What gives you the right
when I say no to you
can’t pry in my head
to ascertain my view
Maybe it’s your eyes
or that you are too tall
don’t call me baby
you don’t know me at all
No means no, damn it
I have said it enough
there’s no you and me
you don’t have the right stuff
Hate your pestering
I won’t apologize
there’s no connection
I will not be your prize
Nothing you can say
will ever change my mind
I’m back in control
I have been far too kind
Get it through your head
I will not justify
So be on your way
adios and goodbye
**Once again, a very special thank you to Ping for his continued guidance, friendship, laughter, inspiration, advice, mentoring, support and kicking my butt to not half ass my work and to really dig deep about what I am trying to convey. Your patience and mentoring is priceless. As I continue to grow, I hope to someday pay forward the kindest you have gifted**