Neighbours – Chapter 20

"The more time that Chris and Cheryl spend in the company of Liam, the more complicated things get."

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Arriving at the restaurant, I was both apprehensive and eager. I wanted so much to see Cheryl, just to share in the joy I knew she would be feeling over the completion of the basement. It was no small thing that Liam had taken as his own, to be the one that first walked her through those spaces and saw her excitement. I also had this protective feeling, as if I needed to stand between her and Liam. 

I was kidding myself with that impulse, I knew. I certainly had no right to be jealous of any perceived flirting or possibility. Besides all of the things I’d already done, I’d just come from sucking the cocks of two strangers. I could still taste their cum in my mouth. There was also no way I could refuse Liam anything, not unless I was willing to lose everything. 

Despite these kinks and needs and hungers that I had been hiding for so long, the exact ones that had gotten me into all this, I loved Cheryl intensely. I loved our life together, I loved our plans, and she never stopped turning me on. 

There was also a new thought creeping in though, and I was only beginning to understand it. When I had thought to myself about having to obey, about not wanting to lose everything, I realised that I didn’t want to lose being Master’s slut either. No matter how this had happened, Liam had started making the fantasies and dreams I’d had for years into reality. I loved my wife, but I was falling in love with being his helpless, humiliated, hopeless plaything as well.

Cheryl saw me enter, and she waved me over with a smile. I shook my head to rid my mind of the confusing thoughts, smiled and moved to join them. She rose up out of her chair and hugged me tight. 

“Oh baby, I can’t believe you did this… and that you hid it from me all week!”

Of course, she was talking about the renovation, not knowing about the growing list of secrets being kept from her. 

“Oh, I didn’t do that much. I have to thank Liam… and his crew. So you like it?”

She nodded and laughed and gushed some more. We sat down, and I got a first good look at Liam’s knowing smile across the table. In his eyes, I saw every experience of the week, of being fucked and of sucking cock, while the men worked downstairs. 

Once some time passed, and once I was able to wash the taste of cum from my mouth with a glass of wine, I started to finally be able to calm down and enjoy myself. By the time my second drink came along with what was the third at least for Cheryl and Liam, Lydia arrived to join us. She took a seat beside me.

We talked and laughed and ordered food to share, and generally enjoyed ourselves greatly. Lydia was so eager to hear Cheryl’s reaction to the renovation, as she said she’d felt like she’d been keeping the secret right along with us. As we joked and as the evening went on, it felt more and more like we were just friends, out for a night. There were whole minutes that I didn’t search Liam’s expression for teasing smiles or winks.

Lydia had to use the ladies’ room, and Cheryl announced immediately that she’d join her. The waitress cleared our plates and then Liam and I were alone. 

“I’m glad the locks worked, as it is fun to have you here with us. Do you like the room, sissy?”

I was so aware of the closeness of strangers at their tables around us.

“Yes, Master, Crissy likes the room very much,” I answered in a stage whisper. 

He smiled wide. 

“I do too. I think we’re going to get some great use out of it, and not just to store your ever-increasing collection of toys and clothing. You’ve pleased me this week, so I’m going to reward you. From now until Monday morning, you have your Master’s permission to have sex with your wife.”

I was honestly surprised. He’d denied me orgasm for so long that I was beginning to be sure he had some wicked torment planned for me. This was not at all what I was expecting. 

“Crissy thanks you, Master.”

“You are welcome, Crissy.”

“What are you two talking about?” came Chery’s voice, as the two women returned to the table.  

I paused, trying to think of something, but Liam rescued me.

“I was just telling Chris that my next poker game is on Saturday night,” he said.

“Oh that’s fun,” added Lydia. “I take it that means you’re going too?”

“Uhm, well,  yes. I wouldn’t miss it,” I answered. 

“That’s great. You’ll have such fun on a night out with the boys,” Cheryl said.

“Oh yes, Liam always has such a good time, even when he doesn’t win,” said Lydia. “Wait, it’s not at our place this week, is it?”

“No, we had it last time,” he answered. “It is at Avery’s place.”

He turned to me.

“It’s not far, but we can take a cab together. It’s not the kind of night you want to have to drive home after.”

None of us were that interested in a late night on a Friday after work, so we did not linger long after dinner was finished. We said our goodbyes at the door, even though we were all heading back to our neighbouring homes. 

Cheryl was in a very good mood on the way home, smiling and chatting, and resting her hand on my thigh as I drove. Liam’s granting of permission was very much on my mind. 

We waved at Liam and Lydia’s car pulling into their driveway and then went inside. I offered Cheryl a glass of wine and she accepted. I opened a bottle of her favourite white, and the two of us took the glasses downstairs to see the renovation together. She gushed again over how it all looked so good, and about how we could be proud to have people down there. We made a plan to do some shopping for furniture, and I committed to moving the relevant boxes and their contents down, so that we could start to fill up the shelves. 

I couldn’t help staring at the shelving that covered the hidden door. Even knowing, I couldn’t see any visible signs, which was an exciting relief. 

Cheryl reached over and took my hand.

