When we awoke later that day, the storm had blown itself out and we could hear the dull drone of snow removal equipment doing their thing on the streets and sidewalks. One after another, we stumbled out of bed and watched our lover stretch and make their way to the washroom before returning to the bedroom for morning cuddles.
“Some party!” I grinned as Jenn and I kissed and hugged.
“Some party!” she agreed.
“Oh, crap, our bag is in the other room!” I said.
“Don’t worry about it,” Gloria said as she slipped on a sheer robe. Her mature body looked stunning under the thin fabric as she moved. “There are plenty of robes in the chest at the foot of the bed. It’s not the first time I’ve had unexpected overnight guests! Or expected ones!” We all got a robe each and padded to the kitchen.
Some of her guests were still there, mingling about the kitchen and dining room, making and eating breakfast. Gloria went to each one and greeted them with a hug and a soft kiss, men as well as women. Jenn and Kim followed suit and while I was still a bit hesitant to kiss a man I did not know, I took the plunge and did it anyway. In for a penny…
“So you ladies are leaving tomorrow?” Helen asked.
Jenn nodded, “We got the latest flight out that we could, won’t get home until almost midnight.”
“So do you have any plans for today then?” Helen looked at me and smiled.
“I have a special surprise for our lovely host,” Jenn said with a wide smile. “I’m not giving any details other than our plans will involve plenty of white wine and a jacuzzi but they will not involve clothes!” Everyone laughed and smiled and Helen came over to me.
“Well, she certainly deserves a surprise after last night. She was a superstar!” She kissed me softly and touched the end of my nose with her fingertip. “Allan didn’t shut up about her all night!”
“Shut up about what?” he said as he entered the kitchen.
“About Ellie,” Helen said.
“She is a very special young lady!” He came over to me, “How are you this morning? Feeling all right?”
I tiptoed up and kissed him, “I am perfect!” I whispered. “Thank you for last night, it was amazing!” We kissed again and he returned to his wife’s side.
“Infatuated again, I see!” Helen said with a teasing smile.
Slowly, the guests began dispersing until it was just the four of us left. We helped Gloria clean up and then headed off for showers, me with Kim and Jenn with Gloria. Our moans and sighs filled the hallways of the large house once again as we all enjoyed one last orgasmic thrill before leaving.
“I take it you’ll want to be coming to my next party then?” Gloria asked as we held each other in the foyer.
“I will gladly accept any invitation to your home at any time!” I said. We kissed, “See you tomorrow at school!”
She placed her finger against her lips, “Sshhhhhhhhh!” We kissed again and went outside to catch the waiting cab.
Kim and Jenn spent most of the day doing laundry and getting packed. We would be taking all of their things when we left for wherever Jenn was taking us. All she would tell me was dinner was at 7:00 and it was about a forty-five minute drive.
We arrived shortly before 6:00 and found the lockbox containing the key. The driveway had been plowed and the steps cleared including the deck where the hot tub was steaming in the cool evening air. We took our bags inside and got settled. There was a note on the counter.
“Dinner is in the refrigerator as requested, the heating instructions for each dish are on the cover. The wine bar and cooler have been stocked as requested and the hot tub has been cleaned and heated. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to call. Enjoy your stay! Tammy.”
I wandered around the cabin, the fireplace had been lit and the furniture had all been pushed back as far as it could go. A large rug covered the floor and a cabinet with plenty of towels, robes and slippers was beside the door leading to the deck.
“This place is awesome!” I said as I re-entered the kitchen. “It’s so cozy and warm! I could just live here forever!”
“It’s just for one night, don’t get too comfortable,” Jenn said. She and Kim were busy getting things ready. “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.” Shortly after, we were seated in the overstuffed furniture in the main area, eating a delicious stew and homemade bread and drinking a dry white wine.
After dinner, Kim led me upstairs and we got undressed and put on fluffy robes in preparation for going out into the hot tub. We came back down just as Jenn was finishing cleaning up the kitchen, “You girls go ahead, I’ll be out in a few minutes! Don’t get too far ahead of me!”
