I looked around the small bar. It wasn’t like most of the sports bars back home. There were no huge televisions that showed multiple sports games at once. There was just one small monitor above the bar. Two ladies were serving drinks and food to the patrons, they weren’t dressed in skimpy little outfits, but regular clothes.
“We could have done this back home,” I shook my head as I returned my attention to my folder. “We were only a few minutes from the Castle,” I said with a smile.
“It’s just a castle,” Matthew said joining me. He spun the chair around and sat down on it.
In our group, Matthew was the boss, the leader. What he said the rest of the group did without question. I, on the other hand, didn’t always do what I was told.
“If they wanted the chairs to be sat on like that, they would have made them that way,” I rolled my eyes as he tried to act like he was the coolest person in the bar. “And this is just a bar. We have tons of them back home. Why did we have to come here just to go to a bar, when there is all this…”
Jeff joined us sitting on the right side of me. “Not this again,” he sighed as he looked at me. Jeff was Matthew’s best friend.
“What?” I asked knowing they came over for a reason. “We came all the way to Prague, and all we do is sit in a bar and drink.”
As a group we had always traveled together, past trips were France, Brazil, and Australia. It was my turn to decide, and I chose Prague, I thought they would like to visit somewhere historical, but I was dead wrong.
“Jeff tells me nothing happened with you guys last night,” Matthew said ignoring me for the hundredth time as he took a long swig of his beer. It was dark and thick, not like the regular beers I had seen them drink at the bar right outside of campus.
“So,” I shook my head.
“You know rainbow. These are called handlebars for a reason right?” Matthew said as he played with my ponytail braids.
“They are called braids, my hair is long, and this is the best way to maintain it,” I said as knocked his hand away. He had taken up calling me Rainbow because of my long rainbow-colored scarf. He had always mocked my long blonde braids.
“I think she is afraid of your dick,” Matthew said as he laughed.
“Yes it is positively terrifying,” I scoffed. Matthew and the rest of the guys had tried to push me into dating Jeff. Last night was another foolish attempt which failed miserably.
“Come on, let’s get you some other girl to wet your whistle,” Matthew laughed as the two idiots got up.
“Jerks,” I said as I shook my head.
“Mel, you sure were right about her,” Matthew said as he turned back to look at me.
I turned to look at my roommate Melissa, who had a frightful look on her face.
Matthew sat back down. “Hey Tyler,” he shouted across the bar. The rest of the group came over to our table like summoned pets as they gathered around us and pulled chairs up closer to the already crowded table.
“What did you tell me the other day, about what Melissa told you?” Matthew smiled.
“Don’t,” Melissa said shaking her head at her boyfriend. “Please.”
“It’s okay,” Matthew nodded.
“Miss know it all can take it right?” Matthew laughed. “I mean you are better than all of us isn’t that right?”
“She sure acts like it,” Tessa said as she leaned against her boyfriend Alex. “Always looking down her nose at us.”
“Matt,” Gregg shook his head as he leaned forward. He was Stephanie’s boyfriend, probably the only one with common sense among the bunch.
“No,” I said holding up my hand. “Big man on campus wants to show off, let him. It’s what you have wanted to do for how long? Exactly?”
“Tyler?” Matthew said as he looked up at Tyler. I could see the struggle in Tyler’s face. One he didn’t want to go against Matthew, and on the other, his girlfriend was pleading for him not to say anything.
“I will say it,” Jeff said breaking the silence.
“Good boy!” Matthew laughed. He leaned forward. His light blue eyes and dark black hair stared right at me.
“Supposedly, Melissa had told Tyler she wished she could have boobs like Sarah here,” Jeff said as he looked down at me.
“No,” Matthew said shaking her head. “But she doesn’t have any, I mean look.”
I pulled my arms close to my chest. Staring at Melissa as I cursed her inside my head.
“Well,” Jeff said as he smiled. “Melissa told Tyler that not only did Sarah here get many offers from colleges all around the nation, but she also picked ours because it was in a cold state.”
“Why is that Jeff?” Matthew smiled as he stared at me.
I willed myself not to cry, but I felt my world crashing down all around me.
“Well, Matthew,” Jeff said as he lowered his self to eye level with me. “Miss know it all wears minimizer bra’s as well as puts on layers and layers of clothes to hide what Melissa calls huge fucking boobs,” Jeff said.
“No fucking way,” Stephanie shook her head. The blonde bimbo stood next to her friend Tessa. Her boyfriend Gregg shook his head.
“It’s true,” Tyler nodded. “I have seen the bra’s and they are fucking huge.”
“Is it true?” Matthew stared at Melissa.
Melissa shook her head. ‘I’m sorry,’ she mouthed to me.
I took off running pushing my way through the group as they laughed. I got into the bathroom and let it out. Tears rolled down my face as I looked in the mirror. “It’s okay,” I nodded. “I’m fine. I can call the airport and get my ticket changed,” I said to myself.
I heard someone open the door, turning around I saw Melissa standing there. “I didn’t mean to…” she began to say. “It was supposed…” she kept wanting to say something, but I stared right through her. “It was going to get out eventually.”
“Shut up,” I snarled at her as I walked out.
They were still in the same spot when I came back. “We good?” Matthew asked.
“Peachy,” I replied. I sat back down and snatched his beer.
“Hey!” Matthew said as I drank the rest of it.
“What else?” I looked around at them. “That’s it?”
None of them said a word. “Oh,” I replied. “Then fuck off!”
Gregg was the only one that laughed and nodded.
“Let’s go,” Matthew said as he shook his head.
