Nesting Raven

"Prior to "Path of the Raven""

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I left that hotel room positively glowing. In all honesty, I’d never been so happy. I went to work the next day like nothing happened. I held meetings, gave presentations and power lunches all week long – all the same stuff I’d been doing for years. It seemed hollow now, and maybe it always was – I just didn’t see it, but It was crystal clear now. My life had been a pantomime. Having a taste of what life really was, I was anxious to get back to it. I kept looking at my office phone and expecting it to ring. More than once I put my hand on the receiver so when it rang I could pick it up instantly. I found myself staring at it, even trying to will it to ring. You’ve been there. I couldn’t rush them after all, they were preparing a whole new life for me. That takes time. They’d contact me when they were ready. Waiting for them to call was part of surrendering control.

Stop and think about life for a moment: We’re born into this world, we’re given a set of values by our parents, and we go to school on time, I got into cheerleading in middle school because it was what was expected. I studied hard and got good grades, made prom queen, scholarship, married, had kids, a career, etc. Most of us follow a similar pattern. Like zombies we do what is expected of us – strictly paint by numbers. We smile and pretend everything is OK, but inside, we’re dying. All of us. It’s easy to see if you look around your office at other people, just look into their eyes. No one is really happy. Still, that life is stable and that’s why we do it. We’re cardboard cutouts.

I didn’t know how lost I was until I saw the video of Amy tied to a chair watching another woman fuck her husband. It turned me on, I can’t lie. I watched it three times before I confronted her and came every time. I judged her for it because my bosses told me to, but I admired her. She didn’t care what the world thought of her. She finger fucked me in my own office and tapped into the part of me I kept hidden from the world. The part that wants sex and wants to be bad…criminally bad. Just thinking about it gets me soaking wet. She leveraged me into calling Shades. It was supposed to be just one night, but the moment I walked into the room I didn’t want it to be. I needed more. Amy freed me, cock sucking prude that she is.

Women love sex as much as men, trust me. We love when a man takes control and leads us – even breaks limits. We can’t embrace it though because of what society thinks. Amy was right, I needed permission to let go – my pussy being sold took away my limits.

I truly let go that night as if there were no consequences. One night made it clear – I needed to whore. Yes, the cock was great but so was being a total fucking slut. I loved letting him use me the way he wanted. Total submission. I knew any organization that pimped me would do other things like move drugs, guns, bribery, extortion, blackmail, run breeding farms, loan sharking, etc. Again, I’m being honest…all of that got me wetter than October. I wanted – needed – to be the bad girl.

It wasn’t until the middle of the following week that I heard from them. I was wearing a double-breasted black overcoat dress to my knees with matching mid-range heels. As I closed the door to my office behind me, I heard a phone ring. It wasn’t my desk phone. For that matter, it wasn’t even my desk. A new one had been brought in. Dark black solid wood. It looked like a typical office desk but the phone kept ringing. It took a few minutes but, I found it hidden inside a secret compartment on the underside. On the outside of the phone was my code name “Raven” written in black ink on yellow masking tape. I threw away the tape and answered.

“Yes?” I asked in a desperate tone of voice.

“Raven, this is Ghost and I’m your handler.”

“You’re a woman,” I said surprised.

“Yes, I am. You did really nice work in the Moonlight,” She said sounding impressed.

“Thank you. I needed that night more than you know,” I answered looking out my window at the beach. Don’t ask me why.

“We could tell. We’ve never seen a woman take to becoming a whore like that! From your shuttering orgasm to holding it in your mouth and swallowing it slowly to enjoy him, we watched the video more than once. We sold copies, and made some cash. We got men lined up to pay for you.”

“Really? People enjoyed that?”

“Hell yes, whore. When a woman wants sex, it comes across on camera. You weren’t acting, you loved it.”

I paced the office while I replied, “Yes, I did. He had a nice cock and I enjoyed not having limits. I need more. Can you help?”

It must have been the tone in my voice. She sensed it and asked, “How deep do you want to go, Raven? What are you really willing to do? Precisely how bad do you want to be? Do you just want to whore or be something much, much darker?” she asked, almost reading my mind.

I answered without hesitation, “I want to give myself completely to this life. I want to break laws.”

She replied, “So eager, Raven. We’ll test you moving forward but you’ll get your chance. The first reason we’ve called is we wanted you to know we’ve hacked into all your devices and know everything about you. We’ve changed all your passwords. We control every part of your life now. There is no part of you we don’t know. Your job is no longer your priority, nor is your marriage, or family – we come first always. Do you understand?”

“I need it that way. Please.” I begged.

