My training class was bumped up to right after the New Year’s holiday. When I returned from my trip to Phoenix, I called Simone. I got her voicemail and left a message. A few hours later, I didn’t hear from her, so I called her again and once again I got her voicemail.
Several days passed before I heard from Simone. I was at my company’s office wrapping up after a hard and long work week. I was mentally worn out and frustrated when she called.
Simone apologized for the silent treatment, then said she was upset because I didn’t call her while I was away.
After a brief pause, Simone told me that she knew about Michelle and me and that didn’t sit well with her while I was away that week. Those instances added up her frustrations.
And she added that I was a typical male before I could get in a single word.
Trying to keep my cool, I responded by saying that she could have called me, and I thought that we had a mutual friendship that included a sexual relationship.
Wrong statement.
A moment passed before Simone spoke, “Austin, I have to admit that I was beginning to question our relationship.”
Being that I was at my company office, I paused to answer, then asked Simone if she would like to meet for dinner to discuss this further. She reluctantly agreed to meet me in a couple of hours at the Chinese restaurant near my apartment.
I managed to get home and clean up before meeting Simone. I arrived before her and waited inside the restaurant’s vestibule, because a light drizzle of rain was falling.
Simone arrived about ten minutes later and I stepped outside to meet her. She was wearing jeans, athletic shoes, and one of my worn blue jean shirts she liked and took from me one time.
I noticed Simone wasn’t wearing any makeup or mascara, and her hair was pulled back behind her head in a ponytail. Simone is naturally attractive, and she doesn’t need or wear much makeup anyway.
Her facial expression caused me to think that perhaps this contact may not turn out well. I took a small breath, said hi, and tried to hug her, but she resisted me.
“Do you want to eat?” I asked before we entered the restaurant.
“Yes, I am hungry,” Simone replied somewhat harshly, as she dried her face with a napkin.
As the hostess sat us in a booth away from the other customers, she took our order of drinks and both of us decided on the buffet.
After we fixed our plates and returned to the table, the hostess placed our tea on the table and left. Simone ate a few bites, put her fork down, and took a sip of her tea.
She put her glass down, then looked me square in the eyes.
“Austin, I sat in my apartment after New Year’s. I was all alone, sick and feeling bad. The alcohol and whatever Michelle put in my drinks were part of why I was feeling bad.”
I was stunned by the accusation. “What makes you think she spiked your drinks?” I asked.
Simone responded tartly by telling me that Michelle had a surprise for her but didn’t tell her what it was. She admitted two or three drinks would not affect her like what happened that night.
Simone began to tell me about the types of people Michelle hung around with, and she wasn’t kind about it.
“Michelle was a druggie and a dealer back home, among other things,” Simone said tersely.
She sipped her tea before speaking again.
“Those people Michelle dealt with included some upper-class types. She’d go about selling things to local politicians, some local television personalities, and upper-class business owners. Michelle attended their elaborate parties as an escort, things like that.”
Simone took another sip of her tea, then continued.
“Michelle became a type of party host who arranges sexual favors. She does what I call flavoring drinks, so that things can occur to certain people without them knowing or remembering what happened.”
“Wow!” was all I could muster.
“Yeah, so much for my childhood friend, right?” Simone deadpanned.
The thought of Michelle at my apartment entered my mind and I figured that it would be best to remain a secret hidden from Simone.
Simone took a few more bites of her dinner quietly. Her silence had me feeling uneasy. I asked, “So, tell me, what is on your mind?”
Simone took a long sip of her tea, then handed the glass to the waitress who arrived at our table, for a refill. “Austin, these past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about my future.”
She paused again, took a short breath, then spoke, “While I was home over the holidays, I met another one of my former friends. He invited me to dinner one night. I accepted and we had a long chat at the restaurant.”
“Sounds like old friends reuniting,” I said.
“Yes, it was, sort of,” Simone answered. “Austin, he and I were closer than being just friends.”
Simone let that hang in the air for a moment, before continuing.
“Austin, we were considering marriage before I moved here. I guess you could say we were getting engaged to be married.”
I was at a loss for words because her comment hit me unexpectedly. I guess I couldn’t hide my surprise.
Simone caught my expression, then continued, “Well, at dinner, we talked about the past, and after that, he asked if I was contented living here.”
“What did you tell him? I asked.
Simone eyed me for a brief second, before answering, “I told him I was happy.”
We were nearly finished eating by that time and I suggested that we go someplace else to talk. Simone replied that we were OK to continue talking in the restaurant.
I leaned back in my chair, and asked, “Simone, what really happened before you moved here? It seems to me that you may have had something good going on back home and a lot more.”