I sat down and drank the rest of his beer. On the outside, it seemed like I was in control, but inside all, I wanted to do was scream and fall to the floor. I had always been self-conscious about my chest. It was something I hid from everyone.
“Hi,” a voice said from behind me.
“Go away,” I said shaking my head.
“I just wanted to ask,” a young light-skinned man said as he walked in front of me. “Have you been there yet?”
He was pointing down to one of the pictures. “St. Vitus?” I asked as I saw which one he was pointing to, “No, not yet, doubt I will now.”
“You mind?” he asked as he held onto the seat in front of me.
“No,” I nodded.
“I took these when I went there yesterday,” he said as he handed me his digital camera.
“Wow,” I said as I looked through them.
“I took these yesterday,” I said as I put his camera down. “I brought a printer so I could print them out.”
The two of us went back and forth on showing historical pictures of places we had been to and talked about places we wanted to go. I smiled often it wasn’t often I met someone that could talk history with me. In some things, he knew more than I did. He wanted to be an architect, while I wanted to be a historian.
“Look at the two nerds,” Matthew said breaking our long talk.
“Shut it,” I said looking back at him.
“Winston?” a tall man said standing next to Matthew. “You met a new book buddy?”
“Leave it alone, Terrence,” Winston said. In the long talk we were having not once did we exchange names.
“We got a historic trip for both of you,” Terrence said. He was taller than Matthew, but the two of them looked like they could be brothers.
“What?” I asked looking at Matthew.
“It’s true, you busty nerd, get your books, we are going underground,” Matthew said as the two of them walked outside.
Winston and I followed. Winston was taller than me maybe by a foot. Most people were taller than me, seeing as I was only an inch over five foot.
“What’s going on?” I asked. It was just after noon.
“Clyde here says there is some sort of local competition for tourists,” Tyler said.
Clyde stood in the middle of what was now a large group.
“Yes,” he said his thick accent came over hard drawing most of us closer to him. “We have tunnels that are below the city, they run all over,” Clyde said as he made his hands go wide. “Under the whole city in fact.”
Winston and I immediately looked at each other. There was a slight look of fear in his. I was glad I wasn’t the only one. “Guys,” Winston said. “Maybe we should do this in the morning?”
“That’s the competition, you nerd,” Jeff said shaking his head. All the others laughed along. Clyde walked around all of us and gave us chalk pieces.
“I will take you down to the nearest entrance,” Clyde smiled. “Once you are in, all you have to do is explore the tunnels, when you get too scared mark the walls with your name and date and return the way you came.”
“What do we get out of it?” Stephanie asked.
“You make it close to the castle,” he said as he pointed at the towers of the castle ahead of us. Your whole stay is on us,” Clyde smiled. “We will give you the whole tour of our city. We will take care of food, drinks and everything else.”
“For the one that makes it?” a girl asked. She must be one of the members of Terrence’s group. I told myself.
“No,” Clyde said shaking his head. “The whole group, only one of you have to make it if all of you even better.”
“What could be better?” Winston asked.
“You will have to see,” Clyde said as a large van pulled up.
“Yes or no,” Clyde asked.
“Fuck yes,” Matthew said. “You had me at drinks.”
“Matthew?” I began to ask. Clyde and the driver shot me a glance that made me back up.
Winston noticed it as well. “You guys can go,” he said as he held on to my shoulders. “We can go look around,” he said as we both began to walk backward.
“No,” Clyde said shaking his head. “Whole group or no deal, we can find others.”
“Get in the fucking van!” Terrence said through gritted teeth.
“Are you scared of us?” the driver said.
Clyde stopped a person walking by, “Take a picture,” he said as he got near the van. The whole group posed with him. “Here,” he said as he showed me. “I post it on what? Facebook?”
“There,” the driver said. “Now many people see all of us, where are we going to hide?”
Winston looked at me. We both shrugged. There was something wrong with all of this, but even though she had hurt me, Melissa was my friend.
Clyde and the driver drove us out of the city.
“Here,” he said as we got out near some abandoned buildings.
“The city is that way,” the driver pointed. He gave us all compasses and flashlights.
“Make it as far as you can go,” Clyde said nodding his head. “No heroics, no need to be brave and stupid. You get too scared, you turn and come back immediately.”
“What if we get lost?” another guy asked.
“We give you thirty minutes then we will come to follow, we know all the tunnels.”
“I’m good,” Jeff said as he walked down into the darkness of the tunnel ahead of us.
The others followed. Winston and I were the last. I turned to see Clyde waving at us. He was smiling.
“I don’t like this,” I whispered to Winston.
“Stick together,” Matthew bellowed from ahead of us.
Winston held out his hand. I quickly held onto it. “Together right?” he nodded.
“Absolutely,” I replied.
* * * * * * * * * * *
The walls of the tunnel had squeezed us together in a single file. Matthew and Terrence were taking the lead. Winston and I were still in the back.
The flashlights made it easy to see all around us. We saw old ruins, rooms that looked like they may have been lived in by people in the past. Winston reminded me that most of the city above us was built on top of another older city.
A shifting noise broke the silence. It sounded like stone grinding against metal or something hard. “What the fuck?” Stephanie yelled.
The large group was made up of my usual few coupled with Terrence and a few of his friends. They had come to Prague from England. Which made me shake my head. I had thought Winston’s accent was from New York or Australia.
“Keep moving,” Terrence said.
We had only gone a few feet when Tessa stopped. “I’m turning back,” she said as she quickly scribbled her initials on the wall. Stephanie, Alex, and Gregg followed suit.