“We need to make this clear, Raven: We have people in your life – some people you’ve known for years, others are strangers – but they’re all people that are close to you in one way or another. You will never know who they are, so anyone could work for us. You’re not to discuss anything with anyone for any reason except us. You are never to contact us, we contact you. Every second of your life is now being recorded. Office, missions, your home, your car – everywhere. Are we clear? You’re about to cross the Rubicon – a point of no return. Your next move means you can’t go back. If you’re going to change your mind, now is the time.”

Shaking my head vehemently I replied, “I’m not changing my mind! That night – it changed me forever. I’m not the same woman now. You unlocked something. I can’t go back to who I was. Please!”

“In the top drawer of your desk, you’ll find a tiny pink vibrator inside of a brown envelope. It stays inside of you at all times. It’s a tracking device and has the benefit of always emitting a vibration. Put it all the way inside your cunt, from there it will attach itself. It never comes out. Ever. Under any circumstances. Do you understand?”

I paused, looking at the envelope. This was a watershed moment. This one choice would determine the rest of my life.

“Raven, this is the only warning you’re going to get…the vibrator won’t turn off because it can’t be turned off. We can turn it up or down but once it’s in and activated, that’s it. There’s no ‘off’ switch. This device will make you want to fuck all..the..time! It’s what it was designed to do. Are you OK with that? This is that ‘Rubicon’ moment of which I just spoke. It’s impossible to go back after this. Think about it. You can’t un-ring this bell.”

She gave me a few moments of silence for that to sink in and added, “This device will make you a sex addict.”

I turned around and looked out my office window as I held the envelope in my hand. The beach. The waves. Looking down at the people, they all seemed so small now. I felt sorry for them. I knew now that most are drones like me – all flying a programmed flight path. No deviation. A life that leaves them hollow inside, trying to find something…anything…to fill that void. I was there days ago, and I held the way out in my hand. ALL I wanted was that hotel room again! I couldn’t stop thinking about that night. The truth was I needed to whore. Amy was right about that, too.

I exhaled a slow, reflective, calming breath then sliced open the brown envelope, and took out the device. It didn’t look like much. It was half the size of a hearing aid. While I was still facing the window I ever so slowly stripped off my clothes, pressed my naked body hard up against the glass, put one foot up on the window ledge as I looked out at the beach, hoping like hell someone could see me, then slid it slowly all the way into my pussy. “It’s done. I’m yours now.”

There was a short pause. I heard her exhale a breath then she spoke very slowly. “This is important, Raven…use your fingers to push it in farther in than you can reach.” She said firmly.

It took a few moments, but I obeyed while still pressed up against the glass window. “OK, It’s in as far as I can push it. I think it moved on its own because I can’t even touch it now. There’s no way I’d be able to get it out without help.”

“There’s no getting it out even with help, Raven. As I said, it’s attaching itself to your body. Stand by.”

I stood there naked, with my breasts pressed up against the glass, and looking out the window at the people below me on the beach. FUCK I wanted someone down there to see me!

A few moments later she said ‘Testing’, at which point my entire pelvis vibrated. I had to grab onto the window with both hands. Without thought I growled, “SHIT”!

Slapping my flat hand on the glass I asked, “Did we have to start on high?”

“That was on low, whore and you’re going to have to get used to it because it never turns off.”

“Doesn’t the battery need to be recharged?” I asked confused while my knees slammed together and I stood on my tiptoes, still looking at the people down below me on the beach. I knew they couldn’t see me but part of me but I desperately wanted them to.

“It runs off your body’s energy, the same as an automatic watch. Your moving around is going to power it,” she explained flatly.

“How am I supposed to concentrate on board meetings and daily life?” I asked honestly.

“That’s not our problem, Raven. Now sit in your chair, face the window, and spread those whore legs because I’m about to give you a taste of ‘high’. Spread them nice and wide for the cameras. Use two fingers on one hand to keep those pussy lips open. Let us see inside your hole. Your days of being shy are over.”

I sat in my office chair, spread my legs as wide as I could – putting them over the arms – and leaned back. I used my fingers to spread my lips, not just because I was told but because I wanted it.

It hit me like a truck. My entire body, down to my very bones, vibrated. My nipples instantly hardened. My mouth opened and I gasped. It was all I could do to not scream.

“What are you?” she asked, pouncing.

Barely able to string words together I answered, “I’m…a…whore! May I cum, please?”

“Already? Shit, that was fast! Yes. You never have to ask, Raven. Point of fact, we want you to cum as often as possible. Now bear down and cum like the whore you are.”

I dug my nails deeply into the arms of my chair and my whole body locked. Flexed. “Don’t make a sound, Raven.”

I nodded as she continued. “I’m leaving you in this state for the next ten minutes. Keep those whore legs open wide for us to see, lips spread.”

