quietly as she speaks, then Liam whispers in my ear.
“Time to get ready, lover. Have you decided who you’re going to lap dance for?”
He nods towards Selena with a wide grin on his face, but I shake my head. She deserves a fulfilling relationship with a caring dominant or protector, not with a complication like me and a hardcore sadist. Liam gives me a curious look.
Without another word, I walk off, to get myself ready. I practised the performance with Jacob many times so it shouldn’t be too complicated unless I get stage fright. It also isn’t going to last too long either, and I’m not the only one doing it.
In the little side room Liam had taken me to last month, I meet up with Jacob who helps me apply oil to my body. I then stroke myself until I get an erection and put on the elastic band that’ll keep me in a semi. My heart is racing as I check the routine off in my head. Liam is sure to punish me if I mess up. There’s so much pressure. I’d much rather do this at the club in front of a hundred women where no-one knows me.
Minutes later, there’s a brisk tap on the door which is our cue, and I pull my mask on. The three of us are wearing the same outfit, so I shouldn’t be recognised immediately. Jacob clasps a hand on my shoulder reassuringly and gives me a smile to steady my nerves. Adrenaline is rushing through me, but there is no turning back now.
The rest of the lights have been dimmed, and chairs have been laid out for everyone. I try to not make eye contact with anyone as we stride on to the stage area to Venus In Furs by Electric Wizard and slide on to our knees. Cheers erupt as I kneel, undoing my belt. I look for Liam and spot him sitting at the back, with his arms crossed over his chest.
Every time I did this with him whilst I practised my routine, we had mindblowing sex afterwards. Generally, he still needed to use the cane first, but it didn’t take many strokes to get him aroused. I’m interested in what his reaction will be tonight.
I remain fixated on Liam’s reaction as I continue to undress and remove my shirt. There’s a huge temptation just to give him the lap dance and forget about this third person he wants. Apart from Selena, there is no-one else of interest. All I need is my Master, and I don’t like to share. I rip my trousers off and throw them off the stage, feeling more confident. It’s nearly time for the next bit.
The music changes to Nine Inch Nail’s Closer. I slide off the stage to approach Liam but then find that he is no longer sitting. He points towards the red-headed woman, guiding me to her position near the front, as a cruel smile spreads across his face. The decision has become his.
I promptly approach her, and she giggles as I take her hand, and blushes as she did with Liam.
“I’m a little shy,” she mouths to me.
“So am I,” I tease.
I sit her down on a chair placed on the stage, then put my hands on her bare, warm shoulders. I move over her lap then start to grind against her just far enough away, so my erection doesn’t quite touch her. I need to gauge her reaction first.
I place my hands over hers and encourage her to hold my ass as I continue. She doesn’t let go and bites her lip, obviously enjoying the view. She’s absolutely stunning with thick, dark lashes and at this close distance, I notice that her eyes are hazel just like mine. Her lips are full and lusciously rosy as her cheeks. My mind wanders to thoughts of her breasts. Are her nipples just as perky and delightfully pink?
I turn to face towards the other guests then lower the back of my underwear, giving her a quick view of my arse. I grab her hands and run them down either side of my legs then gently let go. I want her to touch me. With my body weight dropped I kick my legs back, so they’re over her lap and behind the chair.
She lets out a giggle, as she feels my sizeable cock pressing against her. I grind again, and her hands start to stroke me without invitation, and I catch my breath slightly. I turn to look at her over my shoulder, and she’s biting her lip. I’m able to take this further.
I slide off her and drop onto my knees, mindful of having to keep to the timing given to me. I’ve already wasted time by approaching Liam first.
I get off my knees slowly, with my face close to her legs and I linger suggestively between her thighs. I detect a hint of mandarine, grapes and musk as I move within millimetres of her. I want to taste her.
Her hand gently touches my shoulder, so I lean in and kiss her as I come up, not wanting to delay any longer. Her other hand strokes the front of my underwear, then her fingers tighten around me. I break the contact with her lips.
I slip my fingers through my waistband, and teasingly I start to lower them until my member is released. I hover over her lap again and gyrate, allowing her to touch me as she wishes. Instead of reaching for my unleashed cock, her fingers trace the tattoo up my side and stroke the small scar above it as she maintains eye contact with me. The music ends, and I lift up my mask and kiss her gently.
“I want you,” I whisper in her ear.
Her eyes widen in surprise, and she remains stunned as I replace my mask. I take her hand and help her off the stage, passing Liam on the way who’s up to do his short speech. A smile is on his face. I haven’t messed up too much, and I have made it clear that I’m attracted to her. It is now her decision to make if she wants to take it further.
“Go and get her a drink…” Liam says quietly.
I remove two glasses of champagne from someone nearby with a tray then hand her one as I down my own. She’s quiet and seems nervous. I then notice I’m being eyed up and remember I’m naked. Even with my mask on most of the people know who I am, recognising my tattoos from last month.