“Fucking cowards,” Matthew said.
“Americans,” one of Terrence’s friends laughed.
“We get bigger scares getting on the fucking tube,” another smiled.
We started to walk faster with fewer people in the way. Winston was behind me and began to whistle a tune. I smiled as I recognized it from one of my favorite television shows. The two of us whistled low enough for the two of us only to hear.
A scream bellowed through the tunnels. It stopped us all dead in our tracks. “That was Stephanie,” Melissa said. We all turned around to look back behind us. All we could see was the walls of the tunnels and the rocks that made up the floor. The beams from our flashlights barely pierced the darkness.
There was another scream this came from a male. “Gregg!” Matthew ran forward pushing us aside. “That was fucking Gregg!”
“Gregg!” he shouted as his light faded from us. We followed fast behind him. We came to what was an open space. All of us stood around each other. All of us wanted to say it, but none of us wanted to admit it.
“This wasn’t here before,” one of the guys said.
He was right. We had run straight back. There were no open spaces on the entire way here. We all moved our flashlights around us.
“Fuck!” Winston shouted. “We fucking told you!”
“Shit, we are going to die down here,” Melissa said as she sunk to the floor. Part of me was glad she was crying as Tyler held her. The other part wanted to hold her and cry along.
“No, we are not,” One of the guys said as he went to one of the tunnels. “This one,” he said as he turned to us. “I held my chalk against the wall, here is my…”
He let out a scream as something grabbed him from the wall itself. I screamed hard as I watched a dark brown arm pull on him. His entire body began to get drawn into the wall, the sound of him screaming and bones breaking filled our ears.
Three of Terrence’s group fled into one of the tunnels. They dropped their flashlights.
“What the fuck!” Matthew shouted.
Terrence stood still his eyes not leaving the large blood stain on the wall. “They knew,” he said shaking his head. “They knew that thing was down here!”
“Golem,” Winston said nodding his head. “It’s a Golem.”
“But, that’s just a myth, a rumor,” I stopped and looked at him. “Right?”
“What else, could it be?” Winston asked.
Another scream pierced the darkness, then another.
“It’s picking us off one by one,” Matthew said.
“We have to get back up,” Winston nodded. “It can’t get us above ground. It is moving through the walls.”
Winston went to the tunnel with the markings. “If he was right, this should lead us back.”
I quickly followed behind him. The others weren’t far behind.
We walked in silence trying not to give our position away. Suddenly there was another scraping noise ahead of us. “No!” Winston shouted as he started to walk faster.
He stopped and shook his head. “We are so fucked!”
“What?” Terrence asked.
“It’s a fucking maze with movable walls,” Winston said. “Look!” he pointed his flashlight at the wall, the yellow marking of the chalk disappeared after a point. Another clearing was ahead of them. “It’s a perfect trap.”
Winston walked into the clearing. There was the blood stain on the opposite wall. “Right back where we started.”
“I can’t die down here, I just can’t,” Melissa cried again falling against the wall.
“The wall!” I screamed, but it was too late. Two giant arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her in, the look on her face was pure terror.
“No!” Tyler shouted as he pounded on the wall.
“Fuck!” Matthew screamed as loud as he could.
“That’s not helping,” Terrence said.
“What would you rather me do?” Matthew said looking at Terrence.
“Look, you still have most of your friends, all of mine are dead!” Terrence shouted back. “Leave me the fuck alone.”
“Oh yeah, or what?” Matthew said as he approached him.
“Great a fist fight,” Jeff said as he walked towards the two of them. “We are stuck in a maze, and now we get to fight each other.”
He walked towards one of the other tunnels. “I am going this way, and if I die. I want to be alone. So none of you fucks follow me. If I make it out,” he paused as he looked at me. “I won’t tell them a damn thing. I hope it gets you next, you frigid bitch.”
He disappeared into the tunnel.
“That’s a good idea,” Tyler said, “Come on,” he motioned to Matthew.
They walked to the nearest Tunnel. “Tyler,” I said as I stepped forward.
“You say one word about Melissa, I swear that thing won’t need to kill you,” he said as he turned to look at me. “One fucking word!”
I nodded and backed away. They disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel.
“Come on Terrence, you can come with us,” Winston said as we headed back to the tunnel with the markings.
“Nah,” Terrence said shaking his head. “I will wait right here,” he nodded. He was backing up towards one of the walls.
“No, Terrence, come with us,” Winston said as he moved towards him.
“Nah, I got this, you get yourselves out of here, you hear me, get the fuck out…” he said as his back touched the wall.
There was a moment where we thought nothing was going to happen. Then it came for him. “Run!” he shouted before his body was taken.
“Go!” Winston shouted. We ran into the tunnel. My feet pounded against the rocks. I felt every jagged stone as they hit the soles of my feet.
There was another scream it sounded like Jeff. “This way,” Winston said. We were running towards the noise.
“I think I got it,” Winston said. He stopped and waited. “Come on,” he said looking around for something. Then the shifting noise started. “Yes!” he exclaimed. He turned right around facing me.
“This way,” he said as we went back the way we had just come. I expected to be in the clearing again, but the tunnel kept going.
“Wait for it,” Winston said almost apologetically.
“Wait for what?” I asked.
“Sorry,” he said as he shook his head.
The sound of Tyler and Matthew shouting and screaming came loud and clear. I looked at Winston. He knew it was going for them.
“It’s a pattern,” Winston said as he walked forward. “We are stuck in the same area. Not moving forward, not moving backward. They waited for us to reach this area and then popped the trap.”
