New Suit

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New Suit

            It was spring time, and that means its time for a new suit. I usually go to a custom shop on the west side, but scene I moved last fall to the north side of town I thought I’d check out some shops up here. Driving home one night after work I saw this little strip mall, in it I noticed a small tailor’s shop in the middle, their lights still on. So I turned around at the next light and pulled in.

A bell rang as I entered, a very attractive mature lady came out form the back. “Well hello, may I help you?” she asked with a beautiful smile.

“Yes, thank you, I like to have a suit made if that possible?” I answered.

“But of course, please step this way” she says. “I was just about to close up, but please.” As she points ever so gracefully to the back, far right side of the store.

I hadn’t noticed as I walked to the back she had continued to the front and had locked the door. I did however notice her turning out the open sign as I reached the area she had instructed me to go to. I thought nothing of it, as I looked around at the selection of suits hanging there, waiting for her.

“Alright then, may I have your jacket please”. She said.

She helped me out of it, and gave it a look over as she hung it up on a rack just to the right us. “Very nice” she said straighten out the sleeves.

“Thank you” I said as I loosen my tie, after all the work day was over.

“Okay, let’s see here” she says as she picks up a small pad of paper and a measuring tape.

She studies me for a few minutes, and says “I have a set of pants that are very close to your size right over her, all we’ll need to do is some adjustment and we’ll be done”

“Great” I answered.

She picks up the pants from another rack and directs me the changing room, just off to the left. A small room, curtain for a door, I step inside she pulls the curtain close. My back is still to the curtain side of this little room as I slid out of my pants not knowing she didn’t close the curtains all the way, and was watching me change. Because if I’d known I would have pulled them shut, see because I hate underwear and don’t any on today. But at lest I hoped she liked the show. With the new template pants on I turn around and saw her still stand there, I’m sure my face turned a shade of red, she never let on.

Stepping out and back up on to the little platform she began to take measurements and jotting them down on her pad of paper. When it came time to measure my inseam she set the pad of paper down. Placed the tape just below my ankle with one hand, and slowly went up my leg with the other hand. Her hand was turned upward and she stopped just as she cupped my balls, it startled me a bit. She kept a professional tune about it so I tried not to make it a big deal, but as she move the tape to the other foot she didn’t move her hand. Instead she moved her hand to the other side a bit and my balls as well.

She made a hum sound as if confused, was it my leg measurements? She moved her lower hand back to my other foot, slightly moving her upper hand and my balls with it. A couple more time she repeated this, me and my dick were starting to enjoy it. So much when I snapped back to reality realizing my dick was getting hard, with no underwear and in this lose fitting pants it was becoming very clear. When she stood up and she step behind me and I felt a little relieved that maybe she didn’t see my hardon. From behind me she went to measure my waits, putting both of her hands around me, as she laid the tape against me her hand brushed the head of my hardon. There was no mistaking it now I thought, I was so embarrassed.

To my surprise when she came around to the front she made no sign of what just happen. She studied her note on the pad of paper, I took this awkward time to notice her breasts. That didn’t help matters in my pants, now my cock was throbbing. Oh shit I thought.

She seemed to be caught up in the notes, she shook her head and said “This doesn’t seem right, let me recheck something”. She said as she knelt down in front of my, putting the tape and pad of paper on the floor. I lifted my head and looked straight forward as if that would make my hardon magically go down. She reached up and quicker than I’ve very seen, had undid this pant. When they fell to the floor, my cock just about hit her in the nose. Before I could say anything she had sucks the head of my cock in her mouth just like a sweeper. Just sucking the head made my eye roll in the back. This lady had some talent, and not just for making suits. She had half of my cock in her mouth by the time her hands worked their way up my legs. I had to concentrate on keeping my balance, she was so damn good at this. I felt my balls start to rumble and knew it wouldb’t take long. She quicken the pace as she took both hands around to my ass putting a death squeeze on it.

She started pushing me from my ass to fuck her face, faster and faster she’d push. I put my hands on her head to keep from falling over, and to follow her led. She could put my whole cock in her mouth and down her throat in timing with her breathing. Told you she had talent. The sounds of her moans and from all the saliva made my cock even harder. My balls were now smacking her chin with each pump, this is not helping me prolong this at all.   Sure enough here it comes, my balls couldn’t hold back any more. A hard thrust as I shot my first load down her throat, in total disregard to her mouth. She didn’t seem to mind, she still had her hands on my ass helping me pump it in to her. The pace slowed but the press of thrusting increased, shot after shot.

Me legs became weak as she with drew my hard throbbing cock from her mouth. She sucking me clean to the end, it made a popping noise when it cleared her lips. When I regained control of my eyes and looked down at her. Some of my cum most have trickled out the corner of her mouth, she was using her fingers to slide it over her lips, like the way women up on lipstick. She stood up, her finger still sliding around her lips and gave me that look that turns any men into putty.

“Your suite will be ready tomorrow evening if you’d like to come back and try it on” she says.

Standing there, dumb founded, pants around my ankles, dick still sticking straight out, I manage to muster up a “Yes that would be great.”

“Wonderful, you can change back into your suit, and then I’ll walk you to the door” she says still in a professional manner.

In the changing room my head was still spinning, what the hell just happened? In a blink of an eye I was measured in more ways then one, blow job from heaven, all in a business as usual exchange. Not bad at all I thought, pulling up my pants. Stepping out of the changing room I didn’t see her any where, so I thought I was just to see myself out. I started walking to the front when I heard her said “Here is your slip for your new suit” she had walked out for the back, slip in hand as she seductive strolled closer to my.

I thanked her as I slowly took the slip from her our eye never left each other during the exchange. As she put her arm around mine she said “I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening then” turning me towards the front door.

“Yes I look forward to that as well” Stopping in front of the door watching her unlock it.

“Thanks again” I said as I walk out and headed for my car.


Published 17 years ago

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