Claudia pushes a couple out of her way and glares at me with her nostrils flared.
“So what’s going on here then? Don’t tell me Liam is allowing you to play with others when he refused me earlier.”
I shake my head. I’m not allowed to speak to her. I turn to face the stage and see that Liam has been joined by James.
“My guests, I am honoured to see you all here today. I hope you have all enjoyed yourself so far. Let’s have a wonderful time tonight, making memories and new friends.”
The doors open and like last time the guests start entering. Selena hangs back with me then brushes her hand against mine. She seems to have decided upon me as well. I’ll try to be the best Dom I can to her. This should be an exciting discussion.
“So let’s go and talk…” Liam says as he approaches us.
We follow him to the side room. This is going to be long and complicated. He ushers Selena to a seat, and I remain standing.
“So Selena, you’re probably wondering what on earth is going on here? I’m Matt’s Dom and romantic partner. He is a masochist, but he can also be dominant. We’re looking for someone to join us.”
“How will that work?” she asks, shyly.
“Well, we’re looking for someone who can be submissive to both of us when I ask of it. You are submissive, aren’t you? What are your limits?”
“I don’t do whips or breathplay.”
“That’s completely fine. Matt is the pain slut. I don’t need another who can tolerate so much. Bondage?”
“I love being tied up,” she smiles.
Liam’s face lights up.
“Do you like shibari?”
“I’m interested in trying it. I’m quite flexible.”
“So do you think you could handle two men if we played with you at the same time?”
Whilst I stand quietly listening to them discussing boundaries, I feel relieved that Liam isn’t looking for another masochist. I really want her, but I don’t want someone taking my role from me.
“Could I think about it? I’m hoping for something more long term?” she finally says.
“Selena we’re looking for something long term. We’re proposing a polyamorous relationship.”
She bites her lip again and looks over at me.
“So you’re telling me that Matthew can also be dominant?”
“Yes. He doesn’t behave well with weak doms. He would challenge me if I weren’t strict enough with him, but he’ll be more than happy to put you over his knee and tie you down.”
“Is it ok if I think about it?”
“Yes, take your time. You can find us in my playroom upstairs when you’re ready to talk to us about your decision. Just ask one of the members of staff to bring you. If you need longer than that, we’ll understand, but you’re welcome to have some fun with us first.”
She gets up and quickly leaves. It’s definitely not a decision she should make lightly. We head upstairs to Liam’s playroom. I kneel, expecting him to want to play with me but instead, he flops on to the bed.
“Come and join me, Matt,” he says, patting the bed.
I sit next to him, feeling confused at the lack of playtime. Instantly his lips are on me, gentle but passionate.
“What’s wrong?” I ask between kisses.
“You were so fucking hot. I wanted to rip your underwear off with my teeth.”
I laugh loudly.
“Really? I wasn’t bad? I’m sure I was shaking.”
“Not at all. I wouldn’t have been able to handle a lap dance from you in front of everyone. I’d definitely end up fucking you, right there on the stage.”
“Mmm, Liam. Well, now I wish I went against your decision. I wouldn’t have minded getting carried away with you.”
“I hope Selena decides to join us. I think she’ll be a perfect fit and she’s incredibly hot.”
“Sounds like you’re more attracted to her than me,” I joke.
“No-one could replace you. You’re my favourite as long as you tolerate my punishments. Just don’t let her become your favourite, either. I come first.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it…”
“I think I can fuck you without torturing you tonight. I’m still turned on by watching you.”
He rolls on top of me and gently enters me after lubricating his cock. I groan as he thrusts. His hands hold mine against the bed, and he looks down upon me.
“Look at me, Matthew, whilst I make love to you.”
My stomach flips, and I feel a warm glow inside.
“We’re making love?”
“Yes, Matt. I’m making love to you tonight. I love you,” he says, stroking my cheek.
“I love you too, Liam,” I respond, feeling tearful. He’s never told me this before.
He smiles then kisses me again. His eyes are dilated amorously as I gaze up upon his face as he slowly makes love to me.
A knock on the door interrupts us, but we continue with our lovemaking as I kiss his neck and daringly leave love bites on his chest.
Selena enters, then cautiously comes closer to the bed as Liam beckons her over.
“Sorry, I didn’t realise you would be busy.”
“You’re not bothering us. In fact, watch whilst we make love,” Liam responds whilst becoming rougher with me.
I look over to her and smile, enjoying how naughty this feels. She looks slightly flustered, so I reach out and take her hand and urge her over to sit next to us.
“Keep watching,” I whisper.
Liam picks up the pace, grinning widely. He loves being watched, and I’m now completely on board with it.