“The only thing I had to figure out was how long it took to get from one side to the other,” Winston said.
“I don’t care,” I shook my head. “Can we get out?”
“One of us,” Winston said. “He gave us a clue when he said one of us gets the whole trip. The even better is if all of us die in here.”
“But,” I began to say.
“Go that way,” Winston pointed. “When it gets me, I will yell north or south. When I do you have to run non stop as fast as you can in that direction, and you will beat the timer.”
“What timer?” I asked.
Winston pointed up as the grinding sound was heard again. “That one, but you have to hurry.”
“No,” I shook my head.
“Go!” he pushed me as he ran the other direction.
I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t want to leave him. I could go back I thought to myself. I could follow him. My head was saying one thing my body was doing another. Then I saw something up ahead. I pointed my flashlight at it. It was the yellow chalk outline. I was going in the right direction.
“NORTH!” a bellow yelled.
“No!” I screamed as loud as I could. It had got him. I looked down at my compass. “North,” I began to run that way then thought to myself they had lied to us. “The compasses are wrong.”
“Pick a way,” I said to myself. I turned back around and ran. My heart was beating out of my chest. My legs felt like they were going to give up.
Then I heard it. The grinding sound, but this time it was behind me. I cheered inside my head. I had got out. The tunnel walls began to widen. The familiar sites of the ruins greeted me then the old rooms. After I walked a few more feet, I could see Clyde and his partner ahead of me.
“Pay me,” the driver said as I approached.
Clyde handed over what seemed like money.
“Get in,” Clyde said.
“But?” I began to say.
“Get the fuck in,” he ordered.
I was in no shape to argue, my legs were tired, and I could hardly breathe. I slowly climbed into the back of the van.
“Winston!” I yelled as I hugged him.
“Ouch,” he yelled holding his stomach.
“How?” I asked sitting next to him.
“He cheated,” Clyde responded. “That’s how.”
“I used blood from the wall, to make it come for me,” Winston smiled. “The moment it came out to grab the blood-soaked rag. I ran.”
“See, he cheated,” the driver nodded.
“Rule is only one, not two, one,” Clyde said.
“Fuck you both,” I said smiling.
They drove us back into the city and to the bar. They followed us inside and to the back of the bar. “Wait here,” Clyde said.
An old lady appeared with three men. “I see,” she said as she sat down. “Sit, it is over,”
We both sat at what was a large table in the back room. There was storage of food and beer all around us. She looked at us both through eyes of steel. Her long white hair fell down her back.
“You good, you need a doctor?” she asked.
I shook my head. “Seriously?”
“Don’t be rude!” she snapped back at me.
I was shocked by the anger in her voice.
“You have games in your country, you have killed many people of his color in your past,” she said pointing to Winston. “Many countries have these games for entertainment. People disappear all the time, even in your fabulous country.”
I didn’t know what to say.
“Your homeless, they disappear yes?” she looked at both of us.
I looked at Winston, we both nodded.
“Do you care? Do people wonder, oh where did they go? No! They search for a little bit then bah good riddance. The wealthy pay to hunt them or see them chopped up into little pieces, or big cooperations use them as tiny guinea pigs. Bah, you get upset for a few friends!” the old lady shook her head at me.
“Now what?” Winston asked.
“Up to you,” the lady said. “You say nothing, offer still stands.”
“And if we don’t agree,” I said looking at the two large men.
“You go home,” the lady said.
“Just like that?” I asked.
“Yes,” she smiled. “We are not murderers,” she laughed.
She walked her way to the door. The two men followed. “You sleep, then you decide.”
Clyde and his partner came back into the room. “Come on,” they said.
“Where to?” they asked as we got back in the van.
“We have a choice?” I asked.
“Police or hotel,” Clyde asked.
“Police,” Winston answered.
“Good choice,” the driver said.
I turned to Winston. “Our friends have gone missing. If we go back to the hotel, it will look like we had a hand in it.”
I nodded. The lady was right. We did have a choice say nothing or say everything. It just depends on what we say.
They dropped us off near to the police station. We walked and talked, making sure we got our story right. With a deep breath, we entered.
* * * * * * * * * *
For six grueling hours they questioned us. It was not the first time a tourist went missing, and they wanted it to end. When we did get some sleep, they kept us in separate rooms. The next day was a repeat of the same, from the moment we woke up.
“What?” I asked looking at the agent sitting in front of me. “You have asked me everything.”
“You went sightseeing,” the man asked me for the hundredth time
“You saw the picture online, were we in it?” I asked.
“So you took the picture and posted it online,” he asked.
“Yes,” I nodded. “They told me the site, and I posted it. You can see the places I went.”
A man walked into the room and whispered to the agent. “Follow me please,” the man said. I got up and followed him out of the room. Winston and another man joined us.
“Keep separated,” the man ordered.
We walked down another hall. We saw people lined in the hallway. A glass separated us from them. I saw Melissa’s mother. No doubt the other people were family members of the others. I kept my head forward.
“Enter,” one of the men said as we walked into a small room, with a desk.
We took a seat at one end.
“Your story checks out,” the man said. “We found the van just outside the city limits. Articles of your friend’s clothing and personal belongings were found inside.”
“What happened?” Winston asked.
“It looks like a fight broke out, we found some clothes in the nearby trees with blood on them, matching four of the people, and a body of one of the men in the picture,” he said as he pushed a photo out to us. It looked like the driver, but it was too badly beaten to say for sure. They were wearing the same clothes.
“Robbery?” I asked.