Kim and I put on robes and slippers and quickly snuck out the door, crossing the fifteen feet to the hot tub. We shed our outerwear and climbed in. The air was cold but the water was quite warm as we settled in beside each other, the water almost to our chins. The air was still and we watched the smoke curl up from the chimney through the treetops. We were far enough from the city that could see millions of stars. Above us, the blinking lights of airplanes on their trans-Atlantic flight paths winked by noiselessly.
“This is nice, just the two of us,” said Kim quietly. She took a sip of her wine and set her glass on the edge of the tub. She found the control panel and started the jets and we settled in to wait for Jenn. We held hands and talked about the stars. I knew some of them because my dad used to point them out when we went camping not too far from here. As the evening deepened, the sky grew darker, turning a deep, deep blue as opposed to black. We sat quietly, sipped our wine and just enjoyed each other’s company.
Jenn broke the silence as she burst out of the cabin and hurried across the deck carrying a fresh bottle of wine. She shed her robe and slippers and almost jumped in beside us, splashing water and almost spilling our wine.
“Easy you!” Kim cautioned.
I brought more wine!” she said as she settled in the warm water right up to her chin. “It’s so fucking cold!”
“I think it’s perfect!” I said. “I could stay out here all night!”
“I have other plans for all night!” giggled Jenn as she squeezed in between Kim and me. We sat quietly for a bit and then I noticed a flash of light through the trees.
“Oh, look! The Northern Lights!” I pointed.
“Where?” my two lovers asked in union.
I pointed, “Just to the left of that pine tree, watch for a green flash.” We waited for a moment, “There!”
“I didn’t see anything,” Jenn said.
“Your eyes haven’t adjusted to the dark yet,” I said. “Just enjoy the quiet and wait!” Quiet and waiting were not Jenn’s strong suits.
“I see it!” Kim said excitedly. “Right there!” Then Jenn saw it too, a rippling wave of phosphorescent green and yellow swaying across the sky.
“It’s so beautiful!” Jenn breathed. “What causes them?”
“Electrically charged particles high in the atmosphere interacting with the earth’s magnetic field. Basically, it’s an electric generator,” I explained.
“Listen to you, Miss Know-it-all!” Jenn teased.
“Well, I am a middle school math and science teacher!” I said. “We’re actually covering atmospheric phenomenon later this term.”
“It’s enough that they’re pretty,” said Kim, not taking her eyes off them. They had been getting brighter and spread across more of the sky. They could see muted hues of pink along with green and yellow.
I watched the rippling waves so intently that I didn’t even notice Jenn moving beside me. “Ellie, thank you for hosting us this week! We have had the very best time!” She kissed me softly.
“We have,” Kim agreed. “I have to admit, I had no idea what to expect coming here. You are such a wonderful person, and your friends and family have been amazing! I will never forget this trip.” She kissed me as well.
“It has been my pleasure, believe me!” I said. “I have done and seen things I never imagined possible! And I could never have come out to my parents if you hadn’t been here with me. It is me who should be thanking you!” I kissed both women.
“I have something for you. Well, for us actually,” Kim said. She climbed out of the warm water and into the cold air, her entire body steaming for the fifteen seconds she was exposed. She retrieved a small box from the pocket of her robe and hustled back into the water. “Brrrr!”
She opened the box and set the lid on the edge of the tub. “I got these for us.” Laying on the white satin fabric inside were three necklaces, each with three small gold hearts interlinked on a fine chain. “One heart for each of us. “Would you wear this, Ellie?”
I took it from her and looked it over. It was beautiful. I handed it back to her, turned my back and lifted the hair at the back of my neck. She looped it around my neck and fastened it. I turned back to her and we kissed, sharing our emotions through the union of our lips and the flashing of our tongues. “I will never take it off!”
She put Jenn’s necklace on her and they kissed as well. Then she handed me hers and I put it on her. We sat there, well, they sat, I knelt on the floor of the tub, and held hands. I felt like my chest would burst, so full it was of emotion.
“Maybe we should go inside,” Kim suggested.