“What does ‘whore’ mean to you?” she asked curiously.

I had to struggle and concentrate to answer. My orgasms were seismic! “It means my pussy is for sale.”

It took all I could to not twist onto the floor or scream, which was part of the point I’m sure.

“Relax” is what she said after the time was up. I fell to the floor and lay on my back, my whole body was humming. Vibrating. Twitching. I was cumming hard, and it was involuntary at this point. I was also naked. My legs still spread as widely as they could go. I pulled my knees up and kept those pussy lips open.

She gave me a few minutes to recover then said, “Get dressed but lose the bra and panties, and leave them on your desk for others to see. Never wear them again. Keep that pussy shaved from now on, too. You have a mission. There’s a briefcase in your closet, on the outside is an address along with an office number…take it there. You have one hour.”

I managed to stumble to my feet and put my dress and heels back on, leaving the bra and panties on my desk. I grabbed onto the desk again.

“Is my whore’s pussy still vibrating? Having some trouble, are we?” she asked, laughing at me.

“Yes. This isn’t going to be easy.” I found myself saying as I wobbled around the office like a newborn giraffe.

She laughed. “Oh, is that why you chose this life? You wanted it to be easy, whore?”

She had a point. “You’re right, Ghost. I asked – begged – for this life. I need this.”

The words jumped out of my mouth. “Turn it back up to high, please.”

There was a moment of silence. “Are you sure? Others might hear the buzzing. Tell me why.”

I slowly exhaled a breath and controlled my speech. “You said this would make me a sex addict. That’s what I want. I need to spiral out of control, driven by lust for cock. Others may hear but It’s a risk I have to take. I’m a whore now. I can’t be worried about what others think. Please, turn it up.”

Seconds later she did just that. This was followed by another orgasm so strong my knees buckled and I dropped to the floor. This time I squealed.

With my pussy and legs vibrating, I inhaled a breath and concentrated on standing up. With that accomplished, I took small steps to keep the sound truly to myself. Looking at the briefcase, I saw the address was downtown…at city hall no less.

“There’s a limo waiting for you downstairs, whore. Just so you know, we’re leaving it on high for a while. Deal with it, whore.”

I grabbed the phone off the desk and was ready to put it in my pocket when I whispered, “Do you have any idea how fucking horny I am!?”

“You’re just like all the others, you want to fuck the whole office” I could hear the smile in her voice.

Nodding I replied, “Yes! Exactly!”

“And you just may one day, Raven. Take five minutes, drop to your knees, face the window, and orgasm hard – after that, you have to get going.”

I nodded, dug my fingernails into the desk, dropped to my knees as they closed shut, and spent the next few minutes cumming on my new friend.

‘Ghost…is there cock where I’m going?” I asked writhing on the floor and clawing at the carpet.

She chuckled. “My, my, my…our little whore with big tits is already looking for cock? Yes, there are men there so the sooner you arrive, the sooner you get that hot little pussy filled. There will always be cock wherever we send you. You’re a whore, it’s why you exist.”

“It’s always been why I’ve existed, I’ve just denied it.”

I started the process over. I concentrated to stand, took a breath, and held it, then took small steps, barely opening my legs. I opened my office door and baby stepped my way to the elevator. No one gave me any usual looks or otherwise gave any indication that they knew something was different. In the elevator, I gripped the handrail and closed my legs as tightly as I could. I came yet again on the way down. My face turned red as I flexed every muscle in my body. I got some strange looks in that moment but that was all. I managed to make it to the street.

The door was open on the limo, so I slid in back. Without thought I opened my legs and slid two fingers into myself and laid back fully in the seats. It was a twenty-minute ride to city hall and I was determined to have another orgasm before we got there.

Ghost saw it. “That’s it whore, get those fingers deep inside that cunt,” I heard her voice say over some speaker I couldn’t see. “And spread those lips again.”

“You mentioned ‘others’. Who are they?” I asked wanting to know more.

“They usually fall into one of two categories: Big tittied bimbos too stupid for college – usually high school dropouts. Cheerleaders that got by on their tits and pussy, but obviously didn’t have the brains for college. The other is sexually repressed housewives like yourself. Some were looking to make money just on the side while maintaining their regular life – others like you, want to give it all up. Either way, once they put that vibrator in them all they want is cock. They’ll do anything we want so long as they get it.”

I laid back on the seat, pulled my knees up, and spread my legs widely. I pushed my fingers as deeply as I could into my body, then fucked them hard – shoving in and out as I moaned and gasped for air.

“Like them, you’re going to cum, and cum, and cum. It never stops, you’re going to have to learn how to deal with it. You’re going to want to fuck every man even before you meet him. You’re going to have to hide it and learn how to function. We’re going to make a lot of money off that pussy and those big titties.”