“Could be many things,” the man shrugged.
“You’re both lucky,” the man said as he stood up. “Good instincts.”
“We can go?” I asked.
“Unless you want to stay,” he replied.
I shot upward and walked towards the door.
Winston and I walked towards the door that led to the rest of the people. Melissa’s mom instantly hugged me. I started to cry remembering the last few moments of her daughter’s life. Winston was greeted by a white woman and a tall black man.
“I talked to your aunt,” Melissa’s mom said. “She will meet you at the airport, once we get home.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
My parents had died a long time ago. My aunt had taken care of me ever since. I looked over at Winston, and we both nodded at each other.
* * * * * * * * *
The police, as well as many of the agencies involved, wanted us to stay in the country for a few more days. Melissa’s mom volunteered to stay with me. I told her it wasn’t necessary and that she should go home to the rest of her family.
We were escorted to the hotel where television crews were waiting to interview us. We stuck to our story as camera’s flashed and reporters asked questions. Then a dark black car pulled up. Winston and I both looked at each other. The old lady from before walked through the large crowd.
“The city, as well as the local government, are saddened by what happened today,” she said out loud to everyone. “We have paid for and will continue to pay for the family members grieving including funeral or burial fees. The two behind me,” she said as she looked back at us. “Have been asked to stay in the country for continued questions and investigation into this crime.”
She turned around as another man took over. “I hate this part of the job,” she said as she walked with us into the hotel.
“Surprised you don’t like the other part,” I replied through stiff lips.
“Sarah is it?” she turned to look at me.
“Yes,” I replied.
“I have been appointed to keep everyone in this city safe if that means a few people have to disappear…”
“Die,” Winston corrected.
“Yes, die,” she said as she looked at him. “To do so, then line them up, I will sleep just fine.”
We continued to walk into the lobby. “Ask yourselves this while you are on this high and mighty parade of yours. What would your government do to protect its citizens, what line will they not cross, what deal with the devil they will not make?”
I couldn’t reply. I knew very well that the stakes to keep the people I knew safe back home were high. Moreover, I was sure if I or any of the citizens knew the back door deals to keep us safe we would not sleep soundly.
“Good, then let me worry about my moral compass and both of you can enjoy the rest of your stay,” she walked up to the front desk. The lady spoke to the man behind the counter. The two of them went back and forth about a few things in their native tongue.
“Everything is taken care of,” the lady said as she walked back to the front door. “And if you don’t think I am sorry for your loss, then you are dead wrong. I am very sorry, but it had to be done.”
“Doesn’t make it any easier on us,” Winston said.
She was gone back outside to the flashing lights of the cameras and the reporters.
“This way,” a man said. He led us to the elevator. The elevator door opened to a huge suite. “This your key card for the elevator,” he said handing us both cards.
“The view,” I said as I ran to the large window. I looked over the large city. It was spectacular.
“There is no other view like it, anywhere in the city,” the man said from behind. “This is lady Claire’s private suite she only gives it out once a year.”
“Thank you,” Winston said from behind me.
The man left us alone.
“I need to take a bath,” I said as I went to find the bathroom.
The bathtub was as big as my bathroom back in the dorms. I laid in it thinking about the last conversation I had with Melissa and Tyler. The hot water made my body feel better, but my mind was racing.
I wrapped the long towel around me as I got out of the tub. Usually, I went straight to get dried off and clothed before anyone noticed me. Staring at myself in the mirror I hated my body I knew there were tons of women out there that would love my long hair, my thin but toned body. I opened the towel and looked at my huge breasts. Immediately I closed it back up. They looked odd on me. I remember my aunt telling me that many women hated certain things about themselves. So it was okay for me to hate them.
I heard the television turn on then remembered I wasn’t alone.
I quickly got dressed in the different clothes that had been brought from the other hotel. I joined Winston in the large living room. I sat on the couch next to him. He had also cleaned up.
“Room service menu,” he said as he gave me the large binder.
“Not hungry,” I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.
I don’t know why but I wanted his company. I wanted to feel him next to me.
“Can I say something?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around me. I was sure he wanted to feel someone close to him as well.
“Sure,” I said looking up at his hazel eyes.
“I think there is something wrong with me,” he said as I looked at him.
“Why?” I asked.
“I know I should feel bad, feel guilty, feel I don’t know, responsible?” He said as he shook his head. “I don’t feel anything. I don’t feel remorse or sad. I do feel sad for the family and their friends, but other than that…nothing.”
I moved away from him. “Me too,” I answered. All this time I had tried to make myself feel something like trying to remember the last conversation with Melissa, I didn’t feel sorry about what I had said. She had told everyone about me.
“Melissa,” Winston said as he paused.
“She was a friend,” I nodded. “Some might say a best friend.”
“You wouldn’t?” Winston asked.
“I was hoping that we could reach that level of trust, but recently I found out she didn’t feel the same way,” I shrugged. “What about you? Were you close to any of them?”
“No,” Winston shook his head. “My parents are…” he paused as he looked at me. “Rich, and that is putting it lightly, both of them are professors at prestigious colleges, and they tour and speak about their professions globally.”
“Ah,” I nodded. “They used you.”
“Exactly,” Winston nodded. “I am not innocent in the fact I used them as well.”
“We all use someone in some way,” I nodded. “It’s life.”
We stared at each other then we kissed. “No,” Winston said. “I am sorry, I shouldn’t have…”
“As you said I am not innocent either,” I nodded.
“But,” he began to say.