“What do you say we go upstairs, and you let me thank you properly for arranging all this?”

“Yes, that sounds like a great idea,” I said with a smile.

I followed her upstairs closely. I took her wine glass for her, and set both down on the bedside table. Instantly our hands were all over each other, pulling our bodies close and caressing as we kissed. Every touch reminded me of how much I loved her body. So often I’d felt like I’d gotten too lucky somehow, or that she was out of my league. 

I opened her blouse and slid it down her arms, kissing at her breasts. I pressed my face between them, moaning in soft admiration as I reached behind her to open her bra. She lifted my shirt up and over my head, allowing me to feel her breasts against my chest, as we continued to kiss deeply and passionately. 

I didn’t rush, choosing to savour every moment and touch, no matter how eager and horny I felt. But soon enough I was unzipping her skirt and slipping it down to the floor for her to step out of. I kissed at the mound of her pussy through her panties, already tasting and smelling her arousal. 

We collapsed on the bed, wrapped around each other. I was wriggling about to help her tug her panties down her legs and off, and her hands were working at my pants and underwear as well. 

I was so lost in my enjoyment of her body, I didn’t notice a thing until she stopped me with a soft work.

“Is anything wrong, baby?” she asked.

“No.. nothing at all… why?”

“Uhm, it’s just that…” her words trailed off but her eyes were cast down to my body. 

She reached down, taking hold of my cock and starting to stroke it, but I was still soft in her grip. 

“I… I don’t know, baby,” I stammered, but I could feel my face redden. 

“It’s not me, is it?”

“Oh Cheryl no… You’re incredible… and you’re turning me on like crazy… I just… I don’t know.”

Only now was I remembering the vitamins and pills, but I couldn’t explain that right now, if I could at all. 

“Let me take care of you, and then we’ll see…”

I slid down her body, distracting her with my lips and tongue against her pussy. I was distracted by my humiliation, but I didn’t let that get in the way of working to bring her as much pleasure as I could. My mouth and tongue were getting quite the workout that day, I thought, with another pulse of humiliation and shame. 

She came, and then came again, and then again against my mouth and face over the course of the next hour or so, but at the end, my cock was still soft and useless. She was as kind as she could be, and by then she was tired and satisfied, so we held each other and decided to try again soon.

She fell asleep pressed back against my body, the little spoon wrapped up in my embrace, but I lay awake for some time. I had no doubt that Liam was smiling and laughing somewhere. 

Saturday morning was sunny and bright, and we both acted as if the night before hadn’t happened. Soon enough, the awkwardness evaporated, and we took another tour of the basement after breakfast. With notes and hopes and our credit cards, we went out shopping for furniture and decorations. 

We had a wonderful day, enjoying each other’s company as we splurged. The renovation had been completed significantly below our budget, so we went through the stores with a feeling that we had extra to spend. I kept searching her eyes for signs of her lingering thoughts of my humiliating and disappointing sexual performance, but if it was on her mind, she kept it well hidden. 

I loved the things we were buying, and the thoughts of the good use we could put the new spaces to, but my knowledge of that little secret room was inescapable. Whenever I imagined some activity or social gathering in the new entertaining space, I had to wonder which side of the secret door I would be on, or even if I would be constantly paranoid that the hidden latch would be discovered. 

By the time we got home, it was getting late in the afternoon. We stopped for tacos on the way home and made note of the restaurant as they ended up being delicious. Once home, we only had enough energy remaining to deposit our bags of purchases downstairs. Furniture deliveries would be coming later in the week, so I marked those dates on my calendar so I wouldn’t forget. 

“You must be looking forward to tonight,” Cheryl commented after we’d collapsed onto the living room sofa. “It’s been a while since you’ve had a guys’ night.”

“You know, I really think I am. I love working from home, but I was getting a bit afraid I could lose my ability to socialise with real people in person. I’m kind of sorry to be leaving you alone on a Saturday night though.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. Lydia invited me over for drinks tonight while you boys were out!”

“Really?” I said. I was surprised and uneasy for some reason I couldn’t quite put words to. “When did that happen?”

“She texted me today while we were shopping. She joked that if the boys were going to be having fun without us, we might as well get together and have some girl time.”

“That’s great,” I said, trying to ignore the nervous voices in my head. “Well, I guess I should get ready.”

“Yes,” she agreed, “It’s getting to be that time.”

I went upstairs to change, choosing a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and a grey button-down oxford over it. I was just about dressed when I felt my phone buzz with a text from Liam. 

“See you out front in fifteen minutes. Come caged.”

I felt heat rise in my face immediately. I wasn’t thinking about what reasons he might have for me to wear the chastity cage on a night out yet — I was just trying to figure out how I would have the time to discreetly fetch it from downstairs and get it on in time. 

I went back downstairs with my mind racing. 

“Oh you look nice,” Cheryl said. 

“Thanks, hun,” I replied, smiling. Her praise felt lovely, and her smile lit up my mood.

She came in close and gave me a long, tight hug. 

“Thanks for a fun day,” she said. “It may sound silly, but I’m glad you’re making a new friend. I think it will be good for you to have another guy to hang around with.”

