Night Of The Living Gorgon Pussy

"Hannah had to know if the carpet matched the drapes.."

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“What the fuck are you staring at, bitch?” The strange girl sitting next to me at the bar growled, clearly not happy about my staring at her.

“Your… um, hair,” I choked out nervously. 

“So what about it?” she said, her tone defensive and her body stiffening. 

“Well it, um, it has snakes in it,” I said, still in complete shock at what I was seeing. Wondering if I was just indeed drunk.

“Girl, it doesn’t have snakes in it. It is snakes. At least get it right. Didn’t your momma ever teach you it’s not polite to stare?” She ran her fingers over a snake and began curling it around her finger playfully.

“Sorry about that. I just haven’t ever seen a girl with snake hair before. I mean, I read that mythology story about Medusa or whatever her name was, but…” 

“Aww, it’s okay. I get it. Actually, I should be used to it by now I don’t come out of my lair much these days. My name’s Barbara, by the way. What’s your name?”

“Hannah,” I replied. Even with the snakes in her hair, she was actually pretty fucking hot and I was staring for other reasons now. She was well built with what appeared to be a very nice pair of titties.

I wondered what it would be like to fuck a girl with snake hair, but what if the carpet matched the drapes? I didn’t really want to get bitten by snakes when I went down on her.

It was almost as if she could read my mind. “Go ahead, ask it.” 

My face turned several shades red. “Um… do um… do you have snakes down there, too?”

She smiled a wicked smile. “Only one way to find out. Want to go back to my lair?”

“Come on,” she said nodding towards the door, “or are you afraid, Hannah?” 

“No,” I said trying to keep my voice calm. I wasn’t really keen on the idea of getting my tongue bit off by snakes, and I also wasn’t sure how I was going to kiss her either without a similar outcome. The image of snakes nipping my face with their nasty fangs filled my mind.

“So are you allowed to get on a plane? Do they tell you to get your snakes off their mother fucking plane,” I growled in my best Samuel impression but completely failed?

“As I said, I rarely leave my lair.” It was apparent she probably didn’t’ watch many movies either.

“I went on a plane one time and I wore a wig,” she added. “I refuse to do that now. No one is going to make me ashamed of myself.”

We had been walking for a while, but I was almost completely unaware of how long. I mostly was still in a daze. I was actually walking off from a bar with a girl with snakes in her hair to go back to her place, or ‘lair’ as she called it, to find out if the carpet or the drapes matched. And if they did I had no idea what I was going to do. I would probably politely leave. Fuck, I was already wet.

Sex with a snake chick had never even made my bucket list. Like, for instance, to find out if clown sex is funny. 

It was dark out and I kept stumbling on branches and rocks nearly losing my footing as we trudged through the woods. I had been out here many times, but never in the dark. 

“We are here,” I heard her announce. We had come to what appeared to be a cave. Which probably should have caused me some concern but it didn’t.

We went into the cold dark cavern. “You just live here completely undisturbed?” I asked. “Don’t people try to explore the cave?” 

“When they do, Hannah, I eat them,” she said with a laugh. “Actually not really. I move my lair around. This is just my current place. Besides where I am actually sleeping is way, way back in an area I don’t think has been found in quite some time. It’s quite safe.”

She took my hand and began leading me deeper into the cavern. “Don’t you need a light?” I asked a bit puzzled.

“No, Hannah, I can actually see better in the dark than in the light,” she replied.

I felt my body stiffen nervously. “Well, er um, okay then, but how am I supposed to see if you have snakes down below,” I said, my tone easily showing its nervousness.

“When we get there we can light a few candles. I often forget that mortals can’t see in the dark as my people can.”

I paused for a moment wondering if I should ask but, of course, I couldn’t help myself. Before I knew it the words were just tumbling out.  “What are you? Where are you from?” My curiosity always got the better of me.

“I’m exactly what your storybook Medusa was, only you won’t turn to stone. I am a Gorgon. I come from an island called Sarpedon. I am an eternal one”

My jaw dropped a little. Why was I shocked though? I had literally just encountered a snake-haired woman at a bar and now was in her lair with her. “So wait, was the Medusa thing real? Was the stone thing made up? I’m a little lost here.”

“The stone thing never happened. That was complete bullshit. Medusa was real, though, and so was her affair with a mortal man. Her eventual hate for him brought about the ruination of our island and our culture. We scattered all over different parts of the world. Humans, they cannot usually be trusted.” 

“I read that Medusa was actually mortal and that was why it was easy to kill her?” I was finding myself even more confused by mythology than usual now.

“Really Hannah, you are going to argue with me? She was never a mortal. She fell in love with a mortal man and then he decided to brag about it to his friends. He was like, ‘hey guys guess what? I’m banging this hot Gorgon chick’, and because of that, we had mortals all over our island. They came and tried to fuck all of us. It was because of this that she killed him and fed the pieces of him to her snakes.” 

I cleared my throat. “Is this your way of warning me not to tell my friends, because if so, that won’t happen.” 