“No, I said. “I want to enjoy the night for just a little while longer.” We snuggled together, holding hands and occasionally sharing soft kisses. “I love this!” I whispered.
“I love you,” Kim breathed. Jenn sat up and looked at her.
“You barely know me,” I said.
“Be that as it may, that’s how I feel,” Kim replied. “I don’t know any other way to say how I feel. I feel like we have known each other forever. I hate the idea of leaving tomorrow and I will be miserable until I see you again! What would you call it?”
“Love, I guess,” admitted Jenn. “I feel the same way!”
“Me too,” I said. We shared kisses for a few minutes. “I think it’s time to go inside!”
“Let me go first,” Jenn said. “I have a surprise too! Give me ten minutes!”
“And what are we supposed to do while you are inside doing whatever it is you are going to do?” asked Kim.
“I’m sure you’ll think of something!” Jenn said as she climbed out of the tub and scampered naked across the deck and into the cabin, leaving her wine glass behind.
“What to do?” Kim whispered as she moved in front of me. She leaned in and kissed me passionately. “What to do indeed?”
My back arched at her touch as her fingers toyed with my nipples. When I bent backwards, they came up out of the water and hardened immediately into tight little nibs. “So cute!” she breathed as she covered one with her mouth. The moist heat of her mouth was like fire on my sensitive little nubs. She switched sides and I felt the one she had just vacated contract instantly in the cold air. I moaned each time she switched sides.
Suddenly she stopped. “Sit up on the edge!” she said. “I want to taste you!”
“It’s so cold!” I protested.
“I’ll keep you warm!” she leered as she placed her hands on the sides of my ribs and lifted me up. My thighs parted uncommanded and she moved her head between them. I looked down and saw her breath turn to vapour as she exhaled in front of my pussy.
“Fuck me that’s hot!” I heard. I looked to the doorway and saw Jenn in a different robe, “I’m ready for you!”
“Just a minute!” rasped Kim. She smiled widely as she leaned forward and set back to the task she had set herself. After a few minutes, she relented and let me sip back into the water. My body felt like it was on fire as the hot water enveloped me. We kissed again and again and finally, I looked at her. “Now it’s time to go inside!”
We giggled like schoolgirls as we got out of the water and scurried inside, leaving everything behind us.
We grabbed towels and scurried to the front of the fireplace to dry off and warm up. “I feel so alive!” Kim gushed as we dried off. Jenn made us Boozy Hot Chocolates and set out a charcuterie board. We snacked and drank our warming drinks and Jenn made another round. “I have to get me some of this rum cream to take home!” Kim said.
“Ladies, if you will accompany me upstairs?” Jenn said. Kim and I abandoned our towels, picked up our drinks and padded naked up the stairway to the bedroom in the loft. “I thought we might try something a little different tonight!” She dropped her robe to reveal a lack leather harness with a long thick dildo protruding from it. “If you are up for it, I’d like to be the man tonight!”
“I am in!” Kim said excitedly.
“I don’t know, it looks awful big!” I said, more than a little nervous. “I’m afraid it will hurt me!”
“I have a smaller one if you like,” Jenn said soothingly. “I wanted to go for the shock effect!”
“You surely did that!” I said. I went to her side. “If I have learned nothing this week, I’ve learned to trust you girls when it comes to trying new things! I’m in too!” We kissed and Kim joined us.
“Me first!” she shouted and she bounced up onto the bed. I loved the way her breasts and ass jiggled as she moved, and her smile as she looked back over her shoulder was so cute!
Jenn handed me the lube and I slicked up the toy and rubbed some into Kim’s already wet pussy. Apparently, you can never have too much lube! I watched, fascinated as Jenn moved behind her, positioned the tip of the long thick dildo and slid it inside that pussy that I loved to kiss. I watched Kim’s fingers slide on either side of her clit and heard her loud moan as Jenn bottomed out inside her.
“Oh, god! I love dick!” Kim breathed. “If only they didn’t come attached to such assholes! It’s men I can’t stand, not cock!”
“They’re not all assholes,” Jenn said. “Kevin is pretty good.”