“Its nerves,” I said as I backed away from him. “We have both been through a traumatic event and the interviewing and the questions and…” I stopped. “Maybe we should go to our rooms, so nothing else happens.”
“Agreed,” Winston said as we both went our separate ways.
I laid in bed thinking about what had happened. I didn’t feel like it was a mistake. I knew I felt the need to be close to him. However, was it because he saved my life? Or that he was willing to die so that I could live? There were many instances were a person got a crush on their savior. Is that what I was feeling? No, I would know the difference, I was smart enough to know if I had a crush or I had genuine feelings.
In a trance, I got out of bed and walked across the large living room towards Winstons’ door. I knocked on it. As soon as it opened, I threw myself at him. We kissed as I pinned him against the nearest wall.
“I don’t care if it’s nerves, or if it’s just a crush,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I had to stand on the tips of my toes to kiss him.
“I don’t care either,” Winston said as he picked me up quickly. My legs wrapped around him as he turned around this time I was pinned with my back against the wall. His hands wrapped under me caressing my pert ass.
He walked with me as we kissed. I landed first on the bed with him on top of me. I crawled my way up the bed to the pillows. He looked down at me with eyes that melted my insides. He took off his shirt.
“For a nerd, you have a great body,” I said tracing my hands down his muscular chest and abs.
“Lots of running away from people,” he smiled as we kissed again.
I grabbed the back of his head and pulled it towards me as I sucked on his tongue. I felt his hands wrap around me and grab my ass again. I smiled slightly.
“An ass guy huh?” I said as we broke.
“Not really, but I know how you feel about…” Winston said as he looked down at my sweater.
“They are horrible,” I shook my head. “Trust me.”
“I doubt it, but I will not push you,” he smiled.
“Good,” I nodded.
I reached for my shorts and pulled them down. Then my panties were next, Winston followed suit. “Wow,” I said as I looked at his dick.
“What? Too small?” he said nervously.
“You have the wrong idea of what small is if you think that is anywhere close to being small,” I said with my eyes glued to it.
“We don’t have to.,” Winston said before I put a finger over his mouth.
“Just go slowly,” I said as I laid back. “I have never had something that big before.”
He nodded as he lay on top of me. “I didn’t bring protection.”
“Neither did I,” I shook my head. “You have pulled out before, haven’t you?’
Winston shook his head. “Maybe we shouldn’t,” he said as he got off of me.
“If it’s the nerves thing,” I said as I turned to face him. “It’s okay, we both…”
Winston shook his head again. “It’s just that,” he began to say. “I never have, well you know.”
“It’s okay; accidents happen if you don’t…” I stopped myself as I looked at his eyes. “Oh,” I laid my head on his chest. “You mean, you’re a …”
“Don’t say it,” he shook his head. “I hate that word.”
“It’s okay,” I shrugged. “It’s not like I have been with many guys. Just one that I have gone all the way with and that was only twice,” I shook my head. “Three times but the first time doesn’t count. It lasted less than ten seconds.”
“Oh great,” Winston said as he shook his head.
I held his head with both my hands as I straddled him. I looked down at him. “It’s okay,” My long hair dangled down on top of him. “Do you want to?”
I watched as he began to think. “No,” I shook my head. “Don’t over think it, or else you will ruin it, yes or no?”
He nodded. “Good.”
I had never been on top before. Winston was slightly hard, no doubt he was still nervous. I grabbed the bottom of my sweater.
“No, you don’t have to,” he began to say, but it was too late. I took my shirt and sweater off, revealing my large chest to him. “Holy,” he said as he looked up at them.
“I warned you,” I began to say, but his hands were already caressing them. I moaned softly as he pinched the nipples and rolled them between his fingers. Normally guys would squeeze and molest them like they were the first and last boobs they would ever touch.
Winston sucked and kissed them. His tongue traced all around them even lifting them to lick the underside. I felt his massive dick poking me from behind.
“Ready?” I asked.
I heard a low moan from under my hanging boobs. I leaned back holding his dick in place as I lowered myself onto it. My mouth opened wide as a small gasp exited. “Damn, that’s big,” I said as I felt it enter me. I felt it pushing its way deep into me as I slowly lowered more onto it.
I used his chest to balance myself as I began to bounce on top of it. “You can throw out that V card now,” I smiled down at him.
His hands squeezed my chest as I began to rock back and forth on top of him. “Tell me when you are going to cum,” I said as I began to rock harder. My breath was getting away from me as I rocked harder.
I leaned forward as I held the backboard. “Fuck,” I said feeling his dick stretch my insides. I looked down at Winston he had his eyes closed. “Open them,” I moaned.
Winston looked up at me as my large breasts swayed as I bounced and rocked harder.
I felt myself on edge. I only had reached this moment twice and both times were with toys of my own.
“I’m cumming,” Winston said as his hands grabbed my hips, he tried to pull me off him.
“Few seconds,” I said bouncing my hips faster. “Just a bit longer.”
Winston grimaced tightening his eyes as he tried to hold on.
“Okay,” I said getting off him.
I was just in time as he came hard. I watched as his dick shot cum up and then down all over his stomach and the bed.
“Sorry,” he said looking at me.
“Oh,” I shook my head as I laid next to him. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, we both got we wanted.”
“You?” he asked.
“Oh yeah,” I nodded.
We both lay in the bed for a few minutes. The rest of the night was spent experimenting. Winston went downstairs and found condoms at the local store. He got plenty, but none of them fit. We both made comments about his size as well as mine.
The morning was the same. Winston learned quickly how to pull out when he got close. There was a knock on the door. Both of us looked at each other. Had we been that loud?