She sharply turned her bright green glowing eyes at me, hissing a little. “It wasn’t a warning. I don’t warn. I strike. I brought you back here to fuck you.”

We had been walking for what seemed like an eternity in the dark cavernous maze when finally she pulled me into a tiny little room. “Here we are,” she announced. She began lighting candles which filled me with a sense of relief. 

Finally, I could see her properly again and felt less nervous.

“Now let’s answer all those questions you have going on in that dirty mind of yours,” she said with a smirk.

Barbara slowly began removing the tight-fitting dress that clung to every delicious-looking curve. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

She was braless, wearing only a pair of lacy purple panties. I couldn’t see any snakes fighting to get free in there so that was a good sign.

She nodded at me to come closer. I stepped toward her until I was within touching distance. Her eyes looked deep into mine. Her gaze so deep I felt her eyes cut like daggers into my soul. She took my hand in hers and began guiding it downwards between her legs. I felt my body begin to shake with a mixture of terror and arousal.

She slipped my hand slowly into her panties. I closed my eyes out of instinct. I could feel her warmth radiating against my fingertips. My heart began pounding loudly in my chest. My hand remaining perfectly still afraid to explore.

“Go on, touch me,” she hissed into my ear, her breath warm and moist against my neck. I began moving downwards and quickly discovered that she was completely bare.

“I shave my snakes off,” she said with a bit of a teasing tone.

My fingers moved to caress her swollen aroused lips which caused a small moan of ecstasy to escape from her lips.

“I’m going to have to fuck you right now,” she said, her voice thickly coated in a sheet of lust.

She grabbed me and pulled me towards her, kissing me. Our lips pressed together passionately before she tossed me down to the rough stone floor.

“Ouch! You just sleep on the floor like this?” I exclaimed.

“God, Hannah, it’s not like Bed Bath and Beyond is going to deliver a bed to my cave or anything. Besides, I like the way the cold stone feels pressing against my skin.”

She was removing her panties, not bothering to take them off gently. Completely shredding them off herself before tossing them down next to where I lay. She then began tearing my clothes off of me, one at a time, starting with my shirt. Instinctively I lifted up a little as she removed my shorts and a wicked smile formed when she noticed I wasn’t wearing any panties underneath.

“Very naughty. Mama Snake likes,” she murmured with a bit of a hiss.

She climbed on top of me, her body melting against mine, Our breasts pressing together, she lifted my leg a little until she had positioned her cunt against mine, She let out a soft moan as she began to fuck me, her hips moving back and forth as she began grinding her hot cunt against mine.

Our moans echoed in the cavern. I could feel the cold stone pressing hard against my back, goosebumps forming all over my entire body.

“Fuck me,” I moaned loudly as my heart began pounding like crazy in my chest. She felt so good against me, her juices mixing with mine with every thrust and slam against my aching cunt. We began to writhe together, a tangled mess as our fucking continued, the sounds of her serpentine hair hissing didn’t even phase me, My mind felt like an acid-induced melting pot of scorching pleasure.

I needed release.

I let out a loud moan, my chest rising upwards, my eyes rolling backward in my head as her pussy pressed harder against mine, our clits rubbing together, sending electrical sensations through my entire body. And then it happened.

The snakes bore down on me, latching down around my throat and squeezing, biting and cutting off my air supply. I could feel her cumming hard, her juices spraying against my cunt in a hot wet torrent. I was shaking all over as my pleasure reached a crescendo, unable to stop cumming, but trying to let out the scream of orgasmic terror that had built up in my lungs, 

My mind was whirling faster now as the snakes squirmed and hissed wrapping tighter. Then they suddenly released as she collapsed on top of me in a sticky wet mess.

That was when I realized something. Why the fuck does she have candles if she can see in the dark. Just as I was realizing that I saw scattered all around us bones and remnants of what used to be living breathing people. 

At that moment I remembered something.

Once, a long time ago, I had been walking in the woods. Just exploring when I found this hollow tree and, of course, I explored it, thinking of only cheerful things like the prospects of perhaps finding David The Gnome inside making candles. But, no, I found a pile of slithering hissing snakes, wrapping around each other and devouring a squirrel.

I looked at her, with a flicker of realization in my eyes that I was about to be that squirrel.

She let out a loud horrendous monstrous laugh, the lights went out and I screamed.


“I told you, Hannah, I eat people,” she whispered her tone evil as fuck.

“No, jesus christ, No!” I managed to get out despite my mouth going completely dry. I was thrashing about under her trying to get free, but she felt like lead on top of me.

And then she laughed again. “You are easy. I’m just fucking with you. Let’s get high and watch Pulp Fiction or something.”

I stared at her in complete shock. “You aren’t going to eat me?” I asked slightly surprised.

She moved her hand downwards until it was resting between my legs. “Oh, I’m going to eat you alright. I’m going to eat your gorgeous cunt until you can’t take it anymore.”

“But what about the pile of bones?” I asked still a little concerned

“Relax they are just the bones of men, I don’t eat women, What do you take me for a complete monster?”





Published 6 years ago

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