I smiled and agreed, with a twinge of guilt hitting me.

“So have fun. I’m going to take a quick shower before it’s time for me to head next door.”

She leaned in and gave me a deep, slow kiss. I felt a tingle all through me. The tingle continued as I watched her walk upstairs and appreciate the way she filled out her jeans. As soon as the bathroom door closed, however, I rushed downstairs.

My fingers searched for the hidden latch and felt the door swing open. I found the chastity cage on its shelf, and I pushed down my jeans and underwear just enough to fit it on. I got the base ring fit snugly around me and once again slipped the cage on and felt that little lock click shut. I pulled my clothes back on and moved quietly back upstairs, closing the hidden door behind me. At the top of the stairs, I listened for any sign of Cheryl being finished, but the shower was still running. 

I grabbed my keys and wallet, confirmed that my phone was still in my pocket, and went outside. Liam was just leaving his front door as well, and as I walked over to him, a cab pulled up to the curb.

We got in beside each other in the back, and Liam looked over knowingly. The car pulled away. 

“Having a good weekend so far?” he asked.

I nodded. 

“Yes, it was a good day,” I answered, thinking of the best of our shopping trip and shared time. 

“Cheryl wasn’t too disappointed about last night?” he asked, his smile widening. 

I blushed, looking over at the back of the driver’s head, wondering what he might be thinking. 

“She took it as best as she could have, I suppose.”

“That’s good news for you, now that we know for sure that the treatments are having that particular side-effect on you. I hope her patience lasts.”

“Yes, I do too,” I replied. There were a lot of questions coming to mind, but none that I wanted to ask in the back of a stranger’s car.

We rode the remaining fifteen minutes of the drive in silence. Liam thanked the driver as we pulled up in front of a relatively anonymous-looking house on a street not too dissimilar from our own. I followed a few steps behind Liam as he approached the front door and rang the bell. 

A large, friendly-looking man opened the door and greeted Liam with a smile. He welcomed us inside, and we entered a large foyer.

“Come on in. I take it this is our newbie?”

I smiled and was about to introduce myself when Liam responded. 

“Yes, this is the one. Is everything set up for him to get ready?” Liam asked.

“Absolutely. Everything is ready and waiting, and everyone else is here already. We’ll see you downstairs.”

I was getting more confused as he and Liam shared a look and a handshake, and then he disappeared into the house, leaving me alone with Liam once more.

“Follow me,” Liam said, and I obeyed.

He led me to a small room not far from the entry, and closed the door behind us. 

“This is where you can strip and get into your uniform. It’s time that you knew some of the ground rules of this game. Each of us takes turns hosting the game, and we also take turns bringing along a sissy for the group’s entertainment for the evening. Tonight was my turn, and I’ve brought you.”

I felt like I was going to melt into the floor. 

“I want to be very clear. You represent me tonight and I expect you to represent me well. That means complete and immediate obedience to the commands and desires of each and every guest here. Do not disappoint me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master. Crissy understands.”

“Good. The rules are simple. You will not speak until spoken to. You will answer any question completely and thoroughly, speaking as you’ve been taught. You will obey every command. Now strip.”

I was trying to take in what was happening to me, but I had to undress as I did so. Once I was naked, Liam showed me my “uniform.”

I was too shocked to speak as he guided me into the required outfit, one piece at a time. Sheer black stockings rolled up my legs and stretched to the belts of a garter fitted around my hips. Lace panties stretched over the bulge of the chastity cage. A matching bra was stuffed with heavy and jiggling silicone breast forms. I had to hold on tight as he tightly laced me into a body-shaping corset. 

It was humiliating, looking back at this image of myself in the full-length mirror so thoughtfully provided on the back of the door. The uniform teased and shamed me as it marked me as what I truly was — a bit of entertainment for Liam and his friends. Standing there, I couldn’t believe that I’d imagined for a moment that Liam had brought me here to play cards and be friendly. 

I saw something like a bit of pride in Liam’s eyes as he came up behind me to affix a collar around my neck. He actually knelt down and helped me into the high-heeled shoes, and then I noticed that they too had straps and locks, holding them in place on my feet. 

The last touch was a coating of bright red and glossy lipstick painted onto me. It made my lips feel full and tingly and swollen. 

With that complete, Liam looked me up and down thoroughly and then clipped a short leash to the ring at the front of my collar. 

“Come along,” he said, and gave the leash a tug. I followed along behind him, struggling to find any grace as I balanced atop the heels. It took real effort not to topple over as we descended the stairs, and I gripped the handrail tightly all the way down.

I could smell cigar smoke and hear the sounds of raucous laughter as we approached the pair of French doors that led into the large games room. Liam paused once he’d led me just over the threshold. 

“Gentlemen, for your entertainment and  use this evening, I present the compliant and obedient sissy, Crissy.”

My eyes darted around. In the centre of the room was a large, round poker table, and around it sat a collection of five men. The table was full of drinks, ashtrays, and poker chips. Each of the men was looking at me with smiles that spoke of depraved hunger and amusement.

I had the feeling it was going to be a long evening.

Published 2 years ago

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