“Lady Claire wants to know if you still wanted the tour?” a man’s voice yelled.
“Yes!” we both yelled in unison.
We took showers and got dressed. I met them downstairs. “I like the scarf?” Winston said as I got into the large vehicle.
‘We can use it later,’ I whispered. ‘As well as these,’ I smiled as I playfully played with my braids.
I could see the outline of his dick harden as I said that. “Down boy, later,” I said as I leaned closed o him placing my hand over it as the driver looked back.
“Anywhere particular?” he asked.
“Everywhere,” Winston said.
The rest of the day was spent going from one attraction to another. We saw places no other tourist had seen. Went into parts of the castle and the library that were forbidden to outsiders. We weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the sacred halls or take photos of the books or tapestries.
Then we met Lady Claire who greeted us with a smile. “Want to see them?” she asked.
“What?” I asked. I was still a bit angry at her. However, with all that I had seen today, the anger was fading away.
“The original tunnels,” she said. We both shook our heads.
“You won’t be alone this time, I will be with you,” she said as she reached for both of our hands. “I have had my driver, drive you all over this city if I wanted you dead, there are many places I could have done it.”
We both nodded as we walked with her. We went down some stairs as others were coming up. A small gate in a narrow doorway barred the way. Lady Claire opened it, and we stepped into complete darkness. With a flick of a switch, the path ahead was illuminated. “We will not go any further,” she said. “I know it is not a good thing to go any deeper,” she said as she looked back at us.
“Is it close?” I asked.
“Oh no,” Claire shook her head. “It hasn’t been in these parts for many years.”
“This was where one of my ancestors created it,” she said with a sense of pride in her voice. “It was here that he molded it and gave it life. It was also the place where he tried to stop it. He almost succeeded, if it wasn’t for his son. One wrong word and… well now we have to deal with it.”
I looked around the big room small tunnels led out of it. “This is where it was set free?” I asked.
“Yes,” she nodded. “It all started here. I come down here often, looking over the papers that were left to our family. Trying to figure out the right words. Nothing can stop it. We have tried nearly everything. It’s the incantation that brought it to life, and the only thing that can stop it.”
“Can we…” Winston began to ask.
“My deal ends here,” she said. “You have done your part, and I have done mine.”
We walked back up to the main lobby of the castle. “Goodbye, and I hope you live a long life.”
“Your secret is safe with us,” I said as she turned away.
“My family has kept this secret for many years, and we will for many years, even after all three of us are dead and buried. As long as it lives, my family will be here to make sure it doesn’t leave it’s home.”
We watched her leave. “They would never believe us anyway.” Winston shrugged.
“That is why they made it a story and folklore. It is easy to hide the truth by telling the truth,” I smiled.
There were more questions to be answered before we got ready to leave. None of them revealed anything more than a kidnapping that went horribly wrong. They found Clyde’s body a few feet away from the sight they had found the clothing. No doubt Lady Claire had arranged for everything.
With the two suspects dead, the police had no other leads to follow. We were free to go. My aunt arrived at the hotel. She wanted to take me home immediately. Winston’s parents had sent for a private jet to come to get him.
It wasn’t until early morning when I got a chance to sneak away that I got to see him again.
“Well,” I said peeking down the hall. “She is talking to one of her friends.”
“Ah,” Winston smiled.
I made my way inside the room. He was packed and ready. “This is it then,” I said turning to face him.
“Yeah,” he said looking down at his luggage. “Thank you, for everything.”
“You mean thank you for popping your cherry,” I laughed.
“Yes, that too,” he smiled.
I embraced him, and we kissed. “You think we have time for one more time.”
“Doubt it,” I replied. “But you have my phone number and everything right?”
“Yes,” he replied.
There was a knock on the door. “Come on Sarah. We will miss our flight.”
* * * * * * * *
Five months later.
Things had changed for me after the events in Prague. One I was no longer the nerdy girl that everybody tried to ignore. I also stopped hiding my chest from the world. That was more due to my long distance relationship with Winston. We had kept in touch and talked to each other daily.
There was only one thing that kept reminding me of the horror that I had witnessed. Lady Claire had sent both of us a package inside of it was a miniature Golem. I wanted to throw it away, but for some reason I kept it. Now it stood on my desk, staring at me with square eyes and a blank face.
“Again?” my new roommate said. “It’s Friday, and it’s midnight. You should be out, nearly every guy on campus wants to date you, it’s your senior year,” she said looking at me as I brushed my hair.
“I told you,” I shook my head as I turned around to my laptop.
“You’re taken,” she shook her head. “He is miles away in a different country.”
“Bye Madison,” I said as she grabbed the door handle.
Friday was our date night, well my night his morning. He had no school and no work on Saturday mornings. Every Friday we had a long video chat. I sat up and hit the connect button.
“There you are,” he yawned.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” I smiled as I looked at him with his new glasses.
“I hate them,” he said as he took them off.
“Leave them on,” I smiled. “They are a huge turn on.”
“Oh yeah?” he laughed.
“Definitely,” I nodded. “I bought something for you today,” I smiled.
“Oh yeah, what?” he said as he looked at me.
I opened my robe and showed him my new bra. “Holy fuck!” he said as he looked at them.
“Hope you like it,” I smiled knowing he wasn’t looking at my new baby blue bra. I shook them back and forth.
“You’re killing me, hun,” Winston said as he shook his head.
“Oh yeah, what if I said it’s a matching set?” I said as I got up and turned around and showed him the matching thong as I wiggled my ass for him.
“You are the worst,” he said as I spun back around.