I groan as he brings me close. My hand reaches down to touch myself, and a wave of pleasure rushes through me. I look up at the mirror but then my view is blocked by Liam who kisses me again, with his tongue slipping inside my mouth.
His hands reach to my ass and grab tight. I feel him release inside, so I finish myself off, cumming over my stomach. We lay for a minute regaining our breath then I clean myself up. I turn to Selena. My hand reaches out to her again, and I pull her in for a kiss, fiercely.
My tongue enters her mouth, and she gasps as she discovers my tongue piercing. I push her down beneath me and continue to kiss her passionately. I want her. She sighs in happiness, and her hand strokes down my side, urging me on.
She’s blushing. I don’t think she is used to this kind of situation. I watch Liam start removing her shoes one at the time then kiss the arch of one of her feet. I wonder how she’ll cope with our hands and mouths all over her body?
She lets out a small moan of pleasure. My mouth trails down to her throat, and I kiss her there, eliciting more sighs from her. The delicate fruity scent hits me again.
I pull down the front of her dress and gaze upon her deliciously, full breasts. Her nipples are small and rosy pink just as I had imagined. I dip my head and kiss her breasts, then suck and nibble on her nipples until they’re perkily aroused, and she moans. I pinch them between my thumb and forefinger then gently pull, which makes her gasp out again.
I glance back and see that Liam is working up her legs, pushing her dress up as he kisses along her inner leg. He stops when he exposes her black lace panties.
“You wanna do this, baby girl?” I breathe.
She nods determinedly. I turn to sit across her waist, facing away from her. I want to touch her at the same time as Liam. Without removing them, he pulls them aside. She’s completely hairless apart from a landing strip of hair and slick with desire for us which glistens on her delicate skin. As he slides two fingers in, I stroke her clit gently.
“Just tell us to stop or use the word ‘red’ if you want us to stop,” Liam says.
She nods again as she gasps out loud.
“How does it feel to have us play with you?” I ask, smirking at Liam.
“Good,” she sighs, tipping her head back.
I’m already aroused again, and I reach my hand out to Liam’s face and kiss him. My mouth parts to let him deepen our kiss with his tongue. Right now we’re equals, and both of us just want pleasure and to give Selena a fun time.
“I love you,” I whisper.
“And I, you,” he responds, kissing me again.
“Who do you want to fuck first, babe?” I ask breathlessly as Liam breaks contact with my lips.
“You, Matthew.”
I pull on a condom from the bedside cabinet then position myself between her legs and pull off her panties which I bunch up into my fist. I kiss her again then raise her up, so she’s sitting on me. I want someone who can handle my size, so she needs to show me that she can.
“Oh my god!” She exclaims as I enter.
“Matthew is a big boy, isn’t he,” Liam laughs.
He sits behind and carefully unzips her dress and lifts it over her head. Her body is incredibly sexy, and I can’t believe this siren is interested in us.
“Ride me, babe,” I grin.
Her hands go around my neck, and she grinds as she moves, kissing me again. Liam’s hands reach around to caress her breasts and pinch her nipples. I thought I’d be jealous of seeing him touch someone else, but actually, this just seems normal.
It feels exquisite inside her. I haven’t been with a woman for nine months, and the delicious warmth of her pussy tightening around my cock brings me close, quickly. I’d slow down if I could, but I don’t think that’s happening tonight. It feels too fucking good, and I groan as she moves her hips against me.
She cries out as she climaxes and I shift her on to her knees so she can kiss Liam. My hand wraps around her fiery hair, and I start thrusting deeply, making her cry out again. Liam’s eyes widen at the aggression I show. He has never seen me like this.
I make her take all of me, speeding up as I claim her tight pussy, and I growl when I cum moments later. Liam swaps and takes my place as I get up to find some soft, red, rope from the rack.
Liam grins widely and shoves her head down as he fucks her, whilst I bind her wrists together in a basic double column tie then attach it to the headboard.
I kneel in front of her and pull her on to my cock. She sucks enthusiastically, but I grip her by the hair again and keep her head in place as I start to fuck her mouth and deep throat her with as much as I can fit in.
“Mmm, baby girl,” I groan as pleasure sweeps over me.
I make eye contact with Liam and watch as he releases his own orgasm with a deep groan. As he withdraws, I decide to step things up. Unlike in the threesome with Ruth, I can be sexually active with both participants.
I pull her down on to the bed and begin to lick between her on my hands and knees. Her pussy is deliciously juicy from the attention we have already given her, and I expose her clit by pulling back the hood. It deserves another orgasm or three, I think to myself. I look over to Liam and wiggle my backside as an invitation to fuck me.
He enters me as I pleasure her with my tongue. Her face is flushed, and her sweet moans fill the room. I could do this for hours with them both. I want to take my time enjoying the pleasure we can bring to each other. Selena cries out with another orgasm, and I devour the small amount of fluid she releases eagerly.