I nodded as I fucked my fingers harder.

“All cock is going to be raw. Say it!”

“All cock will be raw” I whispered.

“Again. Louder!” she commanded.

“All cock will be raw,” I said.

“One more time and scream it, whore!”


“Good, now say that over and over out loud until you cum.”

I nodded as I began to obey.

“Contrary to what you may believe, men actually prefer a plus-sized woman with big breasts because it means you have a round ass and great thighs. We’re going to make more money off your pussy today than you make in a year at that law firm. We’ll take that money and put it into an account with your name on it, and you’ll use it to bribe people, buy drugs or guns. That’s how we’ll build blackmail material on you.”

I leaned my head back and howled as I came hard on my fingers.

“Between what you’re smuggling in that briefcase, the men paying to use you, and what we’ll make off video and streaming, we’ll clear over 100K easy on this op alone. Do everything we say and you might earn a collar with a little bell on it like we gave to your cock sucking slut friend Amy.”

I moved one of my hands to the seat and dug my fingernails into the cloth. “Amy is a fucking prude,” I replied.

My orgasms were once again involuntary. There’s a point where the human body takes over absent free will. It can’t be stopped. It just has to play out. I clawed at the seats.

“Yes she is, and we’re going to put a vibrator inside of her pussy by the end of the week. We’ll tell her it’s a tracking device but won’t tell her it’s a vibrator. Sooner or later she’ll give in, and agree to take cock for money, Men will pay a fortune for her virgin pussy – once that happens, she’ll be more than willing to whore for us. She’s really young so we’ll probably breed her until she can’t do it anymore. Girls will be raised to whore one day. Boys will be raised to seed them.”

“I think that’s what she wants, deep down,” I said fucking my fingers hard and fast. “I think she wants to be leveraged into giving up her pussy.”

“If you catch something, we don’t give a shit. If you get pregnant, we care even less. You’re a woman, and you knew the risks. You belong to us and we come first. We’re going to wear you down to make you more obedient. That’s what that device does…it wears…you…down. You’re getting the life you wanted…you’re going to fuck, and fuck, and fuck. Every…single…day. You’ll live on cat naps because sex is business and business comes first. That hot little pussy and big titties mean money to us. You, on the other hand, mean nothing.”

I squealed, “Pimp me, please,” while I came on my fingers.

“Oh, we’re going to keep that pussy hot for just that reason. If we want you to suck cock behind a dumpster, you’ll do it. If we want you to walk downtown naked, you’ll do it. If we want you to give yourself to an entire ship of sailors, you’ll do it. If we want you to be titty fucked by a priest during church service, you’ll fucking do it. We’re using that pussy to gain blackmail material, move product, manipulate men, jail our enemies, free our prisoners and so much more. Such an underused pussy with such huge titties – it’s a shame you wasted your life not doing more of this.”

Spanking my clit, I nodded. “I agree.”

“I need you to know that I hate whores. I think all of you are disgusting skanks, and I’m going to use you up. Because of the risks you’re taking, you probably won’t live a long life, but that’s part of the thrill. You said earlier you wanted to break laws. What are you really willing to do?”

“Bribe, extort, sell drugs and guns, blackmail, fraud, perjury, counterfeiting, hacking,…I’ll do anything you say! ANYTHING!!!”

I twisted my body to the right and closed my legs around my fingers. I looked out the window at the people we were passing. I still felt sorry for them. They were locked into hollow lives.

I curled up on the seat cumming harder than I ever had. “Please! Please don’t let this stop!”

“That vibrator will make you a sex addict like all the other whores we own. You’ll always be chasing that next orgasm, even after you’ve just had one. All of your dreams will be about cock. You’ll be a cock junkie. There’s no going back now. That device in you will sap any free will you had, and you won’t be able to resist, whore.”

Fucking myself harder I replied, “I don’t want to resist!”

“Your only value is that pussy. We don’t care about your brain, or opinions, or desires. You are holes to fuck. Say it.”

“I am holes to fuck.”


“I am just holes to fuck.”

She laughed. “Very good. You’re already outside the courthouse. We’ll give you twenty minutes on high, just keep fucking yourself, but keep repeating that you’re just holes to fuck because we want that to sink in. We want you exhausted and sweaty when you go inside. We want you barely able to walk. We want that pussy sore and those nipples hard before you fuck the men that are waiting for you. Fuck yourself in the back of that limo as hard as you can, and don’t you dare hold back. Look into that mirror in front of you and watch yourself masturbate, and know how fucking pathetic you are.”

Holding back was something I’d never have to do again.

She chuckled, “Welcome to the nest, Raven.”

Published 2 years ago

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