Simone’s eyes began to tear up. A long moment passed, then she quietly said, “Perhaps we should leave.”
I paid the cashier and Simone led me outside and suggested that we go to my car and sit inside.
It was raining hard at that time, we had to run to my car, and I let Simone in, before settling in, also.
“I haven’t told you everything about myself,” Simone began, as water dripped from her face and hair.
She stared out of the windshield for a moment, then spoke. “Remember the guy with Michelle, whom I told you about?”
“The first guy you had sex with?” I asked.
She sighed, “Yes, him.”
Simone dropped her head and began to cry.
She tried to compose herself, then looked at me. “Austin, I want you to know that he knocked me up.”
It took me a moment to respond.
“Oh wow, what happened, after that?” I asked.
She looked up at me, took a deep breath, then said, “Michelle talked me into having a secret abortion a few weeks later. The clinic doctor botched it. I cannot have children now.”
Simone’s head dropped to her chest as she began to cry again.
I felt like a ton of bricks hit me, and then I felt tears building up, with some running down my face.
I reached over to Simone, touching her arm, and said, “Simone, I’m truly sorry for you. I mean it. I don’t know what else to say.”
Simone looked over at me, saw my facial expression and my tears, leaned over, and hugged me tightly.
After a moment, she released me and composed herself.
“Austin, I pray this doesn’t change anything between you and I.”
Simone sat sobbing beside me, appearing seemingly helpless and wiping her eyes.
As I looked at her, I took a deep breath, then said, “Simone, nothing can change my feelings toward you. I have much more respect for you now and my feelings toward you are, well, has become more than just an ordinary friendship. I don’t know what else to say at the moment.”
I wasn’t sure if Simone began laughing or crying again, or both. Feeling like an idiot, I asked, “Did I say something wrong?”
“Austin, take me home!” Simone said between her laughter.
“Are you mad at me?” I asked. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- “
Simone cut me off, “No! No, I’m not mad. Take me home: to your apartment!”
“What about your car?” I asked.
“Fuck my car!” Simone laughed as she wiped away tears.
I’d rather not.
The sex we had was as wild as I could imagine.
Simone dragged me to the shower, where we managed to get my shirt, our shoes and pants off before she pulled me in with her. She remained dressed in the shirt and thong panties as we kissed under the cascading water.
Somehow, we got the wet clothes off each other before hitting the bed.
“Should I leave the curtains open? I grinned.
“Fuck the curtains!” Simone laughed as she fell onto the bed.
I’d rather not.
Simone pulled me down on top of her. I thought I broke my nose on her forehead as we hit the mattress. But that didn’t stop Simone.
Simone rolled me onto my back, then with one hand on my chest, proceeded to give me a vigorous blow job. I didn’t last long, as I’m sure that was her intention.
Simone sat up and turned around, as she wiped her mouth with the sheets.
It was her turn for an orgasm, or more.
I think I’ve mentioned before how I love eating her out.
Her shaved pussy always tastes sweet, and I love licking every part of her bottom.
It didn’t take long for her orgasms to begin to build. She swung her hips a bit, then up and down on my face. When I began to lick her anus, she pressed it hard on my tongue.
This brought her orgasms to another level.
I worked my tongue back onto her clit, licking it and sucking on it some.
When I began to finger her anus, her orgasms began to get more intense.
A moment later, Simone was in orbit as large orgasms came one after the other.
I had one hand on her hip while fingering her anus deeply with the other hand. Simone rode my face and finger, crying out as her body spasmed.
Finally, she basically threw herself off me and began whimpering beside me. Her legs were apart, and I could see her juices.
Well, it was my turn again, and I moved on top of her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and lip-locked me as I began motion.
Soon, I was thrusting hard, and Simone tightened her muscles.
I didn’t last much longer.
As we lay there, catching our breaths, Simone whispered, “You need to work on your stamina.”
“And you need to become more romantic!”
She leaned over, kissed me, and lay close beside me. The sound of rain tapping on my window put us to sleep in no time.
The next day, as I brought Simone to her car, I asked how come she didn’t stick around and marry the guy.
She replied, “Austin, I told him about my abortion and condition a month before our engagement party. Apparently, it didn’t sit well with him. And his parents treated me coldly after they found out. I was hurt deeply and decided to move away from him and start out on my own somewhere else.”
I shook my head after I parked next to her car. “Simone, if nothing else, it all worked to my benefit.”
She leaned over and kissed me for a long moment.
Then I asked, “How did you know about Michelle and me?”
“Simple, I woke up and watched some,” Simone laughed. “Then I went into my bathroom and threw up.”
“Good grief!” I laughed.