“Just getting you back for the hard hat picture,” I smiled.
“Noted,” he smiled. “I have something to show you,” he said as he reached for something. He showed me his miniature Golem.
I looked at it then took a closer look. “It got bigger?” I said as it seemed at least three inches bigger than mine.
“One of the guys got hurt the other day. There was a lot of blood. I guess I got some on my hands when I moved it out of the way the blood got on it. I went to get something to clean it up, and the stain was gone. I thought nothing of it until the next morning.”
“That’s when it was bigger?” I asked looking at my Golem standing by my laptop.
“Yeah, that’s not all. I think it has been turned on,” Winston said as he put it back. “We have been finding dead rats and small insects all over the place.”
The rest of the time we talked I couldn’t help but think about what he had said. What if they were alive and were waiting for the first taste of blood. I went to sleep, but first I marked a small circle around my Golem.
When I woke I checked to make sure it was still within that circle. “You’re not activated,” I said as I sat down. I looked around the dorm. I found what I was looking for, a band-aid with blood on it. Madison was always cutting her self or having some injury. It was gross, but I had to see for myself. I placed the band-aid on top of the Golem, then leaned a pencil on it.
I went about my regular day when I returned it was the first thing I noticed when I entered the room. The pencil was on the floor. My Golem was standing there.
“Madison?” I asked hoping she was still okay.
“What?” she replied coming out of the shower.
“Nothing,” I nodded. I sat down in front of it. Its feet was at the edge of the circle. It had moved.
“I called maintenance,” Madison said as she dried her hair.
“Why?” I asked.
“There was a dead rodent in the bathroom,” Madison said casually.
“Where?” I asked getting up.
“Relax,” Madison said shaking her head. “They took it away. The thing was skinny, and its head was twisted, they said it must have fallen from the ceiling or something.”
“Or got pulled through the wall,” I said in a low voice as I turned to face my golem.
“What?” Madison asked.
“Nothing,” I shook my head.
I grabbed more pencils and pens and formed a line around it. This time I wanted to make sure I knew when it moved.
That night while I was sleeping I heard a noise. I woke up and shone my phone at my table. It was gone. I quickly got up. ‘Where did you go?’ I whispered. I made sure it wasn’t anywhere near Madison. Then I heard a noise outside the room.
‘Shit!’ I said. I opened the door and rushed out, aiming the light down at the floor. “Get back here!” I yelled at it as I saw a slight movement at the corner. It had gone through the wall. “Fuck me,” I shook my head. I hated myself for activating it. I ran down the corridor and into the shared bathroom. It was the connecting wall.
I turned on the light. There it was holding another rat it must have caught. “Enough,” I said as I walked towards it. It was draining the blood from the creature. I reached down for it when its eyes glowed up at me. “Fine!” I said, “Finish eating then we go back to the room.”
I waited until it dropped the lifeless body. “Back! Now!” I pointed. It ran back to the wall then went through it. I followed it back to my door where it went through it.
I climbed back into bed as I watched it stand next to my laptop. “Goodnight,” I said as I turned over and laid back.
* * * * * * * *
“If it isn’t the prude,” Jackson said As I walked by him.
I smiled back. “Just because I don’t want to sleep with you, it doesn’t make me a prude.”
“You don’t sleep with anybody,” Phillip said as he passed me. “You dress like that and don’t expect us to comment?”
They were talking about my clothes. No longer did I wear layers of clothing. Short skirts and tight tops were my new attire. Not to get attention from guys like these, but they made me feel like Winston had made me feel inside, sexy.
Phillip, Jackson, and Trevor had taken up the void Matthew, and his friends had left. They were known to bully all the new kids as well as any woman that didn’t pay them the right attention.
“You guys still hang out at the old warehouse right?” I stopped to ask them.
“What?” Trevor asked. He was the tallest of the three.
“I hear it gets really dark and scary down there,” I smiled.
“You scared of the dark?” Phillip teased. He was the leader of the bunch.
“No, not at all,” I said as I turned around swinging my hips. Which made my short skirt twirl. “I just thought that if, and only if you guys kept it to yourselves, we could have some fun.”
“Yeah right,” Jackson said. “The prude wants to have some fun?”
“I am only like this because I don’t want to ruin my reputation,” I flirted as I looked back over my shoulder.
“Okay,” Phillip said “I will bite. Yeah the old warehouses, you know where they are?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “Tonight?”
“Yeah,” he said smiling.
I smiled as I walked away. I went straight down to the boiler room. My pet had grown significantly over the past few weeks. I had to hide it somewhere else.
“Diego,” I whispered as I got down to the lower level. Slowly it emerged from it’s hiding spot. It stood up to my knees. I bent down and picked it up. “I found you a new place. No more rodents for you.”
That night I walked down to the warehouse district. Diego was in my backpack. I could feel it moving around. “See all these people,” I said as I opened the top. The homeless littered the area. “You have to protect them. No one harms them you understand?” Its eyes glowed their usual red color.
I went into one of the warehouses. I heard Jackson’s voice. I pulled my hoodie over my head and covered my face with my scarf as I put Diego down. “Go,” I pointed in the direction.
Diego disappeared into the darkness. I turned around and walked away. The first scream was loud, and many of the homeless turned around to look, I kept walking with a smile on my face. “Thanks for the idea,” I said into my phone.
“No problem, it’s where I put Robert,” Winston said
I turned to look back. Some of the homeless people had walked towards the warehouse. “Fancy another trip?” I asked as I turned back around.
“You read my mind,” Winston replied.