“They’re all assholes!” Kim panted as Jenn drove into her a few hard strokes to punish her for saying mean things about her husband. “Yes, That’s what Mama needs!” I watched them and started playing with myself as Jenn’s pounding of Kim’s cunt started making squishing noises. Kim’s moans and sighs grew louder as her three middle fingers played her clit like a thrash metal guitarist plays a solo.
“Come here!” Kim ordered me and I moved toward her. “Gimme that pussy!” I shimmied underneath her and as soon as I was close enough, she began to devour my pussy, licking it like it was the tastiest food on earth. “OH! FUCK GONNA CUM!” she screamed.
The sounds were spectacular, both those coming from her soul and the ones coming from her pussy as she gushed her cum all over the dildo, Jenn’s hips, and the mattress beneath her. It looked like we were all going to have to sleep in the wet spot tonight!
Kim collapsed onto her chest, her body heaving from the exertion. “Fuck me, that was good!”
“Don’t know why you’re all tired out,” Jenn said. “I did all the fucking work!” Kim rolled onto her back and opened her arms to welcome our lover in.
“Yes, my Lover, you did and I want to thank you for it!” They kissed as I watched and resumed playing with my clit. The scene had gotten me pretty worked up and I wanted to keep the heat turned up.
“I love watching you two kiss!” I said. “It’s hot and sexy and loving! Makes me feel good inside!”
“As soon as I recover, I’m gonna make you feel good inside!” Kim leered as she invited me in to snuggle with them.
We cuddled and kissed and then Jenn rolled away, getting up and removing the dildo from the harness and attaching the smaller one. Then she removed the harness and wiped it down before setting it on the large chest at the foot of the bed. “I’m going to stoke the fire,” she said, and she left the room.
“I’m going to stoke your fire!” Kim whispered as she kissed her way down my body.
“My fire is burning hot!” I giggled which set her giggling as well. When Jenn re-entered the room we were still laughing, me on my back with Kim’s head laying on my jiggling tummy.
“What’s so funny?” Jenn asked. Kim told her about what I said and she laughed too. “That’s pretty fucking funny! Here, have some water! We need to stay hydrated, cumming like that takes a lot out of you!”
We drank up and then Kim resumed her kisses on my tummy. When she got to my clit, my internal fire was roaring once again. She looked over her shoulder, “Jenn, take over while I get ready!”
“With pleasure!” Jenn smiled as she replaced Kim between my thighs. A few minutes later, her face appeared beside mine, “Are you sure you want to do this?” She kissed me softly before moving to suckle on my sensitive nipples.
“I want this!” I breathed. “Take me, Kim! Make me yours!” She smiled and lay on her back.
“You on top, I think!” she said. “When you’re ready.”
I pushed Jenn away from between my thighs and climbed up on top of Kim. Jenn applied lube to the fake cock and then to my pussy, rubbing it in thoroughly and slipping two fingers inside me. Kim kissed me and whispered, “Stop if you’re not comfortable.”
“I want this!” I repeated. “I want this for you as much as me!” She smiled and we kissed again.
I raised my hips up and Jenn positioned the head of the toy at my entrance. Slowly I lowered my hips and I relished the stretch as it entered me. It was a bit longer than Allan, the man I had been with at Gloria’s party the night before, but not quite so thick. The feeling as it filled me was exquisite and as I felt my clit make contact with the cool leather of the harness, I sighed.
“Mmmmm, that feels so good!” I purred. I felt Jenn’s fingers on me as she drew a fingertip along the union of the dildo and my pussy. I bent down to kiss Kim and looked at her, our foreheads touching as our eyes met. “I love you!” I whispered so only she could hear.
“Me too!” I read as her lips moved noiselessly. I started moving my hips slowly, relishing the feeling of the bump and ridges on the firm shaft of the dildo as it slid out and back in. Jenn’s fingers reached my clit and she rubbed it in time, one circle with each stroke of the cock inside me. I had two beautiful women, both of whom I completely adored, focusing all their attention on me to make my orgasm the best, most explosive it could be! I was in lesbian heaven.