She seems to be tired, so we decide to let her watch us as we continue. Liam wants to test how comfortable she is with witnessing our impact play. She will see this at some point, and we have to make sure she’s ok with the intensity of it.
Liam leads me to the St Andrews cross, and Selena sits up the best she can on the bed to watch. He faces me forwards so she can see my reactions to his strikes then binds me to it with leather cuffs.
“Give me a number between one and one hundred and fifty,” he asks Selena.
This is a new game I haven’t played before, and I’m intrigued. I watch as she chews her lip as she thinks about it, knowing it’s probably related to how many times to strike me. She doesn’t know that he doesn’t play fair.
“One!” she says confidently.
“One? Just one? Ok. One hour of strikes it is.”
Her face looks slightly worried, but it’s fine with me. I smile reassuringly.
“Now a number between one and six.”
“Six,” she says.
Liam grins widely, Cheshire cat-like. I’m in for a bad time. He walks over to his rack and chooses the tawse, which he’d only used on me this afternoon.
“What’s that?” She asks curiously. “Is it like a belt?”
“This is a tawse. It’s similar to a belt, and it’s made from thick leather. It used to be used to inflict corporal punishment, and it hurts.”
“Can I add that to my no list?”
“Yes. Like I said, I have Matthew to play with,” Liam beams.
Liam raises it then whacks me hard on my upper thigh. The sting is incredible, and it warms my leg thoroughly.
“Ow,” I say, then laugh as I see her concerned face.
She realises she’s worrying over nothing. He can be rough with me as much as he wants, to an extent.
The strikes continue until the skin on my thighs feel raw and hot. Liam moves to grab a bottle from the sideboard then sprays me with water which grants some temporary relief from the burning. It isn’t to benefit me, though.
The damp skin hurts more when he strikes, and I let out a yelp of pain. I calm down my breathing and focus on Selena and the thought of going down between her thighs again.
Noticing that I’m paying her a lot of attention, he undoes the restraints and turns me around to face away from her. I’m a little disappointed at losing my beautiful view.
He starts slapping me on the ass, hard and I groan. He doesn’t let up and moves to my back. My eyes water but I blink the tears away as my skin burns blisteringly hot.
He strokes my backside with his hand and the touch sears along my inflamed skin. He trails down, cups my balls and I let out a moan enjoying the feeling of him gently fondling me.
“Mmm, Master…” I sigh, blissfully.
Endorphins start to flow as he alternates between gentle touches and intense, thudding pain which increases in severity. Gradually the following strikes from the tawse feel gentler as I start to cross over.
He strikes again, and the searing pain has reduced, so I no longer cry out. All I can think about is how he told me he loves me, and me returning those feelings. I feel complete and utter amazement that he can feel that way about me. Our relationship is progressing. Tears start to run down my face silently.
He stops again, and his hands wrap around to stroke the front of my body. He feels the wetness from my tears as they drip onto him. I let out a soft sob, and his breath catches. I feel floaty and happy inside and so completely and utterly in love.
Liam’s hands are on me, carrying me to the bed. His face is near, and I reach out to touch him, caressing his jaw. I want him again. I can never get enough of him. As he sits next to me, I climb on top of his body and kiss him passionately, holding his hands.
“Make love to me again, Liam…” I ask.
He shakes his head and turns me to face Selena as he wraps an arm around me. She’s beautiful as well, so I kiss her too.
“Wow, he seems spaced out?” Selena asks as I stroke between her legs again.
“He’s on a natural high. He enjoys being like this.”
I roll off of Liam and lie on my back. Selena straddles me, and my hands move to caress her gorgeous breasts again. I pull her back in for a kiss as Liam enters her from behind, anally. I can feel him through her, and I let out a giggle, remembering doing this with Justin as I coax another orgasm out of her.
When we finally cum together, she rolls off of me, and I pull her against me in an embrace. I’m sated for now, and I gently kiss the back of her neck, feeling affectionate towards her. Liam joins, cuddling in behind me and we bask together in the afterglow.
Within minutes, Selena falls asleep, so I turn to Liam and kiss him. I can probably go for at least one more round of fun.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, stroking my face soothingly.
“Really, really good.”
“You were crying…”
“I was just feeling a little emotional. You told me you loved me today and I’m a bit of a sap.”
“Well, I do. I adore you, Matthew.”
“I feel the same about you, Liam. Do you want to play some more? I’ve got a lot of energy.”
“No, because you’ve had more than enough pain for today,” he yawns, closing his eyes. “I do wonder what I need to do to get you to use that safeword though.”
I’m a little disappointed that he’s done, but I snuggle into his chest, taking advantage of his sleepiness. I don’t get to do this very often. Today I have pleased him, and with any luck, Selena will decide to embark on a relationship with us. I fall asleep feeling content as he absentmindedly strokes my hair.