I ground myself against Kim and built to the deepest, most explosive orgasm I’d ever had. Over and over I came until I had no more left to give. As I lay on top of Kim with the long thick phallus riding along the cheeks of my ass, my body heaved from the exertion. “Looks like you did all the work that time!” Jenn smiled.
After a brief respite to refuel and hydrate, we all hopped back into the hot tub for a few minutes. The air was getting colder and the stars had a clarity that I had never before witnessed. The only thing that broke the silence was the occasional growling of snowmobiles far in the distance. The wine was going down too easily and our hands were getting active again.
“Let’s take this upstairs!” Kim whispered.
“Okay!” and we got out of the hot tub and scurried back inside out of the cold. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jenn looking at us with a broad smile.
We stood in front of the fire and helped each other dry off and then opened a fresh bottle of wine. Kim filled our glasses and then took my hand and led me upstairs. We started kissing and then she picked up the harness. “Your turn!” she said to me as she began fitting it around my hips.
“I’ve never even seen anything like this before!” I said.
“Be that as it may, you and I have both been fucked tonight, now it’s Jenn’s turn, you will be the fucker and she will be the fuckee!”
She fastened the straps around me and snugged them in so it was tight on my hips. She held up the two available dildos, “Which one should we use?”
“The smaller one I think, we don’t want to hurt her!” I said.
“She can take it!” Kim grinned and she fastened the longer, thicker one to the holder on the front. I looked down and giggled, I looked so silly with eight inches of silicone cock sticking out in front of me. “Stay here!” she said.
I sat down with the long appendage sticking out in front of me as I sipped my wine and waited. It wasn’t long before they came giggling up the stairs. Jenn got to the doorway and stopped. “I was hoping you’d be wearing that when I got here!” she said as she came to me and kissed me. Kim lay down on the bed and Jenn climbed over her so they could lick and suck on each other. I moved behind Jenn and Kim guided the long cock to the entrance of her pussy. I pushed my hips forward tentatively and it slid right in.
“Mmmmm, that feels so good!” Jenn purred before putting her mouth back onto Kim’s cunt. They licked and sucked on each other while I established a rhythm, my hips bouncing firmly off her buttocks each time I move forward. Kim was right, she could take it and she loved it!
After about ten minutes I was beginning to tire. I wasn’t used to this type of motion and my body felt it. “I need a break!” I said and the other two laughed.
“Lie down on your back!” Jenn said. I did as directed and she climbed on top, lowering herself onto the toy. Her hips started rocking as Kim’s fingers began teasing her clit. I watched Jenn’s facial expression change as her arousal built. One second her eyes would be wide open, staring into mine as she rode the firm shaft, the next they were screwed shut as she bit her bottom lip until I thought it might bleed.
Kim’s hand left Jenn’s pussy and she climbed up and swung her leg over my head, nestling her pussy down onto my mouth. My hearing at this point was muffled by her thighs as I tried to continue pushing my hips upward into Jenn’s butt. Their motions grew larger and their moans grew louder as they brought themselves closer to that sweet rush. Despite my muffled hearing, I could hear the louder of their noises, “Cum with me, Baby!” Kim panted. “Fuck that cock and cum with me!”
Their cries split the silence of the night as they came, if not exactly together then very, very closely so. I felt the warm rush on my face and over my hips, as both women’s hips and thighs quivered in their ecstasy. Eventually, they started to come down and Kim rolled off my face and moved to kiss me. Jenn joined on my other side and the two of them kissed me and each other.
“So how did you like being the Man? Kim teased.
“It’s harder work than I imagined!” I panted, still winded. “But your orgasms made it all worth it!”
“I couldn’t agree more!” whispered Jenn. “Tomorrow is going to suck the big one!”
“Yes, it is,” Kim agreed. “Good thing we have tonight!”
“You mean this morning,” I said. “It’s nearly one am!”
“So what you’re saying is we have plenty of time!” Jenn smiled as she reached to unbuckle the harness from my hips.
“Time for hot tub sex!” Kim said.
“I’ll bring the wine!” I called as they scampered down the stairs.